
Friday 30 September 2016

8 of the Worst Foods for Your Body

Many people think of healthy eating as consuming a certain number of calories per day. But the truth is, it’s not just about how much you eat but the quality of the food you eat, and how safely it’s been produced. Click through to check out some of the worst foods you can put in your body — you’ll certainly be surprised by a few! 

1. Microwave Popcorn.
Workers in microwave popcorn factories have actually developed an extremely rare form of lung cancer from inhaling fumes. If that isn’t enough of a reason to avoid the stuff, here’s another: the lining of the bags contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a substance that has been linked to several other forms of cancer and infertility. Plus, so many microwave popcorns are loaded with bad fats and sodium. Homemade air-popped popcorn can actually be a health food, believe it or not, so stick to that for your next movie night. 

2. Non-Organic Apples.
Last year, apples won the dubious honor of being the most pesticide-laden produce. Because they aren’t very resistant to pests, apples tend to get sprayed more. They’re also treated with pesticides to extend their shelf life.  If you’re an apple lover, always, always, always buy organic — or don’t buy ‘em at all. Your body will thank you! 

3. Soda.
Several studies have directly linked soda consumption to higher instances of cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, obesity — you name it. 

4. Chips.
Many brands of chips contain unimaginable amounts of sodium and fat — one bag can often be more than a day’s worth. But it’s not just the nutritional concerns to think about here — chips also contain acrylamide, a chemical that comes with an increased risk of several forms of cancer and infertility. You can also find the scary stuff in french fries.

5. Canned Tomatoes.
Aside from being far less delicious than the real, fresh, thing, canned tomatoes have the added “perk” of bisphenol-A (BPA) on their cans’ lining. This is the stuff nightmares are made of: BPA has been linked to fetal abnormalities, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, thyroid issues, and even cancer. It’s been banned for use in baby bottles, and overall bans are being considered nationwide. You can get up to 50 mcg of the stuff from canned tomatoes; the acidity makes them more difficult to package than most products, so a safe alternative has been difficult to find. Your best bet, though, is to avoid them all together. Stick to fresh tomatoes or, if need be, tomatoes packaged in glass jars.  

6. Non-Organic Celery.
Celery is the dirtiest of all vegetables — the Environmental Working Group has founded dozens upon dozens of different pesticides on the non-organic stuff.  As with apples, go organic or don’t go at all. 

7. Milk with Artificial Hormones.
Many farmers give their cows artificial hormones so they will produce more milk — good for their bottom line, not so good for our health. These hormones lead to higher rates of another hormone, IGF-1, which is thought to increase instances of cancer in humans. Look for milk that is certified organic, or labelled with either rBGH-free or BST-free.  

8. Margarine.
If margarine didn’t have any food dye in it, it’d be a delightful shade of gray. If that isn’t evidence enough, what is?!  Though margarine is often thought of as a healthier version of butter (there’s no cholesterol, right?) it’s also a wonderfully terrible source of trans fats — stuff that does, indeed, raise your cholesterol. Here’s your excuse to go back to the real stuff — or, of course, olive oil!

Facts About The Human Body (24 pics)

Interesting facts about your body.

The 10 Healthiest Party Foods


It's one of the simplest party foods to make: Top a small slice of Italian bread with a gorgeous mixture of tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, and basil and voila -- you've got bruschetta. And though that piece of bread doesn't yield much nutritional value, the marriage of tomatoes and olive oil scores top marks for disease prevention. Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found to ward off cancer and heart disease. You've no doubt heard about the healthy fats found in olive oil -- well, in addition, that oil actually helps your body absorb some of the nutrients in the tomatoes, says Melinda Johnson, RD, National Spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.


In a word: omega-3s. These essential fatty acids are found only in a few foods, and salmon is one of the richest sources out there. Omega-3s help keep blood pressure down, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, stave off heart disease, and if that's not enough, they give your skin that healthy, dewy glow. The American Heart Association recommends eating an omega-3 source twice a week, so helping yourself to this delicious party snack means one more thing you can cross off of your "to do" list.


If you've got your choice of several dip options, this one should win every time. Gracias, Mexico, for contributing this incredibly tasty finger food to cocktail parties the world over, saving health-minded party goers mucho calories. Salsa's main ingredients -- tomatoes, peppers, and lime -- are all jam-packed with vitamins A and C, loaded with fiber, and super low-calorie.


Avocado plays the starring role in guacamole, which is why it's loaded with heart-healthy fats and valuable nutrients such as beta-sitosterol, a natural plant sterol which can decrease your levels of bad cholesterol. However, this dish is sometimes made with cream cheese, the saturated fat content of which can outweigh the unsaturated fats in the avocado. Johnson's advice: If you are unsure of the guac's contents, stick to just a few small spoonfuls to satisfy the craving and move on.


Jumbo on protein and skimpy on fat and calories, this little crustacean may just be the best party appetizer there is. With just a few shrimp on your plate, you are less likely to gorge on the fattier options presenting themselves to you, because protein keeps you satisfied for longer. Shrimp also contains the mineral zinc, a rarity in finger food, which helps promote a strong immune system. As for the cocktail sauce, don't overdo it. Bottled sauces often contain unhealthy amounts of sugar. Try dipping them in salsa instead.


Here's an ultra-safe strategy for party munching: load up three-quarters of your plate with the veggies from the crudite platter. You'll be so busy chowing down on carotenoids, which are strong sources of vitamin A, that you'll forget how healthy you're being. And here's the bonus: You don't have to totally forgo that creamy ranch dip. Studies show that adding a little bit of fat to your veggies helps the body absorb the nutrients in the healthy selections you've made. "Don't stay away from the dip entirely, just don't douse your vegetables with it," says Johnson.


Play the following party game: pick up sticks. Of chicken, that is. The meat contained in this Asian-inspired appetizer is usually skinless and grilled, and therefore contains few calories or fat. Plus, the most popular seasoning is a teriyaki glaze, which flavors the meat with less than a teaspoon of sugar. Just one ounce of chicken from this app will give you almost 9 grams of protein, keeping you satisfied enough not to reach for those tempting pigs-in-a-blanket.


"This is a low-fat item that, because of the white rice, will keep you satisfied," says Johnson. The pieces with salmon or tuna inside deliver those coveted omega-3s, but even the fishless variety contains a healthy slice of cucumber or other veggie. The seaweed that hugs the rice, called nori, also packs a nutritious punch, as it contains minerals from the sea. Just make sure the sushi at the party is the freshest possible -- take a pass if it's been sitting out since you walked in. Also steer clear if the pieces are fried (tempura) or contain cream cheese.


Women require 1000mg of calcium a day, which is all the more reason to hang out by the cheese platter. One or two good-size cheddar cheese chunks will give you roughly 120mg, but they do add up in the fat and calorie department, so don't go nuts. Hard cheeses like cheddar yield more calcium -- and more calories -- than soft cheeses like brie or goat. For fruit, load up on strawberries, pineapples, or kiwis for an extra wallop of vitamin C and an immunity boost.


If the guy at the bar is monopolizing the conversation with his extensive knowledge of pinots, cabernets, and merlots, here's a little fact to throw in: Red wine is chock-full of polyphenol, a compound found in the skin of red grapes that aids circulation, lowers blood pressure, and promotes overall heart health. Sweeter wines will have a few more calories than the dry varietals, as will those with higher alcohol content (around 14 to 15 percent). Cut your calories in half by ordering a spritzer -- half wine, half seltzer.


Unless the mix is honey-roasted (and therefore coated in sugar), you can consider the nut bowl fair game. Indulging in a few small scoops of plain nuts can give you a nice dose of vitamins, fiber, and protein to keep you full. If you spy some sunflower or pumpkin seeds in there, even better -- they're high in vitamin E, which works wonders for circulation, skin, and even PMS.

Arbitrary Facts about Your Health (30 pics)

When Your Romantic Trip Transforms Into A Nightmare (15 pics)

Sometimes the place where you go on vacation looks nothing like its pictures online. That’s exactly what happened to one couple from Ealing, west London, who spent £3,000 on a trip to Koh Lipe, a small island in the Andaman Sea, in Thailand.

Holiday from hell! A digger on the beach at Koh Lipe which was working until midnight for four days
Unexpected trash: The couple, who wish to remain anonymous, spent £3,000 on the trip to Koh Lipe in the Andaman Sea – dubbed the ‘Maldives of Thailand’ – after falling in love with pictures of turquoise seas and golden beaches

Street view: The holidaymakers were stunned to find mountains of rubbish, building sites, a digger on the beach and dozens of half-finished hotels

Chaos: The couple said they had a building site and green swamp at the back of their 80-a-night beachfront resort – with fires raging on the beach just 150 metres away

Paradise lost: Talking about his traumatic trip, the 35-year-old man who works as a computer programmer, said: ‘We booked the trip to Koh Lipe after seeing all the beautiful pictures online and reading reviews’

Common sight: The couple constantly encountered huge piles of rubbish including bags of cement and empty plastic bottles

Unsightly: The couple said they had a building site and green swamp (above) at the back of their £80-a-night beachfront resort – with fires raging on the beach just 150 metres away

Smoke hazard: Just 150 metres away on the beach front was a large unfinished building site with trees being chopped down and industrial waste being burned round the clock

On the doorstep: While they were happy with the hotel, problems began when the couple strolled outside

Rubbish tip: This photo shows a view from the couple’s hotel – it was far from what they were expecting

Human trace: For four days from sunrise to midnight, a digger was driving on the beach carrying supplies and rubbish between the building site and huge trawler docked in the sea

A room with a… This shot shows the view from the hotel – complete with a dirt road and huge pile of blue plastic piping

Buried alive: Bundhaya Resort said there was a problem with rubbish on the island and construction work behind their hotel

Cleanup operation: A spokesman for the hotel said: ‘In the Island there are volunteers to collect the rubbish and we help then with that – every hotel on the island needs to fix the rubbish problem’

Happy to head home: There is no word on if the couple received any form of compensation for their trip