
Thursday 29 September 2016

Funny Food Charts That Are So True (38 pics)

If you’re a foodie, you’ll easily relate to these charts and graphs.

You’re Gonna Love These Political Memes That Are Absolutely Wild (26 pics)

20 Foods that Ruin Your Workout

Don't panic! These foods are all healthy ones that you should be eating regularly--just not right before your next sweat sesh or workout. Here's why:
1. Flaxseeds: While they are great for your body (and weight loss), flaxseeds are full of fiber, which could impede your workout efforts by causing gas and/or bloating, says Stella Metsovas, a clinical nutritionist and diet expert in Los Angeles, Calif.
"You definitely want to limit the amount of fiber you take in 2 hours before and after exercising. In addition to flaxseeds, stay away from fiber supplements, bran, and high-fiber breads and opt for a mixture of protein and carbohydrates instead right before your workout."  
2. Gel packs: Think that energy gel is a great way to prep for your workout? Think again! "Unless you are very athletic (engaging in over 90 minutes of cardiovascular training per day), chances are you don't need those gel packs, Metsovas says. "Taking in all that sugar will disrupt insulin levels and lead you to a dietary-binge later on in the day."
3. Hummus: Don't get us wrong, we love healthy hummus just as much as you do, but you may want to stay away from it right before a workout.
"Bean-based foods (such as hummus) are high in indigestible carbohydrates that may cause uncomfortable gas and bloating," says Mary Hartley, a registered dietitian in New York City.
4. Dairy: While low-fat dairy may be part of a healthy diet, consuming it before a workout could slow you down. "Most athletes I work with have issues consuming dairy 2 hours before and after exercise," Metsovas says. "I'd advise limiting the use of dairy if you feel lethargic, acidic, or experience excessive burping."
5. Flavored water: Even though most flavored waters are touted as great 'fitness' drinks, many are full of sugar, or worse, artificial sweeteners that could hinder your workout.
"I would not recommend drinking artificially sweetened beverages prior to working out. I'm against artificially sweetened anything. Artificial sweeteners have been shown to disrupt beneficial bacteria in your gut, and optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients begins in a healthy gut," Metsovas says.
6. High-sodium foods (roasted nuts): Even though nuts are a great snack (and can help with weight loss) most roasted nuts are also salted, and salty foods can disrupt the delicate fluid-balance required for optimal workouts, Metsovas says.
"I'd avoid [high sodium foods] at all costs. Using a little bit of salt in your meals is OK, but stay away from the following foods: beef jerky, salted and roasted nuts, lunch meats, and processed snack foods like chips (you shouldn't be consuming these foods anyway)."  
7. Green bananas: While bananas are a great pre-workout snack, make sure you grab a ripe one! Unripe fruit isn't a good idea before you work out, as it could cause uncomfortable gas and bloating, Hartley says. Choose a banana that's completely free of any green at the stem. Brown spots on the skin indicate it's in the ripe stage. At this stage the sugar content will be absorbed easily, otherwise, the unripe banana is in the starch stage and more difficult to digest.
8. Crudite: It makes a great healthy snack, but crudite is best served post-workout. Even though they are super nutritious, veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and peppers are also high in indigestible carbs and can cause bloating or gassiness, Hartley says. Not a good feeling when you're sweating on the treadmill.
9. Hard-boiled eggs: Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of lean protein, but they don't provide carbohydrates for energy. Plus, their protein stays in the stomach and takes a long time to digest, which could weigh you down at the gym, Hartley says.
10. Spicy foods: Spicy foods may help you burn up more calories overall, but they won't help you burn more during your workout if you eat them right beforehand. Even if they are 'healthy' dishes, spicy leftovers (like last night's Mexican or Thai food) can cause heartburn if they backwash into the esophagus, Hartley says.
11. Muffins: Stopped by Starbucks on your way to the gym? Leave the muffins, croissants, and scones behind for a better sweat session, Hartley says. "They have too much butter, oil, or shortening to leave the stomach quickly."
In other words, you might feel like one of those weights made its way into your stomach
12. Protein bars: Don't be fooled. Many protein bars on the market are no better for you than a candy bar! If your bar has more than 200 calories and too little protein, it could be weighing down your workout, says Rania Batayneh, a certified nutritionist and eating strategist.
"If your bar has less than 10g of protein, it could cause a drop in your blood sugar, leading you to feel more tired during your workout. To stay energized, look for a bar (that's under 200 cals) with a protein to sugar ratio of 1:1."
13. Coffee drinks: Need an afternoon pick me up? Skip the whipped coffee drink if its within a few hours of your workout time. While caffeine can improve your workout, the excess sugar and calories won't.
"They pack on the calories, but they won't keep you full. And many [coffee drinks] can contain the equivalent of 20 packs of sugar," Batayneh says.
14. Energy drinks: Most energy drinks are carbonated and full of sugar (or artificial sweeteners), which can cause gas, bloating, and fatigue. Not only are they not very good for you, they aren't very good at keeping you hydrated, which is key for a great workout.
Caffeine can help if you need a pre-workout boost, Batayneh says. "But think high-antioxidant green tea or black tea or even a nonfat latte (you get some protein in) which can provide an energy boost. Pair it with the right protein bar for the perfect balance." 
15. Store-bought smoothies: While the right smoothie can be a great pre-workout snack or meal, if you buy one on the go, chances are you may get weighed down by extra sugar and fat. Blending your own fruit smoothie (use real fruit, not juice) with a scoop of protein powder is your best option, Batayneh says.
16. Juice: Gulping a glass of OJ might seem like a good idea before your morning sweat session, but you'll question your decision halfway through spin class, when climbing that hill seems impossible. What gives? You're better off eating the orange instead, Batayneh says. Juice (even 100-percent fresh-squeezed) has a lot of sugar, and no fiber. While it still offers some vitamins, it will go right through your system, causing a blood sugar crash later.
17. Protein shakes: Bodybuilders swear by them, so they must be good for workouts, right? Wrong! Not all, but most pre-made protein shakes contain a lot of processed ingredients, excess sugar (or sweeteners), and dairy products that can cause bloating, gas, and fatigue. Not exactly what we'd call a fitness trifecta.
18. Rice cakes: Sure, they may be low-cal, but besides containing some sugar and salt, rice cakes offer zero nutrition or protein to help you stay full or power through your workout routine. 
19. Trail mix: While it seems like the perfect portable pre-workout snack, trail mix can take a long time to digest and can be gassy for certain people, Hartley says.
20. Avocados: Steer clear of foods high in fat (even the good kind of monounsaturated fat) like avocados just before exercise. "Fats are very important and should be consumed at other intervals in the day, just try to limit your fat intake two hours before and after exercise," Metsovas says.
Foods with a lot of fat or fiber can be very difficult and slow to digest, and they remain in the stomach a long time. They also pull blood into the stomach to aid in digestion, which can cause cramping and discomfort.

It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Wrap the crown of a bunch of bananas with cling film to keep them for 3-5 days longer 
Onions stored in tights will last as long as 8 months
Butter the cut side of your cheese to stop it drying out
Store apples with potatos to keep them from sprouting
Store mushrooms in a paper bag, not a plastic ones
Keep milk in the middle of your fridge, NOT in the door where temperatures are cooler
Clean your fridge
Once something goes rotten in your fridge or cupboard, bin it. The mold it leaves behind will soon spread to your new food. Also disinfect the fridge- it'll make everything keep for much longer.

Wrap lettuce in tin foil to keep it crisp for longer
Reuse bottles to close up your plastic bags
Rinse stawberries in vinegar
Swirl berries in a mixture of one part vinegar to 10 parts water. Drain, rinse and put in the fridge and voila! you can enjoy your strawberries for nearly 2 weeks longer. The solution is diluted enough so you won't taste the vinegar.

Store eggs in the middle shelf of the fridge to make them last 3-4 weeks past the sell by date
Freeze it
Take advantage of reductions at the supermarket by sticking them in the freezer. Freezing food will extend the life of most products including bread, cakes, and most fruit and veg ( just make sure you put them in resealable bags or storage containers). So stock up and get freezing!

Rub an ice cube over stale bread, then bake for 12 minutes to revive it.
Reduce unpopped kernels by cooking popcorn in a bowl topped with a plate.
Keep older food at the front of the fridge so you can see what' needs to be eaten
Store tomatoes at room temperature, not in the fridge
Keep cheese in the warmest part of the fridge, such as the vegetable or cheese draw
And lastly....DON't stick to best before dates
Best before dates are about quality, not safety. If stored right, you can in fact make an apple last a whole year. Check out this handy guide that'll show you how to keep your food for longer

10 Foods and Drinks Banned in America

The traditional Scottish staple Haggis has been banned in America since 1971, as the USDA put a restriction on eating one of its main ingredients, sheep’s lung. The dish, a savory "pudding," also includes ingredients such as sheep's heart and liver, and is cooked in a sheep's stomach.

Casu Marzu
The Sardinian specialty Casu Marzu, or "Maggot Cheese," is prepared by letting a type of cheese fly lay eggs in pecorino cheese, promoting advanced fermentation. As the larvae hatch and eat through the cheese, it softens, and is ready to be eaten. The possible health risks of eating larvae, as well as the fact that the cheese is unpasteurized, makes it illegal in the U.S. In Italy, it remains legal due to its status established by the European Union as a "traditional food."

Sassafras Oil
Sassafras oil, an oil taken from the bark of the sassafras tree, used to be an ingredient in root beer. But after research showed that the ingredient could cause cancer, a ban on sassafras oil was set in effect in the 1960s.

Pig’s Blood Cake
The Taiwanese food-specialty of pig's blood and rice mixed together and put on a stick is banned by the USDA, as the preparation method is considered "unsanitary." Still, tourists and locals seems to enjoy this dish, but for now — not in the U.S.

Shark Fin
Shark fins are a Chinese delicacy, but the often cruel fishing methods — slicing, or "finning," the shark’s fin and letting the shark back in the water to die — has raised opposition for the sales of the food item. In America, finning is illegal, but imported shark fins are still allowed except in California, where a total ban on both sales and distribution is in place.

Fugu (Japanese Blowfish)
The Japanese blowfish, fugu, is highly toxic, and can easily be fatal if prepared wrong. Despite this (or perhaps because of it?) it’s considered a delicacy in Japan. If you dare, a few places in America do serve blowfish, but it is illegal to sell, harvest, or serve fugu without a license. In Europe, the fish is totally banned.

Unpasteurized Milk
Unpasteurized milk, or raw milk, is widely consumed throughout the world, but it's banned in several American states as it has been linked to the spread of the E. coli bacteria. At the moment, 17states have a total ban on raw milk for human consumption, while others have partial banns on sales.

Absinthe was long banned in the U.S because of a compound called thujone, which is toxic in excessive amounts. The elixir is also believed to be hallucinogenic. Though absinthe is technically legal in the country today, there is a rule stating that it must be thujone-free — something that might be hard to control.

Horse Meat
Until recent, the U.S government held a ban on "slaughtering horses for human consumption," but has now given permission for one slaughterhouse in New Mexico to reopen. Several more slaughterhouses have filed requests with USDA for similar permits, but for now, strict inspections must be passed for those wanting legal authority to sell horse meat. In parts of Asia, Latin America, and Europe, horse meat is not an uncommon ingredient in the kitchen.

Foie Gras
Foie gras, often considered a luxurious delicacy, has recently been surrounded by controversy, as California has upheld its law banning the sales of foie gras made from force-fed geese. Animal rights groups are now working on getting a ban in effect in the rest of the country, starting with New York. But for now, the rest of the country, and most of the world, can still enjoy foie gras without breaking the law.