
Thursday 27 September 2018

6 Astounding Celery Juice Benefits

There is a new trendy superfood in the headlines, but it is not exotic, like goji or acai. It’s plain old celery juice.


What—celery?! Yep. It’s not just a vessel for peanut butter and hummus. Pure, fresh celery juice is a therapeutic food that’s worth developing a taste for. Here are some of its astounding health benefits.

1. It’s loaded with nutrients.

From vitamins to antioxidants, celery is bursting with phytonutrients that are good for your health. When you juice a bunch of celery, you are creating a dense elixir of nutrition.
In addition to being nutrient rich, drinking celery juice improves the proper utilization of nutrients within the body, meaning fewer nutrients go to waste.

2. It is powerfully anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

The flavonoids in celery have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can support the prevention of chronic disease. Specifically, it is rich in polyacetylenes and luteolin, both of which are known to reduce inflammation and may even stop the activation of certain unwanted or damaging genes.

3. It strengthens digestion and balances pH.

The enzymes in celery juice naturally work to raise the HCL (hydrochloric acid) levels in your stomach, while the salt content of celery juice helps to alkalize the body and promote internal balance. 
A glass of fresh celery juice in the morning can support enhanced digestion throughout the entire day. It also helps to reduce bloating, gas, and intestinal inflammation.

4. It can protect against the effects of chemotherapy.

Be aware, celery juice can interact with prescription medications. In the case of chemo, celery juice was shown in a small study to reduce the free radical damage and oxidative stress caused by the chemicals while having an overall positive effect on the drug’s effects.
Talk to your doctor about potential interactions before consuming large amounts of celery juice.

5. Celery juice may hold the key to autoimmune health.

There is a theory that some autoimmune diseases may actually be caused by Epstein-Barr virus (aka the virus that causes mononucleosis). If that turns out to be the case, celery juice may be incredibly powerful at drawing pathogens out of the body and supporting autoimmune healing.
According to some natural health experts, it has the capacity to actually break down and flush out pathogens like viruses and neurotoxins, although there is no hard evidence to back this theory up yet.

6. It contains healing mineral salts.

Technically an herb, celery is high in bioactive sodium and trace mineral salts.
Not all salt is created equal. The salt present in fresh celery juice is nourishing to the body. It actually helps to stabilize blood pressure, unlike table salt, which increases it. According to Anthony William, aka Medical Medium, these salts may also help to flush out dangerous toxins from the body, which makes taking a glass of straight celery juice every day a beneficial practice, especially for proper brain function.
“The mineral salts specifically in celery are instrumental in the electricity that governs the body—they’re building blocks for neurotransmitter chemicals, they ignite electrical impulse activity, and they support neuron function,” William explains on his website. The electrolytes in celery juice are also deeply hydrating.


Is celery juice the answer to your ailments? Maybe. Maybe not. But it doesn’t hurt to try!
Invest in an affordable juicer or carefully filter the contents of your blender and try drinking 16 ounces of freshly juiced organic celery on an empty stomach each morning and see how you feel.
If straight celery juice doesn’t taste great to you, Williams recommends juicing some apple or cucumber along with your celery until your palate adjusts. Sure, it’s an acquired taste, but it may do wonders for your health.

11 Worst Shampoo Brands Linked to Brain and Kidney Damage, Headaches, Allergies, and Liver Tumors

Did you know that most shampoo is a chemical mixture of many toxic ingredients? These chemicals are very harmful to you and to the environment.
Even shampoos claiming they have “all-natural ingredients” aren’t safe and dangerous. Manufacturers of these still use things ammonium laurel sulphate. Doesn’t sound all-natural, right? My rule is – if you can’t eat it, then you shouldn’t put it on your body.
Here are the main toxic ingredient you’ll want to avoid in shampoo:
  • Sulfates – Sodium lauryl and laureth sulfates are foaming agents and can be contaminated with 1,4 dioxane, a probable carcinogen.
  • Certain preservatives – These preservatives including parabens are linked to breast cancer and hormone disruption. Parabens have been discovered in low concentrations in breast cancer tumors and have the ability to weakly mimic estrogen.
  • Artificial fragrances – The term fragrance is a term for thousands of chemicals that include hormone disrupting phthalates, as well as skin irritants and allergens.
Petroleum products – Ingredients that come from non-renewable resources are not environmentally friendly.

Worst Shampoo Brands Linked to Brain and Kidney Damage, Headaches, Allergies, and Liver Tumors

If you are experiencing some health issues, the culprit may be your shampoo or other personal care products. Ingredients in most shampoo brands can cause asthma symptoms, sinusitis, allergies, and could even lead to cancer. Since your body can not recognize these ingredients, these chemicals wreak havoc with the immune system, causing viruses, colds, , and even fungal infections.

You Must Detox from this life long exposure

According to the  Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby has 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood. Can you imagine how many chemicals and toxins you have been exposed to in your life?
The most effective and inexpensive way to detox your body is to take spirulina. According to many recent scientific studies, spirulina (find it here) helps support healthy detoxification of  built up toxins from the body by binding to  them. Thus, these toxins are  carried out of the body through natural processes of elimination.

This Tea Burns Fat Faster than Any Other Drink or Food

In recent years, there have been a lot of news stories about the benefits of green tea in weight loss management. But does it really work, or is it just more hype being promoted by vitamin companies hoping to boost sales? Fortunately, there’s no need for conjecture. Lots of scientific studies have been conducted with the aim of unlocking green tea weight loss secrets, and what researchers have found time and time again is that drinking green tea does, in fact, offer significant benefits for those seeking to manage weight.
One of the primary ways green tea helps control weight is by preventing the degradation of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in helping the body shed pounds. Here’s how:
The body naturally produces a chemical called catechol-O-methyltransferase, or COMT, which regulates the production and activity of norepinephrine. Green tea contains catechins, chemical substances that inhibit COMT to prevent it from breaking down norepinephrine. As a result, more of the neurotransmitter is available to aid the body in losing weight. 
Tea contains several catechins, but the one that’s found in the greatest concentration is epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG, which is often mentioned in ads promoting green tea supplements.
The great thing about these catechins is that they can be easily included in supplements, which means you don’t need to drink a boatload of tea in order to experience all the weight-loss benefits that tea offers. And the even greater thing is that there have been lots of scientific studies to prove it.
What the studies are saying
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published several studies about green teaextract and its benefits in weight loss. In one study of healthy men, researchers looked at both fat oxidation — that is, how well the body burns fat — and the ability of the body to control and tolerate glucose with and without green tea supplementation. What they found was that the men who were given the green tea supplements had better glucose tolerance and significantly greater fat-burning activity; in fact, they found that the fat-burning rate in men who took the green tea supplements was a whopping 17 percent greater than it was in men who did not take the supplements. (1)
In another study published in the journal, researchers decided to determine if the catechins in green tea really promote weight loss or if the extra fat-burning activity demonstrated by tea could actually be attributed to the beverage’s caffeine. They divided their subjects into three groups, giving green tea supplements to one group, caffeine supplements to another group and a placebo to the third group. Then they looked at how much energy the body expended during a 24-hour period. What they found was that the group which received the green tea supplements had a significant increase in energy expenditure compared to the other groups, meaning the fat-burning properties of green tea have nothing to do with the caffeine contained in the beverage form. (2) In fact, no increase in fat-burning energy expenditure was noted in the group receiving just caffeine. Their conclusion: Green tea promotes fat oxidation “beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se.” In plain English, it’s not green tea’s caffeine content that promotes weightloss.
Not only does green tea help increase the amount of fat the body burns, but it also seems to prevent fat cells from collecting additional fat. In a study that focused on the effects of green tea’s ECGC content, the compound found in green tea supplements, researchers found that ECGC “effectively depleted fat accumulation” in fat cells, or adipocytes. (3)
And in a study from Penn State University, mice that were fed ECGC along with a high-fat diet gained weight much more slowly than mice that were fed the same exact diet but without the addition of ECGC, indicating that consumption of ECGC can aid in weight loss independently of other effects or activity. (4)
Maximizing the benefits
So what does all this mean? In a nutshell, all of these studies (and many others) have clearly shown that taking green tea supplements with ECGC can have a significant effect on weight management and weight loss. Of course, when those supplements are combined with other healthy lifestyle habits, shedding pounds can become even easier. To get the greatest weight-loss benefits, add in a healthy diet and exercise regularly — simply taking regular walks will work wonders.
The best time to start any weight management program, including introducing green tea supplements for weight management, is now. Take that first step toward healthier living and see how quickly you start to feel more energized and more in control of your own life and health.

7 Antioxidant-Rich Fruit Combo Juice You Should Be Drinking

Who doesn't enjoy a cool glass of juice? Everybody does as it quenches your thirst, cools and hydrates your body during the summer and proffers numerous health benefits. What you should also know is the fact that fruit juices are packed with antioxidants which are good for your body and offer the best protection against free radical damage that causes various diseases.
Antioxidants are substances that protect the cells of your body from free radical damage that occur due to exposure to certain chemicals, smoking and pollution.
They also lower the risk of infections and cancer and are good for your heart health too.
The most common antioxidants found in fruits are lycopene, anthocyanins, flavonols, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, resveratrol, and tannins.
So to get a variety of antioxidants from your diet, you can try different fruit combinations while making juices or consume a mixed fruit plate. 

Here is the list of 7 Antioxidant-Rich Fruit Combo Juice

1. Watermelon + Lemon
2. Mango+ Pineapple
3. Strawberry+ Orange
4. Pomegranate + Concord Grapes
5. Cherry + Kiwi
6. Lychee + Blueberry
7. Apples + Guava

1. Watermelon + Lemon

Watermelons are made up of 92 per cent of water which keeps your body hydrated. Watermelons contain a potent antioxidant lycopene in large amounts, which is higher than any other fruit, according to the National Watermelon Promotion Board. It contains the antioxidant vitamin C, which is also present in lemons. When combined together can help combat the formation of free radicals which are known to cause cancer.

2. Mango+ Pineapple

Mangoes are an excellent source of vitamin A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and beta-cryptoxanthin. All of these compounds have been known to have antioxidant properties and help in maintaining good eyesight. Pineapples are a good source of antioxidants like vitamin C and phenolic acids and many of the antioxidants in pineapples are bound, which allow the antioxidants to produce long-lasting effects in the body. 

3. Strawberry+ Orange

Strawberries are one of the antioxidant-rich fruits which have been shown to fight carcinogens. These contain anthocyanins, the antioxidants that protect against cardiovascular disease and also vitamin C that protects the cells of the body from free radical damage. Oranges are also abundant in vitamin C, which when combined with strawberries doubles up the antioxidant benefits.

4. Pomegranate + Concord Grapes

Pomegranates are antioxidant-rich fruits containing three types of antioxidant polyphenols, which includes tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Another powerful antioxidant called punicalagins are also found in the juice. The peel of a pomegranate has three times the antioxidant activity of red wine and green tea.
Concord grapes contain resveratrol, another powerful antioxidant that has been found to prevent and treat cancer, cardiovascular diseases and neurodegenerative diseases. 

5. Cherry + Kiwi

Cherries, especially the tart cherries are an excellent source of vitamin A, that helps to maintain the neurological function and fight free radical damage. They also contain an array of polyphenols that decreases oxidative stress and inflammation. Kiwi fruits are rich in vitamin C which is almost twice that of oranges and lemons.

6. Lychee + Blueberry

Lychee is another fruit rich in antioxidants, most commonly vitamin C, which aids in the functioning of the immune system, protects against cough and cold. Blueberries contain anthocyanins that have antioxidant properties plus vitamin A and vitamin C. Among the fruits that are rich in antioxidants, blueberries take the first place.

7. Apples + Guava

Apples are rich in antioxidants, quercetin, pectin, and flavonoids that aid in protecting the cells from oxidative damage and support healthy ageing.
Guava juice is titled as the ultimate superfood containing lots of antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin C and lycopene.

Tuesday 25 September 2018

The Cave-Dwelling Crocodiles of Gabon

Ten years ago, a team of scientists went exploring into the rainforest of Gabon, and ventured into a cave. In the pitch-black, bat-infested interior, the scientists came face to face with a terrifying creature with big glowing eyes and bright orange scales. It was a crocodile.
Crocodiles rarely inhabit caves, and this malevolent appearance threw the scientists off feet. Luckily, the creature was as surprised as the men, and it scurried off into the darkness. After exploring more than 600 meters of cavities, the researchers spotted a total of nine crocodiles living in inhospitable environment. There was no light inside the caves, everywhere there was bat droppings, and there was little to eat. They also found that some of the crocodiles were trapped inside by narrow openings and deep pits and with no way to get out.
Numerous expeditions to the Abanda caves have been carried out in the past ten years in an effort to better understand the origin of these cave-dwelling crocodiles. This is what we know till now.
The Abanda cave crocodiles are a species of the African dwarf crocodiles, which are found throughout West and Central Africa. They are the world’s smallest crocodile species averaging 1.5 meters in length. The cave-dwelling crocodiles, however, have many physical dissimilarities with their forest- and swamp-dwelling cousins. They have broader heads, have poor eyesight, and their skin has a strange orange hue. Researchers believe that years of soaking in bat-poop had discolored their skin, the same way crocodile leather manufacturers treat crocodile skin with chemicals to bleaches the skin off its dark color.
But the difference is more than skin deep. Researchers found their genetic signature is also different from their topside counterparts, which has lead researchers to believe that the crocodiles are undergoing mutation and is slowly transforming into a new species. Because these kind of changes require several hundred generations to accumulate in their DNAs, its believed that the crocodiles split off thousands of years ago from its outdoor relatives.
"Maybe it's just the reproduction within a very small population,” explained Olivier Testa, one of the scientist studying the crocs. “If you take 100 human beings and you put them together for 1000 years, they start mutating because they just reproduce between themselves.”
It’s hard to say why they chose to live inside caves. Maybe they like bats, because that’s the only stuff the crocodiles get to eat, and crickets and algae. Occasionally, the juvenile crocodiles may leave their homes to explore the outside through various openings, but once the crocs hit a certain size they get trapped inside and have to spend the rest of their days in pitch-dark, feeding off bats and swimming in bat guano.
Photo credit: Olivier Testa
Comparison of a cave crocodile and a forest-dwelling one. Photo credit: Olivier Testa


Thursday 20 September 2018

Could Probiotic Supplements Actually Be Bad For You?

Probiotics have been the buzzword for the last decade. Everywhere I turn there are news stories or studies about their myriad health benefits. So, imagine my surprise when I came across an article about the problems of probiotic supplementation entitled “‘Good’ bacteria? New research suggests probiotics might actually be bad.” The article proceeded to explain how supplementation with probiotics might be useless or may actually damage your health. Intrigued, I continued reading.
The article mentioned two studies. In the first one, published in the journal Cell, researchers gave 25 volunteers a probiotic supplement containing 11 strains of probiotics for one month. After testing stomach and intestinal samples at the end of the study, they found that the bacteria had either gone through their bodies or were overtaken by other bacteria.
The second study, published in the same journal, assessed the post-antibiotic probiotic supplementation of 46 people. The researchers found that the probiotic supplements delayed the regrowth of the bacteria that had been destroyed by the antibiotics.
Before you assume that probiotics might actually be bad for you, as the story suggests, let’s consider a few other facts. 
Both of the study samples are extremely small and don’t warrant drawing any type of blanket conclusions about probiotics being useless or, worse, harmful to people. Even a cursory review of the latter study showed that the scientists were recognizing the value of probiotics but not used as a one-size-fits-all approach the way that most doctors recommend them. I totally agree with that. One-size-fits-all doesn’t work in virtually any aspect of life. Why would probiotics be any different? The correct way to take probiotics is to use formulations of research-supported strains for particular health purposes.
Considering that there is a whole host (pun intended) of other studies showcasing the many health benefits of taking probiotics, including as a treatment for antibiotic-associated health problems, I would expect that these studies be considered prior to making claims that probiotics may be bad. I should know, I reviewed thousands of studies for the two books I wrote on probiotics: The Cultured Cook and The Probiotic Promise. Among them include studies with larger population samples. For example, one study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology found that supplementation with probiotics was highly effective at alleviating the effects of antibiotics.
Another study published in the journal BMJ Clinical Research found that a blend of probiotics L. caseiL. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus cut the incidence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea by almost two-thirds. That would likely be considered a miracle drug in the pharmaceutical industry if it was patentable.
Scientists in Finland conducted another study that was published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, in which they tested the effectiveness of probiotic supplements to 1) prevent antibiotic-related diarrhea; and 2) to assess the rate of C. difficile infections and the resulting diarrhea from antibiotic use. They found a direct link between the highest doses of probiotics and the lowest incidence and shortest durations of antibiotic-induced side-effects like diarrhea. As a bonus, they found that those supplementing with probiotic supplements had fewer fevers, abdominal pain and bloating.
Before you believe the apparently new hype that probiotics are useless or dangerous, it is important to consider a few more things:
1)     Your bowels are packed with probiotics that are needed to keep you alive so claiming probiotics are harmful is both disturbing and dangerous. You couldn’t live without them.
2)     Like all bacteria, good or bad, they fight for space and nutrients. In your bowels, that means they battle each other for attachment to your intestinal walls and for the nutrients you provide them with through the food you eat. Eat a lousy diet and you’ll feed the harmful bacteria, but if you eat a diet full of fiber and natural sugars from fruit you’ll feed the beneficial ones.
3)     Broad-spectrum probiotic supplements that are formulated without the consideration of the interactions between bacteria simply won’t yield the health-promoting results that have been achieved in thousands of studies. It’s not just a matter of take as many different types as you can and you’ll get great results. You might not get any beneficial results if you take this approach. But, that doesn’t mean that probiotic supplements are useless or dangerous. Far from it.
Research-supported formulas can save lives. There are many studies showcasing their benefits for everything from antibiotic-induced side-effects to fighting superbug infections that often kill people, giving probiotics the potential to, not just improve health, but save lives.

Is Red Wine Really Anti-Inflammatory?

Chronic inflammation can do a lot of damage to your body. It increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and accelerated aging.
That’s why it’s important to make healthy lifestyle choices that reduce the risk of inflammation. One thing you can do is increase your intake of anti-inflammatory foods. These foods contain antioxidants that protect your cells from the effects of free radicals.


Red wine is an anti-inflammatory food. It contains powerful antioxidants including catechin, resveratrol, proanthocyanidins, and epicatechin. In fact, research has proven that red wine can lower inflammation.
In the study, researchers asked 40 healthy males to take two drinks of red wine or gin a day for 28 days. The results showed that both groups had lower levels of IL-1alpha, which is a marker of inflammation. However, the red wine group had significantly lower levels of inflammatory molecules. 


Now, before you get too excited and start drinking red wine every night, here are a few things you should know about red wine’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Red wine contains sugar.

If you’re trying to cut back on sugar, drinking red wine every day may not be the way to go. In fact, drinking too much red wine can worsen your inflammation and cause weight gain.

Alcoholic drinks disrupt sleep.

There’s a misconception that alcohol aids sleep. But that’s far from the truth. It only helps you fall asleep but it disrupts deep sleep later at night.
You may want to stay away from red wine before bed if you struggle with insomnia. The benefits of quality deep sleep definitely outweigh those of red wine.

Too much red wine does more harm than good.

The US government recommends one to 1.5 glasses a day for women and one to two glasses a day for men. Anything more than the recommended amount can have negative side effects, like a higher risk of dementia.
For some, one glass may be too much. It can lead to poor choices, like binge eating or binge drinking.

Red wine contains very low amounts of resveratrol.

Most of the benefits of red wine are attributed to compound, resveratrol. Unfortunately, red wine has very low amounts of this compound.
You would have to drink several bottles of red wine a day to get the amount of resveratrol used in animal studies. You’re better off just eating grapes instead.


While red wine does have anti-inflammatory properties, it may not work for everyone. Consider the points above before you decide to use it to fight inflammation. If you choose to use it, stick to one to two glasses a day and go for one to two days a week without drinking it.
Note that drinking red wine won’t help much if you’re on a high-sugar diet. You need to cut back on sugar first to fight inflammation.