
Wednesday 4 October 2017

7 Miraculous Health Benefits Of Ginger Water

Been given very special significance in Ayurveda, Ginger is a spice, widely used in food preparation and also as a medicine. Being rich in natural chemicals, ginger offers some miraculous health benefits. It is known to lower-down cholesterol levels, aid in weight loss, keep you hydrated, among other benefits. There are many a ways in which we consume ginger, as in, a variety of foods and drinks. Ginger water is just another source of ginger consumption. It is prepared by boiling fresh ginger root in water, then cooling and straining the drink. Here are 7 miraculous health benefits of ginger water.
1. Better Digestion
Regular consumption of ginger water has been shown to help in better digestion. Apart from that, it also helps fight nausea and vomiting.
2. Checks Cholesterol
Many a studies and research have proven that ginger could lower-down 'bad' cholesterol levels, and therefore, helps keep your heart health intact.
3. Keeps you hydrated
A lot of people miss out on the daily recommended amount of water intake, which leads to dehydration, that could be very problematic and dangerous for your health. An additional source of water, as in, ginger water could help supplement your fluid intake, and therefore keep you hydrated.
4. Anti-Inflammatory effect
Although a natural bodily process, inflammation (in excess) may end-up harming your body. It has become a common problem these days among a lot of people. Thankfully, ginger is known to have anti-inflammatory effects and therefore helps prevent inflammation.
5. Anti-oxidant Properties
The anti-oxidant features of ginger help keep risk of many diseases as such heart disease, alzheimer's, cancer etc. It also reduces signs of ageing.
6. Controls Blood Sugar
Ginger is known to control the levels of blood sugar in your body, and thus, helps reduce risk of diabetes.
7. Aids in Weight Loss

Accompanied with healthy eating habits and regular exercise, ginger water can also give a boost to your weight-loss plans.

6 Foods You Should Definitely Avoid At Night

Eating right before bed is anyway not a very healthy habit. The ideal time for supper is at least three hours before bed. Eating right before bedtime is the key recipe for perfect sleep and good digestion. Not all foods you eat at night are unhealthy. But there are some foods you should definitely not eat before going to bed. They can be the reason for a rough night ahead. We have lined up the top six foods you should definitely avoid before going to bed. Take a look.
1. Milk
Though a very rich source of protein and calcium, milk is something you should definitely avoid before going to bed. Lactose content of milk troubles you with digestive issues all night. As a result, you are unable to sleep properly. And if you are lactose intolerant, you should definitely avoid milk at night. You can have pasta instead.
2. Chocolate
Everyone loves a small cube of chocolate right after dinner but, you should avoid having chocolates right before going to bed. High sugar content and caffeine can keep you from sleeping well. As a result, you stay sluggish throughout the day and fail in performing well in all your tasks.
3. Pizza
Pizza is love, pizza is life. But did you know, pizza is one of the foods you should definitely not eat before going to bed. Pizza contains too many calories and trans fats which sit in your stomach throughout the night leaving you disturbed for a prolonged period. So, late night pizza should always be a big 'no no'.
4. Fruit juice
So you plan to sleep with just a glass of juice instead of dinner. Never do that! Fruit juices after 9 pm tend to have an acidic reaction on your body. They can also lead to heart burn late at night.
5. Alcohol
Gulping a whole peg of alcohol can lead to an acid reflux. Alcohol relaxes the valves that connect the stomach to the oesophagus. As a result, the body is not able to keep the food where it belongs leading to an acid reflux.
6. Soda
So after an acid reflux or digestive distress, you may feel that a glass of soda could help you. No it won't! There is nothing more acidic than soda. The acids of soda damage the valves due to carbonation, hence leading to increased pressure on the stomach.

5 Alarming Signs Of Cancer Men Shouldn't Ignore

Many a times cancer in men goes unnoticed as its symptoms are treated as minor health symptoms. Noticing the signs of cancer can help detect cancer early and this in turn can help in the complete cure of cancer. Symptoms of cancer in men can include changes in restroom habits, trouble swallowing, hoarseness of voice, unexplained weight loss, mouth changes and stomach or abdominal pain. Routine screening tests for cancer is the best way to find cancer early. Many people ignore cancer symptoms or do not have an idea how serious their condition is until it is too late. However, the symptoms of cancer are too vague and generally occur in routine life that anyone would hardly attribute cancer as the possible cause.

It is important for men to know the difference between normal aches and pains or fatigue and the symptoms that can possibly be cancer. Some of the cancer symptoms that men should not ignore are as follows:

1. Unexplained weight loss

A sudden and unexpected weight loss is fine in people who are trying to lose weight for health purposes. However, if there is a sudden drop in weight without trying is a matter of concern. An unexpected loss in weight is a sign of pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer and lung cancer. Other reasons for weight loss without trying include overactive thyroid gland, diabetes, cirrhosis and tuberculosis.
2. Changes in urination

Changes in the flow of urine that can be indicative of cancer include:

  • Difficulty in starting the flow of urine
  • Difficulty in stopping the flow of urine
  • Stream of urine that is weaker than normal
  • Dribbling or leaking of urine
  • Changes in the frequency of need to urinate
  • Swelling or shrinkage of size of testicle or lump in testicle
  • Heaviness in the scrotum
  • Erection problems
3. Oral changes

Certain changes that can be noticed in the mouth and throat as signs of cancer include: 

  • White spots or patches in the mouth
  • Persistent pain in the mouth and throat areas
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Difficulty in moving the lower jaw
  • Tooth or teeth that come out or loosen without any known reason
  • Swelling of facial features
  • Numbness or tenderness in lips, cheeks or tongue
  • Sores or bleeding inside the tongue
  • Persistent cough or hoarseness of voice
  • Coughing out blood

4. Breast Changes

Male breast cancer is very rare and accounts for about 1 percent of all breast cancers. This is the very eason that men can ignore the signs of breast cancer. Breast cancer in men can be caused by increased levels of estrogen, exposure to harmful radiation or family history of breast cancer. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer occurring in men.
Among the various symptoms of breast cancer in men include: 

  • Enlargement of breast
  • Nipple pain
  • Inversion of nipple or retraction of nipple
  • Sores on the nipple, areola and around it
  • Lump felt in the breast that may or may not be painful
  • Discharge from the nipple that may be clear fluid, black or bloody
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes under the arm
  • Redness or scaling of nipple and surrounding area

5. Stomach related symptoms
Stomach aches and abdominal pains are symptoms of many conditions other than cancer. But one cannot ignore the possibility of cancer when the symptoms are persistent in spite of taking measures to reduce them.  Some of the symptoms of the abdominal discomfort include:

  • Poor appetite
  • Chronic acidity and heartburn (stomach or throat cancer)
  • Vomiting, with or without blood
  • Swelling up of abdomen or fluid build-up in the abdomen
  • Stomach aches that may be dull feels like pressing inward (pancreatic cancer)
  • Stomach cramps and upset stomachs (liver cancer)
  • Feeling full after a small meal
  • Blood in the urine or stool (kidney or bladder cancer, colon cancer)

7 Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes You Should Know

Diabetes is a chronic condition associated with abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood. Insulin produced by the pancreas lowers blood glucose. Absence or insufficient production of insulin, or an inability of the body to properly use insulin causes diabetes. Diabetes has plenty of early signs, but they're subtle enough that you might not notice. Type 2 diabetes can lead to serious health complications, hence it's important to be aware of any warning signs and get tested for diabetes if you have any of the symptoms. Treating diabetes early can help prevent serious complications. Here are the signs to look out for:

1. Increased urination, excessive thirst: If you feel the need to urinate frequently, particularly if you get up at night more often than usual to use the bathroom, it could be a symptom of diabetes. The kidneys have to get rid of all that extra glucose in the blood, hence the urge to relieve yourself. There is excessive thirst which means your body is trying to replenish those lost fluids.

2. Unexplained weight loss: High blood sugar levels can lead to weight loss but this is not a healthy weight loss. Because the insulin hormone isn't getting glucose into the cells, where it can be used as energy, the body thinks it's starving and starts breaking down protein from the muscles as an alternate source of fuel.

3. Hunger: Excessive hunger is another sign of diabetes and can come from sharp peaks and lows in blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels plummet, the body thinks it hasn't been fed and craves more of the glucose that cells need to function.

4. Skin problems: Itchy skin, perhaps the result of dry skin or poor circulation, can often be a warning sign of diabetes, as are other skin conditions, such as acanthosis nigricans, which is a darkening of the skin around the neck or armpit area.

5. Slow healing of wounds: Infections, cuts, and bruises that don't heal quickly are another sign of diabetes. This usually happens because the blood vessels are being damaged by the excessive amounts of glucose traveling in the veins and arteries. This makes it hard for blood, which is needed to facilitate healing, to reach different areas of the body.

6. Fatigue and irritability: Ongoing fatigue is an important symptom to pay attention to; it might mean the food you're eating for energy isn't being broken down and used by cells as it's supposed to. When you have high blood sugar levels, you just don't feel well and might become short-tempered. In fact, high blood sugar can mimic depression-like symptoms. You feel very tired, you don't feel like doing anything, you don't want to go out and may just want to sleep.

7. Blurry vision: In the early stages of diabetes, the eye lens is not focusing well because glucose builds up in the eye, which temporarily changes its shape. Having distorted vision and seeing floaters or occasional flashes of light are a direct result of high blood sugar levels.

If you have any of the above mentioned warnings signs of diabetes, discuss it with your doctor and get the necessary tests done to establish the diagnosis of diabetes. These warning signs may not necessarily mean you have diabetes but if you do, with the right diet, regular exercise, and medications (if needed), you can manage type 2 diabetes easily and live an active and a productive life.

The spices with hidden health benefits

For centuries spices have been used to add flavour and colour to food – but they have also been known to have wonderful medicinal properties. And while many of our Eastern counterparts have long been aware of this, the health benefits of spices are only just being widely recognised in this part of the world.
Arun Kapil, founder of Green Saffron, lives in Cork. But with an Indian father and a mother from Yorkshire (a curry haven in Britain) he is only too aware of both the delicious flavours and the seemingly miraculous healing qualities of certain spices.  
“I firmly believe the key to healthy eating is having a varied diet, maintaining equilibrium and a strong digestive system,” he says. “Food should be joyous and every meal should be an indulgent, happy experience – Indian cuisine hits all those marks as it’s so very varied.
“It’s rooted in Ayurvedic tradition, which is a 5,000 year-old blueprint for living in harmony with the universe, and good health and diet is a key part of this with spices especially revered for their health-giving and medicinal qualities.
“India has been rediscovering the benefits of Ayurveda in the years since occupation and western science is daily proving the very real benefits of this ancient wisdom – which centres around good gut health and maintaining a healthy digestive system, promoting combinations of all taste sensations at every meal sitting; I think it is this philosophy that forms the foundation of a healthy diet.”
Kapil, who learned to cook as a child and has long been aware of the diversity of spices, says Irish people are becoming more interested in eastern cooking, particularly as the seasons change and winter looms.
“When I was a child, while most children had model planes, I had spices as my mother thought it was important that my two brothers and I learned to cook,” he says. “In India, as with Ireland, people in general have a greater understanding of where their food comes from and this is fundamental to eating healthily. An awareness of what we put into our tummies and its nutritional value is important to maintaining an overall healthy outlook.
“I believe people are becoming more aware of spice, a healthy diet and India as [having] a credible, beautiful cuisine. Those that can are travelling more, experiencing more varied dishes on their journeys and are becoming more discerning and more inquisitive as they start to feel the benefits of a varied diet for themselves. They want to replicate the tastes and benefits in their own home cooking.”
 Arun, who is married to Olive, began transporting spices from India more than a decade ago and this became the basis of Green Saffron, which is now on sale throughout the country and in Europe.  He believes everyone can and should incorporate spices into their everyday cooking as not only will it enhance flavour, but may be the secret to good health.
 “I learned to combine spices at a young age from Dad, Indian aunts and ‘masaalchi’ [spice grinders] during frequent family trips to India,” he says. “So I’ve been around spices all my life. I love their notes, cultivation, science, history, vibrancy and un-predictability – they’re a part of me, from birth to stove. Spice can define flavour and the right blend can transform, lift and enhance a dish to become something really quite spectacular without fuss or fanfare.
“At the same time, they are rich in a diverse range of phytochemicals, many of which have been suggested to possess health conferring bio-activities. The purported health benefits of these are numerous and include the promotion of gut, immune and brain health. And historically, in the Indian subcontinent, many of these spices have also been used to treat a myriad of ailments and to improve overall health in Ayurvedic medicine.

Spices – the health bonus

Cardamom: Its therapeutic properties include antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, expectorant and stimulant.
Cassia: The sweet aromatic fragrance of Eugenol has local anaesthetic and antiseptic properties.
Cloves: Its active principles are reputed to have antioxidant, antiseptic, local anaesthetic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and anti-flatulent properties. It also increases gut motility and digestion power through improved gastrointestinal enzyme secretions.
Coriander: The active principles of the coriander fruit are responsible for digestive and anti-flatulent properties.
Cumin: Cumin has high iron content and highly reputed digestive properties. The active principles may improve gut motility and help in digestion by augmenting gastrointestinal juice secretions.
Cumin oil, black: Black cumin oil is beneficial for both topical use on skin problems and boils and for digestion.
Fennel: Fennel fruits contain numerous flavonoid anti-oxidants which function as powerful antioxidants by removing harmful free radicals from the body.
Fenugreek seeds: It has recently been discovered to have blood-sugar regulating properties and can help slow down the rate of glucose absorption in the intestines – so is therefore one of the recommended food ingredients in the diabetic diet.
Ginger: Historically, ginger was a popular medicinal ingredient with Romans as it has excellent digestive properties and fresh ginger as a tea or gently chewed can cure motion sickness and relieve morning sickness.
Mustard seeds, black: Mustard seeds aid digestion, clear congestion, help with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, stomach cramps, excess gas and increase appetite and lower blood pressure. Gargle with mustard seed infused water to relieve sore throats.
Nutmeg: The active principles in nutmeg have many therapeutic applications in many traditional medicines as anti-fungal, anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, digestive, and carminative functions.
Onion seeds, black: Onion seeds have a variety of beneficial properties, mainly based around cleansing the blood and regulating sugar levels. There is evidence from a limited number of animal studies to suggest that black onion seeds may have anticonvulsant effects; protect against stroke-induced brain damage, improve memory and combat MS symptoms.
Peppercorns, black pepper: Black pepper has been in use for centuries for their anti-inflammatory, carminative, anti-flatulent properties. Peppercorns are a good source of many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin-C and vitamin-A. They are also rich in flavonoid polyphenolic anti-oxidants which help the body remove harmful free radicals and help protect from cancers and diseases.
Saffron: Saffron contains important antioxidants that help protect the human body.
Turmeric: Grown in India, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia, this is a truly wonderful spice, proven to have beneficial effects as an anti-rheumatoid, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogen.
Vanilla: Vanilla extract contains small amounts of B-complex groups of vitamins such as niacin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, riboflavin and vitamin B-6. These vitamins help in enzyme synthesis, nervous system function and regulating body metabolism.

Monday 2 October 2017

Abandoned Prairie House

Creepy old houses are awesome to look at from the outside. There are many places around the world where you get an ominous feeling just from standing outside. Have you ever had the guts to venture into one of them though? Exploring these abandoned places is called urban exploration, and it has become a popular hobby for many people around the world. Personally, it is something I enjoy doing as well. There is something about being in a place humans haven’t stepped foot in to in a long time that gets your blood going. Well a Reddit user in Canada came across this house that looks like it belongs a horror movie, and decided to take a look around. The place definitely gives of an axe-murder type of vibe, but he went in any way. Check out what he found. 
This is the house the user came across. You immediately get a vibe that someone was definitely murdered out here.

Standing outside this place, thoughts would definitely started to creep into your head. You’d start imagining the horrors that could await you inside. Sometimes you just have to push through those however to give the internet what it wants.

Looking up at the house, I would expect to see a pair of eyes or a ghostly silhouette standing in one of the windows.

The top two windows look like eyes. These would definitely give me a feeling of constantly being watched, which is never a good feeling when exploring old, creepy abandoned places.

The place has definitely been abandoned for a while. The people apparently left in a hurry as well, seeing as they didn’t take any of their furniture. Is there a reason for that?

This bed looks pretty disgusting. This house could have been used as a hunting shack of sorts, but the poster wasn’t too sure.

You can clearly see the place has been abandoned for quite some time. The age of this place just adds to the feeling of horror you would feel inside.

This old wood burning stove definitely ages this place even more. That thing has to be extremely heavy and valuable.