
Saturday, 30 September 2017

6 Probiotic Foods to Add to Your Diet

What are probiotic foods?
Probiotic foods contain living bacteria. These bacteria are like the bacteria that exist in your body. They’re able to survive the trip through your digestive tract. Probiotics are “good” bacteria that may provide health benefits.

Your digestive tract contains many different types of bacteria. Research suggests that you will have fewer health problems if you have a balance of “good” and “bad” bacteria in your digestive tract.

Fermentation introduces probiotics into food. Fermentation uses microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast to break down food into a simpler substance. Probiotics in food have to survive the acidic environment of the digestive tract in order to have any benefit.

Many foods and supplements tout the presence of probiotics. Comparing brands of supplements and foods can offer information about their relative effectiveness. The higher the number of microorganisms they contain, the more benefit they offer to your body.

Six probiotic foods
If your doctor has recommended probiotics, the food at the top of the list likely is yogurt. Yogurt contains good bacteria. However, it is just one of numerous foods that can supply probiotics. There are several other options:


1. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented drink like yogurt. It has a concentration of probiotics that is higher than yogurt. It is made with fermented animal milk and kefir grain.

2. Sauerkraut and kimchi

Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage. Kimchi is also made with fermented vegetables, but there are many different recipes. Kimchi can be made with mustard leaf, broccoli, and olives.

3. Soy

Soy fermented with Lactobacillus is used widely to create many different foods that are popular in Asian cultures.

Just a few examples of fermented soy include:

soy sauce
Researchers are investigating whether the probiotic properties of soy can reduce the incidence of breast cancer and other diseases.

4. Kombucha

Kombucha is green or black tea that is fermented with sugar and yeast. The fermentation creates solids that inspire some to call it “mushroom tea.” But the drink has no mushroom extracts at all.

The healing effects of kombucha are widely advertised and promoted. There is no consensus on whether kombucha provides any particular probiotic health benefits, though some brands do advertise the probiotic content.

5. Sourdough bread

Sourdough bread is made by fermenting flour and water, and then adding it to dough. The fermentation process makes it easier to digest than other types of bread. Research has shown that sourdough bread may provide health benefits to people with type 2 diabetes and other conditions.

6. Pickles

Commercially produced pickles get their flavor from vinegar. But cucumbers (and other vegetables) fermented in brine without vinegar can get their kick — and probiotic boost — from the cultures present. Some brands make pickles without vinegar, including Real Pickles and The Brinery. But there are many different recipes that can show you how to make your own probiotic pickles.

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