
Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Foods That Regulate Your Heartbeat

Nowadays heart problems have become the predominate cause of death. Fatty foods, lack of exercise and stress have created a downward spiral in heart health. The first step to eliminate cardiovascular troubles is to regulate the heartbeat. This can be done by changing dietary habits, replacing LDLs with heart healthy foods and inserting fruits and vegetables into your diet.


Salmon is the No. 1 item used to reduce blood clotting, regulate heartbeat and minimize inflammation of the heart and blood vessels. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it works to reduce cholesterol while supplying your body with much needed vitamins such as vitamin B, folate and vitamin A. When selecting your salmon, look for wild raised fish (it can be seen on the label) instead of farm-raised salmon. This eliminates insecticides, heavy metals and pesticides from being in the meat. Oily ocean fish such as herring, tuna and sardines are also good for the heart and are full of vitamins. If you are not fond of fish, add fish oil caplets to your daily routine instead.


 Nuts are often overlooked when it comes to heart health. Loaded with mono- and polyunsaturated fats, they provide the healthy fats your body needs instead of LDLs, or low-density lipoproteins, which increase cholesterol and quicken the heartbeat. Eat smart when incorporating nuts into your diet. Replace foods high in saturated fat such as butter, sausage and oil with nuts. Limit yourself to 1 to 2 oz. daily, roughly 10 nuts.


Salt intake is one of the easiest ways to cause heart trouble. Found in almost everything and a popular flavor enhancer, salt is often overlooked when the heart starts to race. Watch out for canned and frozen foods. They are often loaded with sodium in an effort to maintain freshness and keep flavor and keep your eye on foods that claim to be low in sodium. That simply means its salt content has been lowered by at least 25 percent, so it can still be very high. Medication can even be high in salt, so check with your doctor before you begin a new drug.

Fruits and Vegetables

When trying to lower your heartbeat, incorporate potassium, calcium and magnesium rich foods into your diet. Do this by replacing fatty foods with fruits, low-fat dairy products and vegetables. High levels of potassium are found in bananas, oranges, spinach and kidney beans. Magnesium is in brown rice, leafy green vegetables and tomatoes. Use these and low-fat dairy products like yogurt in place of side dishes and snacks to regulate the heartbeat and reduce daily intake of unnecessary fats.


 Don't forget the oats. Full of omega-3 fatty acids, folate and potassium, oatmeal lowers LDL levels and fights to keep the arteries clear. Choose coarse or steel-cut oats to make your oatmeal instead of instant oatmeal. Although you need to cook them on the stove, they contain more nutrients and no additives. If not a fan of oatmeal, choose a cereal with oatmeal included.
 Yogurt is capable of heart palpitations because it contains loads of Vitamin B 12. The rich reserves of Vitamin B 12 helps the nerve cells develop and thus strengthen the nervous system to handle stress. 

Banana contains potassium in high amounts. Potassium is an electrolyte that is essential for the communication between your brain and heart. Therefore, bananas are foods that regulate heart beat. 

 Garlic is universally accepted as heart healthy spice. The allicin present in garlic helps to to stop free-radical damage in the heart and gets rid of bad cholesterol. 
 Nuts are filled with healthy mono-saturated fats that protect the heart from shocks and keep it well lubricated. 

Calcium-rich tofu is extremely beneficial when it comes to soothing heart palpititio9ns. It is also heart healthy because it contains no bad cholesterol. 

 All fatty fish especially salmon and trout contain omega-3 fatty acids. These ome-3 fatty acids are extremely heart healthy because they contain good cholesterol. 

The sodium potassium balance in the body is extremely important to maintain a healthy heart rate. Raisins are rich in essential potassium and low in sodium. Thus they are one of the best foods that regulate heart rate.