
Saturday, 25 August 2018

Did you know? 10 amazing health benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms are said to be effective in maintaining overall health. They are packed with many essential nutrients that provide a range of health benefits. Here are 10 amazing benefits of eating mushrooms.
 Mushrooms have always been considered an element of flavour in dishes but they also comprise more than just flavour. Mushrooms belong to the fungi kingdom and are classified as vegetables in the food world. They have been an underrated vegetable for a long time since the fact that they are packed with several nutrients that are beneficial for the health has gone unnoticed until now. 
The health benefits of mushrooms are plentiful, ranging from increasing the strength of your immune system to weight loss. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties or disease-fighting compounds. Consuming whole foods like mushrooms has been linked to a decreased risk of many lifestyle-related conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. And here are 10 amazing proven-health benefits of mushrooms for the human body:Generally, colourful fruits and vegetables are associated with antioxidants, but mushrooms seem to have more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables which help in fighting cancer.
  • Mushrooms help in lowering cholesterol levels which help in keeping the heart healthy. Also, the fibre content in them helps in fighting diabetes.
  • Mushrooms are a gut-friendly food. They are full of good bacteria i.e. they are probiotic in nature which helps in nourishing good bacteria present in the human body.
  • Mushrooms are a good source of iron which proves really helpful for anaemia patients and in the formation of red blood cells.
  • They also help in increasing bone strength as they have a high calcium content and can also help in reducing joint pain.
  • It is a lesser known fact that mushrooms rank higher than vegetables and fruits due to their nutrient density and can be very effective for weight loss.
  • The Selenium present in mushrooms also helps in maintaining skin elasticity, which in turn, prevents ageing of the skin.
  • The copper and potassium in mushrooms help in maintaining hair density and promoting healthy hair.
  • Mushrooms can also help fight off smallpox and flu viruses by ensuring immunity of the body.
  • Since mushrooms have anti-carcinogenic effects, they are claimed to be effective in preventing breast and prostate cancer.
Mushrooms are a must-have food, and hence, incorporating them into your diet can do wonders for your health.

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