
Friday 30 March 2018

10 Reasons You’re Burping So Much

Your mother told you to cover your mouth and say “Excuse me” whenever you burped, especially at the dinner table. But what can you do when you’re burping more than normal?
You can mask and hide your burps but that’s not a long-term solution. You need to address the reasons you’re burping.


Burping, or belching, occurs when you swallow too much air and your abdomen becomes distended. Your body naturally relieves the air and abdominal discomfort by burping.
You can swallow too much air when you chew gum, talk while you’re eating, become anxious and hyperventilate, smoke, use a straw, or breathe through your nose. Even some foods high in fiber, sugar, or starch are known to causes excess gas like bananas, beans, lentils, raisins, onions, cauliflower, or whole wheat bread. These are perfectly normal reasons to burp.


If you notice you’re burping is more than normal or even excessive, you could have an underlying medical condition. If that’s the case, it’s important to visit with a doctor to resolve the issue before it becomes worse. You could be dealing with one of these seven common conditions that cause burping.

1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Otherwise known as acid reflux, GERD is a common occurrence. But an occasional acid reflux or indigestion is no cause for concern. Your doctor would diagnose you with GERD if you’re having these symptoms twice a week or more. 
In GERD, you esophageal sphincter becomes weak and allows for stomach contents to enter into your lower esophagus causing the common discomfort. About 20 percent of the population has GERD.

2. Gastroparesis

This is a disorder in which the muscles of the stomach become weaker. Normal stomach muscles move food out of the stomach and into the rest of the digestive tract. But with gastroparesis your muscles are weakened or nearly paralyzed, making it difficult to digest and pass food properly.
Burping can be one symptom but you may also find yourself nauseous and vomiting.

3. Gastritis

The lining of your stomach becomes irritated, inflamed, or eroded by acute or chronic gastritis. It can be due to infection, H. Pylori, or bile reflux. Symptoms include bloating, indigestion, nausea, hiccups, or belching (as a means to relieve discomfort).

4. Peptic Ulcers

If you’re over-stressed, eating the wrong foods, or have an H. Pylori infection you could be dealing with peptic ulcers. Ulcers result from stomach acid eroding the lining of the digestive tract either in the esophagus, stomach, or upper part of the small intestine.


If you’re lactose intolerant, then you probably already know unless you have a mild intolerance that hasn’t really reared its head until now.
With lactose intolerance, individuals lack the enzyme lactase to properly break down milk sugars. You might experience gas, bloating, or diarrhea within 30 minutes or three hours of consuming foods with lactose. About 65 percent of the adult population are intolerant to lactose to some degree after infancy.

6. Fructose or Sorbitol Malabsorption

These two sugars are commonly added to processed foods or other products for sweetness. Fructose is also the natural sugar in fruits.
Either way, you could have an intolerance to one or both of these sweeteners. Watch out for the trifecta of gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

7. H. Pylori Bacteria

This bacteria is a common cause of peptic (or stomach) ulcers. Many people have the bacteria but never get sick from it.
If you’re developing gastrointestinal symptoms like stomach ache, nausea, loss of appetite, bloating or frequent burping, then go to your doctor to get tested and treated if needed.


8. Celiac Disease

Gluten is found in most flour-rich foods like breads, pastas, and crackers. But gluten is a protein that can act as a binder in many recipes and foods. An intolerance to gluten could be a source of your belching.

9. Dumping Syndrome

This syndrome generally occurs after a gastric procedure to remove part of the stomach for obese individuals seeking to lose weight. The stomach releases its contents into the small intestine before its properly digested.

10. Pancreatic Insufficiency

Your pancreas is an enzyme powerhouse. And you need enzymes to break down food. If your pancreas is under-functioning, then your food may not be getting properly digested.


All these issues, if not properly addressed, can lead to further complications, where burping may be the least of your worries. Be sure to visit with your doctor. Bring a list of your symptoms, frequency, duration, and other observations so you can be as thorough as possible in finding out what’s going on in gastrointestinal tract.

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