
Wednesday 13 November 2019

Revealing Testimony at Roger Stone Trial Indicates Trump May Have Lied to Mueller, Committed ‘Perjury’

President Donald Trump discussed upcoming WikiLeaks document dumps with his former longtime advisor Roger Stone, according to former Trump 2016 campaign deputy Rick Gates. The revelatory allegation came during Tuesday afternoon testimony during Stone’s ongoing trial in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) on five counts of lying to federal investigators, and one count each of obstruction of an official proceeding and witness tampering.
Gates’s time on the stand was short-lived but potentially damning.
Recall: In mid-2016, a hacker or group of hackers allegedly accessed the digital infrastructure of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and obtained a massive tranche of politically and personally embarrassing emails. Those alleged hackers operated under the handle “Guccifer 2.0” and are widely-believed to be affiliated with Russian intelligence–such allegations are documented in the report issued by former special counsel Robert Mueller.
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange announced in June that the release of those documents by his organization–they were released by a separate group called “DCLeaks” well before WikiLeaks released them–would be timed to coincide with the 2016 Democratic National Convention in an express bid to harm the candidacy of then-presumed Democratic Party standard-bearer Hillary Clinton.
During his testimony, Gates said he was in a car with then-candidate Trump while the latter was engaged in a phone call with Stone about those upcoming Wikileaks disclosures. According to a substantially-redacted page from the Mueller Report, Gates was in a Suburban with Trump on the way to New York City’s LaGuardia Airport sometime during “the late summer of 2016.”
Federal prosecutor Aaron Zelinskya former member of Mueller’s team, asked Gates what happened after Trump got off the line with Stone.
Gates replied: “He indicated more information would be coming.”
If true, Gates testimony is a direct contradiction of Trump’s written testimony provided to Mueller in late 2018.
Mueller asked Trump several questions about Trump’s communications with Stone and Stone’s knowledge regarding “forthcoming releases of information” from Wikileaks.
In response to that series of questions, Trump wrote:
I spoke by telephone with Roger Stone from time to time during the campaign. I have no recollection of the specifics of any conversations I had with Mr. Stone between June 1, 2016 and November 8, 2016. I do not recall discussing WikiLeaks with him, nor do I recall being aware of Mr. Stone having discussed WikiLeaks with individuals associated with my campaign, although I was aware that WikiLeaks was the subject of media reporting and campaign-related discussion at the time.
Lawyers promptly remarked on the testimony, saying it was evidence supporting the idea that the 45th president had lied under oath.
“Trump denied in writing and under oath to Mueller any recollection of ever discussing WikiLeaks with Stone or being aware of Stone discussing WikiLeaks with the campaign,” tweeted national security attorney Bradley P. Moss. “Gates testified he was in the car with Trump when he Trump talked to Stone about it.”
Trump nemesis George Conway, who formerly led the conservative Federalist Society while at Yale Law, and who is married to White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, was a bit more brief in his estimation of Gates’s testimony.
“Perjury,” he tweeted while quote-tweeting Moss’s original take.
Attorney and Lawfare executive editor Susan Hennessey called this detail from Gates — that two secret service agents also witnessed a Trump-Stone July 22 call taking place days after WikiLeaks’s first email dump — “incredibly significant.”
4/ Gates said two secret service agents also witnessed the call. The call happened days after WikiLeaks' first release on July 22, 2016, of emails the Russian military hacked from the Democratic National Committee.
5/ This testimony was redacted from Mueller report since Stone trial was still to come.

Can it still be credibly claimed the Mueller report presented the full picture of Trump’s knowledge of 2016 Russian interference?
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“This is incredibly significant. Not only does it demonstrate that Trump had advance knowledge of Wikileaks releases of hacked emails, it also shows additional witnesses who can confirm that the president gave false written answers to investigators in violation of the law,” she said.
House Democrats have long believed that Trump lied to Mueller in his written responses to the former special counsel. Gates’s on-the-record testimony is an affirmation of that long-held position. House Democrats still hope to obtain an unredacted version of the Mueller Report, including still-secret grand jury materials.
Additional aspects of Gates’s testimony are likely to be viewed as harmful to the Trump White House as well–potentially more grist for the fast-acting impeachment mill in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Gates testified that the brain trust of Trump’s 2016 campaign believed the Wikileaks revelations were a “gift” and described the campaign’s reaction to the announcement of additional Clinton-related disclosures as “one of happiness.”
Specific members of Trump’s inner circle were also potentially implicated in the WikiLeaks disclosures scandal.
Just after Assange’s anti-Clinton announcement, Stone allegedly told Gates: “I need contact info for Jared,” an apparent reference to presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Additionally, Gates told federal prosecutors that he assumed any information emanating from Stone viz. Wikileaks was not yet fit for public consumption. In other words, the “gift” was still under wraps.
Gates’s Tuesday testimony tracks with the aforementioned redacted portion of the Mueller Report noted by Courthouse News reporter Megan Mineiro.
That largely-blacked-out passage notes that Gates told Mueller’s investigators “the Trump Campaign was planning a press strategy, a communications campaign, and messaging based on the possible release of Clinton emails by WikiLeaks.”

That information has long been well-known. The new factor here is a somewhat familiar passage in the annals of presidential scandal: What exactly did the president know, and when did he know it?

Pilot arrested for being naked at his hotel room window paid $300,000 by city of Denver

The city of Denver has agreed to pay $300,000 to a United Airlines pilot who was arrested on an indecent exposure charge that was later dismissed by a judge.
Andrew Collins' attorney, Craig Silverman, announced the settlement on Monday.
Collins, who served in the United States Air Force, was arrested on Sept. 20, 2018 by Denver police and accused of indecent exposure for standing naked in front of his 10th-floor hotel window overlooking the Denver International Airport terminal. Collins spent days in the Denver city jail after his arrest.
Image: Captain Andrew Collins, a pilot with United Airlines, was arrested for indecent exposure at DIA's hotel in September 2018.
Captain Andrew Collins, a pilot with United Airlines, was arrested for indecent exposure at a hotel at the Denver International Airport in September 2018.Denver Police Department
Ryan Luby, a spokesman for the City Attorney's Office, said the $300,000 payment comes from an insurance policy Denver has at the airport.
"We agreed on that figure in mediation on Friday," Luby told NBC News.
NBC News was referred by the Denver Police Department to a spokeswoman for Denver International Airport, who said the settlement was paid as part of the airport’s liability insurance because the incident took place on its property. She declined to comment further.
Silverman told NBC News Tuesday his client was unaware he could be seen when he opened the curtains of his hotel room in the late morning that September day.
Collins, of Leesburg, Virginia, was naked and about to shower when he received a phone call, according to Silverman.
"Captain Collins walked around his room and took in the view as he was absorbed in the 24-minute phone call," Silverman wrote in a notice of claim dated March 15, 2019.
After the call ended, Collins was going to shower when he was alarmed by a Denver police officer loudly banging on his door and ordering him to open it. The officer told Collins he would enter with or without permission, the notice of claim states.
Collins, now dressed in pants and no shirt, opened the door, and "was immediately confronted and rushed" by the officer, according to the notice of claim, citing police body-camera footage.
Witnesses inside the airport had told police they could see a naked man in an upper floor window of the Westin Denver International Airport.
Collins' attorney said his client was unable to see anyone observing him from the airport terminal, which is more than 100 yards away.
Under Colorado law, a person commits indecent exposure if they knowingly exposes their genitals to the view of any person, under circumstances in which such conduct was likely to cause affront or alarm to the other person, with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of any person, the notice of claim states. While there was nudity in this case, it was not sexual, Silverman said.
"Captain Collins thought he was alone and not in anyone’s view," the notice of claim states. "It is not a crime to be naked in Denver. It is certainly not a crime to be naked in one’s hotel room."
Collins pleaded not guilty and a judge dismissed the misdemeanor charge in March. But he was suspended for six months from United Airlines as a result of the incident.
"Though the city of Denver may deny liability, it has now paid a price for what happened on Sept. 20, 2018," his attorney said in a statement.

Mick Mulvaney is reportedly telling associates Trump can't fire him because he 'knows too much'

Mick Mulvaney has all the Ukraine beans and nowhere to spill them.
That's why the acting White House chief of staff is reportedly convinced that even as Trump seemingly sours on his performance, his job is safe. And, as The New York Times reports, he's going around telling everyone in the White House that he's got a lock on his position as Trump's right-hand man.
Mulvaney has been in his "acting" spot for nearly the whole year, and has also run the Office of Management and Budget for all of Trump's presidency. That puts Mulvaney in two very consequential spots when it comes to Trump's Ukraine dealings. Mulvaney would've been running the OMB when it withheld security funds from Ukraine, allegedly over Trump's desire to have Ukraine probe his political rivals, and he's also been right by Trump's side as the whole impeachment inquiry goes down.
As a result, Mulvaney is telling his associates "there is no easy way for Trump to fire him in the midst of the impeachment fight," implying that "he knows too much" about Trump's Ukraine "pressure campaign," the Times writes. He seemed to solidify that allegiance to Trump on Tuesday when his lawyers said he wouldn't file an impeachment lawsuit but still "rely on the direction of the president" when it comes to possible impeachment testimony. And if Trump doesn't want another John Bolton situation on his hands, he'll probably keep Mulvaney on the payroll.

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