
Sunday 28 August 2016

7 “Health Foods” that Aren’t Healthy

There are many foods and beverages believed to be healthy that may actually be harmful to health.  The confusion is mostly thanks to some savvy but unscrupulous marketers trying to dupe consumers about their junk food or processed food options.  Here are seven so-called “health foods” that aren’t:

Whole wheat bread—Most whole wheat products are actually made from refined white flour with a tiny amount of whole grain wheat added along with molasses or artificial colors to make the bread appear darker.  Few breads labelled “whole wheat” are made from 100% whole wheat.  Even worse, most wheat is now genetically-modified (GM).  Many health issues have been linked to GM foods so it is best to stay clear of them if possible.

Multigrain bread—Similar to “whole wheat,” “multigrain” bread is usually just white flour with a handful of whole grains tossed in to give the bread a more natural, rustic look.  And if you know much about white bread then you know it causes wild blood sugar fluctuations similar to sugary foods.  Blood sugar rollercoasters are linked with weight gain, mood swings and energy crashes.

Milk—While dairy bureaus will argue otherwise (of course they will—they have a financial interest in making people think dairy is healthy), milk is not a health food.  Research shows that the countries whose citizens consume the most dairy products have the HIGHEST incidence of osteoporosis.  Milk nowadays is full of hormones and antibiotics and is actually playing a huge role in the ability of bacteria to become antibiotic-resistant.  It’s also linked to diseases like pain disorders and arthritis.  In one study on rabbits, scientist Richard Panush was able to PRODUCE inflamed joints in the animals by switching their water to milk.  In another study, scientists observed more than a 50% reduction in the pain and swelling of arthritis when participants eliminated milk and dairy products from their diet.

Energy Drinks—Most of the so-called “energy drinks” and “sports drinks” are full of artificial colors, caffeine and sugar.  In small amounts caffeine might not be too bad but in the quantities most energy drinks are consumed, caffeine can cause heart palpitations, anxiety and over time deplete the body’s adrenal glands a.k.a. the “stress glands.”  As for artificial colors and high doses of sugar—neither have a role in a beverage with a name that implies health, energy or sports.

Most Protein Bars—Protein immediately makes people think “thin” and “healthy” which is odd because excessive protein consumption will turn into fatty deposits in the body.  And most people eat more protein than they actually need.  But call a sugar-laden candy bar a “protein bar” and most people think they’ve found the perfect health food.  Most protein bars are just candy with a sprinkling of protein powder added (usually in isolated or hydrolyzed forms that contain monosodium glutamate—the harmful brain and nerve toxin).
So that makes most protein bars junk food.  Does that mean there aren’t healthy protein bars out there?  No, of course not, but most aren’t healthy contrary to what the label or the manufacturer might tell you.  Instead of the sickly sweet bars, opt instead for Nature’s own high protein, super-nutritious snack foods:  raw, unsalted nuts and seeds.

Low Fat Muffins—Low fat almost inevitably means “high sugar” in the world of baked goods.  Many people still equate low fat in their food to lower fat on their body but this is a serious oversimplification of what causes us to become overweight.  More often than not it is sugar and refined carbohydrates that cause people to store fat on their bodies.  And since most low fat foods replace fat with extra sugar, low fat muffins or baked goods are the way to go if you want to gain weight and if you don’t mind it taking the form of love handles, belly flab or a muffin top…or should I say “low fat muffin top?”

Sugar-Free Drinks—Okay, I know I’ve been going on about sugar here, so this blog wouldn’t be complete without something “sugar-free” on the list.  If you’re like most people you may think that sugar-free means “perfect health food” but it doesn’t.  Sugar-free foods and beverages are usually full of artificial sweeteners concocted in a laboratory, including:  aspartame (now called NeoTame or AminoSweet), saccharin or sucralose (Splenda).  The list of illnesses linked to artificial sweeteners is many pages long but includes:  seizures, brain tumors, chronic fatigue, birth defects and psychiatric disorders to name a few.  That’s definitely not sounding so sweet is it?  So, I urge you to think twice about that “sugar-free” flavor you add to your coffee or the diet soda you consume.

Top 12 Detox Superfoods

Even if you don’t plan on doing a detox program, your health will benefit from adding more detox superfoods to your daily diet. There are many great superfoods with detoxifying properties, but here are my top 12 picks.  And, they’re delicious too.

Almonds—are high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, and useable protein that helps stabilize blood sugar and remove impurities from the bowels.

Avocados—lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels while blocking artery-destroying toxicity. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks at least 30 different carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals. Researchers at the University of Michigan found that elderly people who had high levels of glutathione were healthier and less likely to suffer from arthritis.

Beets—contain a unique mixture of natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers. They also help boost the body’s cellular intake of oxygen, making beets excellent overall body cleansers. Aphrodite, according to legend, ate beets to retain her beauty. She was definitely on to a good thing since beets, in addition to all the benefits listed above, also help stabilize the blood’s acid-alkaline balance (pH), which in turn supports healthy detoxification.

Blueberries—contain natural aspirin that helps lessen the tissue-damaging effects of chronic inflammation, while lessening pain. Blueberries also act as antibiotics by blocking bacteria in the urinary tract, thereby helping to prevent infections. They have antiviral properties and are loaded with super-detoxifying phytonutrients called proanthocyanidins.

Cabbage—contains numerous anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds and helps the liver break down excess hormones. Cabbage also cleanses the digestive tract and soothes the stomach, which could in part be due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage (kale is another excellent choice—see below) demonstrate powerful detoxification activity, including neutralizing some of the damaging compounds found in cigarette smoke (and second-hand smoke). They also contain a compound that helps the liver produce adequate amounts of enzymes for detoxification.

Cranberries—have powerful antibiotic and antiviral substances to help the body cleanse harmful bacteria and viruses from the urinary tract.

Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil— are loaded with essential fatty acids, particularly the omega-3s. They are essential for many cleansing functions and maintaining a healthy immune system. They are also critical to maintaining a healthy brain. The health of every cell in your body is dependent on getting adequate amounts of essential fatty acids.

Garlic—helps cleanse harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites, and viruses from the body, especially from the blood and intestines. It also helps cleanse buildup from the arteries and lowers blood pressure. Garlic has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties that help detoxify the body of harmful substances. It also helps cleanse the respiratory tract by expelling mucous buildup in the lungs and sinuses.

Kale—contains powerful anti-cancer and antioxidant compounds that help cleanse the body of harmful substances. It is also high in fiber, which helps cleanse the intestinal tract. Like cabbage, kale helps neutralize compounds found in cigarette smoke and contains a substance that jump-starts the liver’s production of cleansing enzymes.

Legumes—are loaded with fiber that helps lower cholesterol, cleanse the intestines, and regulate blood sugar levels. Legumes also help protect the body against cancer.

Lemons— are superb liver detoxifiers. In addition, they contain high amounts of vitamin C, a vitamin needed by the body to make a substance called glutathione. Glutathione helps ensure that phase 2 liver detoxification keeps pace with phase 1, thereby reducing the likelihood of negative effects from environmental chemicals. Vitamin C and other antioxidants found in lemons are integral to ward off cancer, fight the effects of pollution and cell damage. Fresh lemon juice contains more than 20 anti-cancer compounds and helps balance the body’s pH levels.

Seaweed—could be the most underrated vegetable in the Western world. Studies at McGill University in Montreal showed that seaweeds bind to radioactive waste in the body so it can be removed. Radioactive waste can find its way into the body through some medical tests or through food that has been grown where water or soil is contaminated. Seaweed also binds to heavy metals to help eliminate them from the body. In addition, it is a powerhouse of minerals and trace minerals.

The 8 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods on Earth

We all know which foods to avoid (right?). Despite the alluring appeal of Oreos, Mountain Dew or McAnything, processed foods provide little nutrition and a whole lot of risks. But when it comes to the good stuff — what are the best foods to put into our bodies? While experts all agree we need a variety of foods for a healthy diet, do you know which are the healthiest of the bunch? The answers may surprise and delight you.

1. Spirulina: While the thought of eating lake algae might gross you out, spirulina is actually pretty tasty, especially blended into a smoothie or hidden in a chocolate bar. It has more antioxidants than any other food on earth and is loaded with protein and minerals, making it the most nutrient dense food.

2. Kale: According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, kale is the most nutritious food, loaded with minerals, vitamins, fiber and amino acids, as well as important antioxidants that reduce inflammation and can prevent cancer. It’s also delicious and an easy to prepare, versatile food.

3. Hemp Seeds: What do you get when you combine protein, fiber, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals? Hemp, of course. This easily digestible seed is versatile, easy to use and extremely tasty, too.

4. Chocolate: Yes, you read right. Cacao beans are so nutrient-dense that scientists haven’t even begun to identify all the benefits in the little bean yet. Don’t grab a Snickers though—the good stuff is found only in raw cacao beans or nibs (or really, really dark chocolate). Minerals, vitamins and tons of antioxidants are great for your heart, skin, and release chemicals in the brain that make you feel like you’re in love.

5. Broccoli: Mom was right, you should eat your broccoli if you want a healthy digestive system and to decrease your risk of cancer. Broccoli has a wide range of yumminess too, from soups and stews to stir fry.

6. Spinach: Popeye was onto something with that spinach fixation. But skip the canned stuff and stick with fresh or frozen for an antioxidant, protein and fiber-rich burst of healthy goodness. Fresh or cooked, spinach’s sweet and hardy flavor brightens any meal.

7. Chia: The Aztec warriors may have died out, but their legacy is alive and strong in the chia seed. This yummy, unassuming ancient favorite is loaded with omega fats, protein and fiber. Dr. Weil says it’s a better choice than flax because “chia is so rich in antioxidants that the seeds don’t deteriorate and can be stored for long periods without becoming rancid.”

8. Berries: Unlike other fruit, berries tend to be less sugary and full of vital vitamins, minerals and those free-radical avenging antioxidants. Wild berries are always a great choice, especially black raspberries.

12 Unusual Uses for Garlic

There’s so much more to garlic than cooking and vampire slaying. From treating cold sores and athlete’s foot to repelling mosquitoes and repairing glass.

Health & Beauty

1. Maintain Good Health. With properties that are thought to help your heart and liver, boost your metabolism of iron, prevent cancer, and fight against bacteria and viruses, garlic is a vital component of a healthy diet. Try to eat one or two cloves every day!

2. Cure a Cold. For thousands of years, garlic has been known as a treatment for coughs and colds. And, while the science isn’t all there yet, limited research has suggested that garlic will help treat these wintertime ailments. Mince a clove of garlic and steep it in hot water for about 5 minutes. Strain out the garlic and drink. It’s a natural cough syrup! You can also try to eat 3 raw cloves a day around cold and flu season to prevent catching a bug.

3. Get Rid of Acne. 
Cut a clove of garlic in half and rub it over the affected area. Done regularly, the antibacterial properties found in garlic cloves will help to clear up your complexion.

4. Treat Cold Sores. Like in treating acne, cut a clove of garlic in half and apply it directly to the sore. It might sting a little, but it’s been shown to work just as effectively as commercial treatments for getting rid of those unsightly sores.

5.  Treat Athlete’s Foot. 
If there’s anything garlic doesn’t like, it’s fungus, so treating your athlete’s foot with the stuff works wonders! Crush a couple of cloves and toss them in a foot bath filled with warm water. Soak for about half an hour.

Pest Control

5. Use as a Pesticide in your Garden. Skip those harmful commercial pesticides and use a natural, DIY method with garlic instead!

6. Repel Mosquitos & Other Insects. We all know the best way to kill a vampire — garlic. But do you know why? Well, one major theory is that, like vampires, blood-sucking mosquitoes are afraid of garlic. You can rub garlic on your skin to ward off mosquitoes, if you like, but you can also leave out cloves of garlic in areas where mosquitoes flock.

7. Warning: Don’t Feed Your Pets Garlic. There’s a school of thought out there that garlic will help protect your dogs and cats for fleas, ticks, and other pesky critters. While this is true, garlic can be very toxic for animals. As the ASPCA notes, “An occasional small amount, such as that in most commercial pet foods and treats, may not cause a problem, but because of the risk, we generally recommend that you avoid feeding your pets products that contain more concentrated amounts of garlic.”

Saturday 27 August 2016

Casa di Giulietta: Juliet’s House in Verona

Shakespeare’s famous play “Romeo and Juliet” maybe a work of fiction, but that hasn’t stopped hundreds of thousands of romantics from making pilgrimage to Verona to see the balcony where Juliet supposedly stood while Romeo declared his love.

This so called Casa di Giulietta, or Juliet’s House, actually belonged to the dell Capello family. The house dates from the 13th century and the family coat of arms can still be seen on the wall. The house was in a state of abandon and was overgrown with creepers when the city bought it in the early 1900s, and decided to turn it into Juliet’s House taking advantage of the similarity between the names of the house’s true owner —Capello— and the Capulets in Shakespeare’s play.

Boiling Lake of Dominica

The Morne Trois Pitons National Park in the island country of Dominica, in the Caribbean, is an area of significant volcanic activity. Located within the boundaries of the park’s nearly 7,000 hectares are five volcanoes, dozens of hot springs and fumaroles and a very large and famous boiling lake.

Dominica's Boiling Lake is actually a flooded fumarole, which is an opening or a hole in the Earth’s crust. It is filled with bubbling greyish-blue water at temperatures of around 90°C. The water is heated by hot steam and gases escaping from molten lava below. The surface of the lake is usually enveloped in a cloud of vapor. The lake is around 76 meters across, making it the second-largest hot lake in the world after the Frying Pan Lake in Waimangu Valley near Rotorua, New Zealand.

Friday 26 August 2016

How New York deals with decommissioned subway cars

New York City has developed a special way to get rid of broken-down subway cars…

Custom barges are loaded high with subway cars and carried out to the cold icy depths in the middle of the ocean.

They use construction equipment to push the subway cars over the edge, splashing into the waters…

The cars go over the edge one by one…

It may seem like a wasteful act of reckless pollution, but there is a deeper purpose behind this odd method of disposal…

Each subway car is left on the ocean floor, to be assimilated into the ecosystem.

Over time, every surface will be covered in life, creating an artificial coral reef system.

Every metal pipe, edge, ridge, and corner provides surface area for coral ecosystem.

Here’s what it looks like after 5 years…

… and here’s what it looks like after 10 years.