
Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Man Refuses To Accept He’s No Longer Black After DNA Test Results

A man refused to accept the results of his ancestry DNA test after it revealed he wasn’t black, according to a New York Times piece last week.
Two professors from West Chester University decided to do an in-depth analysis into various people’s ancestries and backgrounds. First they asked participants to guess the results. One of their participants, Bernard, came away very displeased when the test revealed he was mainly European and not at all black.
Bernard walked into the test identifying himself as “black.” He informed the professors ahead of time that despite having a white mother, his mother raised him to identify as a black man.
“My mother said, ‘I know you are me, but no cop is going to take the time to find out your mother is white,'” Bernard explained before the test. “She was very specific about raising me as a black man.”
Bernard’s test, however, revealed that he is only one percent African/Asian. Over 90 percent of his ancestry is European, while he is five percent Middle Eastern and two percent Hispanic.
Bernard completely rejected the results of the test, saying they caused problems in his family.
“I know my nose is sharp and my skin is light, but my politics are as black as night. Today, I don’t identify as mixed,” Bernard said, according to The NYT. “I reject my white privilege in a racist America. There is no way that I or my kids will identify as anything other than black.”
Other black people have also had trouble accepting their white ancestry. A black Huffington Post writer was shocked after a DNA ancestry test revealed she was almost 32% white. The discovery, she wrote, left her disoriented and ashamed.

“As inappropriate (but honest) as it sounds, I’d discovered I had the so-called ‘superior’ race running through my veins, and never before had I felt so inferior,” she wrote.


  1. These people need to get a grip. You are what you are. Where's their tolerance? Are they not truth-seekers? If not, then why take the test?

    1. I know right. I was raised in a smallish city in Canada and this race thing was NEVER an issue, never even talked about. All of a sudden, 40 years later, it's the center of way too many articles.

    2. To Freddi Fish, forty years ago you say? Race wasn't an issue then for the very reason Canada was 96% white at that time. It's an issue now because we have a bunch of jerks in Ottawa swamping the country with non-whites.
