
Sunday 29 May 2016

There's nothing like beets to boost your workout — huh?

A single serving of beets can boost your energy and lower your blood pressure. Eating beets long-term can help you fight cancer, reduce arthritic pain, and lose weight, as well as assisting in a number of other health areas.
Many people don’t like beets or consider it only a special occasion dish, but we think this powerfood should be on your plate every day.
8 Healthy Reasons to Eat Beets:
1.  Weight Loss
Beets taste sweet, but a cup of cooked beet contains only 60 calories and is full of fiber. This is a perfect food for weight management.
The sugars in beets are smart carbs, since they come in a natural whole food form.  Unlike white sugar, the beet calories come with a lot of nutrients and phytochemicals.
2.  Brain and Energy Boost
Beets are high in natural nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is known to expand the walls of blood vessels so you can enjoy more oxygen, more nutrients, and more energy.
Studies have shown nitric oxide to increase the efficiency of the mitochondria (your energy powerhouses). The results of these studies were impressive.
  • A single small serving (70 ml) of beetroot juice reduced resting blood pressure by 2%.
  • A single small serving increased the length of time professional divers could hold their breath by 11%.
  • Cyclists who drank a single larger serving (500 ml) of beetroot juice were able to ride up to 20% longer.
3.  Nature’s Viagra
One of the first known uses of beets was by the ancient Romans, who used them medicinally as an aphrodisiac. Many plants have been considered an aphrodisiac by some culture at some time, but in this case it may be more than just wishful thinking.
As noted above, beets can increase blood flow due to their nitrates. Increased blood flow to the genital areas is one of the mechanisms Viagra and other pharmaceuticals create their effects.  Beets also contain high amounts of boron, which is directly related to the production of human sex hormones. 
4.  Super Antioxidant for a Long, Healthy, Pain-Free Life
Antioxidants help to reverse the daily accumulated wear and tear on the body, known as aging. Beets are a very good source of commonly known antioxidants like vitamin C and manganese, but it is their lesser-known antioxidants which give them their true value.
The blood-red color of beets comes from a powerful group of antioxidants called betalains. There are hundreds of studies on the positive health benefits of betalains.  A short summary of the results shows that they help in the areas of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and inflammation. If you go to Google Scholar and type in ‘betalains,’ you will see 3790 scholarly references on this subject.
5.  Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
The inflammatory response is a natural function of the body which saves our lives when it responds to the acute stresses in our lives, like bacterial infection and injury. Due to the constant stress in our modern lives, however, this inflammation becomes chronic. It is as though our body is constantly in a battle. Inflammation has been linked to a number of symptoms and diseases including:
  • Wrinkles
  • Susceptibility to infections
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Bronchitis
  • Chronic pain
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart disease
  • Candidiasis
The blood-red betalains in beets have been shown to reduce chronic inflammation. 

6.  Cancer Prevention
Preliminary tests suggest that beetroot ingestion can be one of the useful means to prevent lung and skin cancer. Other studies have shown that beet juice inhibits the formation of cancer-causing compounds called nitrosamines.
7.  Cell Detoxification and Cleansing
The antioxidants in beets have been shown to support what is called phase 2 cleansing.  In phase 2 cleansing, unwanted toxic substances are chemically combined with a small nutrient group. This combination neutralizes the toxin and makes them sufficiently water-soluble so they can be excreted through the urine.
This is therefore deep cleansing on a cellular level, that may have long term health benefits.
8.  Improved Mental Health
The betalains in beets has been used in certain treatments of depression. It also contains tryptophan, which relaxes the mind and creates a sense of well-being, similar to chocolate. Enjoy! 

6 Surprising Ways That Beer is Good for Your Health

Thanks to its association with the Mediterranean diet, wine has gotten the green light as a healthy beverage for years. Beer, on the other hand, usually makes people think of keg stands and frat parties — hardly the picture of health. It’s time to change beer’s bad reputation because it boasts health benefits just like wine. As long as you’re not overdoing it, your favorite brew can help you score these six benefits.

1. Healthier heart 

Many studies have looked at the link between alcohol consumption and heart disease over the last few decades, and the results have been relatively favorable for those who like to enjoy a few drinks. One study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found men who consumed at least three or four alcoholic beverages a week, including wine, beer, and liquor, had a lower risk of heart attack than men who drank alcohol less than once per week.
Though most research has investigated alcohol as a whole, some have taken a more specific look at beer. One example appeared in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The study prescribed one beer per day for a month to men with coronary heart disease. At the end of the month, those who downed the daily brew experienced a decrease in a type of protein called fibrinogen, which equates to a lower risk of heart disease.

2. Brain boost 

In addition to giving beer a bitter taste that every IPA drinker adores, hops also contribute a potent flavanoid called xanthohumol. In a 2015 study, researchers found this compound can exert a protective power over brain cells in a way that may ward off neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The research is still in the early stages, so time will tell just how effective the flavanoid really is.
Brain benefits don’t end there, either. While enjoying a few brews isn’t likely to turn you into the next Einstein, doing so may boost your creativity. One group of researchers discovered men with a blood alcohol content of .075 were able to solve problems in a type of creative word association test more quickly than their sober peers.

3. Nutritional value 

When it comes to antioxidants, it turns out beer may actually be better than wine. NPR reported beer contains many of the same antioxidants found in wine and dark chocolate, and some of them may actually be more readily absorbed by our bodies. What’s more, beer boasts more protein, selenium, and B vitamins than wine.
But what about the dreaded beer belly? There’s really no truth to it. Time explained the calories from beer don’t zero in on your gut. Your midsection will accumulate fat from consuming too many calories in any form. Maybe it should be called a beer, bacon, and brownie belly from now on. While any alcoholic beverage contains a fair number of calories, drinking beer in moderation can be completely healthy.

4. Stronger bones 

As we get older, bone density naturally decreases. This explains why elderly folks are more prone to fractures after falling. Health professionals typically urge aging people to consume adequate amounts of calcium and engage in weight-bearing exercises to combat this loss. They also might want to consider advising patients to enjoy a beer or two because a 2009 study from Tufts University found men who drank one to two beers per day showed greater bone mineral density than those who refrained from alcohol.
Researchers think beer’s bone-protecting power may be due to its silicon content. This mineral has been shown to boost bone health, particularly when it comes from a liquid source rather than a solid food.

5. Digestive health 

Though it might sound a little bit backwards, having a high level of acid in your stomach is a good thing. According to SFGate, too little acid in your gut makes it difficult for your body to break down food andabsorb vital nutrients. Once again, beer can help you out. One 2012 study showed consuming beer, particularly bitter ones, helped to stimulate gastric acid secretion.

6. Aids exercise recovery 

While you might think you need to down a few glasses of water post-exercise before hitting the bar with your friends, research indicates it isn’t necessary. A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition compared the effects of rehydrating with beer versus water after exercising during hot conditions. The results found those who tanked up with beer were no worse off than those who consumed water. It turns out those free beer tickets road races offer actually make some sense.

Friday 27 May 2016

Historic Dollhouses Capture 300 Years of British Domestic Life

The National Building Museum in Washington DC has a new exhibit. On loan from the Victoria & Albert Museum of Childhood in London, this new exhibit called “Small Stories: At Home in a Dollhouse” is a collection of 12 historical dollhouses that offers a unique glimpse into British residential architecture and home decor for the past 300 years.

“The homes show developments in architecture and design, encompassing country mansions, the Georgian town house, suburban villas, newly-built council estates, and high-rise apartments. Many of the houses, their furniture and dolls have been specially conserved for the exhibition, with around 1,900 objects being restored over two years in the V&A Museum’s conservation department,” says the Museum’s website.

Parque de Bombas: The Old Ponce Fire Station

One of Ponce’s most recognizable landmarks is Parque de Bombas, the city’s old firehouse building and now a firefighting museum. This brightly colored red and black candy striped building, located at the Plaza Las Delicias town square, directly behind the Ponce Cathedral, was Puerto Rico's first ever fire station.

The building was built in 1882, originally as the main exhibit pavilion dedicated to agricultural and industrial exhibits for the 1882 Exhibition Trade Fair. It was designed by a Spanish army officer, who also happened to be a professional architect. Made mostly out of wood, Parque de Bombas draws influence from Moorish and Gothic Victorian architecture, and consist of a large and open central space flanked by two lateral towers, two stories in height. The open space was used as garage facilities for the fire trucks, and the two towers as living quarters and exhibition areas. An elegant central two-sided stairway with elaborated cast iron railing leads to a mezzanine area used as administrative offices.

9 Foods You Should Never Eat Just Before Going to Bed

Healthy sleep is trending and, as odd as it may sound, finding ways to sleep more efficiently is one of the latest crazes in the world of health and fitness. There are unusual beverages that can help you fall asleep and there are even a bunch of snacks you can eat before bed in order to help you build muscle. And, while everyone knows that caffeine before bed doesn’t equate to a great night’s rest, it’s possible that you are not aware of the many foods that aren’t great to have before bed.

In addition to our 21 Sleep Hacks to Rest Your Way to a Better Body and Better Health, we urge you to avoid the following caffeine-containing, sugary, high-carb snacks before bed.

Boxed Cereal
Even some of the healthier options from our list of 9 Healthiest Breakfast Cereals to Enjoy and 6 Unhealthy Options to Avoid at All Costs are on the bedtime-snacking naughty list. Why? Even the healthy boxed cereals contain carbs, and, while they may not be as unhealthy as these 10 Breakfast Cereals That Have as Much Sugar as Candy, any carbohydrate should be approached with caution before bed time. Carbs, especially sugars, can inspire a blood sugar spike while your body is winding down at night, often resulting in undesirable weight gain.

Red meat — a carnivore’s best friend and the bane of every vegan’s existence. While the nation is torn between loving and hating red meat (decide for yourself after reading 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Eat Red Meat — and 8 Reasons Why You Should), one piece of advice we should all take seriously is that eating a burger before bed isn’t a recipe for peaceful sleep. In fact, burgers tend to have a high fat content and, when compared to the other macronutrients, fat is denser calorically (we’re talking nine calories per gram of fat versus four calories per gram of protein and/or carbohydrates). Fat can trigger heartburn, so if you want to

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate can be incredibly beneficial for one’s health; this isn’t breaking news. What you may not have known, however, is that cocoa naturally contains caffeine (about 12 milligrams of caffeine per ounce of chocolate). You (probably) aren’t downing a hot cup of coffee before bed, and we suggest avoiding dark chocolate as well. As wonderful as a slice of chocolate cake before bed may sound, you may want to save your amazing chocolate cake recipe for earlier in the day.

Ice Cream
Remember how sugary cereals were a nighttime no-no? Well, as tempting as a cup or cone from one of the world’s 30 best ice cream parlors may sound on your late evening walk home from the boardwalk or park, you better make sure you have ample time to digest its high sugar content before sleeping; your sleep can be disturbed as your body attempts to process large amounts of sugar consumed directly before bed. Also, many popular ice cream brands contain dark chocolate. Pop quiz: Are you supposed to eat dark chocolate before bed? Answer: No!

Jalapeño Peppers (and Other Spicy Foods)
Drowning your food in hot sauce isn’t unhealthy, but you better make sure you’re saving the Cholula for breakfast and lunch. Hot sauce, spicy cuisine like Indian dishes, and fiery peppers like jalapeño (and especially these 11 Spiciest Chile Peppers on Earth) amp up your metabolism, often resulting in a higher body temperature that can, in turn, lead to a restless night. Additionally, gastrointestinal distress (actually, we’re adults here — we can call 2 a.m. fits of gas 2 a.m. fits of gas) caused by spicy foods can keep even the most sincere Scoville enthusiast up all night.

Pasta (and Other Carbs)
Pastas, breads, and other foods made with all-purpose flour can put you at risk of getting cancer. All-purpose flour, also known as white flour, can also kill your sex drive. Do you really need another reason to avoid this commonly used baking ingredient? We’ll give you one: The blood sugar spike caused by eating high-GI foods like pastas and breads made with all-purpose flour before bed can result in restless sleep and undesirable fat accumulation.

We’ve all been there: It’s three in the morning, you just left the bar, and you’re ready to down roughly eight-out-of-eight slices of a pie. If you absolutely need to order food late at night, please avoid the pizza in favor of one of these 15 healthy meals you can have delivered. Ignoring the fact that many late night pizza orders are booze-inspired (alcohol being another thing to avoid before bed), pizza itself is packed with carbs, sodium, and fat, making your digestive system switch from “comfortably cruising to slumber land” to “holy hell, we’ve put too much coal into the fire!”

For many, “Netflix and chill” really means “scrolling through Instagram while Netflix is on and splitting a bag of pretzels with the dog.” As tempting as a bag of pretzels (even the world’s best pretzels) may be while watching mind-numbing television after a long day, pretzels can also cause an undesirable GI spike before bed and, further, you’re more likely to lose track of just how many of these hard, salty treats you’ve eaten.

For many, “Netflix and chill” really means “scrolling through Instagram while Netflix is on and splitting a bag of pretzels with the dog.” As tempting as a bag of pretzels (even the world’s best pretzels) may be while watching mind-numbing television after a long day, pretzels can also cause an undesirable GI spike before bed and, further, you’re more likely to lose track of just how many of these hard, salty treats you’ve eaten.

5 ways you can stop feeling older and more tired than you do now

Have you ever thought about your age? Not the one on your driver’s license, but the effective age of your body when factors like diet and stress levels are taken into account. A healthy lifestyle can help keep you young, just as gorging on junk food, skipping exercise and indulging in bad habits like smoking can cause premature aging. But even if you’re not in the best shape, don’t panic: it’s not too late to try and turn back the clock with these simple steps. 
Take charge
Before jumping on the treadmill, it’s important to know what condition you’re in. With an app like CustomFit by Fitness First, it will be easy to assess your fitness level and then develop a suitable workout and lifestyle regimen. The app asks four questions about your experience level, the type of workout you want, the equipment you wish to use and how long you want to exercise. Using this information, it then creates a customised plan; and once you start working towards your goal, the BioScore health and fitness assessment keeps track of your progress.
Have a stress-busting solution
Leading a healthy lifestyle requires taking care of your mind as well as your body. How you handle stress seriously impacts your wellbeing, so when times get tough make sure you find coping mechanisms like taking long walks or having lunch with friends. Having a pet can also reduce stress and keep you active, while yoga and other forms of exercise can also calm the mind and body.
Dream a little dream
Don’t underestimate the value of rest when it comes to health; most people need seven to eight hours of shut-eye a night. Studies have connected a lack of sleep with conditions like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Getting proper rest has numerous benefits, including a decreased risk of accidents and injury, a clearer mind and an easier time maintaining a reasonable weight.
You are what you eat
Eating right is extremely important, but the world is filled with confusing and contradictory dietary advice. Fortunately, some basic tips can help almost anyone. Consume a good variety of foods, including five or more servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Try to avoid processed fare like frozen pizza, and choose wholegrain bread and rice instead. Limit your consumption of sugary drinks; even diet soda has been linked to weight gain, so when you’re thirsty have a glass of water.
Get CustomFit
Staying active requires dedication, but CustomFit, a digital training system designed by experts, makes it much easier. The app creates bespoke workout plans based on your unique needs, but you can also create your own from a library of over 800 exercises. Check out the group classes and timetables at your local club and sync the workouts you’ve planned with your calendar so you don’t accidentally miss a day. If you’re not sure how to do a move, watch the videos for guidance. A personalised dashboard monitors your progress, letting you see how far you’ve come.
And always remember: where there’s a will there’s a way!

The Problem with ‘Superfoods’

The idea of superfoods intoxicates us. We listen with ears cocked when marketers and health gurus tell us to eat goji, acai and spirulina. And who can blame us? We want that silver bullet that makes us feel great and live longer.
But too strong an emphasis on exotic superfoods takes the focus away from everyday fruits and vegetables, and that’s a problem.
In the United States, only about 9 percent of Americans eat the daily recommended amount of vegetables, and only about 13 percent eat the recommended amount of fruits. Since most of us struggle to eat enough fresh plant foods, we should prioritize daily consumption first, and worry about “superfood”-status later.
The easiest way to increase daily consumption is to focus on ordinary produce you can find and afford easily. Often, these “ordinary” fruits and vegetables stand up to “superfoods” in terms of nutritional benefits, anyway. Take a look at this list of produce items that deliver stellar nutrition and help you meet your daily quota without having to stress about superfoods:
1. Onions
Onions supply vitamin C, fiber and quercetin (a flavonoid that quells inflammation.)
2. Oranges 
Oranges provide folate and potassium, which protect heart health, and carotenoids, which maintain healthy eyes.
3. Celery
Celery boasts plenty of vitamin K and phenolic acid antioxidants for healthy blood vessels and good digestive health.
4. Broccoli
Broccoli contains immune-boosting phytonutrients, including sulforaphanes, which can fight cancer.
5. Strawberries
Strawberries’ polyphenols reduce spikes in blood glucose, and the berries contain plenty of vitamin C and manganese, a trace mineral that supports bone and skin health.
6. Spinach
Spinach supplies ample vitamins K, A and C. The darker the leaf, the greater the concentration of vitamin C.
7. Romaine Lettuce
Include romaine lettuce in your salad for plenty of folate, potassium and fiber.
8. Carrots
Beta-carotene in carrots reduces cell damage and helps maintain healthy eyes during aging.
9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain large amounts of lycopene, which can inhibit breast cancer growth. A tomato-rich diet can also reduce LDL cholesterol and the risk of stroke.
10. Green Beans
Green beans provide fiber, vitamin K, manganese, and plant-based iron.
If you already love a food with a super status, (chia pudding, anyone?) keep eating it! Otherwise, remember that consistent daily consumption of whole plant foods is more important than occasional consumption of superfoods. In other words, an apple a day will likely improve your health more than a mangosteen a week.