
Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Study: Garlic Works Better Than The Drug “d-penicillimine” In Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

As we know federal government banned the production of lead-based paints in 1977, lead exposure remains widespread. Exposure to the toxic heavy metal can result in damage to the cardiovascular, skeletal, gastrointestinal, kidney, reproductive, and nervous systems of the human body. Infants and children are particularly sensitive to the adverse effects of lead exposure. In fact a recent study has found that children who had been subjected to lead had decreased brain volume as adults.

Garlic, the miracle medicine of old has now been found to beat the favored drug d-penicillimine in detoxifying lead from the body–with no side effects!

The favourable effect of garlic on chronic lead poisoning might be explained by the fact that a part of the lead powder in the gastrointestinal tract reacts with the active sulfur components in garlic, and is then excreted by the faeces in the form of insoluble sulfides without being resorbed. The evacuation of a part of garlic polysulfides with respiratory air may also restrict the resorption of fine lead powder in the respiratory tract, transforming it partially into insoluble and so unresorbable lead sulfides. The chemical interaction between the resorbed sulfide compounds in garlic and the resorbed lead is likely to play a certain role in the antitoxic effect of garlic.

journal Basic Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology published the findings of comparatie studies between garlic therapy and the chelation drug d-penicillamine, that had been conducted on patients with chronic occupational lead poisoning. Treatments for the test consisted of 1.2 mg of allicin from garlic extract three times daily vs. the conventional treatment of 250 mg of d-penicillimine three times daily.

The ancient Egytian medical papyrus Codex Ebers listed twenty-two medical formulations with a garlic basis.

Hippocrates, the ‘Father of Medicine,’ used garlic as an internal and external treatment for many dozens of diseases.

Roman soldiers armed themselves with garlic as an additional ‘weapon’ to protect their immune systems and ward off infection and disease.

Garlic was used so extensively on the battlefields during the Civil War and by all the nations involved in World War I to treat and help prevent gangrene and infection, that the shortage of the venerable medicinal herb became acute.

Side effects of drug “d-penicillimine”

Anemia, Aplastic
Breast Enlargement
Bone Marrow Suppression
Collagen Disorders
Dysgeusia (distorted taste)
Kidney Damage
Liver Damage
Muscle Damage

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