
Saturday 2 December 2017

Couple Take 14 Years To Build Boat By Themselves (72 Pics)

A couple had dream of having their own boat to sail once they were retired. It took them 14 years to realize this dream. The boat was built from aluminum with a cherry wood interior. It has everything they need, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Here's a look at how they did it. 

Friday 1 December 2017

6 Maligned Vegetables You Should Reconsider

When I first dated my husband, Curtis, he ate exactly 4 vegetables: iceberg lettuce, carrots, broccoli and tomatoes—but only if those tomatoes were on pizza or slathered in sauce. While he wasn’t a fan of broccoli he figured he should eat something healthy.
Like many people, Curtis just wasn’t a big fan of vegetables. But over the years, he began to love a huge variety of vegetables as I prepared them in new and flavorful ways.
If you’re a vegetable hater, you might want to give some of the most maligned vegetables a second thought, especially once you learn some of their many benefits. Once you discover some easy ways to prepare them to transform their taste you might be ready to give even the most maligned vegetables consideration: 


Beets are powerful, nutrient-rich veggies that can significantly help build your health. Not only are they high in folate, manganese, potassium and vitamin C, they contain compounds called betaine, which are anti-inflammatory. The medical journal Nitric Oxideeven found that drinking beet juice significantly reduced high blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. If you’re not a fan, I encourage you to try tossing chopped beets in a little olive oil, a dash of pure maple syrup, and sea salt and pepper, then roasting them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour. 


While it isn’t a favorite among children, and frankly many adults, broccoli contains vitamins A, B2, B6, C, K, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium and is a well-known cancer-fighter. It contains plant compounds known as sulfurophane and indoles, which give it its anti-cancer properties. If you’re not a fan of this cruciferous vegetable, try sauteeing it with freshly chopped garlic, olive oil and sea salt. Once it is cooked toss it with some freshly-squeezed lemon juice.


Extremely high in vitamin K and C, Brussels sprouts are also high in folate, manganese, fiber, vitamin B6, choline, vitamin B1 and potassium. Brussels sprouts have also been found to uniquely protect our DNA from damage, making it worth serious consideration as a dietary addition. Roasting enhances the flavor of these miniature cabbage-like vegetables. Simply tossing them in some olive oil and sea salt and then roasting them gives them a nutty and delicious flavor. 


Cauliflower packs a sizable dose of vitamin C, potassium, fiber and many other vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious addition to any diet. And, thanks to its sulforaphane content, it has potent anti-cancer properties that can help as some protection against the dreaded disease. Tossing cauliflower in olive oil and sea salt and roasting it for about 30 minutes on 350 degrees transforms the flavor of cauliflower, giving it a delightful nutty taste.


Kale has both lovers and haters. It seems to be a vegetable with no middle ground. If you’re among the kale haters, like many people are, you may wish to reconsider based on its high vitamin C, A and K, as well as manganese, copper and vitamin B6 content. If you’re not a fan, choose baby kale which has a much more delicate flavor and texture than mature kale and chop it finely before adding to your favorite grain dish, soup or salad.


In addition to being high in vitamin C, manganese, potassium, copper, vitamin B6, turnips have also been found to aid weight loss, eye health, the misshapen bowel condition known as diverticulosis, as well as lowering blood pressure in those with high blood pressure. You can steam and mash turnips with some olive oil, almond milk, and sea salt and pepper, as you would mashed potatoes or add them to soups and stews.

The Remarkable Health Benefits of Potatoes

We have come to rely on potatoes as a comfort food; they have become a very popular part of our meals.
Potatoes have gained a reputation as being fattening, but studies have shown that you don’t have to gain weight eating them. Potatoes have some surprising health benefits such as helping with weight loss, lowering blood pressure and much more. How are potatoes good for you?

Lowers Blood Pressure and Risk of Heart Disease

Eating potatoes with their skins, prepared without oil once or twice every day can reduce high blood pressure. In a study of 18 individuals with high blood pressure, participants supplemented their anti-hypertensive high blood pressure drugs with 6 to 8 purple potatoes with skins twice a day for a month. None of them gained weight and blood pressure significantly decreased.

Moderate Help with Weight Loss

In a study, 90 overweight men and women added 5 to 7 servings of potatoes to their diet per week. Results showed a modest amount of weight loss among participants. Fiber in a diet is an important factor in weight loss because it keeps you full for longer.

Reduces Inflammation

In a 2011 study potatoes were found to reduce inflammation, which can be the cause of many major diseases.  

May Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Eating purple potatoes may reduce the risk of colon cancer according to a study published by the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

Help with Digestion and Regularity

There is good fiber content in potatoes, especially the skin. We know that fiber helps prevent constipation and keeps the digestive tract healthy. These health benefits don’t work if they are greasy French fries or potato chips.  A baked potato would work but not if it has added butter, sour cream, melted cheese or bacon bits. Some things to consider about potatoes:

Dangers of Processed Potato Products 

Potatoes processed with fat at a high temperature, the way potato chips and French fries are, produce acrylamide. Studies have found acrylamide may cause cancer, according to The National Cancer Institute. Also, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) data on acrylamide levels say that baked chips may contain way more acrylamide as regular chips. Baked potatoes or boiled ones are not a concern when it comes to acrylamide.

Potatoes are in the Nightshade Family

Potatoes are one of the vegetables that belong to the nightshade family, which includes eggplanttomatoes and bell peppers.  If you are sensitive to nightshades, they could trigger inflammation in the body and contribute to arthritis. There are no scientific studies to confirm this, but many health professionals have made the observation that some people are sensitive to nightshade produce. It has been suggested that this sensitivity to nightshades is a unique sensitivity to solanine.


This is a type of medication commonly prescribed for heart disease. It can cause potassium levels to increase in the blood. High-potassium foods like potatoes should be consumed in moderation when taking beta-blockers.


Potatoes are sprayed 5 or more times throughout the growing season to protect against various pests. After harvesting, another round of spraying occurs in the packing shed to ward off mold. Every year they show up on the Dirty Dozen list by the Environmental Working Group. Even after they are washed, pesticide residues remain, so it’s important to always buy organic potatoes.


A 5.5 ounce potato flesh has
  • 145 calories
  • 34 grams of carbohydrates
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 3 grams of sugar
  • 2 grams of fiber.
  • 8 milligram of calcium
A 2 ounce potato skin has
  • 115 calories
  • 27 grams of carbs
  • 2.5 grams of protein
  • less than 1 gram of sugar
  • 4.6 grams of fiber
  • 20 milligrams of calcium
It’s important to consume the skin of the potato in addition to the flesh as it will give you extra nutrients.

6 Potent Remedies That Support the Liver

You’re as healthy as your liver. A liver that isn’t functioning optimally can weaken your immune system and cause lots of health issues.
A healthy liver, on the other hand, will remove toxins, break down hormones, help digest fats and much more. High alcohol consumption isn’t the only bad habit that can hurt your liver. Exposure to chemicals, overmedication and eating uncooked shellfish can damage your liver.
Luckily, you can use herbs to cleanse your liver and strengthen your immune system. Here are the best herbs for cleansing your liver. 

1. Dandelion root  

The liver produces bile which helps metabolize fat and remove toxins from the blood. Dandelion can aid these processes since it helps improves the flow of bile. Dandelion stems and tea contain antioxidants which improve absorption of minerals, fight inflammation and prevent liver disease, research shows.

2. Milk thistle

This is one of the most popular liver detoxification herbs. It is known to build liver cells and remove toxins from the body. The best thing about this herb is that it undoes the effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Research shows it can be used to treat alcoholic liver disease, toxin-induced liver diseases and hepatitis.

3. Garlic

You probably know that garlic is good for circulation, but did you know that it can help cleanse your liver? Garlic activates enzymes which help remove toxins to assist the liver. It also contains antioxidant, antifungal and antibiotic properties which strengthen the immune system.

4. Artichokes

Artichokes can prevent liver toxicity and reduce the effects of alcohol and processed foods. Thanks to cynarin and silymarin, phytonutrients which aid in bile production and protect the liver cells. In fact, artichokes do more than cleanse the liver; research shows they can lower cholesterol levels by up to 4.2 percent in 12 weeks.  

5. Burdock root

This herb is popularly known for purifying the blood. Research shows it contains ingredients which remove heavy metals from the blood. Well, the benefits of burdock root don’t end there. It helps stimulate production of bile while helping repair damaged liver cells.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is a potent spice with many health benefits. Recent studies show it can improve circulation, prevent cancer, reduce pain and detoxify the body. Thanks to curcumin, a bioactive compound found in turmeric, this herb helps the liver remove toxins and wastes from the body. It’s also worth mentioning that curcumin increases production of bile, and as a result improves liver function.