
Wednesday 24 January 2018

11 Health Benefits Of Coconut Vinegar You Probably Didn't Know

Coconut vinegar is the new game changer that is going to leave the old apple cider vinegar behind in the race. So, what is exactly coconut vinegar? Coconut trees are deep-rooted and are grown in soils which are full of nutrients.
The sap which is used to make the vinegar is loaded with B vitamins, amino acids, fibre, beneficial enzymes, probiotics, etc.
Coconut vinegar is similar to other fermented vinegars such as apple cider and balsamic vinegars and it is used in some regions of India. Coconut vinegar is white and cloudy with a very powerful acidic taste and a hint of yeast.
Coconut vinegar has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties when if applied topically can safely treat conditions like acne or sunburn. Since, coconut vinegar is fermented, it is a natural source of probiotics, which is good for gut health.
Coconut vinegar is a very good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, vitamin B2 or riboflavin. Let us have a look at some of the benefits of coconut vinegar.

1. Low In Glycaemic Index

Coconut vinegar is an appropriate food for diabetic patients, as it is very low on glycaemic index. The glycaemic index categorizes carbohydrate-containing foods by how much they raise the blood sugar level in a person's body. Consuming coconut vinegar has shown to lower the risk of heart disease.

2. Rich In Minerals

Coconut vinegar is rich in important minerals. The sap contains potassium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, sulphur, zinc, manganese and copper. Potassium is necessary in balancing the electrolytes, while phosphorous works with calcium to build bones and iron is required for the creation of red blood cells.

3. Contains Amino Acids

The coconut sap contains all of the 9 essential amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. The functions of amino acids include the formation of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen and antibodies that help the immune system to fight infections. Amino acids also play an important part in repairing the tissues.

4. Weight Management

For all those who are planning to lose weight, coconut vinegar can do wonders. It contains zero calories and has shown to reduce appetite, which would make you follow your portion size while eating. Coconut vinegar also reduces cravings, which would make sure you adhere to your diet.

5. Boosts Immune System

Coconut vinegar has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties which help in fighting infections. It is fermented, which is full of good organisms that are known to be good for your body. The fermentation of coconut vinegar gives a good number of probiotics, which will keep you healthy in so many ways.

6. Balances Hormones

The amino acids in coconut vinegar help in synthesizing the hormones, which regulate the functions such as mood and weight loss. Drinking diluted coconut vinegar before your meals can help to elevate your mood, improve focus and relaxation as well as promote a healthy weight loss.

7. Used In Cooking

Coconut vinegar can be used creatively in many ways while cooking food. It has a more milder taste compared to the acidic apple cider vinegar. You can add coconut vinegar in your salad dressings, marinades, sauces and soups to give your meals an added sweetness.

8. Regulates Blood Sugar

Eating a high carbohydrate meal will flood your body with sugar. So, by taking a shot of coconut vinegar before you eat, it can help your body's insulin pull out the sugar more efficiently. In short, it will help in regulating your blood sugar.

9. Increases Your Energy Levels

Coconut vinegar contains essential vitamins like vitamin B and vitamin C and other B-complex vitamins. B vitamins stimulate a healthy metabolism and raise the energy levels in the body. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that helps neutralize any cell damage done by free radicals.

10. Keeps The Stomach Healthy

Coconut vinegar has several enzymes that have a positive effect on the body by balancing the immune functions, easing stomach problems and stimulating a good digestion process. It also contains probiotics and prebiotics that create a healthy environment in the stomach.

11. Rejuvenates The Skin

By the help of coconut vinegar, the skin can be rejuvenated. Coconut vinegar helps to get rid of the impurities and brings back the natural glow of the skin. Certain chronic skin conditions, acne, wrinkles, etc., can be eased out with coconut vinegar.

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