
Monday 30 May 2016

5 Proven Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a prime example of getting too much of a good thing. Your body needs cholesterol, but too much leads to blockages that hamper blood flow to your heart and brain. Whole grains, black tea, and a good breakfast are among the easiest ways to lower your cholesterol. Take a look at these five proven ways to lower your cholesterol without sacrifice or medication.

1. Drink black tea
Other benefits aside — and there are many — drinking black tea has been proven to lower cholesterol. That cup of tea does more than just soothe on a stressful day. Flavonoids, the major antioxidants in tea, prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the type that leads to plaque formation on artery walls.

In one study, participants drank five servings of black tea daily, and there was a 6% to 11% reduction in blood cholesterol in tea drinkers compared to those drinking a tea-flavored placebo. Drinking tea can affect your cholesterol levels in as few as three months.

Even if you’re not up to drinking five cups of tea a day, start with a cup or two per day — every little bit helps.

2. Eat less bad fat and more good fat
If you see “partially hydrogenated” in the list of ingredients, pass that product by. It isn’t doing your body any favors. According to Harvard Health: “Partially hydrogenated oil is not the only source of trans fats in our diets. Trans fats are also naturally found in beef fat and dairy fat, in small amounts. Trans fats are worse for cholesterol levels than saturated fats because they raise bad LDL and lower good HDL.”

Saturated fats and dietary cholesterol, which are derived primarily from animal products, aren’t exactly heart-healthy, but it’s OK to eat them in small amounts. So-called “healthy fats” are your best option. These fats reduce the bad LDL cholesterol in your blood and increase the good HDL cholesterol.

The Heart Association recommends these sources of healthy fat: olives; nuts; seeds; oils made from olives, nuts and, seeds (e.g. olive oil, canola, sunflower, safflower); fish; lean meats and poultry; and eggs.

3. Stick to a plant-based diet
True, it’s trendy these days, but that doesn’t mean that a plant-based diet is just a fad. Getting your fill of fruits and veggies has a serious impact on your health — it’s seriously good for you. Results from a study conducted by Stanford University showed that after four weeks, participants eating a plant-based diet rich in nutrients and phytochemicals reduced their total and LDL cholesterol significantly more than the participants consuming a standard low-fat diet.

Eat a diet with a low glycemic load that is high in fiber and includes healthy fats. It should be plant-based, and you should consume plenty of good-quality protein, such as beans, nuts, and seeds.

This doesn’t mean that the only way to be healthy is to cut out meat completely. Focus instead on devoting a larger portion of your plate to plants.

4. Exercise
It should go without saying: exercise, exercise, exercise. You don’t have to run a marathon. Just get moving. One way exercise can help lower cholesterol is by helping you lose or maintain weight.

Being overweight tends to increase the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your blood, the kind of lipoprotein that’s been linked to heart disease. Exercise helps lower your LDL and even raises the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in your body.

Although any type of exercise helps your heart health, studies have found that cardio done for 30 minutes or more (and that include intervals) seem to increase good-for-you HDL cholesterol levels.

5. Eat plenty of whole grains
A heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering diet doesn’t have to leave you hungry. In fact, whole grains are on the “friendly” list, and they’re super filling. The fiber in whole grains may act as a natural anticoagulant and appetite suppressant, both of which can keep cholesterol from blocking blood vessels.

According to Harvard Health, “Eating whole instead of refined grains substantially lowers total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or bad) cholesterol, triglycerides, and insulin levels. Any of these changes would be expected to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease.”

Try some of these whole-grain, delicious, and heart-healthy combos: whole-grain toast with avocado, a whole-grain cereal topped with fresh fruit, or oatmeal with bananas and almond butter.

6 Foods That Can Soothe Sore Muscles

Intense HIIT sessions and bouts of strength training leave most gym goers leaner, stronger, and incredibly achy the next day. Ending your workout with a proper cool-down and plenty of stretching can help prevent sore muscles, but these efforts will only take you so far. In order to get your body back to feeling great, healthy food is a must. And if you pick the right eats, your muscle soreness will disappear remarkably fast.

Nutrition also plays a key role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is something everyone should remember. Consider this list a two-for-one because these foods can both alleviate muscle soreness and keep you lean. You’ll be feeling and looking better in no time.

1. Ginger

This root has been hailed for its medicinal properties among different cultures for thousands of years, and research continues to come out in its favor. A study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition took an in-depth look at how herbs and spices impact certain biomarkers in the human body. According to the researchers, ginger proved effective both as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient. Since inflammation contributes to muscle soreness, this means ginger can help you during the recovery process.

One group of researchers even studied ginger as it relates to exercise recovery. The study, published in the Journal of Pain, had participants perform muscle contractions to induce pain and each was given raw ginger, cooked ginger, or a placebo. Those who consumed ginger, both raw and heated, experienced less pain the next day than the control group.

2. Fatty fish

Those looking to build muscle already reach for protein-packed fish to fuel their efforts, but any type of athlete can benefit from getting plenty of this food in their diets. While the protein certainly helps in building muscle, it doesn’t actually do much for alleviating soreness. Omega-3 fats are what shine in that department.

According to one 2009 study, subjects who received an omega-3 supplement during a training program benefited from reduced soreness 48 hours after exercise. With just 27 participants, the study was small, but it’s not the only example. More recent research published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found similar muscle-soothing results.

3. Olive oil

One of the trademark ingredients in the Mediterranean diet, olive oil has become a favorite for those looking to protect their hearts. This fat can also seriously help sooth aches and pains after a strenuous workout. Olive oil contains a type of antioxidant called oleocanthal, which has caught the attention of researchers. One 2014 review reported the nutrient can help fight inflammation and may protect against cancer and arthritis. The review even mentioned its ability to reduce pain may be comparable to ibuprofen.

4. Tart cherry juice

Instead of baking summer’s tart cherries into a pie, you might want to consider tossing them into your juicer. A few studies have demonstrated their muscle-soothing affect. One example from the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports had 20 marathon runners drink tart cherry juice or placebo in the days leading up to and after the 26.2-mile event. Those who went with the juice benefited from reduced inflammation and a faster path to regaining strength. A similar study involving a larger sample size reported that drinking tart cherry juice led to a significantly smaller increase in pain after a race.

5. Coffee

Most of us would struggle to make it out of the house without at least one cup of coffee. When it comes to recovering from strenuous workouts, getting your caffeine fix can actually be a good thing. One review published in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation highlighted a few studies that have demonstrated caffeine’s ability to alleviate post-workout soreness. The researchers acknowledged more studies need to be conducted, though.

Starting your day with a cup or two of coffee could benefit your efforts at the gym even if you aren’t addressing sore muscles. One 2008 review reported moderate doses of caffeine can boost performance for a range of different sports. But don’t overdo your java consumption. Mayo Clinic recommended no more than four cups per day.

6. Cruciferous vegetables

Whether you prefer broccoli, kale, or cabbage, filling your plate with any of these cruciferous veggies can help your body bounce back after a tough day at the gym. One 2014 analysis involving more than 1,000 women found those who ate the most cruciferous vegetables benefited from lower levels of inflammation. This type of produce is also packed with fiber, which will help fill you up after your exercise efforts leave your stomach grumbling.

6 ways to befriend your bones and fend off osteoporosis

What have you done for your bones lately? One in two women — and one in four men — age 50 or older will break a bone due to osteoporosis. And until they break that wrist, or hip, or vertebrae in the spine, odds are they will have no idea they have osteoporosis.

If you have a family history of osteoporosis, you are at greater risk, because 70 percent of our bone destiny is due to heredity. But you still can help shape the health of your bones.

We actively build bone until our mid-20s. After that, we start to slowly lose bone mass, a decline that temporarily steepens for about five years postmenopause in women.

If you have bone-healthy habits during your youth, your bone will be better able to withstand some of the natural erosion that comes with age. Your bones may become less dense, but it might never progress to osteoporosis.

While it’s ideal to develop bone-healthy habits in childhood, you can take action at any age to improve both bone and muscle health. What does muscle have to do with osteoporosis? The more muscle you hold on to as you age, the more likely you are to avoid falling if you start to lose your balance. Contrary to popular belief, you hardly ever break a hip, then fall. You fall — often to the side — then break a hip.

Here are some of the best bone-building nutrition and lifestyle tips:

Count on calcium. If we don’t get enough calcium in our diet, our bodies will take it from our bones. Adults should aim for 1,000-1,200 mg from foods and supplements, but more isn’t better. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products, canned sardines and salmon (because you eat the bones), tofu made with calcium, calcium-fortified foods and some dark leafy greens. Kale, collard and mustard greens are good (so is broccoli), but spinach and beet greens contain oxalic acid, which makes its calcium unavailable to us. Oxalic acid is greatly reduced by cooking, and consuming a food with oxalic acid does not affect absorption of calcium from other foods you eat during the same meal.

Stock up on vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for absorbing calcium, but it also helps build muscle. We don’t get much vitamin D from food, and if we are vigilant about preventing skin cancer, we aren’t getting much natural vitamin D through our skin. Taking 800-1,000 IU of supplemental vitamin D with food is recommended for osteoporosis prevention, especially here in the Northwest.

Power up with protein. Getting adequate but not excessive protein is important to protect both muscle and bone mass. Divide your weight in pounds by two to get your rough protein goal in grams. So, if you weight 150 pounds, aim for 75 grams of protein per day.

Load up on produce. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables creates an environment in the body that prevents bone and muscle breakdown.

Get — and stay — active. Weight-bearing exercise — walking, running, strength training — stimulates bone-building activity and builds and maintains muscles. Exercises that help maintain balance, such as tai chi, can also help avoid falls. If you already have osteoporosis, ask your doctor what exercises are safe for you to do.

Avoid “bad to the bone” behaviors. These include smoking and excessive intake of alcohol, caffeine and sodium. Yo-yo dieting has also been shown to reduce bone density.

The 7 Best Herbs That Will Improve Your Health

While getting the proper intake of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats is essential to a healthy diet, you may be missing one key component — fresh herbs. Though you may only buy your herbs for special occasion dishes or when you’re entertaining guests, consider putting away the dried parsley flakes and reaching for a few snips of fresh herbs for everyday use. Though adding that sprinkle of basil over the top of your pasta dish or chives onto your salmon dish may not seem like a boost to your health, you may be surprised to find that, like other greens, herbs can help ward away cancer, protect your heart, improve brain function, and fight infection. Here are 7 of the best herbs for your health.

1. Sage

Though sage may not be in your usual repertoire of herbs to include in your meals, it pairs excellently with turkey and chicken dishes and with herb stuffing, making it a staple right around Thanksgiving. While it was originally known for its healing properties and its aid in plague prevention in the 1500s, Authority Nutrition explains how studies are currently showing that sage may aid in proper brain function and memory.
This may be especially useful for those suffering from Alzheimer’s — in a four-month study outlined within the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, a fixed dosage of sage extract (60 drops per day) was shown tosignificantly improve brain function in those with Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Peppermint

Peppermint isn’t just the flavor of your holiday candy canes anymore — drinking peppermint tea or adding mint leaves into pesto dishes, salads, and couscous is the perfect way to reap the health benefits that this small plant has to offer. There’s a reason that peppermint tea is consumed worldwide and is considered to be one of the most beneficial teas to sip on. The Global Healing Center explains that when steeped in hot water, just a single tea bag of peppermint leaves offers antioxidants that can help prevent illness and chronic disease.
Peppermint can also help with irritable bowel syndrome, as it supports digestion by increasing bile flow and assisting in the break down of fats. This also means that it helps support proper liver function, as it can help reduce the bad cholesterol that can slow the liver down. If you’re feeling nauseous, forget the OTC medicines and try reaching for some peppermint instead, as it can help relieve gas, indigestion, and vomiting.

3. Rosemary

While you may be used to sprinkling a bit of dried rosemary over your beef, chicken, pork, or lamb, you’re actually doing your body a bigger favor than you realize by consuming this herb.
You’ll want to be wary when boiling, frying, or grilling meats at high temperatures, as this can produce dangerous carcinogens, or substances that are known to cause cancer. Prevention explains how the use ofpowdered rosemary extract has been shown to reduce the levels of these carcinogens — you can even toss this powder with your proteins before cooking to lower your carcinogen intake. J. Scott Smith, PhD, lead researcher at Kansas State University, says that rosemary contains carnosol and rosemarinic acid, which are two antioxidants that are known to destroy the specific type of carcinogen produced from cooking meats. Aim to marinate your proteins in rosemary and any other herbs and spices of your choosing before you begin cooking to get the most benefits.

4. Holy Basil

You may think you recognize this herb as the basil you know and love that might be sitting on your countertop or in your garden right now, but holy basil is different than the sweet or Thai varieties often found in popular dishes. Holy basil is native to Southeast Asia, and it’s been cultivated for its medicinal properties for centuries. This particular type of basil is a member of the mint family but can also be cooked in the same ways as other basils, its flavor is much the same as other types of basil as well. Including holy basil in your pesto, your pasta dishes, and in a sauce for your proteins is the perfect way to incorporate it into your diet.
Medicine Hunter explains how holy basil is an antioxidant with both anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Though there has not been much formal scientific research dedicated to holy basil in the past, it is garnering much attention from the medical community in recent years because of its natural therapeutic effect. Holy basil is an effective stress reliever as well due to the fact that it is considered to be an adaptogen. While adaptogens don’t relieve stress themselves, they help the body function at its best when faced with physical or emotional stressors. This herb is considered to be one that can help relax and ease the mind most effectively, and it is available in its fresh form and as an extract for easy usage.

5. Cilantro

Mexican food may come to mind immediately when thinking of cilantro, but this herb is more than just a taco topper. While the taste of cilantro has a love-it-or-hate-it reaction from many, those who love it should feel free to pile it high on their rice and bean dishes or even add plenty of it into your favorite juices and smoothies for that extra punch of flavor and extra health boost.
Cilantro is known for its ability to cleanse and heal the body from the inside out. Natural Health 365 explains that cilantro has an array of antioxidants and can also aid in digestion, and it is a fungicide and aphrodisiac that can also help with healing and warding away infections. It is also high in vitamins A, K, C, and has traces of B vitamins as well as being rich in iron and manganese. Though cilantro is rich in the vitamin and mineral department, its most coveted trait is the fact that it can help remove heavy metals from the body like mercury and aluminum. When consumed for long periods of time, cilantro will assist in removing mercury from tissue.

6. Milk Thistle

Though you may not have considered adding milk thistle into your salads to replace greens like spinach, this flowering herb has amazing benefits to the liver that you can reap just by eating the herb itself, steeping it to create a tea, or taking an oral milk thistle supplement.
Silymarin is the active ingredient in milk thistle that protects the liver, and the herb was approved in 1986 to treat liver diseases like alcoholic fatty liver, cirrhosis, both alcoholic and viral hepatitis, and liver poisoning. This ingredient also works as an anti-inflammatory agent and encourages the growth of the liver as well. Herb Wisdom explains how milk thistle works to detoxify chemicals that enter the body, and these chemicals can be in the form of medicines like acetaminophen to recreational alcoholic beverages to heavy metals. If you’re feeling like you may have had too much to drink at the bar the night before, it’s not a bad idea to consume some milk thistle the next day to help your liver repair itself from the damage.

7. Oregano

Oregano is another common herb that we all know, love, and sprinkle atop many Italian, Greek, and Spanish dishes. While it’s the perfect accompaniment to pizza, fresh salads with feta and olives, or vegetarian dishes, one tablespoon of the fresh herb has the same antioxidant super power as a medium-sized apple, says Vegetarian Times. With such a high concentration of antioxidants, consuming this unassuming herb may help ward away cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure while also preventing cellular damage. Its antimicrobial properties are also of the utmost importance, as oregano can prevent fungal and bacterial infections.
Medical News Today also describes the advantages of eating oregano for its anti-inflammatory properties. Beta-caryophyllin, an active ingredient in oregano, can help fight osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis. Oregano has also been used to help fight acne, dandruff, headaches, allergies, and menstrual cramps, among other illnesses and other conditions. If you don’t love the taste of fresh or dried oregano in your food, then oil of oregano supplements may be the route best suited for your consumption.


1. It raises your good cholesterol
In a two-year study on patients with type-2 diabetes, red wine was found to significantly boost levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. But in order to reap the benefits, you really do need to be drinking in moderation – the research suggests that the sweet spot is probably a glass of red wine a night.
2. It fights off colds and flu
While traditional wisdom might tell you that alcohol suppresses the immune system, studies have actually found the opposite to be true – but again, moderation is key. A Spanish study found that those who drank two glasses of red wine a day were much less susceptible to the common cold than beer or spirit drinkers.
3. It can help to manage type-2 diabetes
Though diabetics will often be told to avoid alcohol, a study from last year showed that drinking a glass of wine with dinner improved blood-sugar control in those with type-2 diabetes.
4. It can reduce your calorie intake
Drinking red wine before a meal has been found to increase satiety – in other words, make you feel more satisfied – and therefore make you less likely to over-eat. You have to take the wine calories into consideration here, of course, but much like with dark chocolate, the satiety factor makes it easier to stop after one glass of red.
5. It increases your lifespan
A 29-year-long study showed that red-wine drinkers have a 34 per cent lower mortality rate than beer or vodka fans. Researchers attributed this to the fact that red wine is packed with polyphenols (a micronutrient known to protect against several types of diseases), which you can get from places other than wine. Still, not a bad argument for that nightly glass of red.

Sunday 29 May 2016

8 Reasons You Should Never Drink Coffee


That foul flavor haunts me to this day. If you have to pack in teaspoons of sugar and almond milk and hazelnut whathaveyou, you're masking the fact that you're consuming poison. Yes, you can eventually get used to that bitterness, but you could likely add sugar to antifreeze and it would taste good at some point. (Just kidding, please don't ever do this).


Rejoice over all of those studies that come out regularly swearing that a cup is like, maybe fine for your body. But any product packed with caffeine and (typically) sugar isn't something that you should be pounding back multiple times a day. Three mugs of soda in the morning seems pretty gross, too. Which brings me to...


And we're just supposed to pretend that's okay?! I'll read those testimonials about people who tried to reduce their coffee habits, or watched friends try to cut back, and then get headaches and feel very real symptoms of withdrawal. What kind of socially sanctioned drug abuse is this?! 


"Fair trade" is a concept based on the fact that coffee-bean production is often unethical: as in, the farming and selling leads to trade wars and relies on child labor. Fantastic. And there's even debatethat fair trade is a label that makes us feel better but often means little. 


I won't say I wake up with birds chirping in my hand like Snow White. But because I've never benefited from that caffeine jolt in the morning, I'm bewildered by friends and coworkers who grumble-grumble-grumble like 5-year-olds and refuse to even speak until they've had their fix. 


Statements that would be absurd or wildly impolite to say about anything else suddenly seem okay if they're in regards to coffee. "Ugh, the coffee here is disgusting," someone will complain after a fancy meal in a restaurant, or "You've never really had coffee until you've had an espresso in Italy." Ugh, get over yourself. 


Sorry not sorry. If anything, coffee drinkers should apologize to the rest of us with noses. 


Aside from all the other waste that coffee consumption creates—the discarded Starbucks cups, the sugar packets, the plastic lids and stirrers—there are the piles of Keurig cups. Go ahead, enjoy that quick brew! Our grandchildren will one day spend a day at the beach doing the back stroke through your little plastic capsules, just lying there crumpled and still somehow smelly even in the ocean.

7 Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your sleek physique, boosting your metabolism to a higher rate is always a good idea. There are several ways to give your metabolism an extra push—including exercising early in the day—but eating can also be a factor in its elevation.
Increasing your metabolism means your body burns calories at a higher rate. So if your metabolism is high, it’s burning calories even when you aren’t working hard at the gym. A sluggish metabolism can cause you to gain weight, because you’re consuming more than your body is burning.
Here are 7 ways to boost your metabolism, so you can burn fat fast:
  • The first thing you need to do is add breakfast to your daily meal planner. Although many people don’t like eating breakfast, it gives your body the rev up it needs to launch your metabolism. A 250-calorie snack is all it takes to boost your metabolism in the morning. 
  • Another way to increase your metabolism is to add spices to your food. According to the U.S. Agricultural Research Service, Cinnamon is one spice that increases your metabolism twentyfold—and all you have to ingest is a mere 1/4 to 1 tsp per day!
  • While you’re planning your meals, you may want to add kiwi fruit to your diet. Kiwis pack a lot of vitamin C, but if you add 500 mg of it to your day, you burn up to 39% more fat when you’re exercising. Don’t get too much C, though, because once you get to the 2,000 mg mark, you start experiencing adverse effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
  • Another metabolism boosting measure is to watch what you drink. Adding ice to a drink makes your body work harder because it has to heat it up in your stomach, which increases your metabolism. Also, ingesting a caffeine drink like coffee or tea can raise your heart rate and increase your metabolism. 
  • Where you’re eating can be just as important as what you’re eating. When you’re having breakfast in the morning, try positioning yourself near a window so that you can soak up some sun. The bright light boosts your metabolism and also helps you increase bone and muscle strength.
  • Make sure you’re getting enough chromium in your diet to help your body burn more calories. Chromium, which is found in tomatoes and in a supplement form, also boosts the way you burn fat. According to MedlinePlus, meat, eggs, green pepper, apples, banana and spinach are also good sources of chromium. When you supplement 120 mcg of chromium daily, your body benefits by revving up its metabolism. 
  • If you really want to kick-start your metabolism, you may also try dividing your meals up into smaller portionsthat you eat more often throughout the day. Every time you eat, it helps your metabolism rise, so as strange as it may sound, eating frequently can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.