The threat of a nuclear attack on American soil has many citizens scratching their heads in disbelief. Some are outraged or downright terrified. One certainty is that nuclear warfare is possible. Considering Kim Jong Un and President Trump continue to exchange heated threats, fear and paranoia have been cultivated among the American people.
In a perfect world, the United States remains safe and world peace prevails. Unfortunately, this theory feels more and more unrealistic. So, let’s imagine the U.S. does not remain safe. What if North Korea launches a hydrogen bomb or electromagnetic pulse (EMP) into the atmosphere. What happens? Some claim that 90% of the U.S. population would be wiped out, while others claim that theory is improbable.
Should you pull out your tin foil hat and retreat to your neighbor’s bunker? Maybe. But ultimately, the probability of a Hiroshima-esque attack is unlikely. Instead, North Korea would take the route of discharging a high-altitude EMP, scrambling the infrastructure and electronic grid of the affected area. The impacts of an EMP attack would devastate crucial infrastructures, having the potential to cripple the economy of the United States.
1. The electrical grid would be wrecked
The altitude at which an EMP is detonated would determine the amount of havoc wreaked. For instance, an EMP detonated 19 miles above U.S. soil would impact the grids of Kansas and its surrounding states. On the other hand, an EMP that detonates 294 miles above U.S. soil would impact the nation as a whole. After such a horrendous attack, the electrical grids and circuit boards would be overloaded and unable to function. Cue the chaos.
2. No more Internet for Americans
It’s not just millennials who would struggle to adjust to life without the World Wide Web. 73% of Americans use the Internet daily to connect with the world. In 2014, the internet generated $966 billion, and the economy grew by 110% between 2007 and 2012 all because of internet-based businesses. The mystical and almighty power of the internet allows businesses at large to function day-in and day-out. Lucky enough, the internet doesn’t live in the United States and it wouldn’t die due to an EMP attack. That’s the good news. The bad news is that an EMP attack would fry electronics in the affected area, seizing operations for U.S. based business operations.
3. Telecommunications networks would collapse
Think broadly here. Telecommunications encompasses telephones, mobile phones, satellites, fiber optics, telegraphs, and of course the internet. Removing all modes of communication would be a profound and crippling act of warfare in the United States. On a global level, telecommunications accounts for 2.5% of the gross domestic product. Meaning for every $1,000 spent, $250 goes into the telecommunications category. The economy would take a major hit.
4. Access to money would be obsolete
The U.S. dollar is an important piece of the economy. Once Americans become unable to access that dollar, the economy takes a nosedive. Swiping a credit or debit card would no longer be possible. Withdrawing dollars from the bank would no longer be possible. The U.S. currency would inevitably have very little value — if any.
5. Financial institutions would crash
An EMP attack would send the United States pretty darn close to the “dark ages”. Building shields of defense could potentially protect financial institutions from losing data, but that is a measure that would have to be in place beforehand. Sure, I know what you’re thinking. Would all records of your student loans and financial debt be erased? It’s possible, but not guaranteed.
6. Infrastructure would greatly suffer
In the event of an EMP, some have hypothesized that airplanes would fall out of the sky and trains would come to a screeching halt on the tracks. Is there any truth to this? That is hard to know. In modern aircrafts and vehicles at large, electronic powering plays a major role. Some studies claim that vehicles could glide to a stop, then be restarted. Nevertheless, your car needs gasoline or a place to plug in for power. Neither of those options would be available.
7. Crops could be contaminated or wiped out altogether
North Korea claims it has successfully tested a thermonuclear bomb, also known as a hydrogen bomb. The world braces. Keep in mind that hydrogen bombs have never been used in warfare — atomic bombs have. Hydrogen bombs are far more powerful than those of the atomic variety and would fling radioactive material all over the targeted area and its surroundings.
Crops coming out of afflicted areas wouldn’t be very appetizing and could cause physical harm if consumed. Furthermore, the farms that supply the United States with fruits, vegetables, and grains would no longer be able to feed the nation at large.
8. Water supplies may diminish
Water is a beautiful thing. Besides the water Americans use every day in their homes — around 300 gallons each day — water is critical to keep food growing, as well as keeping businesses and manufacturers moving forward. But don’t forget that water plays a major role in the United States economy. Without access to water, major industries would cease to operate. These industries include mining, agriculture, and the manufacturing of goods, as well as electricity. Without water, life and most businesses would cease to exist.
9. Exports could be lost
In 2016, the United States exported $2.2 trillion in goods and services. Goods made up two-thirds of that number, while services made up the rest. These figures make the U.S. the third-largest exporter, behind China and the European Union. Removing this sector of trade would demolish the United States economy. But equally important, the global economy would feel the ripple effect very quickly.
10. Imports are critical
On the other hand, the United States imports even more than it exports. In 2016, the U.S. imported $2.7 trillion in goods and services, making it the world’s second-largest importer behind the European Union. Relying on imports would be critical for the United States to regain footing for survival, but money is required in the business of importing. No money equals no imports. Another major ripple in the flow of the global economy.
11. The global economy will feel major impacts
In the event of a conflict between North Korea and the United States, the economy on a global level would sustain a substantial blow. Inevitably, the geopolitical climate becomes heated and tensions rise during and after a conflict. Assumptions have been made in regards to how the political climate between the United States and China could unfold in the event of a North Korean – U.S. war. For instance, a decline in the consumer marketplace could occur in China based on overall customer confidence. That weaker demand could then result in declines in asset prices.
12. Would the U.S. revert back to an era of horse and buggy?
Determining what sort of conflict erupts between North Korea and the United States will greatly impact the recovery time on both sides. A hydrogen bomb dropped on U.S. turf would certainly set back the impacted area for many, many years. An EMP attack would set back the U.S. as the economic superpower. Would the U.S. revert back to the 19th-century era of horse and buggy? That’s unlikely.
13. How long could it take to pick up the pieces from a nuclear attack?
A variety of scenarios could be painted, and each depends on the nature of the attack. If North Korea drops hydrogen bombs on the United States, it would shake the nation to its very core. The likelihood of any city being rebuilt to its original state would be extremely slim. Consider some of the major cities in the United States. It’s taken hundreds of years to achieve such levels of growth and sophistication. Rebounding from a horrific attack such as a hydrogen bomb would leave wreckage from which cities may not be able to bounce back.
14. What is the United States doing to prepare?
As Kim Jon Un and President Trump spar back and forth with threats of nuclear war, California is becoming proactive in creating a game plan for the worst-case scenario. Back in August 2017, a 16-page “Nuclear Attack Response Considerations” bulletin began circulating within the state. The premise of the report outlined the known facts associated with nuclear attacks and the best way to react.
When it comes to the United States as a whole, there is the discussion of denuclearization. But the question at hand is this: Why should North Korea not be allowed to have nuclear warheads when other countries (like the U.S.) do?
15. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself
Short of building an underground bunker and walking around wearing a tin hat, what can you do to protect yourself from a nuclear attack? Firstly, become knowledgeable about what unfolds after an attack. Inevitably, there is a bit of a “prepper” mindset that comes into play when you start tossing around ideas related to surviving a nuclear attack. Having an emergency supply kit and plan, and familiarize yourself with shelters in your area. Furthermore, stock up on supplies and hope for the best.