
Sunday 25 June 2017

How Banning Alcohol Can Change Your Looks (5 pics)

40 year old Laura Hogarth regularly drank 15 units of alcohol per week, which equates to around 5 large glasses of wine. As part of an experiment, she stopped drinking altogether for four weeks. Here are the dramatic results seen in her appearance.

Week 1

Week 2
Week 3
Week 4: In the fourth and final week you can see just how much Laura’s appearance has improved since she stopped drinking.
Week 1 VS Week 4

Potatoes: Good, Bad or Fattening?

Potato Health Benefits
1. Protection from Heart Disease and Cancer
Potatoes contain flavonoids. With protective antioxidant activity, flavanoids protect against cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems and certain cancers.
2. Rival Greens for Phenol Activity
They contain equal or higher amounts of certain phenols than broccoli, spinach or brussel sprouts.
3. High in B Vitamins for your Brain & Athletic Performance
One cup of baked potato contains 21 percent of the daily requirement for B6. B vitamins are essential for growth, your nervous system and cardiovascular health.
Potatoes also contain significant amounts of folic acid, which is essential for pregnant women.
4. Contain Resistant Starch
Many vegetables contain small amounts of resistant starch but potatoes that have been cooked and then cooled down have high amounts. Resistant starch’s benefits are similar to that of fiber, meaning you’ll stay fuller longer and with less calorie consumption.
Since resistant starch acts like fiber, it is either poorly digested or not digested at all. This lowers the glycemic index of potatoes, which is normally higher than white sugar, (averaging 70 – 110) down to reasonable levels of 25-72!  Bring on the potato salad!
5. High in Vitamin C
Who would have thought! Vitamin C is the key to healthy skin. 

Potato Health Concerns
1.  Potatoes are part of the nightshade family
Nightshades have varying amounts of alkaloids, compounds produced by plants to prevent themselves from insects and disease.
Potatoes don’t have high amounts of alkaloids like the 3 powerful nightshades (mandrake, tobacco, belladonna).  IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE to alkaloids, even potatoes could cause a reaction. The level of alkaloids varies greatly depending on the variety of potato and how it is produce and handled
Hey maybe that’s why I don’t like potatoes. I also don’t like tomatoes and eggplant, two other nightshades.
Note: Green potatoes (caused by exposure to the sun) have large amounts of alkaloids as do the sprouts. Therefore avoid green potatoes and cut out the sprout and its eye before use.
2. Fried potatoes contain acrylamide, a neurotoxin and possible carcinogen.
Fried, potato chips and French fries are a greater risk of acrylamide exposure than any other food.  One single ounce snack-sized bag of potato chips contains 20% of the maximum safe intake of dietary acrylamide as established by the EPA. Most people consume a lot more than one ounce.
Suggestion: Baked potato chips are safer with less oil.
3. Commercial potatoes contain high amounts of pesticides.
Potatoes are one of the “Dirty Dozen” group of twelve foods that contain the highest level of pesticides. You can avoid this in your own cooking by just buying or growing organic. As for potato products, assume that all potatoes not in your control (like those in French fries and chips) fall in the “dirty” category.
4. Most potatoes are monocultured
Although there are thousands of varieties of potatoes, most of the potatoes we eat are monocultured.
Monocultures destroy the genetic diversity of the planet and are susceptible to possible disease. The potato blight of the Irish was caused because they all ate a single species of potato which happened to be susceptible to a certain disease.
Suggestion: Look for colored potatoes; the insides have more nutrition. 
Potatoes & Weight Gain
Many people are scared of potatoes because they are OBVIOUSLY a carbohydrate and as a culture we are now scared of carbohydrates because we all want to lose weight!
The truth is that a potato is MOSTLY water so if you don’t eat too many you will not take in too many carbohydrates or calories.
The second consideration is their high glycemic index, which is higher than white sugar, ranging from 80 – 110.  Again, potatoes are not that dense so the glycemic load from an average serving of potatoes is actually not more than any other carbohydrate.
The study that got me thinking about potatoes was a large population study of 120,887 people whose eating habits and weight gain was analyzed over four years.
The average of all types of potatoes for weight gain was more than any other food group studied, which included meat, processed meat, sugary beverages, sweets and desserts and dairy products.
This average was only high though because it contained the category of potato chips and French fries. The weight gain from boiled, baked, or mashed potatoes at (0.57 lb) was only a fraction compared to potato chips (1.69 lbs) and French fries (a whopping 3.35 lbs).
You didn’t need a study to tell you that potato chips and French fries are fattening. Many potato products are NOT a weight loss food like fruits & leafy vegetables but that just means you don’t overeat. 

Top 20 Frankenfoods to Avoid

Genetically-modified (GM) foods and food ingredients have infiltrated our food supply, tainting what was once healthy. While agri-businesses continue to claim they are safe, increasing amounts of research demonstrate that GM foods are harmful to human health, damage ecosystems, cause financial calamity for many farmers, and release trans genes that could randomly transfer to other life forms in the environment with the potential for disastrous consequences. A growing body of research links genetically-modified food consumption with sterility, allergies, infant mortality, organ defects, childhood illnesses, and cancer.
Avoid these top 20 foods and food ingredients to make your body GM-free*:
Alfalfa—Not in the habit of eating alfalfa?  You could be unknowingly eating this food in your beef and dairy products. Used by dairy and beef farmers as feed for cows, genetically-modified alfalfa is common in both beef and milk products.
Aspartame—Not only is aspartame a well-established neurotoxin (brain and nervous system toxin), this laboratory-derived ingredient is made from aspartate, phenylalanine, and menthol, all of which are commonly sourced from genetically-modified ingredients.
Beef—Not only does most beef contain genetically-modified alfalfa, it also contains GM corn and soy, which becomes part of the meat.  If you’re eating beef, choose only organic beef that is grass-fed.
Canola Oil—Ninety percent of canola is genetically-modified to withstand the herbicide glyphosate (Round-Up).
Corn and Corn Starch—Almost all corn is genetically-modified, making this once healthy food a suspected cause of organ damage.  Like corn, the starch extract of this GM-food is found in almost all processed and packaged foods.  If you like battered and deep-fried foods of almost any kind, you’re getting lots of this ingredient and lots of genetically-modified corn. Corn starch is commonly-used to make deep-fried foods crispy.

Enzymes—Unfortunately many enzymes used in food production are derived from GM ingredients.  Some of these processes include:  preventing egg products from deteriorating, removing bitter substances from beer, improving the clarity of fruit juices, clotting milk to make cheese, increasing the rising speed of bread dough, and many others.  GM enzymes are also used in the manufacture of many supplements.  Check out the excellent bookGenetic Roulette for more information about GM enzymes.
Flaxseeds/Flaxseed Oil—Even flax has been contaminated with genetically-modified seed.  Be sure to choose only certified organic flax and flax oil.
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)—Because high fructose corn syrup is made from corn which is almost entirely genetically-modifed this ingredient is a serious threat to health.  Research links it to weight gain and diabetes.
Ice Cream—Ice cream typically contains multiple genetically-modified ingredients, including high fructose corn syrup, corn starch, and milk which contains bovine growth hormone (rBGH).  If that still doesn’t sound too bad to you, keep reading to learn more about rBGH in milk products.
Infant Formula—Do the corporations behind frankenfoods have no ethics at all?  Even infant formula is contaminated with frankenfood ingredients like soy and milk.  Yes, milk typically contains genetically-modified ingredients (keep reading!).
Margarine and Shortening—Made from genetically-modified canola or vegetable oil blends, margarine and vegetable shortening are not the healthy foods many people believe them to be.
Milk—Genetically-modified bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is injected into cows to increase milk output.  Incidentally, this process also increases the rate of infection in cows and results in blood and pus in the milk, along with the genetically-modified proteins.  Maybe the dairy marketing board should change their slogan from “Got Milk?” to “Got Gross?”
Non-organic and Synthetic Vitamins—You’ve read about enzyme supplements, but other nutritional supplements are commonly made from genetically-modified ingredients.  Choose ones that are made from natural (not synthetic) nutrients and organic ingredients.
Papaya (Hawaiian)—Papayas from Hawaii are largely genetically-modified.  They contain genetic material from the Ringspot virus.
Sausage—Most sausages contain ingredients derived from genetically-modified corn, including:  corn syrup or corn syrup solids.  Choose only organic sausage free of these ingredients and preservatives.
Soy and Lecithin—Most soybean crops are grown from genetically-modified soy, which has been linked to a host of health problems, including cancer.  Lecithin, which is a product made from soy, is also contaminated with harmful trans genes and used in many processed and packaged foods as a thickener.  Choose only certified organic soy.  Ideally, choose certified organic soy that has been fermented (like miso)

Squash—Many varieties of squashes have been created with genetically-modified gene sequences and are best avoided unless they are certified organic.
Sugar Beets—Sugar beets are used to make about 35% of the global supply of white sugar.  Consider that the average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar each year.  That works out to over 52 pounds of genetically-modified sugar on average.  That’s not only a lot of sugar, it’s a lot of genetically-modified organisms, and potentially a large amount of the herbicide glyphosate (Roundup) which is used on many sugar beet farms.
Tomatoes—Since the release of Flavr Savr tomatoes, the first genetically-modified tomatoes, many more frankentomatoes have been released on an unsuspecting public.  These tomatoes contain a DNA sequence that has been reversed to prevent softening and allow for a longer shelf-life, and therefore more money for the agribusinesses that sell them.  Research shows that they have lower nutritional value than their organic counterparts.
Vegetable Oil—Most “vegetable oil” blends are derived from genetically-modified corn, cotton, canola, or soybean oils.  These are four of the most heavily genetically-modified crops, making foods made with vegetable oil among the worst frankenfoods. 

The 12 Greatest Disease-Fighting Foods

Food Remedies for Every Ailment
The most harmful and deadly diseases plaguing America today are caused by food—cheap, low-quality processed foods high in sugar, fat, salt,genetically modified ingredients—and pesticides. But when you reach for whole, nutrient-dense, organic foods, you get a food-remedy tool kit that not only will ward off cancer and heart disease, but also colds, flu, allergies, and a host of other ailments that plague us every day.

With so many great healing foods out there, it's hard to choose just 12, but if you stock your kitchen with a plentiful supply of these staples, recommended in The Green Pharmacy Guide to Healing Foods by James A. Duke, PhD (Rodale, 2009), you'll ward off everything from cancer and colds to arthritis and menopause.

Beans are the cheapest healthy food you can buy, and their high isoflavone content wards off heart disease, improves bone and prostate health, and eases some symptoms of menopause. Being low in fat and high in protein, beans are easy swaps for red meat, so add them to soups, stews, dips, and even pasta sauces (pureed white beans can be used as a substitute for high-fat Alfredo sauces). Nutrient-wise, it doesn't make much difference if you use dried or canned, though canned beans can contain high levels of salt and often come packaged in cans lined with harmfulbisphenol A. We like Eden Organics canned beans, which contain very little added salt and are packaged in BPA-free cans.

Garlic and Onions
Members of the same plant family, garlic and onions do so many things for your heart and immune system, it's hard to list them all. Garlic's 70 active phytochemicals may decrease high blood pressure by as much as 30 points, and it lowers rates of ovarian, colorectal, and other cancers, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Onions are the single best source of quercitin, a flavonoid shown to keep your blood healthy and prevent clots. Both are must-haves for natural allergy prevention. To boost garlic's health effects, be sure to crush the cloves and let them stand for up to 30 minutes before heating them. Most of an onion's nutrition is in the skins, so Duke suggests putting the skins in a mesh bag and allowing them to steep in soups or sauces.

Addicted to coffee? In love with chocolate? That's good. Caffeinated foods, including coffee, chocolate, and tea, have high levels of polyphenols, dubbed "super" antioxidants for their ability to fight everything from cancer to depression. A Harvard University study even found that drinking five cups of coffee daily cuts the risk of developing diabetes in half. That much coffee could give you the jitters, though, so most experts recommend limiting intake to two cups a day, or switching to decaf. Whether you prefer tea or coffee, studies seem to suggest that decaf versions contain just as many antioxidants as the regular stuff. And, of course, dark chocolate is better than sugary milk chocolate or white; check out our organic chocolate taste test results for the best organic, Fair Trade brands.

Next time you need a crunchy afternoon snack, reach for the celery, not the carrot sticks. Rich in minerals, vitamin C, and phenolic acids, it wards off cancer, cold and flu, and allergies. Compounds called phthalides make it a good cholesterol-lowering food remedy, too. The more the better, most research suggests. Duke says to eat at least four stalks a day. Because its flavor is relatively mild, you can dress it up with peanut butter or use it in place of chips or crackers for your favorite dip. Celery is also one of the rare veggies that don't lose nutritional value when cooked, so add lots of it to stocks, soups, and casseroles. Use the leaves, as well, because they're rich in calcium and more vitamin C.

Cinnamon's most notable and studied benefit to the immune system has been its ability to lower blood sugar. A U.S. Department of Agriculture study found that the Christmas-y spice could lower blood sugar by 13 to 23 percent. The author of that study suspected that had to do with cinnamon's antioxidants, which activate insulin receptors in your cells. A German study showed that it could suppress Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria, the cause of most urinary tract infections, and Candida albicans, the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infections. Duke adds that friends of his have successfully quit smoking by sucking on cinnamon sticks whenever they had the urge to smoke. Add a teaspoon to your morning oatmeal or to a glass of organic apple cider.

Citrus Fruits
The stars of the fall and winter fruit season, citrus fruits contain close to 200 cancer-fighting compounds, cholesterol-lowering fiber, and inflammation-lowering flavonoids. An Australian review of 48 studies on diet and cancer found that consuming a daily serving of citrus fruit may cut your risk of mouth, throat, and stomach cancer by up to one half. Grapefruits are also high in lycopene, a cancer-fighter usually found in tomatoes, which are out of season when grapefruit is at its peak. To get the most benefit, eat your fruit whole, not in the form of juices, so you also get all the valuable fiber. Many of the healthy compounds hide in the rinds, too, so use citrus marmalades, which contain bits of the rinds, and use the zests of oranges, tangerines, and lemons in your cooking.

Though widely used as an effective antidote to queasiness, it can also keep cholesterol levels under control, lower blood pressure, and help ease the inflammation associated with arthritis. Researchers have also found that ginger helps kill the influenza virus, plus it helps the immune system fight infection. A study at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of Miami found that ginger extract significantly reduced pain related to osteoarthritis of the knee. About an ounce a day will bring benefits, Duke says. Using it in stir-fry dishes or meat marinades will give you enough to help. You can also grate gingerroot and steep it in hot boiling water to make an herbal tea.

Forget the mints your associate with gum or mouthwash. There are actually hundreds of plants in the mint family that you may have never realized were technically classified as mints, including basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano, lavender, sage, and lemon balm. When used in teas, these herbs can soothe an upset stomach, but emerging research suggests that their individual compounds can prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps keep your memory sharp.

Whether hot and spicy or sweet and crunchy, there are enough peppers out there to suit anyone's taste, and they're all equally healthy for you. Spicychile peppers have high levels of capsaicin, which interferes with your mind's pain receptors, and therefore act as natural painkillers. Capsaicin, which gives peppers their heat, has also been found to aid in weight loss by keeping your metabolism in check. Sweet peppers have a similar compound called dihydrocapsiate that comes without the spicy kick of capsaicin but with the same effects on pain and weight loss. The also contain loads of vitamin C and beta-carotene. Toss a few spicy peppers into your next batch of tacos or Asian stir-fry; bell peppers retain most of their vitamins when eaten raw.

Pomegranates have been used for centuries in the Middle East, Iran, and India as a folk remedy, Duke writes, and for good reason. They're a good source of potassium, vitamin C and antioxidants that ward off cancer. They could also help fight Alzheimer's disease. Loma Linda University researchers discovered that mice that consumed pomegranate juice experienced 50 percent less brain degeneration than animals that drank sugar-water. A final benefit? Pace University researchers found that pomegranate juice can kill the S. mutans bacteria, one of the main causes of cavities. Pomegranate juice is a good way to get the most out of these sometimes-messy fruits, as manufacturers use the entire fruit, as opposed to just the edible seeds.

A relative of ginger, turmeric is the spice that gives curries their vivid golden hue and yellow mustard its bright color. For thousands of years, people in India have considered turmeric a healing herb. Studies show that it protects the stomach, helping to prevent ulcers, and it aids in the digestion of fats. The spice may also fight Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers have found that elderly villagers in India appear to have the world's lowest rate of the disease, possibly because of the anti-inflammatory compound curcumin in turmeric. Incorporate turmeric onto your chicken, turkey, rice, or vegetables to get used to the different taste. Duke suggests sprinkling it on cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and kale.

Few foods are better for your brain than walnuts. They're a great source of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that curbs your appetite, as well as vitamin E, magnesium, folate, protein, and fiber. Walnuts boast more heart-healthy omega-3 fats than salmon, making them a good antidote to seasonal depression. This wonder nut is also packed with anti-inflammatory polyphenols. Many of the compounds in walnuts, such as vitamin B5 and folic acid, can be destroyed by heat, so it's best to eat them raw. If you find them too bitter to eat whole, use them in place of pine nuts in your pesto or grind them up and sprinkle them over cooked vegetables.

Foods to Avoid and Foods to Eat for Diabetes

If you’re diabetic you probably already know that you need to avoid sugar, but what other foods should you avoid, or reduce, in your diet? Having diabetes or trying to prevent it doesn’t mean you have to avoid all of your favorite foods. It usually just means finding healthier alternatives or different ways of making foods.
Diabetes is a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin becomes impaired, resulting in the improper breakdown of carbohydrates and high sugar levels in the blood and urine.

Eliminate Sugary Sweets in Favor of Better Options

Because carbs can elevate blood glucose levels, simple carbs are best avoided as much as possible. These foods include sugary foods like pastries, cookies, cakes, pies and other sweets made with sugar. Instead of chocolate pudding or mousse made with sugar and cream, opt instead for one made with a ripe avocado, cocoa and a bit of the natural herb-based sweetener, stevia. Blend, et voila, you have a delicious chocolate dessert without any of the sugar of the original. As you can see: it’s not about just eliminating all of your favorite foods, it is about finding better ways of making them so they don’t wreak havoc on your body. 

Switch Out Refined Grains with Whole Grains

White flour products like baked goods, breads and pasta have similar blood-sugar-raising effects in the body and are best avoided. While not technically a grain, white potatoes are starchy and act more like refined grains in the body than vegetables, so it is best to switch from white potatoes to sweet potatoes. Also switch white rice to brown rice or quinoa. The same is true of pasta: rather than choose white flour pasta, try some of the many delicious whole grain varieties like brown rice, quinoa, kamut and even black bean spaghetti. Switch from refined boxed cereals to 100% whole grain ones. Better yet, enjoy a cooked oatmeal or oat bran breakfast topped with ground flax seeds, some ground cinnamon (not just for taste, cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar) and a few drops or a dash of stevia to sweeten.

Make Vegetables the Focal Point of Every Meal

That may sound dull, but it can actually be amazing. This time of year, I regularly grill a selection of vegetables, including: asparagus, red peppers, onions, zucchini, squash, green beans with a little olive oil and sea salt. Not only are they great with any meal, I save the leftovers and toss them in a garlicky vinaigrette for a delicious antipasto platter for snacks or along with some whole grain crackers and plant-based cheeses I make for meals. Even keeping a dish of these pre-cooked vegetables in the fridge means I always have vegetables ready in a pinch to add to meals.

Focus on Fermented Foods

More and more research shows that probiotics in the diet can improve the body’s ability to use glucose for energy as well as improve energy balance in the body. This is a mechanism that is impaired in people with diabetes, so restoring it is a key to prevention or treatment. Research shows that boosting probiotic intake decreases C-reactive protein levels, a marker for inflammation (and a factor in diabetes), and also prevented spikes in fasting blood sugar levels. Both of these markers indicate improvements in the status of the condition. Some of the foods that contain probiotics include: kefir (a fermented beverage), kombucha (a naturally-fizzy and slightly vinegary-tasting beverage), sauerkraut, kimchi and yogurt. Regardless which type of fermented foods you add to your daily diet, be sure to choose only ones without sugar, like unsweetened Greek yogurt, for example.

6 Things All Nutrition Experts Agree On

A vegetarian, a paleo dieter and a Mediterranean Diet proponent walk into a conference…sounds like the start of a joke, but it actually resulted in some common ground between nutrition and food systems experts last week. Put together by food and nutrition education nonprofit Oldways, the Finding Common Ground Conference brought together a committee of experts to reach a consensus on healthy eating.
If you’ve attempted to stay up-to-date on what’s healthy and what’s not over the past few years, you know that there’s been evidence and researchers to back up guidelines that are often at odds with each other—(Are we eating eggs now? Is our next burger going to kill us?)—but after plenty of presentations and debates, the scientists, doctors and professors at the Finding Common Ground Conference were able to, well, find some common ground.
Here are some of the major principles they all stand behind: 


Sorry, no one’s going to give you permission to skimp on veggies. The group collectively agree with the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s report that “a healthy dietary pattern is higher in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low or non-fat dairy, seafood, legumes and nuts; moderate in alcohol (among adults); lower in red and processed meats; and low in sugar-sweetened foods and drinks and refined grains.”


We all know someone who’s lost weight or gotten healthier by cutting out carbs or starting every morning with spinach juice—but if you can’t fathom the thought of ditching bagels forever, don’t force it. The experts caution against eliminating entire food groups in the name of nutrition, saying “it is not necessary to eliminate food groups or conform to a single dietary pattern to achieve healthy dietary patterns. Rather, individuals can combine foods in a variety of flexible ways to achieve healthy dietary patterns, and these strategies should be tailored to meet the individual’s health needs, dietary preferences and cultural traditions.”


New research on nutrition is important and absolutely worth considering—but you don’t need to overhaul your diet every time a new study alerts us to a new superfood. Instead of replacing what you already know about healthy eating with new research, consider it as a whole. “Fundamentals and current understanding do NOT change every time a new study makes headlines,” the committee says. “New evidence should be added to what was known before, not substituted for it sequentially.”


Instead of focusing on what we can’t eat, the committee endorses practical substitutions. “Instead of simply saying, “Drink less soda,” for instance, say “Drink water instead of soda.” What we consume and what we don’t consume instead, both contribute to health outcomes,” the report on the conference states.


Again echoing federal guidelines, the experts at the Finding Common Ground Conference emphasize that “food insecurity cannot be solved without sustainable food systems. Inattention to sustainability is willful disregard for the quality and quantity of food available to the next generation.” According to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Committee, that means “a focus on decreasing meat consumption, choosing seafood from non-threatened stocks, eating more plants and plant-based products, reducing energy intake, and reducing waste.”


Healthy food doesn’t mean tasteless food. “Food can and should be good for human health, good for the planet, and simply…good—unapologetically delicious,” the report states.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Texas mom, 25, charged in deaths of her two young children after she 'left them in a hot car to punish them while she smoked pot and took a nap'

A Parker County mother who told investigators that she locked her two children in a hot car as punishment was arrested Friday, authorities said.
The two children were pronounced dead after being found in the car on the afternoon of May 26, which at the time was the hottest day of the year.
Cynthia Marie Randolph, 25, told investigators with the Parker County Sheriff’s Office that she was trying to teach her 2-year-old daughter a lesson by putting in the car with her 16-month-old brother.
Randolph was charged with two first-degree felony counts of injury to a child causing serious bodily injury. She was booked into the Parker County Jail. Her bond had not been set as of late Friday.
Randolph said that after she closed the car door on her two children she went inside her residence and smoked marijuana, then took a two-to-three hour nap, according to a news release from the Parker County Sheriff’s Office.
Randolph told investigators that she believed the toddlers could get out of the vehicle. Randolph later said she broke the window of the vehicle to make it look like an accident.
But after being questioned again by investigators, Randolph told them several different versions of the events that transpired on May 26.
When it's 95 degrees outside, the inside of a vehicle can reach 140 degrees in one hour, according to Heatstroke begins when the body temperature reaches 104 degrees.
Texas has had at least 121 heat-related deaths of children left in vehicles since 1990, more than any other state in the nation, according to and Star-Telegram research.
This year, 13 children have died nationwide after being left in vehicles, according to Of those, three have been in North Texas, including the two Friday in Parker County.
Sheriff’s deputies were called to a residence in the 200 block of Rambling Loop, in unincorporated Parker County west of Lake Weatherford, where Randolph told detectives that she found her two children unresponsive after being locked inside a vehicle. The children were later identified by the Tarrant County medical examiner’s office as Juliet Ramirez, 2, and Cavanaugh Ramirez, 16 months.
A ruling on the cause and manner of death in each child is pending, according to the medical examiner’s website.
Parker County Sheriff Larry Fowler said the incident was reported shortly after 4 p.m., when the temperatures had reached approximately 96 degrees.
Randolph initially said she was inside her residence folding laundry and watching television as the children played in an enclosed back porch visible from the living room. After about 20 to 30 minutes passed, Randolph said she realized she had not heard the children and noticed they were gone. Randolph stated she spent the next 30 to 40 minutes searching for her children, the release said.
Randolph said that both children apparently “took off” and that after searching the area they were found locked inside a small four-door vehicle on the property, according to the release. Randolph told authorities that the children entered the vehicle on their own and had locked themselves inside.