
Wednesday 30 October 2019

GOOGLE LEFTISTS STRIKE AGAIN: YouTube Removes Channel on Trump Border Wall Constrution — Says It is “Hate Speech” and “Promotes Violence”

Roger Ogden from Patriot Fire is an expert on the US-Mexico border wall. 
Robert reported in September on the latest funding for 509 miles of new border wall.
This was a brand new status paper from the US Customs Border Protection on their plans at this time to build 509 miles of border fence, wall, barrier, whatever you want to call it, with $9.8 billion in federal funding.

This week YouTube shut down Roger’s YouTube account Patriot Fire.

Google-YouTube said the videos on the US border wall construction was “hate speech” and they “promoted violence.”

Roger wrote The Gateway Pundit today:
Recently, I have been posting videos about the status of the existing border fence and construction of new fence on YouTube. They suspended my channel that I created about 10 years ago, saying that the reason was hate speech and promoting violence.
I think, though, that it may have had something to do with the coming election and that my videos about the border were becoming too popular. I didn’t have any strikes against the channel and had almost exclusively been doing videos about the border in recent months. The video had received something like 300K views already and growing. I was not trying to be partisan, neither pro-Trump nor Anti-Trump in these videos, but just factual. However, the plain truth shows the very sorry state of the current fence and that a better border fence is much needed. It’s been said that the truth is the best propaganda. It’s goes against the leftist narrative that the new fence is just a minor upgrade to the “wonderful” existing fence.
Roger says he has also been posting his border videos on Bitchute and Facebook. See the playlist below.
The Real Border Fence – Bitchute Playlist
This is clear election interference by Google.  They are ramping up early this election. 

They want to decide what information is best for American voters.

Baltimore Police Posts Shock Video of Gang of Thugs Wielding Guns on Neighborhood Street

The Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3 posted a video it says was recently taken from social media showing a gang of teenagers and young men wielding handguns as they rapped and danced for a video recording in the street of a crime-ridden Baltimore neighborhood. One rapper is seen flashing a spread of money including hundred dollar bills. The FOP complained that this is what they have to deal with in a city so poorly run it can’t even control “squeegee kids” harassing motorists. 
“This was posted to social media just days before a recent murder in the same O’Donnell Heights neighborhood. This is what our Cops are facing under the current administration. They can’t even find a way to resolve the squeegee issue let alone this! #CityinCrisis” 
The people in the video appear to be all black with the exception of a lone young white male seen on the far edge of the gang toward the end of the video clip.
Excerpt from the Baltimore Sun report on the recent murder in O’Donnell Heights:
A 32-year-old man was shot to death Sunday afternoon in O’Donnell Heights in Southeast Baltimore, Baltimore Police wrote on Facebook on Sunday night.
Southeast District officers responded to a report of a shooting at the 6100 block of Boston St. at approximately 4:15 p.m. They located a man who was suffering from gunshot wounds to the body. The victim was transported to Johns Hopkins Hospital at Bayview where, police wrote, he was pronounced dead a short time later…
The “squeegee kids” problem the FOP mentioned was detailed in a local TV report earlier this year: 
Excerpt from the Wikipedia entry for O’Donnell Heights:
O’Donnell Heights is a neighborhood named for a public housing development in the far southeastern part of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It is located south and east of Interstate 95, just west of the border with Baltimore County, and north of the St. Helena neighborhood.
The community was built to house factory workers during World War II. Today operated by the Housing Authority of Baltimore City, the original 900 unit development was modernized in 1983. The neighborhood, which also contains privately owned and rented rowhouses, is separated from Highlandtown by highways, cemeteries, and industrial areas. It is in close proximity to the Point Breeze Industrial Park and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.
Baltimore and Maryland have some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. Excerpt from Wikipedia on Maryland gun laws relevant to the video:

Carrying a handgun, whether openly or concealed, is prohibited unless one has a permit to carry a handgun or is on their own property or their own place of business. The Maryland State Police may issue a permit to carry a handgun at their discretion and based on an investigation. In practice, very few applicants are granted carry permits, and approval typically requires the applicant to provide proof of a clear and imminent threat on his or her life…

TODAY’S SHOW TRIAL: Tuesday’s Secret Basement Chamber Witness Wears Full Dress Uniform to Testify on His Dislike of President Trump’s Ukrainian Policy

US military enlistees take an oath to follow the orders of The President of the United States of America. 
“I, (US Military Enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
The officer’s oath is a bit different. They also promise to follow the Constitution. It is not clear in the Constitution where it gives military officers the power over the US President to make foreign policy.
Colonel Alexander Vindman was today’s witness in Adam Schiff’s basement chamber of secrets.
Vindman wore his full dress uniform to testify on his dislike of President Trump’s Ukrainian policy.
It looks like treason.
This is just a complete show trial now. 

WATCH: Republican Rep. Alex Mooney Attempts to Gain Entry Into Impeachment Chamber of Secrets, Is Stopped By Police

Republican Rep. Alex Mooney attempted to get into the secretive impeachment inquiry hearings on Tuesday and was denied entry by the police.

Last week, Rep. Mooney was among the Republican lawmakers who stormed the Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) where the secret hearings are taking place. 
On Tuesday, Rep. Mooney attempted to gain entry during the closed door testimony of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, but was blocked by police.
“Today I was once again denied the opportunity to attend the secret so-called impeachment hearings. I will continue to fight on behalf my constituents and expose this sham process and stand with President Donald Trump,” Rep. Mooney tweeted with a video taken outside the hearing room. 
“It’s important to note that committee hearings are normally open, only under extraordinary circumstances do you close committee hearings.” He explained that some reasons for closing hearings is that there are matters of national security being discussed or classified information. “None of that is occurring here, they’re just closing it because they don’t want the American people to see what they’re doing.”
Last week, dozens of Republicans, lead by Rep. Matt Gaetz and the Freedom Caucus, stormed the secret closed-door deposition of Laura Cooper in protest of the closed hearing.

WINNING! President Trump Announces Death of Another ISIS Leader Who Would Have Replaced Baghdadi

President Trump on Tuesday announced the death of a second ISIS leader who would have replaced Baghdadi. 
The United States military over the weekend conducted a successful special operations raid and killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS).
Army Delta Force and Army Rangers led the way and closed in on Baghdadi’s lair in an overnight firefight and the ISIS leader died “crying, whimpering and screaming.”
US forces showed no mercy and killed another ISIS leader who would have taken Baghdadi’s spot.
“Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s number one replacement has been terminated by American troops. Most likely would have taken the top spot – Now he is also Dead!” Trump announced Tuesday morning. 
President Trump did not name the terrorist who was killed, but it was reported by Syrian Democratic Forces commander Mazloum Abdi that ISIS spokesman Abu Hassan al Muhajir died in an airstrike in Ain al Baydah, a village in northern Syria while riding in a truck.
Mujahir replaced the previous ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al Adnani in 2016 after Adnani died.

A Video reportedly taken at the scene show charred corpses and a tanker truck on fire: 

Dave Chappelle Succinctly Sums Up The First And Second Amendments In Two Sentences

Comedian Dave Chappelle doesn’t care about your political correctness. Like no other, Chappelle cuts through the BS to speak the truth. 
The 46-year-old was lauded over the weekend at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., winning the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor at The Kennedy Center. There, he delivered some off-the-cuff remarks as he defended free speech and even comedians who he knows who are “very racist.”
“[I] don’t get mad at ‘em, don’t hate on ‘em,” Chappelle said, USA Today reported. “Man, it’s not that serious. The First Amendment is first for a reason. Second Amendment is just in case the First one doesn’t work out.”
At the award ceremony, Chappelle said,  “I did not write a speech.” Then he said only America “could produce this many comedians,” especially in the polarized political atmosphere that has enveloped the country.
“We got to let some air out of the ball, man,” he said, The Hill reported. “The country’s getting a little tight. It doesn’t feel like it’s ever felt in my lifetime. So tonight I am honored that my colleagues are here in comedy and in music.”
And Chappelle told The Hill he thinks “political correctness has its place,” adding that he doesn’t intend for his comedy to offend anyone.
“We all want to live in a polite society, we just kind of have to work on the levels of coming to an agreement of what that actually looks like,” he said. “I, personally, am not afraid of other people’s freedom of expression. I don’t use it as a weapon. It just makes me feel better. And I’m sorry if I hurt anybody,” Chappelle said, adding, “Yada, yada, ‘everything I’m supposed to say.”

In his latest comedy special “‘Sticks & Stones,” he defends Michael Jackson and Louis C.K., rips R. Kelly, and blasts social media and the PC movements running rampant in the land today.
He even takes aim at Jussie Smollett, the actor who claimed he was attacked by racist and homophobic Trump supporters.
“He was the victim of a racist and homophobic attack,” Chappelle says. “You see, Juicy Smool-yay is gay and he is black, not just French. Oh, it was a crazy story. Apparently, when he was walking down the street late at night, two white men came out of the shadows with MAGA hats on and beat him up, tied a rope around his neck, called him all kind of n***** and put some bleach on him and ran off into the night. 
“This s*** was, like, international news. And everybody was furious, especially in Hollywood. It was all over everybody’s Twitter feed and Instagram page. ‘Justice for Juicy’ and all this s***. The whole country was up in arms. We was talking about it all the time on the news and for some reason, African Americans, we were like oddly quiet. We were so quiet about this s*** that the gay community started accusing the African American community of being homophobic for not supporting him.
“But what they didn’t understand is that we were supporting him — with our silence because we understood that this n***** was clearly lying.”

Susan Rice Says Trump Should Have Informed Obama About Killing ISIS Leader

Susan Rice, who served as National Security Adviser for former president Barack Obama, says President Trump should have immediately told his predecessor about the raid to capture or kill ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 
In an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday, host Margaret Brennan asked Rice, “Do you know, was President Obama informed of the death of al-Baghdadi by the administration?”
At first, Rice demurred. “There’s no reason why I should know.” But she went on to say she was “quite confident” that he didn’t.
“There is a tradition of common courtesy of presidents informing their predecessors of things of significance like this,” Rice responded. “Since the White House seemingly didn’t feel it necessary to inform the leadership of the intelligence committees on a bipartisan basis, I’m quite confident that they didn’t do the normal protocol with respect to predecessors either.”
Rice did acknowledge that taking out Baghdadi was a significant accomplishment — although she then went on to pooh-pooh the mission.
“Well obviously it’s a major milestone and it’s one that we all should be welcoming quite plainly, but it doesn’t mean that the fight against ISIS is over. And it doesn’t mean that we can declare mission accomplished, and just walk away,” Rice said. “What we’ve seen time and time again in this part of the world is that when the pressure is relieved on terrorist organizations, whether al-Qaeda or ISIS, they are able to reconstitute. So we need to be vigilant. We need to maintain a minimal presence in order to ensure that the pressure stays on ISIS and they don’t come back roaring.”
Trump on Sunday said he did not notify some members of Congress — including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Adam Schiff, House Intelligence Committee chairman — about the mission.

“We notified some [and] others are being notified now as I speak,” Trump said in a White House speech.
“We were going to notify them last night, but we decided not to do that because Washington leaks like I’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “There’s no country in the world that leaks like we do, and Washington is a leaking machine.”
Trump said that was the safest course of action. *
“Washington is a leaking machine,” Trump said. “The only people that knew were the few people that I dealt with … A leak could have caused the death of all of them.”
“I told my people we will not notify them until our great people are out — not just in but out,” Trump added.
Schiff told ABC News’ “This Week” on Sunday that Trump should have notified the congressional “Gang of Eight,” the top Republican and Democratic members of the House and Senate intelligence committee as well as leaders from both parties.
“In terms of notifying the Gang of Eight, that wasn’t done. Look, the reason to notify the Gang of Eight is frankly more important when things go wrong. If — the president said it was dangerous flying in. The Russians could have shot down American planes,” Schiff said.
“Had this escalated, had something gone wrong, had we gotten into a firefight with the Russians, it’s to the administration’s advantage to be able to say, ‘We informed Congress we were going in, they were aware of the risks. We at least gave them the chance to provide feedback.’ That wasn’t done here. I think that’s a mistake,” the California Democrat said.