
Friday 2 March 2018

This Is What Your Favorite Foods Say About Your Personality

If you put hot sauce on your hot sauce 

If your motto is "it's not a meal if your lips aren't burning," then chances are you like to live on the edge, according to a study presented at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Annual Meeting & Food Expo. Spicy foods set off pain receptors, which you'd think would be a deterrent to eating them, yet for some people, that's the allure. The researchers found that people who love their food spicy hot are also adrenaline junkies, desiring novel and intense stimulation. Burrito bungee jumping anyone?

If you love sour gummi worms so much you even lick the crystals out of the empty bag 

Who doesn't love a good sweet/sour combo? Yet there's something particularly crave-worthy about those sour fruity candies, especially if you often feel conflicted or frustrated with your life, says Alanna Kessler, RD, a certified dietitian nutritionist in New York City and founder of Be Well. "Sweets in general are often used as comfort foods while people seek out sour foods when they're on-edge, restless, or anxious," she explains. If you constantly crave the two flavors together it may indicate that you get overwhelmed easily but you're also good at bringing balance back to your life.

If you're always first in line at the newest food truck 

When deciding where to eat out, do you suggest the new fusion restaurant? Do you buy random foods at the store even if you don't know what they are because they look fun? Did you serve a Turducken at Thanksgiving? If you answered a rousing yes, you're likely a risk taker who also loves things like bungee jumping or the stock market, according to Kessler. A new food is a new adventure waiting to happen, and you're not going to miss a minute (or taste) of it, she adds. 

If you pick the caramel corn out of the cheese-and-caramel popcorn mix 

Having a sweet tooth may mean you have a sweet personality to match, according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The researchers found that people who crave cake, candy bars, or other similarly sweet foods are more likely to be agreeable, friendly, pleasant, and outgoing.  

If your go-to happy food is pizza

 ARTEM KAS/SHUTTERSTOCKPizza tops the list of favorite foods for many people. One reason you can't resist a slice is because pizza is the most addictive food, according to a study published in PLOS One. (Sound like you? Check out these nine signs you might be addicted to food.) The combination of fats and simple carbs makes the brain light up like a Christmas tree. But if you love that cheesy, crusty goodness, it also shows that you may be an extrovert, Kessler says. Pizza is the ultimate party food—convenient, cheap, feeds a crowd—which makes it the go-to dish for people who love to be surrounded by others, she adds.

If Sunday dinner is always a pot roast with potatoes and carrots 

Traditions are the ways we keep in touch with where we came from, and in no area is that more true than with food. But being a traditionalist doesn't mean you're boring! "Meat-and-potatoes people prefer an uncomplicated, simple life, and put a lot of importance in family and traditions," Kessler says. And it doesn't have to be a pot roast, per se, but rather any food that you grew up eating in a routine way that makes you feel connected to your loved ones, she adds.  

If just the thought of banana pudding triggers your gag reflex 

Love it or hate it? Thanks to banana pudding's slimy texture, there aren't many people who are on the fence about the classic dessert and its cousins—custard, ripe bananas, yogurt, and flan. If you're one of those people who thinks "boogers," it doesn't mean you have an unsophisticated palette, but rather that you're sensitive to little details, Kessler says. Being the type of person who's meticulous at paying attention to all those details can have big payoffs in your career and love life, she adds.

If you've tried escargot, cricket burgers, seaweed salad, and rattlesnake 

Seeking out and trying exotic or rare foods means that you're someone who loves a challenge and loves learning new things, Kessler says. And this is true regardless of whether or not you actually enjoyed eating it! "Simply being willing to try out a 'scary' food shows innate curiosity and a desire to learn about other cultures and cuisines," she explains. 

If your favorite dessert is an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top 

"People who love ice cream often have a child-like innocence or a sense of wonder," Kessler explains. Because there are so many options for toppings, cones, mix-ins, and variety, it gives you a feeling that anything can happen, which really appeals to those who love the mystery of life, she adds. And the cherry on top? You love to look for little, surprising moments of joy.  

If you use your grill more than your actual stove 

There's just something so primal about standing outdoors with a hunk of meat roasting over an open flame, and die-hard carnivores love that feeling. "People whose favorite food is meat are often intense and serious," Kessler says. Hearkening back to when mankind were hunters, they can also be aggressive, which in today's modern world may translate to being an active go-getter, she adds.  

If you know the name of every vegetable in the supermarket 

There is a whole, wide world of produce that goes beyond apples, oranges, and iceberg lettuce, yet many people buy the same exact fruits and veggies every time. If you're the type who adores all types of produce—including things like leeks, Swiss chard, and Jerusalem artichokes—it shows that you value learning about your food. It also shows that living a healthy lifestyle is an important part of your identity and you take a lot of pride in keeping everything as clean and whole as your food, Kessler says.  

If you never go anywhere without a smoothie or shake in hand 

"Shakes and smoothies are the ultimate in convenience, perfect for someone who loves to multitask," Kessler says. Who has time to chew all those different foods when you can blend them all together and get on with your busy day? Make sure you're using healthy, high-quality ingredients for a meal on the go that will keep you fueled all day. 

If your secret favorite meal is chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese 

Forget about fancy Gruyére macaroni and cheese or panko-coated chicken tenders—if you like your pasta straight from the blue box and chicken in a take-out carton, it means that you romanticize your childhood, Kessler says. "When you prefer the comfort foods you loved as a child, it shows that you love remembering the past, " she explains. You're the one who calls your sister just to share a favorite story about that time the car broke down on the way to Disney. 

If your idea of fast food is sushi 

Sushi is portable, convenient, bite-sized, and delicious—the ultimate "fast food" if you think about it. But a spicy tuna roll with wasabi is no burger and fries. Eating sushi as your favorite food-on-the-go shows that you're sophisticated and open to a wide variety of experiences, Kessler says.

If your favorite accessory is your portable coffee mug  

If your outfit isn't complete without a Starbucks cup in hand, and you can't imagine how you'd survive without your daily coffee infusion, then you're likely a classic type A personality, Kessler says. You're likely competitive, impatient, and operate under a constant state of stress but you're also highly organized, ambitious, and great at juggling a busy schedule, she adds.  

If your idea of heaven is a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie 

Did your mouth just start watering? (Ours did!) Cookies are a common craving and with good reason, as the sweet flavor triggers a release of oxytocin, also known as the "cuddle" or "love" hormone, according to a study done by the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior. In addition, the chocolate contains theobromine, a compound with a calming effect. So if these are your go-to comfort food, chances are you're chronically stressed out and frazzled. No worries though; it's nothing a relaxing snuggle (and a cookie) can't help! Be sure to check out these chocolate chip cookie tips for the best cookies ever. 

If you not only know what matcha is but you drink it every day 

Matcha is a powder made from green tea leaves and is said to have particular health properties.   If you already knew that, and love drinking it or adding it to smoothies, you're an individual and pride yourself on being unique, Kessler says. Not up on the latest health powders? Don't stress, it may be more of an age thing. "If you love matcha you're a Millenial or a Millenial at heart," she jokes.

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