
Monday 24 July 2017

Offices That Will Make You Keen to Go to Work Everyday (101 pics)

White Mountain Office 

Level 5

Kui You Film Productions

Selgas Cano Architecture Office


Inventionland Design Factory

Pallotta Teamworks








Alfa Bank



Sunday 23 July 2017

Medical miracle! US doctors successfully reverse brain damage in unresponsive drowned toddler

In what can only be termed a medical miracle, the doctors successfully reversed the damage that the drowning had caused in her brain.

 In a tragic accident, a two-year-old toddler experienced cardiac arrest after drowning in a swimming pool.
She was rushed to the Arkansas Children’s Hospital in the US, but she wasn't responding to any stimuli, even after being resuscitated.
An MRI scan revealed deep brain injury as well as grey and white matter loss. She had no speech, gait or responsiveness to commands, and was constantly squirming and shaking her head.
However, in what can only be termed a medical miracle, the doctors successfully reversed the damage that the drowning had caused in her brain.

Since hyperbaric oxygen therapy was not available in the patient’s location, doctors at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in the US began a bridging treatment to prevent permanent tissue degeneration until they could get the patient to a hyperbaric treatment center.
Fifty-five days post-drowning, they began short duration treatment with 100 percent normobaric oxygen for 45 minutes twice a day through a nasal cannula. The girl became more alert, awake and stopped squirming, doctors said.
Her rate of neurological improvement increased amd she started laughing, increased movement of arms, hands, and taking some food orally. She also showed pre-drowning speech level, but with diminished vocabulary.
The patient and family then traveled to New Orleans 78 days after drowning, where doctors began treating her with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). She “dove” in a hyperbaric chamber for 45 minutes a day, five days a week for 40 sessions.
“At the beginning of each session, the patient showed visually apparent and/or physical examination-documented neurological improvement,” doctors said.
“After 10 HBOT sessions, the patient’s mother reported that her daughter was “near normal” except for gross motor function, and physical therapy was re-instituted,” they said.
After 39 HBOT sessions, the patient exhibited assisted gait, speech level greater than pre-drowning, near normal motor function, normal cognition, improvement on nearly all neurological exam abnormalities, discontinuance of all medications, as well as residual emotional, gait and temperament deficits.
Gait improvement was documented immediately upon returning home. An MRI at 27 days following HBOT session 40 and 162 days post-drowning demonstrated mild residual injury and near-complete reversal of grey and white matter loss.
The synergy of increased oxygen and increased oxygen with pressure in the hormone-rich environment in a child’s growing brain is consistent with the synergy of growth hormones and hyperbaric oxygen caused by normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen-induced activation of genes that reduce inflammation and promote cell survival.
“The startling regrowth of tissue in this case occurred because we were able to intervene early in a growing child, before long-term tissue degeneration,” said Paul Harch, Director of Hyperbaric Medicine at LSU Health.
“Such low-risk medical treatment may have a profound effect on recovery of function in similar patients who are neurologically devastated by drowning,” said Harch.
The case was reported in the journal Medical Gas Research.

What It's Really Like To Be A Parent (21 pics)

Parenthood isn't always fun and games. These are the serious issues you have to deal with on a daily basis.  

Saturday 22 July 2017

5 Hidden Health Benefits of Alcohol

The pillars of good health: diet, exercise, and strawberry daiquiris. OK, maybe not. But it’s not as far off as you’d think.

“One of the most consistent findings in recent nutrition research is that moderate alcohol consumption can improve health and lead to a longer life,” says Eric Rimm, Sc.D., associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health.

But before you down an entire bottle of celebratory bubbly, bear in mind that moderation is the key to booze’s benefits. That means one drink a day on average for women and two drinks a day for men (beyond that, you up your risk of a whole host of diseases). Stay within that saucy sweet spot, and the side effects of alcohol benefit your body in some surprising ways. Here are five good reasons to raise a glass.

Protect Your Ticker

Red wine has long been considered the elixir of heart health. But you don’t have to crack a bottle of Merlot to drink to your heart’s content, Rimm says. Moderate intake of any boozy beverages can cut your risk of heart disease by up to 40 percent, according to a review of more than 100 prospective studies from the Harvard School of Public Health.

HOW IT WORKS: Much of alcohol’s benefit to heart health has to do with its ability to raise good (HDL) cholesterol, lower bad (LDL) cholesterol, and reduce blood problems that can lead to clogged arteries (and the heart attacks they cause).

DRINK THIS: Pinot Noir. It contains more disease-fighting antioxidants than any other alcoholic beverage. Just be sure to put a cork in it after one glass if you’re a woman, two if you’re a man.

Beat Belly Bulge

Forget the ill-fated beer belly—when regularly consumed in moderation, alcohol can actually help fight fat. A 2010 study published in The Archives of Internal Medicine found that women who had one or two drinks a day were less likely to gain weight than those who shunned the sauce.

HOW IT WORKS: Researchers believe that the bodies of long-term moderate drinkers somehow adapt to metabolize alcohol differently than those who concentrate their cocktails into the occasional big night out. Plus, women who drink moderate amounts of alcohol tend to eat less food, particularly carbohydrates, according to Lu Wang, lead researcher on the study and an instructor at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

DRINK THIS: A bottle of light beer. The women in the Archives study were served no more than two 4-ounce glasses of wine or two 1.5-ounce shots of liquor a day, which is a lot less than you’ll get from most bartenders or waitresses. Sipping from a bottle makes it easy to keep portions under control. Sam Adams Light, Michelob Ultra, and Guinness Draught all keep calories in check without sacrificing flavor.

Reduce Risk of Diabetes

A drink a day keeps diabetes away? Surprisingly, it can help. A 2005 report published in Diabetes Care found that moderate amounts of alcohol—up to a drink a day for women, up to two drinks a day for men—reduces risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 30 percent.

HOW IT WORKS: Alcohol increases levels of a hormone that improves insulin sensitivity. In other words, it makes it easier for your body to process glucose and use it as energy. This helps reduce the amount of sugar in the bloodstream and ultimately reduces risk for developing diabetes.

DRINK THIS: Bloody Mary. You’ll be completely satisfied by just one serving and the antioxidant lycopene in tomato juice offers a heart-healthy bonus.

Boost Brainpower

Your brain’s probably familiar with the downsides of drinking (Karaoke was such a great idea… until a video of your performance showed up on Facebook), but if you sip smart, a little tipple can help prevent cognitive decline. Researchers from Loyola University found that moderate drinkers were 23 percent less likely to develop cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and other forms of dementia compared to non-drinkers.

HOW IT WORKS: Researchers hypothesize that since moderate drinking raises good cholesterol, it can improve blood flow to the brain. Alcohol could also “toughen” brain cells by stressing them a little, preparing them to cope with major stresses later in life that could cause dementia.

DRINK THIS: Wine. It was found to be more beneficial than beer or hard liquor for boosting brainpower, according to the Loyola researchers.

Say Goodbye to Gallstones

Gallstones—hard, pebble-like deposits that form inside the gallbladder and are generally made up of hardened cholesterol—might cause pain or cramping in the pit of your stomach. Avoid that unfortunate feeling by adding a little alcohol to your daily diet. Research shows that regular moderate alcohol consumption (5-7 days per week) reduces risk of gallstones. In contrast, infrequent alcohol intake (1-2 days per week) showed no significant association with risk.

HOW IT WORKS: Remember how alcohol increases good cholesterol in your bloodstream? Well, it affects cholesterol in the gallbladder too. Plus, being overweight is one of the main risk factors for developing gallstones, so moderate drinking can reduce your risk by helping you maintain a healthy weight.

DRINK THIS: Eppa Sangria. It’s the first certified organic sangria and delivers twice as many antioxidants as a glass of red wine. Plus, one glass only sets you back 120 calories.

6 Foods That Help Alleviate Sugar Cravings When You’re Quitting Sugar

Most of us have witnessed the addictive properties of sugar: one innocent piece of cake at a birthday party, and next thing you know, you’re hoarding Swedish Fish in your desk drawer with red-stained fingers. Unfortunately, all the sugar we’re eating is really not healthy.
Since sugar is so addictive, many people have a hard time nixing it from their diets. Plus, it’s everywhere, especially in processed foods.
So what can you do? For one, feed your body a balanced diet and provide it with healthy options to alleviate your body’s cravings. Here are 6 foods to make you forget all about sugar:


The coconut is inherently sweet, and once you quit sugar you may be surprised at how the subtle sweetness becomes more pronounced. But more importantly, coconuts are fatty in the best way. Eating plenty of healthy fats and proteins can help keep the body nourished so that you don’t succumb to intense cravings due to feelings of deprivation. 
Ease up on carbs and really focus on fats and proteins. Focusing on foods that won’t have much of an effect on your blood sugar is important if you want to avoid the unpleasant spikes of the sugar ‘hangries.’


Cinnamon is not only inherently sweet, but it also helps to balance blood sugar levels. And this is not a theoretical overstatement. Studies abound that recommend cinnamon supplements for those with diabetes and insulin resistance. It is very powerful. Whether you are using natural sweeteners or no sweeteners at all, sprinkle a little cinnamon to promote tastiness and health.


Don’t worry, there’s always room for more chocolate. If you’re quitting sugar, super dark chocolate (80 percent or higher) can help satiate those nagging sweet teeth. Taza Chocolate makes a delicious, 95 percent cacao stone ground organic bar called “Wicked Dark” that is 95 percent, which is just enough to get the small hit of sweetness with your cacao fix.
They also make great single origin bars that are around 87 percent dark chocolate. Or, you can be a badass and just opt for raw cacao nibs.


Berries are naturally a low sugar fruit, but you wouldn’t know it. Utilize berries as a healthy treat. If you want to feel especially decadent, top your fresh bowl of berries with a dollop of unsweetened, whipped coconut cream. How delightful!


Roasting or grilling root vegetables can bring out their natural sweetness, so they can be hugely helpful in alleviating sugar cravings. But, veggies are also loaded with fiber, which promotes blood sugar balance.
Snacking on some roasted sweet potato (maybe sprinkled with cinnamon and a little coconut cream for extra blood sugar balance), for instance, is a smart choice for quelling a sudden cupcake craving.


These little tubers are surprisingly sweet. They are also loaded with plenty of insoluble fiber, which makes them an excellent prebiotic for the digestive system. Tigernuts are the key to quieting down my incessant chocolate chip cookie dough cravings. I mix tigernut flour with just a spoonful or so of coconut oil (enough to massage into a type of dough). Then, I chop up and toss in some dark chocolate. Maybe a pinch of salt, too. Mix well and snack away — no sugar needed!
One word of caution, tigernuts have a lot of fiber, so be sure to drink plenty of water, especially if you go overboard on the cookie dough.
There is more to life than sugar. While the first week of quitting sugar can be tough, stock your pantry with an arsenal of delicious, healthy foods to keep you on track. And don’t be too hard on yourself. If you have a little sugar, oh well. You’ll do better tomorrow! You are only human. Eventually, with the right mindset and preparation, you’ll be sugar-free and feeling great!

5 Healthy Foods That Keep You Fuller Longer

If you’ve ever been on a diet, you know the awful feelings of deprivation and hunger that come over you as you cut back on the amount of foods you eat each day. Feeling this way for too many days in a row can almost guarantee that you will give up on your efforts, and stop dieting altogether. Even worse, it may cause you to fall into emotional binge eating and end up gaining more weight. So, the key to any successful weight loss effort is to cut calories by consuming foods that curb hunger and keep you satisfied. And if those foods are highly nutritious and delicious, you can almost guarantee a successful outcome.
Protein and fiber are the best types of nutrients to help you feel full and keep you eliminating regularly. Elimination is key, as constipation leads to excess of toxins, which your body wraps in fat molecules, making it a lot harder to lose the weight.
Most of us assume that the best protein comes from animal sources, like chicken, fish and some lean meats. However, this type of protein is also accompanied by fat (all animal protein contains saturated fat) and cholesterol, which have both been directly linked to an increase in heart disease, cancer and some auto-immune disorders. Lucky for us, there are plenty of food choices that are high in protein, high in fiber and packed with nutrients, making them perfect foods when it comes to losing weight without feeling hungry.
1. Chia Seeds

These ancient seeds are a godsend for those people trying to eat nutritious foods that suppress their appetite. The seeds expand and become like a gel as they get in contact with water in your stomach, making you feel full for hours. They are a source of complete protein and contain omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and fiber. You can add them to almost everything, from smoothies and cereals to salads and other grain dishes, because they have little taste of their own.
2. Vegetable Soups

Water is one of the best appetite suppressors there is. Have a glass of water when you’re hungry, and the hunger will go away for awhile. Soups can help you control or suppress your appetite even longer and provide a wonderful opportunity to add nutritious ingredients like whole grains and vegetables to your daily routine. Studies have shown that people who consume two portions of low-calorie soup every day lose up to 50 percent more weight than those who consume the same calories through other means.
3. Whole Grain Oats

Whole grain oats are very high in fiber and very low on the glycemic index, which means that they take longer to digest, helping you feel fuller, longer. It is important to note here that the oats must be consumed in their whole grain form (not the sugary, instant formula available in supermarket isles), and without all the added stuff that could turn it into a sugary snack instead of a healthy meal (milk, sugar, etc.). Dress it up with cinnamon, walnuts or pine nuts, which can help curb your appetite even further.
4. Quinoa

Another ancient American grain, Quinoa was a staple in the diet of the native peoples of Central and South America. Quinoa is considered a complete protein (i.e. includes all essential amino-acids), it’s a great source of fiber, calcium and other nutrients, and it is very easy to digest.
5. Apples

This fruit is relatively low in sugar, and it will make you feel full for a long time. Apples are great at suppressing your appetite, because they contain a lot of a bulky type of fiber. This fiber has the ability to expand in your stomach, making you feel full and turning off your appetite longer than other fruits, and far longer than other processed snacks!