
Sunday, 28 October 2018

Health Benefits Of Corn – 15 Proven & Surprising Facts | 5 Myths Busted

Corn Also known as maize (Zea mays), corn is one of the most popular cereal grains in the world.

It is the seed (grain) of a plant from the grass family, native to Central America, but grown in countless varieties throughout the world.

Although corn is often associated with the color yellow, it grows in a host of different varieties that feature an array of different colors, including red, pink, black, blue and purple. When you reach for those tempting ears of sweet corn in the produce (hopefully organic) aisle, you’ll be pleased to know that apart from being wonderfully delicious, they boast amazing health benefits.


Presenting 15 Proven & Surprising Health Benefits of Corn !

1# Healthy Eyes:
Yellow corn is a rich source of beta-carotene, which forms vitamin A in the body and is known to be essential for maintaining good vision. Also, the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin found in corn have been associated with reductions in risks of macular degeneration and development of cataracts.

2# Prevent Hypertension And Diabetes:
Phytochemicals in corn will control and adjust non-insulin diabetes mellitus. B vitamin and pantothenic acid may reduce stress and support the work of adrenal glands. If you are lazy to eat corn previously, now you should eat it more regularly because benefits of corn are undeniable. 

3# Good for Digestion :
Corn is a good source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble and has well-documented digestive benefits. Corn consumption can help alleviate common digestive ailments like constipation and hemorrhoids.

4# Prevents Anemia:

Anemia is a condition where the red blood cell count is reduced considerably due to the lack of iron. Thus, sweet corn benefits health as it is rich in vitamin B and folic acid that prevents anemia.

5# Skin Care:
Corn is rich in antioxidants, which help in keeping the skin younger for longer. Apart from the regular consumption of corn, it can also be applied as Corn Oil which is a rich source of Linoleic acid. Corn starch is also useful to soothe skin irritations and rashes.

6# Healthy Heart:
Corn grain is high in folate, a type of B-vitamin that is known to reduce homocysteine, an inflammatory marker attributed to heart diseases. A diet high in folate may significantly reduce the risk of developing heart and other cardiovascular related diseases.

7# Prevent Urinary Tract Infections:
The silky husks on corn cobs have a long history in traditional herbal medicine as a treatment and prevention aid for urinary tract infections. Cornsilk is also a diuretic and is used therapeutically to treat hypertension.

8# Improve Hair And Scalp:
Hot oil cure using corn oil is a great method that can bring about the great power for developing silky and  soft hair. It provides a proper balanced content of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids that helps to control inflammation and inhibits the scalp from getting flaky and dry.

9# Good for Pregnant Women:
Deficiency of folic acid in pregnant women affects the baby, which is why pregnant women are encouraged to consume corn for its folic acid content.

10# Good For Your Bone:
You will surprise about the benefits of corn because it can support your bone building. Beta-cryptoxanthin in corn will reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases such as cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, etc and especially, corn will reduce bone aging if you eat this food more frequently. To boost your bone healthier, you should consume corn much more as it includes iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. Eating corn also helps you avoid bone-related diseases.

11# Lowers the Risk of Cancer:
Corn contains phytonutrients in the form of bound phenolics that are associated with a reduced risk of colon and other digestive cancers. Also the resistant starch found in corn promotes butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid found in the colon that may help fight colon cancer.

12# Controls Cholesterol:
Cholesterol is a substance that is produced by the liver. There are two types of cholesterol; good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Increase in the bad cholesterol due to the intake of fatty foods weakens your heart and can also lead to cardiovascular diseases. The vitamin C, carotenoids and bioflavinoids contained in sweet corn keep your heart healthy by controlling cholesterol levels and increasing the flow of blood in the body.

13# A Power House of Minerals:
Those little yellow kernels contain more minerals than you can ever think of! Corn contains a large proportion of magnesium, iron, copper and most importantly phosphorus, which is needed for healthy bones. These nutrients not only prevents your bones from cracking as you grow older but also enhances the normal kidney functioning.

14# Increase Energy:
Corn contains carbs but it does not make you overweight if you eat this food properly. Corn will provide instant energy if needed. The reason is that corn is high in B vitamins, pantothenic acid that can transform to glucose and help you have more energy. Corn also includes beta-carotene that can fight fatigue very perfectly.

15# Facilitates Weight Gain:
Another out of the best benefits of corn for health that I would like to reveal in this entire article and want you and my other readers to learn and remember to make use is that corn can support the weight gain process of thin people. Corn is an excellent choice for those who are underweight, referred to as ‘’hard weight gainers’’.

Here are some of the biggest myths about corn:

Myth #1: Most sweet corn is genetically modified.
Truth: A lot of people mix up “sweet corn,” the vegetable you buy to eat, and “field corn”—the virtually inedible commodity crop used to make everything from livestock feed to ethanol to high-fructose corn syrup. While most field corn is genetically modified, most sweet corn is not. Last year only 3 to 4% of the sweet corn grown in the U.S. was GMO. Food-giant Monsanto hopes to change all that this summer, however. For the first time, farmers are planting Monsanto’s newly approved, genetically modified Performance sweet-corn seeds. A representative from the company wouldn’t divulge how much will be planted this year. One way to try to tell whether the sweet corn you’re holding is GMO is to ask the farmers you buy from if they plant GMO corn. (Syngenta’s Attribute and Monsanto’s Performance are the two varieties sold in North America.) Another way: choose USDA organic corn. GMO crops are forbidden under organic standards.

Myth #2: Corn is fattening and sugary.
Truth: An ear of corn has about the same number of calories as an apple and less than one-fourth the sugar. In other words, it can be one of the healthier foods at the cookout! Just remember: while sweet corn is healthy, some of the toppings people like to put on it aren’t. So don’t assume an ear of corn slathered in butter and doused in salt is still a healthy option.

Myth #3: Cooking corn makes it less nutritious.
Truth: Antioxidant activity, which helps protect the body from cancer and heart disease, is actually increased when corn is cooked.

Myth #4: Corn has no healthy benefits.
Truth: Sweet corn is loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytochemicals that promote healthy vision. A midsize ear also offers a helpful 3-gram dose of dietary fiber.

Myth #5: The best way to choose corn is by the color of the kernels.
Truth: Although corn lovers often profess to have favorite varieties, farmer Kevin Smith, interviewed by Estabrook for the story, says variety is far less important than freshness. “Any corn can be ruined if it’s old,” he says. Nor is color a key to quality. Yellow, white, bi-color—it doesn’t really matter. Preferences vary from region to region. Avoid corn with dry, pale husks and silks that are desiccated where they enter the cob. If pricked, kernels should squirt whitish juice. As for choosing the best-tasting corn, abide by Smith’s “one-day rule.” Don’t buy a cob that’s more than 24 hours out of the field.