
Tuesday 6 December 2016

8 of The Worst Foods For You

It’s pretty easy to know what foods are good and bad for you. Of course, homemade mac and cheese isn’t exactly the most nutritious food you can eat, and fresh berries are healthy and delicious. Even in moderation, though, some of the most calorie-laden and nutrition-devoid foods can be okay. But, there are some foods out there that you should just stay away from no matter what. What are the absolute worst foods you can eat? Read on for some of the surprising — and not so surprising — foods you should banish from your diet.

1. Margarine
Some brands of margarine are loaded with a whole slew of unhealthy trans and saturated fats. And, many of the brands that claim to be trans fat-free are actually allowed to contain a little bit of the stuff. Margarine sticks are the absolute worst offenders here: they almost all contain those unhealthy fats. Stick with real butter in smaller doses, or reach for one of the many healthy cooking oils out there.

2. Potato Chips
This greasy, salty and carb-loaded snack are one of the worst offenders when it comes to health and nutrition. Potato chips contain ultra-unhealthy trans-fats, which can lead to increased risks of diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.

3. Low-Fat Packaged Foods
There’s a very good reason that low-fat diets have mostly fallen out of fashion: the science just doesn’t really back them up anymore. Many low-fat snacks make up for that lack of fat with other types of nutrients — sugar, trans-fats and lots of carbs. Fat is not necessarily always bad. Healthy fats like olive oil and avocados, are great in small doses, and you do need these fats to maintain a healthy diet. But take a close look at the nutritional facts of any low-fat food before buying: it might be packing a whole bunch of unhealthy ingredients.

4. Frozen Meals (even “healthy” ones!)
It’s not that all frozen foods are bad — frozen vegetables and fruits, for instance, are often a healthy and economical alternative to fresh produce. But those frozen dinners? Well, what you’re gaining in convenience you’re usually losing in nutritional value. Frozen dinners often contain alarmingly high levels of salt, sugar, fat and calories. Read the label carefully, because even frozen dinners that are touted as health foods can be hiding some majorly distressing nutritional content.

5. Processed Meats
There is little nutritional value, and plenty of nutritional concerns, in smoked, cured and salted meats. Loaded with cholesterol, fat and salt, processed meats also contain plenty of preservatives that actually may increase your risk of certain types of cancer. One study conduction at the University of Hawaii found that people who ate the most processed meat had an 68 percent higher risk of developing pancreatic cancer.

6. Swordfish
Tuna might have the worst reputation for mercury and other toxins, but swordfish, especially imported swordfish, is usually worse. Swordfish is high on the food chain, and contains more toxins because of its predatory habits. It’s also bad for the environment because swordfish are severely overfished, and fishing results in the death of countless other marine species like turtles, sharks, dolphins and seabirds.

7. Microwave Popcorn
Air-popped popcorn is a surprisingly healthy snack. But the packaged stuff? Well, microwave popcorn tends to contain plenty of scary, unhealthy additives, trans-fats and way too much salt. You can read more about the dangers of microwave popcorn here.
Stick to the stovetop stuff and pour on the real butter and salt. That way, you can control how much you want. And it tastes better, too!

8. Diet Soda.
Is diet cola worse for you than the regular stuff? In a lot of ways, yes. For more on this, read this great breakdown of 14 ways diet soda is bad for you here.
Sparkling flavored water is a good substitute, or, if you must, indulge in regular soda  

Frankincense Oil the Go to Remedy Since Biblical Times

Since biblical times frankincense oil has been has been useful for creating luxurious earthy scented perfumes, anointing purposes and most importantly as a remedy for treating and even curing many health conditions. Today, the oil is still most useful for its medicinal purposes.
In fact, many holistic doctors find it helpful for supporting the immune system so it is able to fighting off infection with ease as well as cure disease when illness does occur. Some of the health conditions that actually improve with the use of frankincense oil are:
  • The Common Cold and Flu
  • Viral and Bacterial Infections
  • Acne Prone Skin
  • Skin Scarring
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and Panic Attacks
  • Respiratory Distress Consisting of Wheezing, Coughing and Congestion
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Tension Headaches
  • Colic
  • Intestinal Gas
  • Body Aches and Pains
  • Skin Disorders such as Eczema and Psoriasis
  • Anti-fungal infections
However, it is important you speak with your doctor or a holistic physician who is experienced with frankincense oil before using it. Some people have had a reaction to it simply because they are allergic to it or it interacts with a particular medication or medical conditions they currently are dealing with.
With that said, if you do get the okay from the doctor that the oil is safe for you to use to help treat some of the common health conditions you are suffering from, you might also receive other benefits from using the essential oil too. One particular benefit being natural cancer prevention since the antioxidant compounds in frankincense oil have the ability to kill the cancer cells that cause a wide variety of cancers in the body. A particular type of cancer the oil is most useful in preventing and treating is ovarian cancer. Other types of cancers frankincense oil may be able to help prevent successfully are:
  • Breast
  • Brain
  • Stomach
  • Prostate
  • Pancreatic
  • Thyroid
  • Lung
  • Colon
More studies need to be completed by medical researchers before conclusions are given on the oil’s true effectiveness towards cancers, but the studies that are being done now do look promising. Although, it is important that you do not rely solely on this herbal oil for treating or curing any kind of illness you may be suffering from currently. It is also important to know that is never wise to use frankincense oil directly on the skin or internally unless directed to do so by a doctor. It is always important to use organic skin safe or food grade oil mixed with carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, almond or grapeseed before using it as a treatment.
Some of the side effects that are common from using frankincense are skin rashes and allergies, but other than that, other side effects are not known. For this reason, pregnant women should not use this oil for treating or preventing any kind of healthy condition. Otherwise, when used responsibly and as directed by a medicinal professional this herbal oil can be effective for treating, curing and even preventing many common health conditions naturally just as it did in biblical times.

Why You Should Start Brushing Your Teeth With Coconut Oil Today

Oil pulling is a very old Ayurvedic practice people have done for thousands of years to improve overall health. In addition to brushing your teeth, you can simply swish it around in your mouth and it helps kill harmful bacteria and other organisms.

How is it done? Pretty easily. You just swish a bit of coconut oil around in your mouth.  Be sure to spit into the garbage as enough coconut oil will plug your plumbing.
  1. Reduces bad breath by killing gums disease. Coconut oil has antibacterial agents that help end gums disease which is a leading cause of bad breath. Coconut oil also helps defeat cavities.
  2. Coconut oil helps treat TMJ and jaw pain. Oil pulling is known to help strengthen the jaw and relieve TMJ and soreness in the jaw area. You might be sore from the swishing at first, but your jaw gets stronger.
  3. Coconut oil whitens your teeth.
  4. Coconut oil improves skin conditions. How does brushing with coconut oil help your skin? It helps remove toxins from your body through the mouth, thus decreasing the likeliness of breakouts.
  5. Coconut oil relieves headaches and migraines.
  6. Supports healthy kidneys and liver. By removing toxins from your bloodstream, coconut oil eases up the amount of work your kidneys and liver need to do.
  7. Coconut oil might alleviate asthma and congestion. The jury is still out a bit on this one. Some cases have shown coconut oil pulling to help clear up inflammation of the lungs that causes asthma, as well as clearing up bronchitis and congestion. Tread with caution regarding using it as a treatment for any serious disease.

Harmful Handwashing: 7 Dangers of Antibacterial Soaps

Products promising antibacterial protection, sold under brand names including Dial and Lever, contain chemicals whose safety has been questioned for years, with research suggesting that they could interfere with hormones in the body and increase the resistance of bacteria to common antibiotic medications. Antibacterial cleansing products containing the ingredient triclosan claim to offer more germ-fighting protection than regular soaps against some of the most virulent illnesses present in modern society, such as staphylococcus, influenza and strep.
However, antibacterial soaps present some risks in addition to their stated advantages. About 75 percent of liquid antibacterial soaps and 30 percent of bars use a chemical called triclosan as an active ingredient. The drug, which was originally used strictly in hospital settings, was adopted by manufacturers of soaps and other home products during the 1990s, eventually ballooning into an industry that’s worth an estimated $1 billion. Apart from soap, we’ve begun putting the chemical in wipes, hand gels, cutting boards, mattress pads and all sorts of home items as we try our best to eradicate any trace of bacteria from our environment.
7 Dangers of antibacterial soaps and cleansers

Healthy Bacteria Is Killed, Too

Antibacterial soaps and cleansers are designed to kill bacteria that isn’t good for your body before it reaches unsafe levels. But these antibacterial products also kill the good bacteria – bacteria that can help prevent other bacteria from spreading and that helps you build a natural resistance to bad bacteria. Killing 99.9% of germs, something that many antibacterial product manufacturers use as their main selling feature, is deceiving when some of those germs help strengthen your immune system. So it’s hard to say these cleansers are good for you when they get rid of the good stuff too.

Increased Allergies

One of the main reasons parents use antibacterial products is to protect their children. Advertising campaigns have been effective in making parents worry about the germs and bacteria their kids come in contact with, leading parents to equip themselves with several types of antibacterial products. But you may be doing more harm than good – triclosan has been linked to causing increased allergies in children. How? The reduced exposure to bacteria can affect the development of a child’s immune system, making them more susceptible to certain allergies. Regularly using antibacterials soaps and cleansers may in fact do the opposite of protecting your children.

Triclosan Used In Pesticides

The FDA and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are collaborating on regulatory issues related to triclosan. It’s found in many brands of toothpaste, mouthwash, hand and body wash, as well as baby products. And the danger shouldn’t be ignored, especially since the EPA regulates triclosan in the use of pesticides. That’s right – you could be brushing your teeth and covering your body with a chemical that the EPA is reviewing its use of in pesticides. The chemical is absorbed through the skin and mouth much more easily than originally thought, and it makes you wonder why we would chance the possible health risks and environmental damage associated with the chemical.

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria On the Rise

Recent research about the effect antibacterial soaps and cleansers have shows some alarming connections to new superbugs that we’re unable to protect ourselves against. With antibacterial products stripping away all germs, even the good germs, we don’t naturally build resistance to new bacteria. This results in the possibility of new bugs threatening our health because our body is unable to fight them off. Many experts believe antibacterial products open the door for new types of bacteria to emerge that are resistant to certain medications, specifically antibiotics. These new superbugs are a danger to public health.

Hormone Imbalances

With the antibacterial product market being as vast as it is, more research has been done recently that studies the effect these products may have on hormones. A lot of tests have been done on animals and the results are alarming – triclosan, an ingredient in many antibacterial products, has proven to be an endocrine disruptor. The endocrine system produces and releases hormones and other products into your bloodstream. The disruption that triclosan has on animals affects estrogen, testosterone and thyroid levels. Experts believe women and children are most at risk for potential hormone imbalances from antibacterial products.

 Harmful For Environment

There are many questions and safety concerns about the impact triclosan – an ingredient found in a significant portion of antibacterial soaps available – has on your body. But the dangers of antibacterial products don’t just relate to the potential implications on people. Research has shown that triclosan also has a negative impact on the environment. With the amount of people regularly using antibacterial hand and body wash, the water you rinse these products off with becomes contaminated in a way. Not all sewage treatments are able to rid the water of triclosan, so small amounts get into streams and lakes, causing a disruption in algae growth.

 Don’t Prevent Illness

It’s a common misconception that antibacterial soaps and cleansers prevent you from getting sick, when many colds and strains of the flu are viral in nature and can’t be treated with antibiotics – or avoided by using antibacterial soaps. In fact, you may be preventing your immune system from developing resistance to bacterial infections by not allowing your body to be exposed to them and naturally protect against infections. Advertisements falsely imply that all germs need to be killed to prevent spreading illness, when a significant amount of colds and strains of the flu are viral in nature and cannot be killed.

Monday 5 December 2016

Jaw Dropping Optical Illusion Paintings (13 pics)

Painter Oleg Shupliak from Ukraine is the master of optical illusions. Take a close look at his paintings and let it sink in.

Dancing Renoir
Two little birds

A windy day / Claude Monet

A forest song

Newton in the garden of ideas

Anna Karenina

Foolishness and genius

In the theatre’s rafters

Van Gogh double portrait

Leda and Zeus

Soul and song

A highly original self-portrait

When Police Set Up A Camera To Catch A Mountain Lion, They Really Didn’t Expect To See This! (13 pics)

People in Gardner Park, Kansas reported to the police that they noticed a mountain lion in one of the neighborhoods. So, the police set up a couple of cameras to catch it. But after they saw a footage, to say they were surprised is an understatement. They absolutely weren’t prepared to see this…
Brace yourself, because you won’t be able to unseen it.

When they reviewed the footage afterwards, they found a whole bunch of different wildlife. Like this skunk for instance

And a coyote

And this raccoon

But there was no sign of a mountain lion

Although they did find something scarier

Much scarier

Like this wolf in high heels

And this creepy gas mask guy

And whatever the hell this thing is

Thinking of going to Kansas for your holidays?

We’re not.
