
Friday 26 April 2019

Health Benefits Of Orange Seeds That You Must Know

The amazing benefits offered by the orange-coloured fruits are known to all of us. Succulent, juicy and pulpy, the citrus fruit is a powerhouse of energy and refreshment. Every part of an orange, from its pulp to the skin has various benefits to your body and mind. But you have been missing out on one thing and that is the positive impact the orange seeds can have on your health. It is natural for everyone to throw the seeds away, especially considering the sour-bitter taste they possess [1] .

High in vitamin C and phytochemicals, the seeds can be used for lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) bad cholesterol [2]. It is available in the form of oil in the markets, which can be used as a flavouring agent or simply for its pleasant smell. Orange seeds are not poisonous when swallowed as they contain only very minute traces of cyanide, and our body has the ability to detoxify small amounts of cyanide. And, the seeds are pushed out from your body when you defecate [3] .

Nutritional Information Of Orange Seeds

The seeds possess most of the nutritional properties of the citrus fruit. Orange seeds are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acid and fibre. It also contains palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid [4] .

Health Benefits Of Orange Seeds

1. Fight off radical cells

Rich in vitamin C like the fruit, orange seeds can help remove the radical cells that cause damage to your DNA. They are also considered to have an effective impact on reducing the risk of colon cancer due to the vitamin content [5] .

2. Boost energy

The seeds can help increase your energy levels. The palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids in the seeds contribute towards accelerating the energy level in your body and enables the storage of energy in the cells [6] . So, the next time you are feeling fatigued and lethargic for no reason, get yourself a few orange seeds to get an instant energy boost.

3. Manage blood pressure

Orange seeds are asserted to have the ability to maintain a proper balance of your blood pressure levels. Rich in vitamin B6, they aid in the production of haemoglobin and due to the magnesium content, they play a significant role in managing your blood pressure levels and keeping it at bay.

4. Boost immunity

Rich in antioxidants, orange seeds can improve your immunity. The vitamin C in the seeds help boost your immune system and its function, protecting your body from external toxins and illnesses [7] .

5. Reduce cancer risk

The presence of D- limonene and vitamin C in the seeds aid in lowering the risk of cancer. The compound D-limonene help limit and prevent the onset of lung cancer, skin cancer, and even breast cancer. Likewise, the antioxidants found in orange seeds boost your immunity and build a protective layer against the cancerous cells. The fibre content in the fruit is also asserted to be beneficial in the fight against cancer [8] .

6. Prevent constipation

The fibre content in the seeds can be accorded to this property. The seeds contain soluble and insoluble fibre, which will help in keeping the intestines and stomach function smooth. It also prevents irritable bowel syndrome and avoids constipation as it helps in pushing out the waste at correct intervals.

7. Reduce cholesterol

The phytochemicals known as limonoids present in the seeds are extremely beneficial in managing your cholesterol levels. They aid in reducing the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) bad cholesterol. The soluble fibre in the seeds also plays a significant role in reducing your bad cholesterol levels [9] .

8. Improve skin quality

Rich in antioxidants, the fruit seeds can be beneficial for your skin. It helps to protect your skin from free radical damage caused as a result of ageing. The seeds help in reducing the blemishes, black spots and even wrinkles [10] .

9. Improve hair quality

The presence of vitamin C and bioflavonoids in orange seeds are beneficial for your hair health as they promote blood circulation to the scalp. This, in turn, results in strong and healthy hair. The folic acid present in orange seeds accelerates the hair growth and strengthens them from the root-ends. It is also a good conditioner.

10. Improve eyesight

The carotenoid compounds found in orange seeds can help improve your vision. It also helps prevent macular degeneration [11] .

11. Control sugar level

The fibre content in the orange seeds can help keep your blood sugar levels under control. The simple sugar in the seeds is not harmful and the traces of the natural sugar fructose aids in keeping the blood sugar levels from rising too high [6] .
Some of the other health benefits offered by orange seeds are that they help in fighting against viral infections, lower the risk of any diseases, improve heart health, may prevent kidney disease and risk of liver cancer. Although these have been asserted, extensive studies have to be conducted to gain further information [10] , [12] .


Consuming excessive amount of orange seeds can cause stomach problems [13].
Due to the cyanide content, it is advised not to consume too many orange seeds.

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