
Tuesday 3 May 2016

15 Foods That Make You Constipated

Let's just get it over with and state the obvious: everybody poops—except for when, of course, we can't.
We may live in a world where second-by-second Snapchat updates are considered normal, but despite the amount of over-sharing that goes on in our society, no one seems comfortable talking about poop. Granted, what goes on in the bathroom is supposed to remain private. But that makes it hard to know what to do when things go—how shall we say this?—awry.
So, that's why we're going there, since constipation can occur for a number of reasons. A lack of exercise, ignoring the urge to go, and certain medications and supplements can be blamed blame, but diet is typically the primary culprit—and certain foods are harder on the body than others. To help you keep things moving on the reg, we've tracked down common food culprits that may make it difficult for you to go. And to cover all our bases, we've also included a number of eats that will worsen your symptoms if you're already backed up.

1. Chips 

It's not that eating a serving of chips will immediately make you back up, it's just that anytime you eat a low-fiber snack (like chips, cookies, or pretzels), you're passing up the opportunity to eat something more wholesome that supports digestive health. Plus, chips are typically potent sources of unhealthy fats that slow down the digestive system, making it more difficult to go.

Eat This! Tip

Next time you get hungry between meals, skip the chips and grab a pear. They don't taste the same, we know, but bear with us. Pears are a known constipation remedy. Not only are they packed with fiber, they also have naturally-occurring, sorbitol which acts as a laxative to loosen up the stools.  

2. Underripe Bananas 

Though ripe yellow nanners made our list of the 23 Foods That Make You Poop, their green, underripe cousins will likely have the opposite effect on your bathroom schedule. The reason: Unripe bananas contain a higher concentration of tannins. This naturally occurring antioxidant can cause or aggravate pre-existing constipation, according to a study inPediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology&Nutrition.

3. Persimmon 

They're not the most popular fruit on the block—and maybe that's a good thing. Though sweet persimmons won't likely wreak havoc on your digestive system, the more astringent varieties have a high tannin acid concentration. Why's that matter? The naturally occurring compound inhibits the muscle contractions that moves food through the digestive tract, which can cause or aggravate constipation.

Eat This! Tip

As persimmons mature and grown in size, the fewer tannins they will have—so stick to the bigger guys if you're susceptible to digestive troubles. That said, according to one Korean study, some healthy individuals experience painful defecation (yes, that's poop) after eating larger, ripe persimmons. The bottom line: Chomp at your own risk. 

4. Gum—But Only If You Swallow It 

Despite childhood rumors, if you swallow a piece of gum, it won't take seven years to come out the opposite end. If you swallow enough pieces, however, it may just form a mass that will block your digestive tract and causes constipation. Womp, womp.

Eat This! Tip

This is an easy one, just don't swallow your gum.

5. Chocolate 

To gain a better understanding of the connection between food and various digestive issues, researchers (who ultimately published their finding in the European Journal of Gastroenterology&Hepatology) asked a group of people suffering from constipation which foods they thought were to blame for their stomach issues. Strangely enough, chocolate was a top offender. White bread, black tea, and bananas, were also named tummy troublers.

Eat This! Tip

Though it's true that eating dark chocolate has numerous benefits including reduced risk of heart attack and lower cholesterol levels, if you get backed up on the reg, consider quelling your sweet tooth with a chocolate-free energy biteor cookie. Who knows, axing the treat from your diet may just help you earn your frequent visitor badge in the bathroom.

6. Rib-Eye Steak 

Protein and fat are both nutrients that take a longggg time to digest. And rib-eye is filled to the gills with both of them, which can back you up and make you feel uncomfortably full. As the crème de la crème of steaks, a 3.5-ounce serving packs a whopping 37.6 grams of fat (nearly a day's worth), 15 grams of saturated fat, and 30 grams of protein.

Eat This! Tip

To keep things moving, switch to a sirloin tip side steak or filet mignon, which are far less fatty, and pair the meat with a fiber-rich side dish like spinach, potatoes, or broccoli.

7. White Bread 

Every time you make a sandwich with white bread, you're passing up an opportunity to consume some fiber-packed whole grains. While a slice of classic Wonder bread has less than one gram of the digestion-friendly nutrient, a slice of whole grain has three grams.

Eat This! Tip

Stick to whole grains to keep uncomfortable cramping and constipation at bay.  

8. Frozen Dinners 

If the majority of your meals need to be thawed out before you can dig in, that might explain why your bowels are a bit, well, frozen. Most heat-and-eat dinners contain next to no fiber and high amounts of fat and salt, which can result in water retention. And since water is needed to push waste through the digestive tract, when there's not enough of it in the body to go around, it can result in constipation.

Eat This! Tip

Nix the gross fat- and salt-filled fare, and pick up some of these 15 Clean and Healthy Frozen Foods. Or, better yet, cook the majority of your meals from scratch and steer clear of the salt shaker.

9&10 . Milk & Cheese 

Full-fat dairy is all the rage right now—and it's not without good reason. Not only can certain full-fat foods increase satiety and in turn, aid weight loss, people who eat a lot of high-fat dairy products actually have the lowest incidence of diabetes, according to a 2015 study of 26,930 people in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. However, since they're processed very slowly, fatty dairy products may cause or worsen constipation for some. Pair that with gas-causing lactose and you've got yourself a recipe for bloat and stomach pain galore!

Eat This! Tip

Make the switch to 1% milk (this allows you to get some of the healthy fats, without as many of the negative stomach side effects) or if you find that you've super sensitive to dairy, consider ditching it altogether à la Khloé Kardashian.

11&12. Energy Drinks &Coffee 

According to a study published in the journal, Gut, coffee promotes a "gastrocolic response" in the body shortly after consumption, which causes many people high-tail it to the bathroom after a cup or two. However, sip too much of the stuff—or anything else with caffeine for that matter—you'll likely experience the opposite response. Not only are you not sipping water when you reach for a caffeinated drink, the stimulants can also dehydrate you. Since H20 pushed waste through the body, when your body is as dry as the desert, it makes it difficult to lighten your load.

Eat This! Tip

For every cup of caffeinated liquid you consume, consume an equal amount of water. Hate the taste? Consider making a batch of delicious, hydrating detox water.

13. Booze 

After a heavy night of drinking, likely one of two things will happen: You'll have a bad case of the runs or you won't be able to go at all. Though it's a bit hard to wrap your head around the conflicting information, there are scientific explanations for each scenario. Ethanol, a substance that revs up the digestive process, is plentiful in alcohol, which explains why drinking sends some people running to the bathroom. While the latter effect is brought on by the booze's dehydrating effects, which can cause electrolyte imbalances and slow digestion.

Eat This! Tip

If you find that you're stopped up after a night that includes one (or seven) too many glasses of wine, cut back your intake and order a round of water after each round of the hard stuff. 

14. Fast Food Burgers&Pizza 

When you waste your meals on junk like nutrient-void burgers and greasy pizza, that means you're not consuming healthy fare that supports optimal digestion. Fast food burgers, for example, are filled with dehydrating-salt and digestion-slowing fat. To add insult to injury, all that is sandwiched between two fiber-free white buns—not what you want to be wasting your precious calories on if you're prone to potty problems. Pizzaholics face many of the same issues. Pizza and cheese (which is packed with salt) are the biggest food sources of saturated fat in the U.S. diet, according to Harvard researchers. And the crust is pretty much free of any nutrients the body can utilize for better health.

Eat This! Tip

Instead of ordering pizza, make your own with a store-bought whole-wheat crust. Top with low-fat cheese and veggies and just say no to fatty meat toppings like pepperoni and sausage that can stop you up. Homemade also trumps restaurant fare in hamburger land. Use meat that's at least 90 percent lean to make your patties, ditch the cheese, and use a whole-wheat bun. Up the flavor with organic ketchup (we like Annie's and Sir Kensington's bottles), and fiber-filled veggies like spinach and tomatoes.

15. Ice Cream 

Bad news, ice cream lovers, your favorite frozen treat may be the cause of your uncomfortable constipation—and it's all thanks to its high-fat content and lactose. Not to mention, it's totally free of fiber, which only makes your bathroom situation worse.

Eat This! Tip

Make your own homemade frozen banana ice cream or switch to a low-fat alternative like Arctic Zero. Makers of the treat replace the cream and milk typically found in ice cream with water and whey protein, which makes it easier to digest. We're big fans of the Snickerdoodle Dandy and Cookie Dough Dip flavors.

Healthy or Harmful? Overdose Symptoms of 6 Supplements

Every day brings a new headline or TV news segment asking “Are you getting enough __________?” The blank can be filled in with just about any vitamin, mineral, vegetable, fat … you get the idea. Maybe this explains why thesupplement business is booming. And it shows no signs of slowing down. According to a press release fromFinancial News Media, the global nutritional supplement market is expected to reach $175 billion in 2020.
While adding a pill to your diet here and there might seem harmless, everyone’s body has slightly different needs. Where one person may have difficulty properly absorbing iron due to the particulars of their health, another individual might soak it up like a sponge. In this instance, the latter person might end up consuming way too much of the mineral by mindlessly taking a tablet every morning.
To make matters more confusing, the supplement industry isn’t very well regulated. Just think about all the bottles you see when you walk into a GNC or even the regular grocery store. Obviously no one needs all those pills, but there also isn’t anyone to stop someone from filling a shopping basket to the top.
Before you start any type of supplement regimen, pay a visit to your doctor. If either of you suspect some sort of deficiency, confirming with lab results is better than making assumptions. If you’re already popping pills, be on the lookout for signs you’ve gone overboard. We’ve highlighted six common supplements and why you should be wary of overdosing.

1. Vitamin C 

The idea that loading up on vitamin C can prevent or cure a cold has become so mainstream that most people think it’s fact. While the nutrient does play a role in supporting a healthy immune system, going for a huge dose won’t guarantee you never get the sniffles. One 2013 review looked at the research and found the results simply don’t show vitamin C can ward off illness.
Furthermore, it’s not very difficult to get your recommended daily dosage, which Mayo Clinic reported is between 65 and 90 milligrams. One cup of chopped red bell pepper is more than double that amount. The article went on to say going too far with supplements can lead to the usual nausea and diarrhea, but also less expected symptoms like insomnia and kidney stones. Stick with a salad.

2. Creatine 

Most gym goers are familiar with creatine, which is often touted as a muscle-building miracle. This amino acidoccurs naturally in our bodies as well as meat, but many lifters look to supplements. Research, including one 2012 review, has linked the protein to improved muscular strength, better endurance, and increased speed.
The trouble here is the overzealous quest to build muscle leads many guys to take unsafe doses. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, supplementing your diet with too much creatine can lead to upset stomach, dizziness, high blood pressure, and maybe even kidney damage. The article said creatine can also interact with certain medications, so talk to your doctor.

3. Fish oil 

Research on the benefits of various foods tend to go back and forth, but not when it comes to fish. One 2012 review analyzed seven different studies on the link between fish consumption and cardiovascular disease, finding those who ate the most seafood had the lowest risk. Results like these encouraged many to try to get the same benefits by downing a daily fish oil supplement.
Unfortunately, results for these pills don’t match up with the real thing. One recent review found fish oil supplements didn’t show any link to a reduced risk of heart disease. The bad news doesn’t end there, either.According to Livestrong, too much fish oil can lead to upset stomach and bloating. In severe cases, it can even contribute to bloody urine and stroke.
The message is, once again, to reach for real food. While some worry about exposure to too much mercury from fish, you’d be hard-pressed to find any doctor telling you to eat less seafood.

4. Aconite 

Some people like to take slightly more obscure supplements because they’re labeled as all natural. Aconite for example, is a popular choice for those hoping to reduce inflammation and boost their ability to heal wounds. Because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s safe, though. Lead is a natural substance, and you wouldn’t consider adding that toxic metal to your diet.
So what’s the deal with aconite? According to Consumer Reports, the supplement can lead to nausea, vomiting, irregular heart rhythm, and death. The story went on to say aconite is actually the number one cause of herbal poisoning in Hong Kong. It’s best to avoid this one entirely.

5. Vitamin E 

Antioxidants like vitamin E get a lot of love from the health-conscious crowd for their ability to fight cancer. In a case of horrifying, but true, one study looking at how selenium and vitamin E supplementation affected the risk of prostate cancer was cut short due to negative results. The most recently published version concluded vitamin E supplements may increase the risk of developing the disease.
Even less extreme results are unpleasant. Everyday Health said too much vitamin E can lead to fatigue, blurred vision, nausea, and rash. Most people get plenty from food, so don’t reach for more in hopes of eliminating the chances of avoiding diseases.

6. Psyllium 

This one might sound unfamiliar at first, until you read the ingredient list on a package of Metamucil. According to Healthline, this supplement is 70% soluble fiber and made from the seed husks of a type of plant. Psyllium can be quite beneficial for those who deal with occasional constipation or other gastrointestinal conditions, as long as the dose is reasonable.
Some people reach for these types of fiber supplements as a way to lose weight, which is where things can go wrong. Berkeley Wellness said it’ll only help you shed pounds if you manage to decrease your caloric intake. The article said it’s generally better to boost your fiber consumption from produce and whole grains.
As for overdose, you probably don’t need to think all that hard to realize the most common side effect. In addition to uncomfortably frequent bathroom trips, SFGate said going overboard of psyllium can lead to a stool blockage, disrupt your electrolyte balance, and damage kidneys. Kale sounds like a better bet.

Always Tired? 7 Foods That Can Drain Your Energy

Chronic fatigue is a problem for over one million Americans, and more often than not what we put into our bodies is what causes our distress. Aside from lack of sleep, an unhealthy or unbalanced diet causes a myriad of health problems. More importantly it can drain our energy, which causes us to drink more coffee or eat more to keep those levels up, which in turn throws us further into the cycle of tiredness.
Many of our favorite foods to snack on during the day may be the answer to our slow demise. Foods loaded with salt, sugar or even caffeinated beverages cause a quick rise in energy followed by a “crash.” Debi Sibler, M.S., R.D., and president of Lifestyle Fitness Inc., says that sugar gives us energy but also causes us to crash and leaves us looking for more. She says that one tip to cutting back on sugar is bringing low sugar snacks with you when you need a pick-me-up.
Here’s a list of some foods that are draining your energy. By avoiding these foods, you may find that your energy is thriving, you’re getting better sleep, and your general wellbeing is increased.

1. Caffeine 

There are few people who don’t rely on a morning cup of coffee, and there are many who sip on multiple servings a day. Even coffee in the morning and some sort of soda, tea, or other caffeinated beverage in the afternoon can be detrimental to your energy supply. Sibler says that caffeine can leave us “tired and wired.”
“If we need sleep and we choose caffeine instead, we continue to throw off our natural sleep cycle,” Sibler says.
Try tapering down the amount of caffeine you drink or limiting yourself to one serving in the morning to see how it affects your quality of sleep. Our body is meant to regulate our energy supply, but constantly fueling it with fake energy only leaves us more tired each day.

2. Fatty foods

Ever eat a thick burger and begin dozing off soon after? We’ve all been there. Fatty and greasy foods like burgers, fries, or almost any fast-food meal will cause an energy depletion by the end of the day – guaranteed. These foods are tough to digest and truly suck the energy out of us as they do so. Red meat is the biggest culprit in this category because of its high fat content.

3. Red wine 

Alcohol is a depressant and although wine may be the most common drink (aside from beer) to sip on during lunch or dinner, think again if you have a long day or night ahead. Red grapes are high in melatonin, a natural hormone that facilitates sleep. Although wine may lull you to sleep, don’t rely on alcohol to get you to bed at night.

4. Muffins, donuts, and other sugary breakfasts

Although muffins and donuts are among some of the greatest tasting foods there are, forgo these energy-draining nightmares for a successful day. The next time someone brings in donuts or muffins for an office breakfast or meeting snack, keep your willpower in full force. Like it was mentioned before, sugar quickly ramps up your energy supply, and the next moment, depletes it. Sugary breakfasts include sugary cereal and yogurts, which brings us to our next food…

5. Most yogurt

Yogurt can be one of the healthiest foods on earth: high in protein, low in sugar, and packed with probiotics — that is if you get the right kind. Yogurt seen on commercials should be avoided. Typically, yogurt is full of high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, artificial fruits, and other pesky chemicals. Opt for Greek yogurt or any variation of non-fat, plain, low-sugar yogurt.

6. Salty snacks 

Snacks like potato chips, or other options like Cheeto’s or Bugels, are full of unhealthy fats and refined carbs that have zero nutritional value. There is so much sodium packed in these snacks that they cause us to feellethargic, to need more water, and feel overall to feel very unhealthy. In addition, these salty snacks are full ofharmful chemicals.

7. Bread

White bread is typically the culprit when it comes to losing energy because it is composed of refined carbohydrates that produces high levels of insulin. Insulin “shuttles away the rapidly absorbed sugars you’ve just eaten out of your bloodstream, where they present a danger to your body.” This is the best condition for weight gain because these sugars are then stored as fat. White bread, bagels, and other refined carbs have no nutritional value.

Why Water Is the Secret to Good Health

There’s no better feeling than waking up and drinking a glass of water, chugging a glass of H20 post-workout, or sipping it throughout the day. You may find yourself more refreshed, in a better mood, and more regular. Interestingly, it turns out that the eight glasses of water per day rule is just a myth. While there is no scientific evidence stating that eight glasses of water is necessary, water still is a vital aspect of your health – and makes us feel fantastic.
Humans can’t go more than three to four days without drinking water. Water makes up about 60% of the adult human body, and although eight glasses may not be totally necessary, there’s no reason to put down your water bottle just yet. Water is not only vital to survival, but can drastically improve your health and wellbeing. Every day you lose water through bowel movements, breathing, perspiration (especially strenuous exercise), and urine. You must replenish this water through drinking it or by eating various foods. Most foods contain water in them, and drinks like coffee and tea are full of it.
In addition to combatting dehydration, water makes your body a well-oiled machine. It lubricates your body,regulates your metabolism, assists in flushing waste, keeps you regular, regulates internal temperature, energizes muscles, allows injuries to heal better, and keep your body performing at peak efficiency. Water is the foundation of health.
So, how much water do we need? Water consumption is not a one-size-fits-all formula. Many recommend not following one general health formula.
“It depends on your size and weight, and also on your activity level and where you live,” Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT, managing director of Baptist Sports Medicine in Nashville, says. “In general, you should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day.”
In addition, climate and activity level play crucial roles in determining how much water you need. If you live in a hotter climate and exercise regularly, you would need more. If you live in a cooler climate or are more sedentary, you’d need less.
Many don’t realize that 20% of our water intake comes from the foods you eat. Many foods, such as watermelon and spinach, contain 90% of water by weight and can drastically increase our water intake. Other fruits and vegetables with a high water content include: oranges, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapefruit, romaine lettuce, green peppers, celery, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Even milk and juice contain hefty amounts of water. Keep account of this when you are consciously trying to drink more water.
So why is water the secret to good health? Plenty of reasons, but first, “the human body is a water machine, designed to run primarily on water and minerals,” according to the Global Healing Center. Because our bodies are made up primarily of water, replenishing our bodies with clean water will help regulate our system more effectively.
Not convinced? One study showed that dehydration can lead to a negative mood, including confusion and fatigue. Drinking more water can increase your mood and give you a clearer head. Water can clear constipationby flushing out bacteria and keep your digestive tract moving along properly. Water can boost weight loss by allowing you to feel more full and eat less. Drink water before a meal to eat fewer calories.
Water makes us less sluggish and feel more energized, a common problem in the U.S. Unexplained fatigue is one of the first symptoms of dehydration, so next time you’re feeling tired, try sipping on some more water. Studies have shown that migraines may be triggered by dehydration. When you feel a headache coming on, drink two to four cups of water and feel your symptoms float away.
If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Drink more water throughout the day by carrying around a water bottle, having a glass before every meal (including when you wake up and before you go to bed), and eat more water-based foods. Your body will thank you.

Monday 2 May 2016

German Company Takes Luxury Cars And Makes Kickass Tuning (28 pics)

Mansory is a luxury car modification company located in Brand, Germany. Besides luxury cars, they also work on supercars, luxury SUV and custom bikes. Mansory works on vehicles from a number of famous manufacturers such as Aston Martin, Bentley, Bugatti, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Maserati, Porsche and many others. The firm takes car mods to a whole new level. Take a look.

The first two Lamborghinis are Aventador LP700-4 GTs which Mansory named the “Carbonado” and “Stealth Edition”.
Carbon-fiber is weaved together for structural strength but more importantly, it makes these Lambos light. In addition, downforce is improved with larger front breakers and a bigger spoiler the in rear.

If you need stopping power, that is also increased from side ducts pushing air into the break system to keep them from over-heating.

A large air induct above the car feeds cold air into the engine’s radiator for increased horsepower.

The real tuning power comes from adding two turbochargers to the stock 6.5 liter V12. This increases the horsepower from a mere 700hp to a whiplashing one thousand six hundred horsepower.

If you can keep that power on the road, then a 0-60mph time of 2.1 seconds is within your reach.

Those two are nice but what if you want to design your own car and you happen to be a multi-billionaire from London? That’s what unthinkably rich James Stunt desired. Mansory created the Aventador 750-4SV “J.S.1 Edition” for him. It has all the bells and whistles of the earlier models with one major difference. It is simply, “one of one” ever produced.

The price has been estimated at $500,000 but that’s just an estimate because of it’s 1 of 1 factor. If it’s ever sold, that number will probably jump well into the 7-plus figure range…or it sells for less…either way Mr. James Stunt is still going to be a billionaire.