
Friday 16 March 2018

A Comfy Bedroom At 8200 Feet (2700 Meters) (7 Pics)

This unusual destination offers people the opportunity to sleep at 8200 feet (2700 meters) above the snowy mountain peaks. 

Same Newspaper In All Hollywood Movies

Do you notice something strange about the newspapers in these movies?

How can that be? Well, apparently movie companies have used this same newspaper prop for 50 years: it comes from a small company known as The Earl Hays Press located in California, which has been printing this specific prop piece since the 1960’s. The papers come with a customizable front page, but the inside and back are always exactly the same. The fact that the inside always features a prominent photo of a dark-haired young woman is probably what caught the eye of the guy who discovered this “news” in the first place. 

Thursday 15 March 2018

10 Benefits Of Eating Spinach Every Day

Spinach was a superfood for 'Popeye the Sailorman' which would turn his arms stronger. Though we are not sure of whether eating spinach every day would make your arms stronger or not, but it's definitely filled with nutrition that can protect your body from a lot of harmful diseases.
This superfood is free of cholesterol, sugar and fat and each cup of raw spinach contains 7 calories, which is great for losing weight. Spinach is rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients and it is the most versatile food.
Spinach provides essential nutrients and energy to kids and adults alike and it is great for improving your cognitive functions. It can be added as a part of your daily diet due to its profound health benefits.

So, read on to know about the benefits of eating spinach every day.


1. Packed With Nutrition

Leafy greens like spinach are extremely low in calories. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1 cup of raw spinach has only 7 calories, which is good for those who want to lose weight. Spinach contains 1 gram of protein, 1 gram of carbs and 0.7 gram of fibre.

2. A Brain-boosting Food

Spinach is considered to be an essential food for the brain. It contains minerals like folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C and various other antioxidants. These help to prevent the deterioration of neuronal and cognitive functions.

3. Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

Eating spinach every day will help to meet your daily nutritional requirements. The leaves of the spinach are packed with folate, vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, iron, etc. These will help to protect you against serious health conditions like diabetes, kidney stones, cancer, heart attack and stroke.

4. Supports Vision

Spinach is a good source of beta-carotene, xanthene and lutein. These antioxidants are considered to be beneficial for your vision. Also, spinach contains vitamin A, which promotes eye health and prevents the inflammation or irritation of the eyes.

5. Fights Osteoporosis

Spinach is a great source of vitamin K, which is known for keeping your bones stronger and healthy. It has the ability to treat osteoporosis and prevent it too. So, having spinach every day will help to fight against osteoporosis.

6. It Will Tone Your Muscles

If you have sagging arms and stomach and planning to get rid of it. Start eating spinach every day for at least 7 days a week. Spinach contains an antioxidant that helps to strengthen your muscles by supplying them with blood rich in oxygen.

7. Improves Metabolism

The high amount of protein in spinach is totally mind-blowing. It has a positive effect on the digestive system and improves your metabolism. Spinach being high in protein will keep your stomach full for a longer period of time.

8. Prevents Inflammation

Spinach is anti-inflammatory in nature. It is high in anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants that will help prevent and treat the inflammation in the body.

9. Prevents Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis occurs when your arteries become hardened. Eating spinach every day will prevent the appearance of atherosclerosis, cerebral-vascular accidents and heart attacks.

10. Good For Weight Loss

Eating a cup of spinach every day will help you to shed off those unwanted pounds. A diet which contains 1200 to 1600 calories is effective for weight loss, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. And spinach aids in quicker weight loss process.

10 Myths And Truths About Chocolate You Should Know

Do you have a soft corner for chocolates? Do you love binging on chocolate every now and then? Chocolate has always been a favourite snack to munch on and it's equally loved by people of all ages.
Chocolate is being experimented in many sinful desserts, from a mug of hot cocoa to chocolate truffle. It has vital nutrients that play an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Chocolate is known to boost-up your mood when you are stressed out or when you are having PMS (premenstrual syndrome) bothering you. Chocolate isn't bad for us at all, but you see there are many myths about chocolates that you shouldn't believe in.

We are breaking the code of myths and truths about chocolate, below. Take a look.

1. Myth: Chocolate Lacks Health Benefits

Fact: Chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants, zinc and magnesium. It is also packed with protein, calcium and phosphate, which help to reduce insulin resistance. Dark chocolate has the highest amount of antioxidants and consuming it will help to maintain the blood pressure.

2. Myth: Chocolate Is High In Caffeine

Fact: Eating chocolate will boost your mood up, but it's a myth that it is high in caffeine. A chocolate bar or a glass of chocolate milk contains 6 grams of caffeine, which is same the amount of a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

3. Myth: Chocolate Causes Acne

Fact: A diet plays a major role in keeping your skin healthy. Chocolate may cause acne because of the fat content in it, but the chances are very less. An increased intake of oily food and a combination of bacteria are what cause acne on your skin.

4. Myth: Chocolate Causes Weight Gain

Fact: Chocolate is not the sole reason behind your weight gain. Eating chocolates in moderation doesn't affect your health and weight in any way. Consumption of excess processed foods leads to weight gain.

5. Myth: Chocolate Causes Cavities

Fact: Chocolates are not the primary reason for developing cavities. In fact, cavities are formed when the bacteria in the mouth metabolize the sugar and starch from any type of food you eat to produce acid. This acid eats through the enamel of the tooth, thus causing a cavity.

6. Myth: Chocolate Is Loaded With Saturated Fat

Fact: Milk chocolate contains a main saturated fat called stearic acid. This doesn't raise the cholesterol levels in the same way like other types of saturated fats do. Eating a chocolate bar instead of consuming a carbohydrate-rich food has been shown to increase the good cholesterol levels, as per a few studies.

7. Myth: Chocolate Causes Headaches

Fact: It is a true fact that chocolate doesn't cause migraine and headaches. Many noted studies have shown that there is no link between chocolate and headaches. If you are prone to having a headache or a migraine, then it might trigger you without even having a piece of chocolate.

8. Myth: White Chocolate Is A Chocolate

Fact: White chocolate is not really a chocolate because it is made with the help of cocoa butter, vanilla and milk solids. White chocolate is not a genuine chocolate because it doesn't contain cocoa powder in it.

9. Myth: Chocolate Lacks Nutritional Value

Fact: Chocolate is a good source of polyphenols, which are a type of antioxidant found in red wine that is associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease. A dark chocolate bar contains more antioxidants than milk chocolate.

10. Myth: Diabetic Patients Have To Give Up On Chocolate

Fact: Chocolate doesn't need to be completely avoided by people with diabetes because it has a low glycaemic index. This can improve insulin sensitivity in people and the endothelial dysfunction in diabetic patients.

10 Nutritional Health Benefits Of Blackcurrants

This summer, almost everyone is going to grab their choice of ice cream to beat the scorching heat. Ice cream comes in many flavours - from strawberry and vanilla to chocolate and blackcurrant. No! We aren't going to write about ice cream in this article if you may think so.
Have you ever had a blackcurrant ice cream? We guess you have understood by now. Yes, blackcurrant is what we are going to discuss about.
Blackcurrants are small, dark red and purple berries. Their name is due to the fact that these fruits are black in colour. They are juicy and sweet and are often used to make jams and jellies.
Blackcurrants are a good source of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fibres, antioxidants and flavonoids that are beneficial for the health.

Have a look at the nutritional health benefits of blackcurrants below.

1. Keeps Your Heart healthy

Eating blackcurrants regularly in moderate quantities is beneficial for the heart. It will keep your heart healthy and lower the risk of cardiovascular problems like stroke, heart attack, irregular heartbeat, etc. It is due to the polyphenolic compounds like flavonoids in them.

2. Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Blackcurrants are anti-carcinogenic in nature, which means they have the ability to reduce the risk of developing cancer in the body. This is mainly due to the antioxidants present in like vitamin C, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, etc.

3. High In Omega-3 Fatty acids

Blackcurrants are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. This helps in regulating the cholesterol level in the body by lowering the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increasing the HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

4. Controls High Blood Pressure

Blackcurrants are beneficial for people who are suffering with high blood pressure. Regular consumption of blackcurrants will lower the risk of high blood pressure or hypertension due to the presence of potassium in them. Potassium acts as a vasodilator, which relaxes the blood vessels and ensures a smooth flow of blood.

5. Fights Infections

Another health benefit of blackcurrant is their ability to fight against infections. It will make your immune system strong and build a protection against infections. A cup of blackcurrant provides 338 percent of the daily vitamin C requirement.

6. Good For The Brain

Blackcurrant is not only good for the body, but it also boosts brain health. Eating blackcurrants regularly will sharpen your memory skills and also boost the oxygen supply to the brain. This is due to the presence of iron and antioxidants in them.

7. Anti-bacterial In Nature

Moderate consumption of blackcurrants is beneficial for lowering the risk of bacterial infections like UTI (Urinary Tract Infections) and other kinds of infections. It contains chemical compounds like tannin and anthocyanin that can reduce the risk of infections.

8. Good For The Eyes

Eating blackcurrants daily will provide a better eyesight. It is because they are a good source of a number of antioxidants like vitamin C that prevents the free radicals from causing oxidative damage to your eyes.

9. Reduces The Risk Of Anaemia

Blackcurrants are rich in iron, which aids in the formation of red blood cells and ensures that the oxygenated blood reaches to every organ of the body. This reduces the risk of anaemia.

10. Promotes Good Sleep

Blackcurrants have the ability to improve the quality of sleep and provide relief from insomnia. If you have difficulty in falling asleep, start having blackcurrants regularly, as the magnesium content present in them will help improve the quality of your sleep.