
Friday, 24 August 2018

7 Super Healing Seeds You Should Eat

When most people discuss nutrient-rich foods, or those high in protein, seeds are rarely mentioned. Yet, these nutrient-dense foods are literally the life force of the plants from which they come, packed with everything needed to grow healthy new plants. And, when we eat them on a regular basis seeds help us to maintain or build better health. Here are seven of my favorite super-healing seeds to add to your diet:


Celery seeds are a great addition to your diet, particularly if you suffer from any inflammation or pain. According to one of the great pioneers of herbal medicine, Dr. James Duke, Ph.D., who is the now-deceased author of the classic, The Green Pharmacy, celery seeds contain at least 20 anti-inflammatory properties. In a study published in Progress in Drug Research scientists found that an extract of celery seeds was at least as effective as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen in the treatment of arthritis.
Celery seed bread is a delicious change from the typical garlic bread, but made with celery seeds instead of garlic. Simply brush olive oil on whole grain bread and sprinkle with celery seeds and a dash of sea salt, bake in a 350-degree oven until golden-brown and serve as a tasty side dish. You can also add celery seeds to soups and stews.


These little seeds contain Omega 3 fatty acids that reduce prostaglandins and inflammation that are linked to pain and breast cancer risk. Chia seeds are also excellent to help alleviate constipation and to help with ongoing bowel regularity.
To improve your bowel health: mix a tablespoon of chia seeds in an 8-ounce glass of juice. Stir the mixture well and drink it, stirring periodically as needed to keep the seeds suspended. You can also blend a tablespoon of chia seeds with a half cup of berries and a little almond milk for a delicious pudding. Allow to sit for 10 minutes after mixing together to thicken. 


Rich in anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, and health-promoting Omega 3 fatty acids ground flax seeds are excellent additions to your diet. Not only do they contain a high amount of fiber to help keep you regular, they bind to toxins in the bowels to escort them out of your body. Additionally, in a study published in the medical journal Lipids, researchers found that flaxseeds help strengthen bones. Another study found that flaxseeds may be one of the best brain foods: not only do they help lessen the potential for brain injury, they have brain-protective properties that help protect the brain against cognitive damage and depression linked to injury. Their anti-inflammatory effects also make them important in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, cancer, and other health problems.
Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder and then store in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a month. Add the ground seeds to smoothies, atop oatmeal, or sprinkled on cooked pasta for a nutty flavor addition.


Also rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, pumpkin seeds are among the best anti-inflammatory foods you can eat. Given that dozens of serious health conditions like arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and many others have been linked to low-grade or full-blown inflammation, it is a good idea to add more of these nutrient-dense foods to your daily diet. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in the mineral zinc making them doubly beneficial for men’s prostate and reproductive health. While these seeds are not traditionally considered a particularly good source of vitamin E, newer research shows that when the many different forms of vitamin E are considered, including: alpha tocopherol, gamma tocopherol, delta tocopherol, alpha tocomonoenol, and gamma tocomonoenol, pumpkin seeds may actually be superior to other food sources of vitamin E, which is necessary for a healthy brain, immune system, and skin, to name a few of the nutrient’s important bodily functions.
Snack on raw, unsalted pumpkin seeds; add a handful to your favorite smoothie, or add some to your next salad to boost its protein and nutrient content.


Quinoa, a staple of the ancient Incas who revered it as sacred, is a seed, not a grain as most people consider it. Not only is it versatile and easy to cook, it is a complete source of protein, meaning that it contains all essential amino acids we need. Additionally, it is high in many other nutrients, including: iron needed for healthy oxygen transport throughout the body, magnesium which is needed to ensure healthy muscles and breathing, B complex vitamins that provide us with energy, and fiber to ensure bowel health. Quinoa is also a good source of tryptophan, a precursor to melatonin, which helps to ensure quality sleep. It is a good source of lysine, which is helpful if you suffer from cold sores.
Since it cooks in under 20 minutes, quinoa is a healthy alternative to white rice and cooks much faster than most whole grains. Toss cooked and cooled quinoa with some chopped green onions, chopped dried apricots and cranberries, chopped walnuts, and toss in your favorite vinaigrette for a delicious and healthy quinoa salad.


Rich in calcium and magnesium, sesame seeds make an excellent addition to your daily diet to help build or maintain strong and healthy bones and muscles. They are packed with copper and manganese, and they are a good source of iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc, selenium, and fiber.
Keep a container of sesame seeds handy to sprinkle over cold or warm salads, or add ground sesame seeds, known as tahini, to your next dip, hummus, or salad dressing for a delicious way to significantly increase the nutritional content of the food you eat.


Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of critical nutrients like vitamin E as well as the minerals magnesium, potassium, silica, and zinc, sunflower seeds. Because of their high vitamin E content they offer protection against heart disease.  They also contain compounds known as phytosterols that enhance the immune system and decrease cancer risk.
Not only do raw, unsalted sunflower seeds make a great snack or salad topper, they can be pureed with herbs and sautéed garlic and onions, along with a little sea salt and pepper to make a delicious dairy-free dip or plant-based pate.

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