
Sunday 23 February 2020

More Evidence Emerges That The Coronavirus May Have Leaked From Chinese Microbiology Lab

More evidence has emerged that the deadly coronavirus now sweeping across the world came from a microbiology lab in Wuhan, China.
On Friday, the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology put out a directive titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.”
It turns out that in all of China there is only one such lab, the New York Post writes. “And this one is located in the Chinese city of Wuhan that just happens to be . . . the epicenter of the epidemic.”
That’s right. China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses, called the National Biosafety Laboratory, is part of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
What’s more, the People’s Liberation Army’s top expert in biological warfare, a Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, was dispatched to Wuhan at the end of January to help with the effort to contain the outbreak.
According to the PLA Daily, Gen. Chen has been researching coronaviruses since the SARS outbreak of 2003, as well as Ebola and anthrax. This would not be her first trip to the Wuhan Institute of Virology either, since it is one of only two bioweapons research labs in all of China.
But that”s not all. The coronavirus has been connected back to a market in Wuhan that sells exotic meats, like bat and monkey and snakes. It turns out that some lab workers who do tests on animals later cash in by selling those creatures to local markets.
Instead of properly disposing of infected animals by cremation, as the law requires, they sell them on the side to make a little extra cash. Or, in some cases, a lot of extra cash. One Beijing researcher, now in jail, made a million dollars selling his monkeys and rats on the live animal market, where they eventually wound up in someone’s stomach.
But the Post story none of China’s excuses add up: “Snakes don’t carry coronaviruses and … bats aren’t sold at a seafood market.”
The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The virus may have been carried out of the lab by an infected worker or crossed over into humans when they unknowingly dined on a lab animal. Whatever the vector, Beijing authorities are now clearly scrambling to correct the serious problems with the way their labs handle deadly pathogens.

WOW! What a Clown Show! Democrats Now Drawing Cards to Decide Winners at Nevada Caucuses (VIDEO)

Democrats in Iowa flipped a coin to decide their caucus.
Democrat in Nevada drew cards to decide their caucus.
What a clown show.

Saturday 22 February 2020

How to Get Rid of Gas, Pain, and Bloating Fast, According to Doctors

We all pass gas (and burp)—it's natural and it has nothing to do with air and bacteria. "The GI tract doesn't absorb air and gas well, so almost all of it eventually comes out northbound or southbound," says Patricia Raymond, M.D., a gastroenterologist in Norfolk, VA. As gut bugs ferment carbohydrates from food, they produce gas, which then exits through your backside. And the air you swallow while eating, talking, and breathing rises back up to be expelled via your mouth. When gas passes too slowly or too much builds up, that can make your belly bloat.
Gas usually isn't harmful, but if bloating persists, see a doctor, especially if it's accompanied by abdominal pain more severe than the "pop an antiacid" kind, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, weight loss, or frequent heartburn—all signs that an issue like irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease may be involved.

How to Prevent Gas, Pain, and Bloating

Limit "problem" foods.

If the small intestine lacks specific enzymes, certain foods can make it to the colon without being broken down, providing a feast to gas-generating bacteria. If you often battle gas, limit problem foods like high-fiber beans, peas, cabbage, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, and prunes as well as milk. Eat more slowly too—you'll swallow less air than when you shovel it in. "This reduces burps and prevents large amounts of food from reaching the intestines all at once and causing gas," says Aasma Shaukat, M.D., spokesperson for the American Gastroenterological Association.

Breathe deeply.

Practicing meditation or mindful breathing trains the body to draw out air deeply into the lungs instead of taking short breaths that direct air into the esophagus. It also reduces stress and anxiety, both linked to increased sensitivity to gas. “There’s a brain-gut axis, so calming the brain helps regulate the autonomic nervous system in the GI tract, which can lead to less gas,” Dr. Shaukat says.

Get moving.

Exercise pushes foods through the GI tract faster, reducing constipation, bloating, and gas, says Dr. Raymond. It also releases endorphins that relieve stress and help the nervous system regulate the gut. Aim to get 30 minutes of physical activity three to five times a week.
Reduce gluten.
Too much gluten in your diet can cause digestion issues for many people. “Even if you don’t have celiac disease, ingesting less wheat often improves gas symptoms if you have an intolerance to gluten in wheat, rye, and barley,” Dr. Raymond says.

Do kegels.

Strong pelvic floor muscles can help keep gas from escaping at socially unacceptable times, Dr. Shaukat says. Practice tense up as if holding in urine for three seconds, then relax for three seconds and repeat.
Keep a food journal.
While there are a host of foods that commonly cause people problems, everyone has different sensitivities. So it's best to observe and note when you are feeling particularly bloaty so you can rule things out.
"If you run into a hard, puffy stomach quite often, it may be due to certain food intolerances," says Taz Bhatia, M.D., an integrative health expert and founder of CentreSpring MD. "I always recommend keeping a food journal in these cases. Being able to go back and see which foods seem to cause these types of symptoms can keep a bloated belly at bay."

12 Things You Should Do If You Wake Up With Stomach Pain

“Stomachache” is a vague symptom, so it can be hard to know how to start treating it. These steps will help guide you through soothing the pain.

Head to the bathroom
Pinpointing what’s behind a stomachache can be hard, but pain in the lower abdominal area could be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome, says Steven Fleisher, MD, chief of gastroenterology and director of interventional endoscopy at the Center for Digestive Disease at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. Waking up with some stomach pain in the morning is probably your digestive system trying to kick-start after a night of sleeping, but a trip to the bathroom should help. “The hallmark is that once you get to the bathroom and are able to have a bowel movement, typically the pain or discomfort is relieved as part of the process,” he says.

Call the doctor

Because stomachaches are such a vague symptom, calling a medical expert could help you figure out if you need to worry. (Or visit your doctor or head to an urgent-care center, especially if the pain is more severe.) Depending on factors like the location and sensation of your pain, a doctor can advise whether you should go to the ER, make an appointment with your primary care doc, or start with some at-home treatments, says Jonathan Cohen, MD, clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone School of Medicine and partner at Concorde Medical Group in New York City. “There’s no downside to calling your general doctor and talking it over,” he says: “Doctors, by asking a few questions, can help make a better, smarter decision as to whether it’s an alarm.” Definitely call your doctor immediately if your pain is severe, basic remedies don’t help, you have bloody diarrhea or vomit, or being sick is making you lightheaded, Dr. Fleisher says.

Ask if your dining partners are on the same boat

Fear food poisoning? If you ate at a restaurant, you might hear on the news that others got sick too. Check-in with your family or anyone else you ate dinner with to see if they’re feeling symptoms like stomach pain in the morning the next day. “Often, more than one person will be afflicted,” says Dr. Fleisher.

Consider calling your boss

There are a few factors to consider when deciding if you should call in sick. If the stomach pain is nothing new (even if it’s a bit worse than usual) or OTC medications seem to be working, you could probably handle a day in the office. But if the stomachache feels atypical or could be a symptom of the stomach flu, take the day off. “If pain is sudden and out of the blue, that should give one pause,” says Dr. Fleisher. “Especially it’s severe, you might want to check in with your provider before heading in to work.”

Make yourself breakfast

No need to skip breakfast if a stomachache is your only symptom and the thought of eating doesn’t make you queasy. Getting something in your stomach could help ease any tummy troubles, says Dr. Cohen. But hold off on your usual greasy egg sandwich, says David Greenwald, MD, director of clinical gastroenterology and endoscopy at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. “Stick to things that are more bland or simple to digest,” he says. He suggests avoiding foods that are bad for digestion by spreading toast with jelly instead of oily butter and swapping out complex multigrain dry cereals for simple oatmeal.

Skip that second (or first) cup of coffee

If acid reflux is causing some belly issues like stomach pain in the morning, consider cutting down or, even better, cutting out. Caffeine is a double whammy in people with digestive issues, says Dr. Fleisher. For one thing, it can relax pressure on the valve between the esophagus and stomach, making it easier for the acid to splash back up. Plus, it makes the intestine work harder, which could lead to diarrhea, he says. If you think coffee could be the culprit, try eliminating it for a week, suggests Dr. Greenwald. “The only way to know is to limit it for a defined period of time and see if the symptoms get better,” he says. “It’s hard to say ‘don’t do it forever,’ but it’s easy to do for a week.” That said, if you’re constipated and bloated, caffeine is just one of the many foods that act like a natural laxative. It helps things move along naturally so you can get relief from a bathroom break quicker, says Dr. Cohen.

Hop on the treadmill

Exercise helps digestive problems, so following through with your morning workout could actually relieve those tummy issues, says Dr. Fleisher. Just don’t push your body if the pain makes movement unbearable. “You would want to exercise only if you were able to have the pain somewhat relieved before embarking on anything strenuous,” he says. If the pain isn’t going away, hold off on physical activity until you know what’s wrong and can treat it.

Start off strong

Look to OTC medications for some relief. Dr. Fleisher recommends going straight for proton-pump inhibitors—or the “big guns,” as he calls them. PPIs such as Prilosec or Nexium reduce acid by blocking acid production in the stomach. As long as you take them for only ten to 14 days, “they are probably pretty safe and probably most effective, and give you the most bang for your buck,” he says. Reach for PPIs when the pain is primarily a burning/heartburn type of pain. Stop taking the medication and talk to your doctor if you get side effects like diarrhea, worsened stomach pain, or muscle cramping.

Try an anti-gas drug

The OTC anti-gas drug simethicone, in name brands like Gas-X and Phazyme, can ease your stomachache when you’re feeling gassy. “It basically just bursts bubbles,” says Dr. Greenwald. “So if you get a glass of water with a bunch of bubbles, it breaks up the bubbles, and it basically does the same thing in your stomach.” Because your body doesn’t absorb simethicone, the medication doesn’t have any common side effects, so you can use it four times a day without concern, he says.

Pop an antacid

For an OTC option that isn’t so severe, give an antacid a try. “They are probably going to take the edge off of some symptoms and give some immediate relief,” says Dr. Fleisher. But they’re targeting the symptom, not any underlying condition, so talk to your doctor if the pain doesn’t get better.

Try a natural home remedy

Peppermint oil, ginger, and turmeric could ease your pain if you’re dealing with gas and bloating. “They help the stomach empty and help food absorption,” says Dr. Cohen. If your problems are from acid reflux, though, peppermint could actually make your symptoms worse, warns Dr. Greenwald. Taking enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules can calm the stomach without causing reflux.

Heat things up

A heating pad can help relieve a stomachache, especially if it’s from severe IBS pain, says Dr. Fleisher. Consider replacing an old-fashioned water bottle, which can get too hot and burn your skin if you’re not careful, with a newer model. “Microwavable bean bags are proving quite effective in milder situations where we have oftentimes chronic pain in the form of IBS,” he says.

14 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Could Benefit Your Health

While the uses for white vinegar are plentiful, apple cider vinegar has arguably even more trusted applications. Its wide-ranging benefits (rivaling the number of uses for tea tree oil and other nifty natural helpers) include everything from helping hiccups to alleviating cold symptoms, and some people have turned to apple cider vinegar to help with health concerns including type 2 diabetes,, heart problems, high cholesterol, and weight issues.

Apple cider vinegar may help tummy troubles
One of the oldest apple cider vinegar (ACV) uses in the book is to take it to fix tummy woes. For an upset stomach, try sipping some apple cider vinegar mixed with water. If you have diarrhea and a bacterial infection is the reason why, apple cider vinegar could help control the problem, thanks to its antibiotic properties. What’s more, some folk remedy experts contend that apple cider vinegar contains pectin, which can help soothe intestinal spasms. Try mixing one or two tablespoons into water or clear juice like apple juice. 

Apple cider vinegar may help cure hiccups
Try a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar; it might  stop a case of hiccups in its tracks. According to a case report in a 2015 issue of the Journal of Palliative Medicine, one patient who developed persistent hiccups the day after undergoing chemotherapy found significant improvement after using vinegar. The journal notes, “Hiccups stopped or decreased in intensity or in rate per minute after sipping vinegar.” While that’s just one person with  a specific illness, it might be worth considering. More studies are needed to better determine ACV’s role in reducing hiccups. 

Apple cider vinegar may help soothe a sore throat
As soon as you feel the prickle of a sore throat, consider trying germ-busting apple cider vinegar to help head off the infection. Vinegar creates an acidic environment that has been used since ancient times to kill germs. Modern research suggests it works best when used in the context of food preparation, and it has had mixed results when used to fight germs in people, according to a 2006 review in Medscape General Medicine. (It’s generally not recommended for treating wounds, they say.) However, given its usage in food and home remedies for more than 2000 years, it’s considered safe to ingest, according to the report. Just mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup warm water and gargle every hour or so.

Apple cider vinegar could lower cholesterol
More research is needed to definitively link apple cider vinegar and its capability to lower cholesterol in humans. But one 2006 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that the acetic acid in the vinegar lowered total cholesterol in rats. A second study in animals suggested that it might also help lower blood pressure. In a report in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, rats with high blood pressure given acetic acid had a drop in blood pressure compared with a control group given no vinegar or acetic acid. However, use caution here and talk to your doctor—large amounts of apple cider vinegar may pose a problem for people taking medications such as digoxin or diuretics, which are used to treat heart failure, hypertension, and other conditions. 

Apple cider vinegar may help prevent indigestion
Sip before eating, especially if you know you’re going to indulge in foods that will make you sorry later. Try this folk remedy: add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before you dine.

Apple cider vinegar may aid in weight loss
Apple cider vinegar may help you lose weight. According to a 2018 report in the Journal of Functional Foods, apple cider vinegar, when part of a restricted calorie diet, “can be considered as an effective strategy” for reducing visceral fat and helping in a few other health issues. Harvard Medical School experts also point to information that suggests a possible link between vinegar and weight loss: they explain that ACV contains acetic acid, which “has been found to reduce absorption of starches and slow digestion, which can lead to a sensation of a full stomach.” But more research has yet to be done to fully determine the link between weight loss and apple cider vinegar.  

Apple cider vinegar may help get rid of dandruff
Apple cider vinegar may also help your scalp. The acidity of apple cider vinegar could alter the pH of your scalp, making it harder dandruff-causing conditions to set in. Mix 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup water in a spray bottle, and spritz on your scalp. Wrap your head in a towel and let sit for 15 minutes to an hour, then wash your hair as usual. Do this twice a week for best results.

Apple cider vinegar may help clear acne
Apple cider vinegar is a natural toner that can act as a natural home remedy for acne. Its antibacterial properties may help keep acne under control. The malic and lactic acids found in apple cider vinegar might help soften and exfoliate skin, reduce red spots, and balance the pH of your skin. Make sure to do a spot test on your skin first as it might cause skin irritation in some people.

Apple cider vinegar might boost energy
Exercise and stress cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue. Interestingly, the amino acids contained in apple cider vinegar may act as an antidote. ACV also contains potassium and enzymes that may relieve that tired feeling. So the next time you’re sluggish, try drinking apple cider vinegar. Add a tablespoon or two of it to a glass of a chilled vegetable drink or to a glass of water to boost your energy. 

Apple cider vinegar may cut down on nighttime leg cramps
Leg cramps can often be a sign that you’re low in potassium. Since one of the many apple cider vinegar benefits is that contains potassium, one home remedy suggests mixing 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon honey to a glass of warm water, then drinking to relieve nighttime leg cramps. Of course, by the time you walk to the kitchen to put the drink together, your cramp is likely to be history—but maybe that’s the point. Keep in mind that large amounts of apple cider vinegar may actually lower potassium levels, so use in moderation.

Apple cider vinegar may banish bad breath
If proper brushing and mouthwash don’t do the trick, try the home remedy of using apple cider vinegar to control bad breath. Dilute some with water, then gargle with it or drink a teaspoon. This may kill odor-causing bacteria. It seems to also have another oral health benefit; a 2015 study published in the Journal of Prosthodontics concluded that “apple cider vinegar showed antifungal properties,” specifically against oral mucous membrane inflammation that can occur under a denture.

Apple cider vinegar may help whiten teeth
Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning. The vinegar helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. Brush as usual after you gargle. You can also brush your teeth with baking soda once a week to help remove stains and whiten your teeth; use it just as you would toothpaste. Be cautious though; too much ACV or baking soda may affect  your tooth enamel, which protects against cavities and tooth sensitivity.

Apple cider vinegar may help fade bruises
Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties; dabbing or laying an apple cider vinegar compress on a bruise may help fade the discoloration. 

Apple cider vinegar may help control blood sugar
A few swigs of apple cider vinegar could help your blood sugar levels. A 2007 study conducted by Arizona State University researchers found that people with type 2 diabetes who consumed two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one ounce of cheese at bedtime had a lower fasting glucose the next morning compared with when they consumed water with their cheese before bed. (The patients weren’t taking insulin but continued to take their oral medications for type 2 diabetes during the study if they were on them.) The scientists concluded that the anti-glycemic effect of the apple cider vinegar may have been particularly beneficial for people who tended to have a relatively high fasting glucose.

8 remarkable things that happen when you eat enough fiber

Just 25 to 29 grams of fiber a day can add years to your life, conclude the authors of a major new analyses.
Dietary fiber doesn’t have the most glamorous reputation. Unlike the pizzazz of so-called superfoods and the visual feast of eating the rainbow, humble fiber has mostly been relegated to the realms of “what to eat to stay regular.” Hello, prunes, hi there, bran.
But while you are not likely to see sexy shots of food on Instagram exuberantly hashtagged with #fiber, maybe fiber’s time is coming. I mean, if the once-maligned kale and Brussel’s sprouts can become rock stars, why not fiber? And especially now, given new research once again confirming fiber’s seriously impressive benefits.
The research was commissioned by the World Health Organization and looked at carbohydrate quality and human health. Fiber is the all-important nondigestible component of plant food and is an important part of the carbohydrates we consume. And unfortunately, it is all too often removed in processed foods – think white bread versus whole-grain bread, or fruit juice versus whole fruit.
The researchers conducted a meta-analyses of 185 prospective studies and 58 clinical trials, which included a total of 4,635 adult participants. It’s a fascinating study (if you swing that way, writer raises hand), but for now I’ll just cut to the chase and reveal the findings.
When comparing those who ate the highest amount of dietary fiber with the lowest consumers, they found:
A 15 to 30 percent decrease in:
1) All-cause and cardiovascular related mortality
2) Incidence of coronary heart disease
3) Stroke incidence and mortality
4) Type-2 diabetes
5) Colorectal cancer
When comparing higher with lower intakes of dietary fiber, clinical trials showed:
6) Significantly lower bodyweight
7) Significantly lower systolic blood pressure
8) Significantly lower total cholesterol
The golden number for risk reduction was between 25 grams and 29 grams. But they also found that eating 30 grams or more “could confer even greater benefit to protect against cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal and breast cancer.”
As nutritionist Leslie Beck explains in The Globe and Mail:
“Fibre-rich whole foods retain much of their structure in the gut, which helps promote satiety and weight control. Fibre in the gut also reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream and slows the rise in blood sugar after eating.”
The researchers only considered naturally occurring fiber – not fiber that was added to food (which food makers do to boost nutritional labels) or fiber taken as a supplement.
The U.S. FDA says that most Americans do not get the recommended amount of dietary fiber, calling it a "nutrient of public health concern" because low intakes are associated with potential health risks.
Current U.S. guidelines for fiber are 25.2 for females ages 31 to 50 and 30.8 grams for males 31 to 50 (to see other ages, go to page 43). Meanwhile, the Daily Value listed on nutrition labels is for 25 grams per day, based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
There are two types of dietary fiber – most plant foods contain some of each, and both are important. The FDA defines them as such:
Soluble fiber dissolves in water to form a thick gel-like substance in the stomach. It is broken down by bacteria in the large intestine and provides some calories. It can be found in beans and peas, fruits, oats (like oat bran and oatmeal), nuts and seeds, vegetables, and more.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water and passes through the gastrointestinal tract relatively intact and, therefore, is not a source of calories. It can be found in fruits, nuts and seeds, vegetables, wheat bran, and whole grain foods (such as brown rice and whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta).
Here is a random sample of fiber amounts (taken from the FDA's chart found on pages 46 and 47 here) to give you an idea of what you may be eating and where to get more.
High fiber bran ready-to-eat cereal: 1/2 cup serving – 9.1 to 14.3 grams
Cooked navy beans: 1/2 cup serving – 9.6 grams
Canned chick peas: 1/2 cup serving – 8.1 grams
Fresh pear: Medium size – 5.5 grams
Avocado: 1/2 cup serving 5.0 grams
Green peas: 1/2 cup serving 3.5 to 4.4 grams
Raspberries: 1/2 cup serving 4.0 grams
Baked potato with skin: One medium – 3.6 grams
Whole-wheat spaghetti, cooked: 1/2 cup serving – 3.2 grams
Orange or banana: One medium – 3.1 grams
Basically, think whole grains, beans and pulses, vegetables and fruits – every day. A diet which also happens to be much better for the planet than plates full of resource-intensive animal products.
And all of that said, there's one last thing to keep in mind: Add fiber to your diet slowly. Bumping up your dietary fiber too quickly can lead to gas, bloating, and cramps – and in our quest to make fiber the sexy new nutritional star, stomach discomfort is not part of the plan.

10 surprising food swaps to get more fiber

Most of us don't eat nearly enough fiber, a lack of which can lead to some serious health risks.
Fiber is not glamorous. It doesn't have sexy colors, it's not associated with dazzling flavors. Fiber is more Great Aunt Millie's prunes and bran cereal, less Instagram enthusiasm – I mean, when was the last time you saw a food photo on social media breathlessly hashtagged with #fiber?
But have no fear, because I am here to rave about fiber! I always love the underdog, especially when the underdog in question here, dietary fiber, is so crucial – and so sadly lacking in the standard American diet.
The U.S. FDA says that most Americans do not get the recommended amount of dietary fiber, calling it a "nutrient of public health concern" because low intakes are associated with so many potential health risks. As far as I'm concerned, anytime we can address expensive and resource-intensive health issues with lifestyle/diet changes, it's worthy of attention.
A major analyses recently found that 25 to 29 grams of fiber a day can add years to your life, and the benefits are even higher when you consume 30 grams or more. 
Current U.S. guidelines for fiber are 25.2 grams for females ages 31 to 50 and 30.8 grams for males 31 to 50 (to see other ages, go to page 43).
Processing foods removes a lot of fiber (and other nutrients), so simply eating more whole foods and less junky ones can make a big difference. But I wanted to come up with some specific swaps to make it even easier – I think these are easy and delicious and completely reasonable. Most of this data comes from the USDA nutrient database, and are for total dietary fiber. I intentionally left our foods that have added inulin or cellulose used to boost the nutrition panel.

1. Raspberries instead of grapes

For 5 ounces (around 1 cup):
Green grapes – 1.3 grams fiber (100 calories)
Raspberries – 9 grams fiber (70 calories)

2. Split peas instead of chicken noodle soup

For one cup:
Chicken noodle soup – 2 grams fiber (120 calories)
Split peas, cooked – 16.3 grams fiber (227 calories)

3. Chickpea pasta instead of white pasta

For two ounces dry:
White flour penne – 2 grams fiber (200 calories)
Banza chick pea penne – 8 grams fiber (190 calories)

4. Whole wheat bread instead of white bread

For two slices:
White bread – 2 grams fiber
100% whole wheat bread – 6 grams fiber

5. Baked potato instead of french fries

McDonald's french fries, small – 2.8 grams fiber (229 calories)
Russet baked potato with skin – 6.9 grams fiber (284 calories)

6. Fresh green peas instead of canned green beans

For one cup cooked:
Canned green beans – 3.4 grams fiber
Fresh green peas – 9 grams fiber

7. Quinoa instead of rice

For one cup, cooked:
White rice – .06 grams fiber (206 calories)
Brown rice – 3.6 fiber (216 calories)
Quinoa – 5.2 grams fiber (222 calories)

8. Green smoothie instead of green juice

From a popular juice chain:
Green juice, 12 ounces – 0 grams fiber (60 calories)
Green smoothie, 20 ounces - 10 grams fiber (220 calories)

9. Apple instead of apple juice

Apple juice, 12 ounces – 0 grams of fiber (175 calories)
Apple, 2 small – 7.2 grams fiber (156 calories)

10. Chia seeds instead of granola (as a topping)

For one ounce:
Granola – 1.5 grams fiber (132 calories)
Chia seeds – 9.8 grams fiber (138 calories)