
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Lingerie-clad Miami high school cheerleaders cause controversy by dressing in stockings and suspenders as they perform hip gyrating routines

 Stunning video has been released of high school cheerleaders performing in, what appears to be, lingerie.
The teen cheerleaders, who are reportedly from a Miami high school, are seen clad in lingerie-like outfits, boots and garters as they do their sexy dance routine.
The girls use a fan to fan their faces, and hold travel bags, as part of the routine.
The video, titled “Is This Appropriate? Miami High School Cheerleaders Dressed In Lingerie” was shared on the website and has been watched more than 10,000 times.
Many commenters were outraged at the display.
 “I’d never let my high school daughter out the house with that on! They parents should be ashamed,” one viewer wrote .
“This is terrible, borderline pedo,” another said.
“I’m pretty much going to jail for assault and battery, child endangerment and disorderly conduct after I punch a couple administrators at the game,” user Teddy Lee said. “I’m also wondering how the f**k this got past the parents.”
“This is beyond inappropriate but I’m not surprised,” another wrote.

Monday 25 September 2017

Foods to Eat and Avoid for a Healthy Brain

The sentiment, “you are what you eat” has never been more true than when it comes to your brain. That’s because your brain needs high quality fuel to keep everything in your body running smoothly—from your physical body to your moods and intellect. Before we explore the best foods to eat, let’s examine the foods to avoid.


Bad Fat, Bad Brain

Your brain is 60 percent fat and needs plentiful amounts of high quality fats to create healthy new brain cells. So, if you’re eating harmful fats like trans fats, margarine, shortening, lard and all of the foods made from them (that includes most baked goods and restaurant foods), you’ll also experience low grade inflammation which is known to be a factor in most brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and Parkinson’s.
Even excessive amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids can increase brain inflammation so it is best to reduce your consumption of all foods made with these harmful or potentially harmful fats. That includes reducing your intake of animal protein which is high in saturated fats, vegetable oil, corn oil, safflower oil and sunflower oil, and the bottled sauces, mayonnaise and other prepared foods made from these Omega 6 fatty acids. And, of course, it means eliminating or cutting back on all fried foods, all of which are inflammatory in nature. 

Processed Meats

The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies processed meats (yes, that includes bacon—don’t hate the messenger!) as carcinogenic. These foods pack a one-two punch directly on the brain by hitting it hard with inflammatory fats and then packing a second punch full of cancer-causing nitrites and nitrates. Skip the luncheon meat and bacon, as much as possible.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

MSG is a well-known nervous system toxin, known as a neurotoxin, due to its brain- and nervous system-damaging effects. It is rarely listed on the ingredient lists of products but is frequently contained in many prepared foods, fast foods and restaurant foods, usually in spices and condiments. Because it is not required to label this ingredient there is little way to know whether the foods you eat contain it. The best way to be sure is to make more of your foods at home from scratch without prepared sauces or spice mixtures.

Foods Containing Polysorbate 80

Polysorbate 80 is found in many different foods, including ice cream and cottage cheese. It is comprised of nanoparticles that have been linked in animal studies with brain cell death and brain inflammation and have been shown to, not only gain access to the brain, but to deposit themselves in the frontal cortex of the brain. Read labels and avoid any food that contains this toxic ingredient.

Foods that Contain Sodium Benzoate

The Lancet also found that a commonly-used preservative, sodium benzoate, is linked to hyperactivity in children, suggesting the chemical excessively stimulates the nervous system. Sodium benzoate is used as a preservative in many bottled sauces and processed foods, including soy sauce, and is even used in many liquid supplements and other liquid products. Be sure to check the label and avoid foods that contain this nasty ingredient as much as possible.


Coffee and Tea

Don’t feel guilty about your coffee or tea habit. It turns out that both of these beverages are packed with antioxidants that destroy free radicals before they attack your brain. That is, of course, unless you add flavored syrups with sodium benzoate, high fructose corn syrup or other nasty ingredients.

An Apple a Day

This sentiment could be finished with “keeps the neurologist away” because apples have been found to be fantastic brain foods. In a study published in the American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias researchers found that people with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s who drank a half-cup of apple juice two times daily had significant improvement in anxiety and delusion. Better yet, eat a whole apple complete with all the enzymes, phytonutrients and fiber intact for a brain and overall health boost. Simple add a chopped apple to your morning cereal or oatmeal, include it as a snack or part of your work lunches, or enjoy after dinner instead of less-than-healthy desserts.

Ginger and Turmeric

Adding just 2 spices to your daily meals can make a huge difference to your brain health. Both of these spices/herbs add flavor but are also Nature’s anti-inflammatories. Research in the medical journal Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine found that curcumin, one of the active ingredients in turmeric was even effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Cherries, Berries and Grapes, Oh My

Cherries, grapes and berries like raspberries, blackberries and blueberries have all been found to be helpful for brain health. All of these foods contain potent phytonutrients (plant nutrients) that give them their gorgeous red, blue or black color and quell free radicals that would otherwise damage the brain.

7 Chocolate Alternatives to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Are you one of those people who eat chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth? Giving in to chocolate cravings can have negative effects on your health and weight.
Magnesium deficiency is one of the reasons we crave chocolate. The fact that chocolate increases dopamine and feelings of happiness makes us desire it as well. In other cases, the cravings are triggered by the hormonal changes that occur during menstruation and pregnancy.
The truth is you don’t have to eat chocolate every time you crave it. Here are 8 ways to satisfy your sweet tooth without eating chocolate.

1. Carob

Carob is finely ground powder which has a similar taste to cocoa powder. It is high in fiber, low in fat and contains calcium. In fact, you’ll love carob if you’re sensitive to caffeine. It’s caffeine-free, unlike chocolate and cocoa.
You can use carob in cooking or add it to yogurt and smoothies.

2. Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder can curb chocolate cravings without the excess calories of chocolate. A tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains no sugar and 10 calories. 
You can make hot cocoa by mixing one cup of non-fat milk will with two teaspoons of cocoa powder. Feel free to add cocoa powder to smoothies or yogurt. 

3. Chocolate-dipped strawberries

Dipping strawberries in chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth. Dip the strawberries in melted chocolate then store them in the refrigerator until the coating hardens.

4. Frozen chocolate banana

A combination of bananas and chocolate will give you more nutrients and keep you full for longer.
Simply dip one small banana in two melted squares of chocolate, then freeze the coating in the refrigerator.

5. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is better than regular chocolate. It contains more antioxidants and less sugar.
When buying dark chocolate make sure it contains more than 70 percent cocoa.
Note that you still need to eat dark chocolate in moderation. One square can contain 15-40 calories depending on the size. 

6. Fruits

You can’t go wrong with fruits. They contain lots of nutrients, fiber and sugar to curb your cravings.
Eat sweet fruits like strawberries, cherries, apples, oranges, peaches, pineapples and grapefruit to satisfy your sweet tooth.

7. Cocoa nibs

Cocoa nibs are basically chocolate which has been fermented, dried, roasted and crushed but hasn’t been ground and mixed with sugar.
They have the chocolatey taste without the sweetness. Mix them with milk of choice, greek yogurt, smoothies or peanut butter.

8 Natural Ways to Improve Blood Circulation

Most people don’t give blood circulation much thought. Even when they have common symptoms of poor blood circulation like numbness in the legs and hands, cold hands and feet, fatigue and swollen feet or fingers. 
Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more serious problems like cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Luckily, there are things you can start doing today to improve circulation. But making these changes may not help much if you don’t avoid habits that cause poor blood circulation. These habits include:
  • Heavy alcohol drinking
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Poor diet
  • Inactivity
  • High caffeine intake
Here are 8 natural ways to improve blood circulation.

Get a good massage

Massage creates pressure which forces blood in congested areas to flow. This pressure also allows easy flow of new blood to different body parts.
Get a good massage several times a week if you experience the symptoms of poor blood circulation I mentioned above. 

Add herbs into your diet

Some herbs are good for blood circulation. They strengthen the blood vessels and help unclog the arteries.
Research shows that gingko biloba and cayenne pepper improve circulation. Cayenne pepper strengthens the blood vessels and stimulates the heart while gingko biloba improves blood flow which consequently improves memory.
Other helpful herbs include garlic, ginger, bilberry and parsley.

Keep your legs elevated

It’s hard for blood to flow from the feet to the heart since it has to flow uphill. In fact, this is the main reason poor blood circulation largely affects the legs.
Elevating your legs will make it easier for blood to flow. Lift the legs above heart level and keep them elevated for 20 minutes.

Exercise every day

There’s a lot of research showing that exercise improves blood circulation. Even simple exercises like walking can climbing stairs can help.
You may want to start with low intensity exercises if you’re out of shape and then increase intensity as you get fitter. 

Reduce salt intake

Research shows that high salt intake can cause poor blood circulation. This is alarming because Americans consume an average of 3.4 grams of sodium a day. That’s higher than the recommended 2.3 grams per day.
Avoiding canned food and reading food labels can help reduce sodium in your diet.

Don’t wear tight clothes for long

Those skinny jeans can cut off blood circulation to the legs, research shows. In fact, one woman had to be hospitalized for 4 days because of squatting while wearing skinny jeans.
On the other hand, clothes like the compression socks are said to improve blood circulation in the legs.

Drink more water

I don’t think you need any convincing that water is good for your health. Aim for 2 liters of water day.
Here are tips that can help you drink more water.

Add nuts into your diet

Nuts contain vitamins and minerals that can improve blood circulation. According to this study, raw almonds and walnuts boost blood circulation.
Nuts are also a great source of healthy fats. But eat them in moderation if you want to lose weight.

5 Reasons to NEVER Drink Gatorade Again

Gatorade is by far the most popular sports drink in the world, but is it healthy?  The owners of Gatorade, PepsiCo, and most people think it is. However, all conventional sport drinks have little to no health benefits.
Gatorade was created in 1965 by a team of scientists at the University of Florida College of Medicine to deal with some of the problems facing the school’s football team. The players were suffering from cramps and exhaustion. The researchers found that the players were not drinking enough water or replacing the electrolytes and glycogen that was lost through sweat and exercise.
Soon after the researchers introduced their Gatorade formula to the team, the Gators began winning. The athletes were recovering faster and outlasting their opponents on the field. Word about Gatorade began to spread outside of the state of Florida, and both the University of Richmond and Miami of Ohio, began ordering batches of Gatorade for their football teams.

So what is inside a serving of Gatorade? Gatorade Health Dangers

Loaded with Sugar

The original formula contained the nutritional nightmare that is high-fructose corn syrup. In 2010, Gatorade started using Sucrose Syrup and Gluctose-Fructose Syrup, which are two refined sugar syrup substitutes for HFCS. These cause insulin resistance and obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, arthritis, and other diseases
Contains Acesulfame potassium
According to the Wikipedia, “Acesulfame potassium has been shown to stimulate dose-dependent insulin secretion in rats, though no hypoglycemia was observed… Critics say acesulfame potassium has not been studied adequately and may be carcinogenic
Contains Sodium
Gatorade, which actually contains more than twice as much sodium than potassium, is an unlikely candidate for any beneficial electrolyte restoration. When the body experiences short periods of exhaustion and fatigue, the last thing it needs is more sodium.
Artificial Coloring 
Red 40  and other artificial colorings were found in the amount of 55 mg/bottle of Gatorade. Recent studies showed that mixtures of Red 40 with potassium or sodium benzoate preservatives may cause hyperactive behavior in children, that is, affect your child’s brain.
Contain Vegetable Oil
Like other sugary drinks on the market today, Gatorade used to use bromine brominated vegetable oil (BVO). Gatorade recently decided to phase out this ingredient due to a recent successful petition, but Powerade still contains it.  More than 100 countries have outlawed the substance altogether.
According to The Atlantic, Gatorade’s sugar content is too high, and sodium content is too low to be truly effective for a working player.
Instead of reaching for sugary drinks to hydrate, choose water or electrolyte-rich coconut water.

40 percent of bottled water IS regular tap water. The best water to drink and why

According to the Beverage Marketing Association, over 40% of all bottled water sold in the U.S. is just tap water that’s been purified. However, did you know that more than 24,000 hormone disrupting, cancer causing chemicals were found in a single bottle of water?

What conventional bottling is doing to your water

Most bottled water companies use extreme filtration methods such as ion-exchange, reverse osmosis, distillation and deionization.
But regardless where you water originally comes from the end product is always the same. It’s water that has been completely denatured and molecularly changed from its origin.
Probably the worst of the toxins found in both tap and some bottled water are the disinfection byproducts (DBPs), such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). DBPs are formed when chlorine reacts with natural organic matter like decaying vegetation in the source water during water treatment.
Adding chlorine to the water kills or inactivates harmful microorganisms that cause diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, and giardiasis. Its use has virtually eradicated these diseases.
What’s in Your Water?
Here are some of common contaminants that can be in your drinking water:
  • Estrogen, from prescription medication such as birth control bills
  • Chemicals and substances from other prescription medication
  • Heavy metals such as mercury
  • Bio-organisms
  • Fluoride

The best water to drink and why

In choosing the right type of water for you and your family, you want to look  for pH balance. The perfect pH of your water should be between 6.5 to 7.5, which is neutral. Distilled water is too acidic and alkaline water is too alkaline.
Mountain spring water is in this ideal range. It is some of the healthiest water on the planet. Mountain Spring Water has a naturally high pH of 7.8. It contains a higher alkalinity than the vast majority of other water. It’s believed that water with a higher alkalinity helps soothe acid reflux, neutralizes acid in the bloodstream, facilitates higher levels of energy and can lead to improved metabolism.
There’s a great website called where you can find a natural spring in your area.  The best part is that most of these spring water sources are free!

Filter the water yourself

Water doesn’t need to be subsidized to be clean. The main issue is the waste that comes along with consumption of water in plastic bottles.
Whether it’s for taste or health concerns, you can save a lot of money by filtering your own water at home (rather than buying bottled water).
The prices of filters vary — from less than $20 to hundreds of dollars, depending on your needs and the amount of water you want to filter.

Lonely heart British chef, 40, is duped by a Ukrainian nursery worker he met online after sending her £1,600 to fly to meet him - only to be stood up

A man who sold his laptop and guitar to pay for his Ukrainian girlfriend to come to live with him has been left humiliated after she turned out to be a con woman.

Colin Orr, a chef from Edinburgh, met Olga Marchenko on penpal website Interpals and the two soon began exchanging messages.

Colin, 40, quickly fell for Olga, who said she was a nursery worker living in Lugansk, Ukraine, and he began sending money to support her and her young daughter.

In less than a month, Olga told Colin that she loved him and that she wanted to move to Edinburgh to marry him.

Over the next 5 months, the couple exchanged over 800 emails, thousands of Whatsapp messages and had many phone conversations where they would share pictures and talk about life, marriage, children and building a future together.

‘It was never sleazy,’ he told the Daily Record. ‘We were writing to each other every day and I liked it. She told me that she was a widow and her husband had died in the fighting out there because Lugansk is right on the frontline.’

Colin, who was conned out of £1,600 by Olga, said that despite early reservations, he had faith that the relationship was genuine because she had seemed so sincere in their communications.

‘She asked me for help financially and I said yes,’ he said. ‘I thought if I didn’t take a chance on her, I might be missing out on something that could have been amazing.’
Olga was due to arrive on July 1, six months after they had met.

However, when Colin, a father of one, went to the airport to meet her, she never arrived, despite having emailed him hours earlier to tell him he’d be able to spot her because she’d be wearing a pink T-shirt and her daughter a red cap.

In his innocence, Colin did not realise that he had been stood up and initially raised a missing persons alert. However, police were able to establish from her passport details that Olga was perfectly fine and was living outside of the UK.

Colin, who admits to being ‘naive’, remains baffled by her motives. ‘Why would she take my money? I’m just a working-class man and she knew that,’ he said.

‘She knew about how hard I was working and that I’d sold my guitar and laptop for her when she needed money.’

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: ‘Police in Edinburgh were called to an address in Oxgangs following a report of concern for a 32-year-old woman.

‘The matter was reported to police on Thursday, July 6. Officers conducted inquiries and it was quickly established that the woman was living outside UK.

‘Officers have explained the circumstances to the complainer and appropriate advice has been given.’