
Saturday 3 December 2016

15 Best & Worst Foods to Eat When You’re Sick

Being sick is never fun. While reducing stress and getting plenty of sleep can help you get through a nasty bout of seasonal sickness, food can play an important role, too. Of course, some foods are better than others. Here are some of the best and worst foods you can eat when you’re feeling under the weather.     
Bone Broth. Chicken soup has been a longtime remedy for any sickness — and for good reason. Broth, slow-cooked bone broth in particular, is very dense in nutrients, including magnesium, phosphorus, and other difficult to obtain trace minerals. Your body will have a harder time fighting off illness if it is suffering a deficiency, and drinking warm broth is comforting for the soul. (Here’s a vegan recipe that rivals the meat version.) 
Hot Tea. Not only is green tea chock full of antioxidants, but it also has anti-viral and antibacterial properties — yet another reason to stock green tea in your pantry. If caffeine isn’t your thing, chamomile tea elevates phenols, which are antioxidants that have been shown to possess antibacterial powers.   
Raw honey. Honey is sometimes thought to be as effective (or more) in suppressing coughs as over-the-counter meds. A 2010 study found that children with upper respiratory infections experienced greater relief from a 2.5 ml serving of honey before bed than from over-the-counter cough suppressants. If you have some spare change, try New Zealand’s own manuka honey, which is touted as being one of the most medicinal honeys in the world.      
Citrus. Grapefruit, oranges, and lemons are bursting with nutrients, including vitamin C, which is a well-documented ally if you’re fighting off the sniffles. Eat them whole, spritz some into your water, or make homemade juice if you’re feeling up to it. Popsicles are also great for numbing a sore throat. Ask someone to make you some homemade orange juice pops for a tasty, health-boosting remedy. Don’t waste your money on Vitamin C supplements, though — the body can’t use more than 200 milligrams a day.  
Apple cider vinegar. Does ACV have no end to its glory? It is a potent anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory liquid. It also helps to reduce acidity in the body by acting as an alkalizing agent. A tonic consisting of a tablespoon or two of raw ACV, raw honey, and lots of water could have you feeling a little bit less foggy in no time.   
Spicy foods. If you just have a head cold, eating something spicy might be the way to clear out your sinuses. When consuming spicy foods, your body will naturally loosen the mucus and phlegm that is clogging your body, and you might be able to breathe a little better. Spicy foods include chili pepper, horseradish, and wasabi. Take note: if you have a stomach illness, spicy foods may only aggravate your symptoms.
Garlic. As an antimicrobial and antibiotic, garlic is known to boost immunity. It also increases enzymes that help to detoxify the blood. Studies have shown that garlic can not only help ward off colds but also reduce the duration and severity of illness. Load up a homemade bone broth and sip throughout the day.     
Elderberries. A 2009 study showed that elderberry extracts were able to block the H1N1 virus’s ability to infect host cells.  That means it is a potent anti-viral. Okay, so maybe you don’t have an elderberry tonic stored in the back of your fridge, but if you find it or decide to make some, know that elderberries are great virus-fighters. Some even claim it can reduce the duration of colds and upper-respiratory infections.  
Ginger. This well-documented root helps with nausea. But, instead of reaching for a regular ginger ale loaded with high fructose corn syrup, try a natural ginger beer or ginger tea. These will have a higher potency of ginger and won’t cause further inflammation caused by unwelcome sugars.    
Bananas. Aside from their high vitamin content and energizing sugars, bananas are quite gentle on the stomach. If you’re suffering from a digestive-related illness, know bananas are a safe bet — along with rice, applesauce, and toast.   
Oregano. Anti-viral, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory, oil of oregano is extremely powerful and has been shown to fight viruses. It inhibits the growth of unwelcome pathogens, and has myriad other health uses to warrant it a spot in your medicine cabinet. Add a few drops to water or cook with the whole herb. Just exercise caution, as it is very potent.         

In general, you should avoid any foods that cause inflammation, like white flour, refined sugar, and artificial sweeteners. Here are a few examples: 
Highly acidic foods. When your body is trying to bring itself back into balance, you don’t want to keep pumping in acidity and inflammation. Stay clear of any foods to which you may be sensitive — like dairy and gluten — and opt for eating less red meat and dairy, which can be heavy and acidic to the body.  
Sugary foods. Sugar is acidic to the body. Avoid refined sugars and artificial sweeteners, which cause inflammation. Instead, opt for honey and maple syrup, which are full of beneficial minerals, or eat whole fruits, which balance the sugar intake with fiber.  
Fatty foods. Fried chicken is not going to make you feel any better. Foods high in grease and fat often leave your stomach unsettled and can produce further inflammation. Adding to your bodily inflammation while your sick just isn’t a smart idea, so steer clear of all fast food burgers when you are fighting off a cold. 
Dairy. While there isn’t a general consensus on this, most believe that dairy encourages the development of mucus. It’s probably not something you’re craving when you have a stomach bug either. If you’re searching for something cold to soothe your throat, opt for natural popsicles before hunkering down with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough. (On the other hand, fermented dairy, like yogurt and kefir, may be beneficial in small amounts, due to the high levels of probiotics.)       
The earlier you recognize an incoming illness, the better. Eating the proper foods can help you get out of bed and out into the world in no time. Remember, your food is medicine. What foods do you use to remedy the flu and seasonal sicknesses? 

There May Be More Sugar In Your Food Than You Realize

As of July 26, 2018, you’ll be seeing a freshly revamped food label on all packaged foods. The new labels, recently signed into law by the FDA, bring with them a number of changes, including a bigger calorie number and more reasonable serving sizes. Additionally, all food manufacturers will be required to be transparent about the total amount of added sugars found in the product.
What Does “Added Sugar” Mean?
Though many health experts have been critical of the new food labels, the addition of sugar transparency has been generally well-received. However, it’s worth noting that just because the label will show the total amount of added sugar, it won’t show the amount of naturally occurring sugar within the product. For example, if a food product contains apples or dates, the amount of sugar in those fruits will not be reflected in the label. 
Why is that a problem? While fructose from fruit may not be the most insidious sounding ingredient, it does, in fact, have the same health repercussions of added sugars. The Atlantic explains:
“Eating whole fruit is better than eating the sugar from that fruit in isolation. But the sugar that comes from fruit is just not healthier—not different in any substantive way—from the sugar that comes from sugarcane. And this misunderstanding is exactly how food producers will exploit this rule. They will add apple juice or agave to everything that kids (especially kids) eat, and then their product will technically have no ‘added sugars,’ even when they have a lot of added sugars.”
Other Names for Sugar
It get even more convoluted beyond that. In addition to added sugars such as cane sugar, brown sugar, honey, agave, etc., there are a plethora of other names under which sugar can masquerade. Here are just a few:
  • Anhydrous dextrose
  • Cane crystals
  • Corn sweetener
  • Corn syrup
  • Corn syrup solids
  • Crystal dextrose
  • Evaporated cane juice
  • Fructose
  • Fruit juice concentrates
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Lactose
  • Liquid fructose
  • Maltose
  • Malt syrup
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Pancake syrup
If this list seems shocking, that’s because it’s a big problem. Consider a few of the common grocery store items you probably purchase, assuming they don’t contain added sugar: things such as as condiments, salad dressings, plain yogurt, marinara sauces, packaged “healthy” meals, bread and marinades.
Because there are so many different ingredient names under which sugar can hide, our current labels don’t necessarily include an accurate portrayal of sugar amounts. The new labels hope to fix this.

9 Reasons to Ditch Bacon for Good

Here are 9 reasons to ditch bacon for good:
1. A 42% Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
Regular bacon consumption has been linked to a significant increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Three strips of bacon contain approximately 435 mg of sodium. If you’re not sure, that’s a lot. Regular bacon or other processed meat consumption has been found to increase the risk of heart attack by 42%.

2. A 44% Increased Risk of Dying Young
According to a study published in the medical journal BMC Medicine, researchers found that eating processed meat such as bacon significantly increased the risk of dying prematurely from any cause, but especially from heart disease or cancer. One in seventeen people followed by researchers died; however, those who ate more than 160 grams of processed meat (about two sausages and a slice of bacon) were 44% more likely to die than those who ate about 20 grams daily.

3. A 19% Increased Risk of Diabetes
While food manufacturers and celebrity chefs alike seem to be adding bacon to just about everything, including cookies, ice cream, chocolates, and almost any main course, bacon consumption is no laughing matter. The journal Science Daily published research illustrating that daily consumption of bacon and other processed meats can increase the risk of diabetes by 19 percent.

4. Increased Risk of Lung Disease or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
A study from the University of Columbia found that consuming bacon 14 times a month – less than once every two days – significantly increased the risk of lung disease and reduced lung function. Eating bacon or other cured meats increased the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, including disorders like emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

5. Can Trigger Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Just Two Days
In a Harvard University study published in the journal Nature researchers found that eating a diet high in meat rapidly alters the microorganisms residing in the gut. They found that a diet high in animal-based foods caused an overgrowth of microorganisms that can trigger inflammatory bowel disease within only two days of eating a high meat diet.

6. A Significantly Increased Risk of Cancer of the Urinary Tract
In a study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention researchers found a significant increase in urinary tract cancer in men who ate the highest amounts of bacon and other processed meats.

7. A Risk of Colorectal Cancer
An earlier study published in the medical journal Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health found a link between meats like bacon that are treated with preservatives known as nitrates, and an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

8. An Increased Risk of Lung Cancer
Consumption of bacon and other processed meats has also been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer in both men and women according to research in the journal Epidemiology. No amount of processed meat is considered safe to eat, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

9. Allergic and Asthmatic Reactions
The preservatives found in many brands of bacon can cause an allergic or asthmatic reaction in some individuals and is best avoided by those suffering from breathing disorders like asthma or those with many chemical or food allergies or sensitivities. 

12 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills

Over the last several decades, over-use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high. The result has been drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs” that evolve faster than scientists can figure out how to fight them. A future where bacteria are at the top of the food chain is not unheard of.
Long before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics – developed in the 1940s, there were foods and herbs that helped guard against infection and disease on a daily basis. Many of these natural defenders are still in use today with holistic healers around the globe.
Our ancestors also had a solution for healing, using antibiotics from nature and it would be good to remind ourselves who these antibiotics are and possibly think about using them in case of an illness.

Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead of Pills

Oregano and the oil of oregano
You’ve probably used oregano as a flavoring in your favorite Italian dishes without even realizing the health benefits that it contains. Beyond its antibacterial properties, oregano can help with digestion and aid in weight loss. An oil that is found in oregano, Carvacrol, has been found to fight the bacteria that can lead to infections. The oil of oregano has been found to treat digestive infections, and even one particular yeast infection. It is more than just a food flavoring.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
The far-reaching benefits of daily doses of apple cider vinegar (ACV) include antibiotic and antiseptic properties, naturally alkalizing your system, and can aid you in everything from managing your weight to lowering cholesterol and your risk of cancer.
A chemical-free astringent, ACV can be used topically to disinfect and sterilize.
Ancient Romans used honey on the battlefield to treat wounds and prevent infection.
Civilizations all over the world continue to consider honey one of the best natural antibiotics, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, and antiseptics known to man after thousands of years.
New Zealand’s Manuka honey has been proven to have the highest levels of antioxidants and curative powers.
An enzyme found in honey releases hydrogen peroxide. This process helps your body fight infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. Soothing to the digestive system, honey removes toxins from the blood and helps your liver operate more efficiently.
A great boost to the immune system, consider combining honey with cinnamon to strengthen your white blood cells! Raw, organic honey is the best option since most pasteurization methods kills the antioxidant effects.
This spice isn’t just rich in color and flavor, but it also products your body against harm. Turmeric and be both consumed and applied externally, making it a great choice for fighting against bacteria. For extra benefit, from combining two bacteria fighting substances, you can mix turmeric with honey and create a paste to apply to infected areas on your skin.
You can protect your body against infections and bacteria based sicknesses by taking advantage of these safe and natural remedies that are available in the average kitchen. Protect your body without the use of prescription drugs by using honey, oregano, garlic, echinacea, and turmeric.
Flavorful and wonderful on a piece of butter toast, this plant also has very powerful qualities to it. Garlic can fight such simple infections as the common cold, pushing the germs away before they have a change to disrupt your life. Using the allicin that it contains, garlic protects against yeast, parasites, bacteria, and more. If you are looking for a simple way to live healthier, add more garlic to your diet.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study that found grapefruit seed extract (GSE) effective against more than 800 forms of viruses and bacteria, more than a hundred strains of fungus, and many parasites.
High in many antioxidants, GSE boosts immunity, alkalizes the body naturally, and aids in digestion by improving your beneficial gut flora.
So, you might not have as much experience with this product, but it is a safe herb that is found in many kitchens. The consumption of this herb has been proven to reduce the amount of colds that a person deals with in their life, and shorten the colds that the person does have to face. This herb is a great choice when taken as a preventative measure.
There are sulfur compounds found in cabbage – a member of the cruciferous family that includes broccoli and kale – that have been shown effective as cancer fighters.
What many people don’t realize is how much vitamin C is found in cabbage. One cup provides 75% of what you need every day.
Naturally antibacterial, eating shredded raw cabbage in your salad, as a side dish in the form of slaw, or drinking fresh cabbage juice (with honey added to sweeten) is an excellent way to improve digestion, prevent disease, and even manage your weight!
Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
There is not enough that can be said for the benefits of coconut oil. It has naturally occurring anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and is packed with antioxidants you can’t find anywhere else in nature.
Use it to boost your immune system, balance thyroid, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels, and even improve brain function. Safe to use internally and externally, coconut oil is one of the most versatile and unique gifts from Mother Nature.
Stir a spoonful into your morning coffee for added energy and a clearer head all day.
Fermented food
Unpasteurized cabbage, homemade pickles, kefir and probiotic yogurts, all of these renew our intestinal flora, protects us from cancer and keeps our body fit to fight off infections.
Colloidal Silver
A natural antibiotic, colloidal silver is a mixture of silver particles suspended in fluid that have been used for centuries.
This treatment is temporary since too much silver – a heavy metal – can be toxic. However, it disables the enzyme that single-cell bacteria require to multiply. Deprived of their oxygen supply, the bacteria and viruses are destroyed without damage to you.

Honey Bees: The Latest Weapon in the Cancer War

Bees have always played an important part in the healing arts around the world. Honey has been valued since ancient times for its sweetness and prized at the same time for its amazing medicinal properties. As far back as the times of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, there is evidence to show that honey was used for its antimicrobial properties and even today, it is making a strong comeback in the area of wound healing, where it seems to be able to treat even some of the most difficult wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers.
And honey is not the only bee product that modern science is discovering uses for. One such product is propolis, whose compounds seems to be able to help fight the never-ending war being waged on cancer. Read on to find out more.

What is Propolis?

Honey, of course, is made from the pollen of flowering plants and used by bees as a source of nutrition. Propolis, on the other hand, is more of a tool. It is a thick, caulk-like substance which bees produce to help them repair holes in their hives. These hives are intricate systems of living quarters, food storage quarters and nurseries for young larvae and thus need constant maintenance.
And bees are not the only ones which have found propolis to be so useful. Like honey, it has been used since ancient times for its array of beneficial properties since it has been proven to be an:
Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial Disinfectant
And now, it seems, its anti-carcinogenic properties can be added to the list.

Propolis and Cancer

Interest in propolis in the area of oncology has been piqued by a study which has come out from the University of Chicago Medical School. In this study, researchers isolated a particular compound from propolis called caffeic acid phenethyl ester (or CAPE). They then took this bioactive compound and used it to treat prostate cancer cells. This was an in vivo study, meaning that it took place in a laboratory with cancer cells raised in a test tube.
In the presence of CAPE, it was found that the cancer cells rate of growth was slowed by a whopping 50%. When scientists looked closer at this phenomenon, they found that propolis worked by, not killing the cancer cells directly, but by interfering with signals which control the rate at which these cells are reproduced.
In other studies, though, it has been found that CAPE does have cytotoxic properties, meaning that it can, in fact, kill off cancer cells directly. These studies include ones done on prostate cancer cells and colon cancer cells, among others.
Due to these studies, it is likely that more research will be forthcoming on propolis and how its active components seem to have such a strong impact on cancer cells. And hopefully this research will eventually lead to the development of natural therapies for cancer which effectively kill off cancer cells without the awful side effects of modern medical treatments.

Cabbage Juice Cures 100 of Diseases! – Prevent Cancer, Remedy For Constipation

The cabbage is part of the cruciferous family, which includes incredibly healthy foods such as kale, brussel sprouts, and broccoli. The cabbage is known to have several medicinal uses and an endless number of health benefits.
In earlier times before the advent of modern supermarkets, cabbage was widely used by the poorer classes as a cure all for many conditions because it was easy to grow and inexpensive to purchase if you didn’t have a small garden in which to plant it.
Cabbage juice recipe


    • 1 small organic red cabbage
    • 1-2 organic celery stalks
    • 1-2 organic cucumber
Produces 4 glasses of Cucumber, Celery, Red Cabbage Juice
Nutrient dense and delightfully purple cabbage juice recipe consists of red cabbage, cucumber and celery. This cabbage juice recipe is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Calcium and antioxidants beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. This cabbage juice recipe is low in calories, and low in natural sugars. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, and is healthy for your stomach, digestive track, heart and eyes.

Health benefits of cabbage juice

-Cabbage Juice is a great anti-inflammatory agent helping to rid your body of arthritis and other degenerative inflammatory diseases.
-Cabbage is rich in many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are easily and quickly absorbed into the bloodstream when the cabbage is juiced.
-Cabbage juice is exceptionally beneficial for digestive disorders.  It is known to help treat peptic ulcers due to its content of an amino acid known as glutamine.  Glutamine promotes the growth and restoration of the cells that line the digestive tract.  Cabbage juice is also effective in curing digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and colitis.
-Cabbage Juice works wonders for asthma and even bronchitis… boosting the healing ability of your respiratory tract.
-Cabbage Juice boosts the immune system and also works to promote and regulate T cells, and helps in the treatment of allergies because of a chemical called histidine. Glucosinolates which is found in Cabbage Juice also stimulates the immune system.
-Drinking cabbage juice frequently has proven to aid in preventing and fighting various kinds of cancers.  Studies have proven cabbage juice to significantly reduce the risk of contracting breast, prostate, lung, liver, ovarian, and colon cancer.  Cabbage juice is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants which also aid in preventing cancer.
-Adding cabbage juice to your diet may also aid in weight loss, as it inhibits the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat.  Cabbage is also a perfect addition to any weight loss diet because it is significantly low in calories.
-Cabbage Juice also contains lots of magnesium, potassium, calcium, and some sodium too. All important for hormone production, heartbeat regulation, lowering blood pressure, and for good bone development.
-Fermented Cabbage Juice also works well for controlling candida infections.
— If you suffer from a hearing loss the cabbage is a perfect natural remedy. There is a simple recipe and you will need a clean cotton cloth or a cotton swab soaked in brine. Dip the cotton in cabbage juice and place it in the ear prior bedtime. Your hearing will improve soon, if your eardrum is not injured.

Friday 2 December 2016

The Spite Towers of Irish Hills

Standing atop a small knoll along the highway between Detroit and Chicago, the Twin Towers of Irish Hills in Lenawee County, in Southeast Michigan, was a beacon to weary travellers when it opened in 1924. The top of the towers are 1,400 feet above sea level, making them the highest point in southeastern Michigan. On a clear day visitors can see for seven miles around the beautiful green Irish hills and its many surrounding lakes.

The towers have an interesting history. In the early 1920s, a new outfit called the Michigan Observation Company was erecting 50-foot tall towers all around the state in order to boost tourism. It came to Irish Hills in 1924, and seeking to erect a similar tower in a high ground property next to the highway, it approached the property owner, a man named Ed Kelley, with an offer. But Ed Kelley wasn’t interested in commercializing his property, so he refused.
The determined company contacted Kelly's next-door neighbor, Edward Brighton, who owned the adjacent hill. Brighton agreed to the deal, and within months a fifty-foot tall wooden structure with a twenty-four feet square base was erected, just six feet away from Ed Kelley’s property. The observation tower opened with a gala celebration. During its first weekend more than 1,200 visitors ascended the stairs to enjoy the stunning views of the rolling landscape.

Ed Kelly was not pleased. To get even with the Michigan Observation Company, Kelly decided to build an almost identical tower on his own property just twelve feet away from the opposing structure. Only, his tower would be taller. The new tower went up in less than sixty days, and it was ten feet taller than the original.

The Michigan Observation Company responded by adding a second observation platform on top of their existing tower, raising its overall height to 64 feet. The company also named their tower “The Original Irish Hills Tower.” Mr. Kelly, not to be outdone, made his four feet taller bringing both towers to level. At this point, the Michigan Observation Company made it clear to Kelly that if he kept up the competition, they would demolish their wooden tower and erect a tower out of steel so large that Kelly’s efforts would be for naught. This ended the vertical one-upmanship. Instead, both started finding ways to bring visitors to their respective attraction.