
Tuesday 18 December 2018

Six simple ways to beat the Christmas bloat this festive season (and the foods to AVOID including sprouts and onions)

It's traditionally a time for overindulgence, so it's no surprise that the festive season leaves many of us feeling sluggish and bloated. 
However, help is at hand with this list of hard-working foods that can help you beat the bloat and leave you feeling fresh and energised. 
Here, nutrition expert Isabel Butler, of Spoon Guru, reveals the best food and drink to prevent bloating - and the ones to avoid like the plague. 
'Whether you're over indulging a bit with food or going out for drinks, no one wants to end up bloated,' says Isabel. 

'While there is no magic cure to eradicating the festive bloat there are a few tips and tricks to help avoid or reduce it.' 
1. Peppermint or ginger tea
'Many people drink peppermint tea or ginger tea to help relieve the issue. You can also just add mint leaves or a chunk of ginger to boiling water for the same effect. 
'Peppermint can help aid digestion and ginger has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce inflamed intestines.'
2. Probiotics
'Having probiotic drinks or foods like yoghurt can also help, as probiotics work with the “good” bacteria in your stomach to help aid digestion. 
'Ferment foods like sauerkraut and kombucha also contain probiotics and so will help keeping your gut healthy and functioning, which reduces bloating.'
3. Bananas
'Eating foods such as bananas, which are high in potassium, will help re-balance your fluid levels and remove extra retained water. 
'As your potassium levels increase they balance against sodium level and your body naturally flushes out and extra sodium and water bound to the sodium. This means being bloated from water retention will be resolved.'

...and here's how to avoid bloating in the first place

Stop while you’re winning
'Firstly and this is probably the hardest, try not to overeat. This may sound simple but with all the amazing food around and leftovers it’s easy to eat more than you should. Realising when you are full and stopping rather than being tempted to carry on will save you from that uncomfortable full and bloated feeling.'
To keep your breathe cool, don’t chew
'Avoid chewing gum as this will fill your stomach up with air making you bloated. So instead if you want fresh breath have a mint, there are now plenty of sugar free brands about for a healthier and tooth friendly option. 
'The same applies for carbonated drinks - from sodas to sparkling wines, it’s important to keep it to a minimum. If you’re out and not drinking there are plenty of other alternatives, from non-alcoholic gins to flavoured kombucha, a fermented tea which is very trendy at the moment.'
Brussel sprouts may be officially out
'Next, there are foods that are more prone to make some people feel bloated like onions, cabbage and Brussel sprouts as these naturally release gases in your stomach. 
'But don’t forget these are also very good for you as they’re packed with vitamins and minerals. Brussel sprouts are high in vitamin K used in blood clotting, and vitamin C for your immune system. So instead of cutting them out completely, just cut down.'
4. Melons
'Melons are great too as not only do they contain potassium but also is full of liquid and will help hydrate you at the same time. Cantaloupe is one of the best types as it is higher in potassium than others.'
5. Blueberries
'Food high in antioxidants such as green tea or fruits, e.g. blueberries are really good as they can reduce gut inflammation helping it function healthier. When your gut is working correctly it will stop you feeling uncomfortable and bloated.'
6. Stay hydrated
'Now this sounds obvious but something people often forget. We need to drink about eight glasses of fluids every day which can include tea and coffee, but best to avoid high sugar drinks. 
'If you’re not keen on water, why not drink it with fruits such as limes or lemons. Keeping yourself hydrated will make sure your fluids stay balanced and stop bloating from excess water retention.'

Burnt out? Here's how to beat low energy this party season

Feeling frazzled? Chartered Psychologist Josephine Perry reveals her top tips for beating low energy and mood this Christmas:
1. 'If you have a big day ahead of you where you need to be on top form then prepare for it in the same way an athlete would; by creating a pre-performance routine. 
'Think about wearing clothes which make you feel confident, food and drink which helps you feel alert and energised, warming up physically and mentally and visualising your ideal outcome so you feel confident and in control'.
2. 'If you are feeling drained at the end of the day then research in psychology has found that it can be really helpful to write your to do list for the next day. We often carry fears or anxieties from the day with us and ruminate over them which stops us relaxing in the evening or sleeping later on at night. 
'Writing down what we need to focus on the next day means we no longer mentally hold on to it and can rest and relax knowing it has been captured ready for the morning'.

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