
Wednesday 13 November 2019

7 Signs of Lung Cancer You Might Be Ignoring

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths (one in four) in both men and women. Treatment is more effective the earlier lung cancer is diagnosed, so see your doctor if you notice any of the following lung cancer symptoms.
Coughing up blood

“Coughing up blood is never a good sign. Right then and there, go see your doctor,” says Raja Flores, MD, professor and chairman of thoracic surgery at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. Although cancer may not necessarily be the cause of your bloody coughs, you should definitely get tested as this is one of the signs of lung cancer, he says.

Chest pain

Pay attention to chest, back, or shoulder pain that’s new and doesn’t go away. You may notice a feeling of tightness, or a sharp pain that can get worse with deep breathing, coughing, or laughing. “You feel pain where the tumor is located,” says Dr. Flores. “If the tumor is to the side, you’ll feel pain on your side. If it’s toward the back of the chest, you’ll feel pain in your back.” Any chest pain warrants a call to your doctor, just in case, he says.

A persistent cough

Coughing fits can be caused by something as simple as allergies, a cold, or water down the wrong pipe; but if your cough never seems to go away, it could be a sign of something more serious, like lung cancer.  “Cancer in the airway can irritate your throat and make you cough,” says Dr. Flores. “There’s something in there that’s not supposed to be there, so your body is trying to get rid of it.” Cancer can also produce mucus, which exacerbates the cough and makes it worse.

Shortness of breath

If you’re suddenly winded after climbing the stairs, or your daily walk around the block leaves you gasping for breath, it could be one of the signs of lung cancer. “Shortness of breath can come from a tumor blocking the windpipe. It can also stem from an accumulation of fluid in the chest that pushes on the lung and leaves you with a lack of air,” says Dr. Flores. When cancer forms in the lining of the lung, it causes fluid to build up in your chest; and although your chest can hold between three and four liters of fluid, when it completely fills up, the lungs are unable to get enough air, he says. Trouble breathing when you’re sitting or lying down can also be a sign of trouble.

Feeling fatigued

If you feel more and more rundown but haven’t made any changes to your daily routine, it could be a sign of cancer. “It may not specifically signal lung cancer, but it’s a definite red flag that something’s not right,” says Dr. Flores. Unintentional weight loss and loss of appetite are also signs of lung cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Smoking, a family history of cancer, and asbestos exposure also increases your lung cancer risk.

An asthma diagnosis

People with asthma do not have a higher risk of lung cancer. However, if you’re diagnosed with asthma past childhood, and you have other risk factors, your doctor may suggest you get screened for lung cancer, says Dr. Flores. “It’s an unusual symptom, but it’s something to keep in the back of your mind if you’re a young adult or older and just got diagnosed with asthma,” he says. “Pulmonologists often listen to your lungs, hear wheezing, and treat it as asthma; but it’s a good idea to get a scan to make sure there’s not a tumor in there, which could be causing a blockage.”

Overall body pain

Since lung cancer often doesn’t present with symptoms until the later stages, it can go undiagnosed until it has spread to other parts of the body. Headaches, dizziness and balance problems, or numbness in the limbs may be signs of lung cancer that has spread to the brain or spinal cord. Yellowing of the skin and eyes could be a sign it has spread to the liver, and lumps on the body could mean the disease has spread to the skin or lymph nodes, according to the American Cancer Society. 

Tuesday 12 November 2019

11 Things That Can Happen When You Drink Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day

Apple cider vinegar is making the rounds as a bit of a “miracle cure,” but what exactly does it do to your body? Here are some of the potential benefits and a caution.
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The flavor could grow on you

A big reason people are hesitant to try apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the taste. But not only can you mask the taste by mixing it into something else, you absolutely should: Drinking apple cider vinegar straight could damage your esophagus.

Making tweaks to the drink helps. That’s what Rebecca Park, a registered nurse in New York City and founder of, where she covers natural remedies and therapies. “To get myself started, I initially diluted a large glass of water with one small teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,” she says. “As I got used to it, I increased the amount of vinegar to two teaspoons. After a few months, I was up to two tablespoons.”

Your appetite could decrease

One of the best-known health benefits of ACV is its potential to help you lose weight. “Vinegar could lead to metabolic changes that support weight loss,” says Luiza Petre, MD,board-certified cardiologist and weight management specialist who has a private practice with locations in New York and Connecticut. She explains that apple cider vinegar helps weight loss by reducing appetite and maintaining a feeling of fullness after meals longer.

You may stop craving sweet things

In addition to helping you feel fuller longer, ACV may curb your sweet tooth, especially if you mix it with honey, says Park. The acetic acid in the vinegar helps tamp down your sugar cravings while the honey gives you a small dose of sweet flavor. And the best part? ACV satisfies those cravings even with its very small calorie count. “Apple cider vinegar is a very low caloric food—three calories per tablespoon,” says Park. Yet it has essential vitamins and minerals, she says, including potassium, magnesium, and some fiber. Sounds like a pretty good deal.

Your stomach might feel better

ACV works wonders for your digestive system. The prebiotics contained in ACV are incredibly beneficial to the healthy microorganisms that monitor your digestive system, explains Dr. Petre. Drinking it can also help regulate the amount of acid in your stomach, which leads to easier digestion.

It could reduce your blood sugar

“Apple cider vinegar increases the efficiency of insulin in breaking down sugar, even during a high-carb meal,” says Park. According to research published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, a daily dose of ACV can help lower average daily blood sugar levels. Amy Leigh Mercree, a holistic health expert and the author of Apple Cider Vinegar Handbook, agrees: “ACV can prevent insulin resistance, a symptom of pre-diabetes.” While there is no scientific evidence to support diabetics using ACV to replace insulin or other diabetes medications, incorporating ACV as prevention might help keep pre-diabetics from ever developing the condition.

It could boost your heart health

If you’re looking for a simple way to help lower cholesterol and your risk of heart attack, ACV may help. “Apple cider vinegar lowers triglycerides,” says Park. “Triglycerides cause fatty plaque along your arteries and this buildup can lead to a blood flow blockage.” Likewise, the dietary fiber called pectin, found in both apples and vinegar, helps neutralize bad cholesterol.

You could absorb more of your food’s nutrients

Another benefit of ACV is that it may boost the nutrients you absorb from other foods. According to an older animal study published in the scientific journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, vinegar appeared to help the intestines better absorb calcium; the same seems to be true for iron. “The helpful prebiotics in apple cider vinegar that feed our good bacteria allow us to absorb the vitamins and minerals from our food more easily,” says Mercree. “This also helps our body function better and increases our overall health.”

Your risk for cancer could decrease 
Although there isn’t much research indicating that ACV may prevent cancer, some findings demonstrate potential anti-cancer benefits. For example, a 2014 study that assessed animal cells in a laboratory setting, reviewed acetic acid’s (which is in apple cider vinegar) ability to kill cancer cells. Published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, it concluded: “Acetic acid is a powerful anticancer agent. Topical application of acetic acid may be a feasible approach for the treatments of gastric cancer and possibly other malignancies.” Of course, how ACV reacts in the human body may yield different results, illustrating the need for additional studies. “Apple cider vinegar is an alkalizing food that restores the alkaline/acid balance of our body,” says Park. “This is important because cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.”

You could be better protected against harmful bacteria 
ACV has powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, says Park. She explains that it can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus in your digestive tract. This is important, she points out, because of associations between gut health and overall health. It’s thought that the acetic acid in ACV may help kill pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli, as well as harmful microbes and viruses. “Increasing stomach acid means the pH level of the stomach goes down, which helps kill any bad microbes that we may get exposed to through our foods,” explains Laura C. Stix, ND, a naturopathic doctor in Canada. ACV’s antibacterial properties may also banish acne on your face; check out some more surprising uses for apple cider vinegar that don’t involve drinking it.

Your breath could smell better 
Another nice benefit of ACV’s antibacterial properties? It can help kill bad breath. While it certainly shouldn’t serve as a replacement for your mouthwash, drinking it every day (or using it as a mouth rinse) can help keep your breath fresh. If you do decide to gargle with it, though, make sure to dilute it with water and wait at least a half-hour before brushing your teeth so that the acid won’t wear down the enamel.

Your tooth enamel could weaken 
No food is perfect, even apple cider vinegar. The acidity of ACV can put some wear and tear on your tooth enamel. “Large amounts of apple cider vinegar may cause dental erosion,” Dr. Petre warns. “The acetic acid in vinegar may weaken dental enamel and lead to loss of minerals and tooth decay.” However, this is no reason to say no to the stuff. Prevent tooth damage by diluting ACV; aim for one part vinegar to ten parts water. For ultimate teeth protection, sip the concoction through a straw rather than just drinking it.

Report: University Students Erect Anti-Socialism Display. The University Won’t Investigate To See Who Removed It.

A college conservative group erected an anti-socialism display at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte, only to have someone remove it. When the students brought the matter before the university, the university reportedly declined to investigate the matter.
As Emma Schambach,  the founding chairwoman of Young Americans for Freedom at UNC Charlotte, wrote for the James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal, her group discussed the pros and cons of socialism and capitalism in October; when they decided they opposed socialism and noted that their perspective was opposed in class and around the campus. They “created a display of 21 cardboard tombstones, each representing a country with the number of lives lost in that country due to socialist ideologies.”
Schambach continued that on October 14, she contacted various university offices that might have removed the display. She adds, “The student organizations office said they had not been involved in the removal, but pointed us to the reservations office to ensure that the space we used had not been reserved for another organization.” They were informed that they had not acquired a reservation required for the display.
Schambach pointed out that in September, the group had attempted to acquire a reservation for a 9/11 display, but because the appropriate office had not responded, the group erected the display anyway, and not only had no one protested, it had remained there for a week and college officials praised it.
Next stop after having visited the reservations office was facility management, which said it had not removed the anti-socialist display. After discovering that the school had no cameras that covered the area where the anti-socialism display had been mounted, the assistant vice chancellor contacted the group and informed them, according to Schambach, that very little would be offered to assist the group in reclaiming the display or identifying who removed it. The group was informed they could attempt to get a reservation, rebuild the display and present it.
Schambach concluded:
Our club is concerned, though, that the students who trampled on our right to free speech will go unpunished. The goal is not to ruin a student’s life who trashed a political display they opposed. Rather, the goal is to ensure all students’ political views receive the same protections on UNC Charlotte’s campus … This failure to identify or reprimand the vandal sets a dangerous precedent: It may indicate that the university, though not officially stifling free speech, will allow students to compromise the free speech of others. Our display can be replaced, but a weak response to protecting free speech can have a chilling effect on unpopular opinions — whether of the political left or the political right.

In September, the UNC Charlotte held a “white privilege” workshop in which its organizers wrote, “Understanding the meaning and implications of whiteness and engaging in anti-racist practice is crucial in creating racial equity. This space is for all undergraduate and graduate students at UNC Charlotte who are interested in engaging in conversations to assist in their understanding of how racism is perpetuated individually, culturally, and systemically.” The College Fix reported, “The total number of students in the audience for the first ‘White Consciousness Conversation,’ held Sept. 10, was nine — but two were students there not as participants but as journalists mainly to observe. One was from The College Fix and another from the Niner Times campus newspaper.”

Politico Claims ‘No Evidence Exists’ That Ukraine Colluded With Clinton Campaign, DNC In 2016, Dismissing Earlier Reporting

On Friday, Politico’s Natasha Bertrand and Andrew Desiderio reported that Trump officials testified that they had not seen evidence that the Ukraine government acted to stop President Donald Trump from winning the 2016 election.
The authors call it a “conspiracy theory” to suggest otherwise. From Politico:
According to [Trump attorney Rudy] Giuliani, Ukrainian officials conspired with the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to help boost the Democratic nominee’s campaign and damage Trump’s candidacy. No evidence has emerged to support that idea.
The “no evidence” line is the one the media likes to use a lot in the Trump era. It lets them dismiss evidence that goes against the Left’s narrative. The line could have been used in the Obama era as well, but the media dutifully reported whatever that administration told them as if it was fact.
In January 2017, two other Politico reporters – Kenneth Vogel and David Stern – reported that there was evidence of what Giuliani had claimed:

Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.

That seems to vindicate everything Giuliani has claimed.
Journalist Tim Pool, who first noticed the disconnect between the outlet’s reporting, suggested the wording from the most recent Politico story could give them leeway in their claims.
“The way Natasha characterizes what the conspiracy is gives them plausible deniability. ‘oh no we KNOW Ukraine did this, but we meant that they thought it was DIRECTLY with Clinton’s campaign,’” Pool tweeted.
As Politico reported nearly three years ago, a Ukrainian-American consultant for the DNC, Alexandra Chalupa, shared information she received from her Ukraine sources with the DNC in an effort to undermine Trump’s candidacy. She told the outlet she also shared the information she found on Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort’s Ukraine dealings with the country’s ambassador to the U.S., Valeriy Chaly, and one of his top aides. The aide, Oksana Shulyar, claimed that she and Chalupa didn’t work with Clinton’s campaign to dig up dirt on Trump. More from Politico:
But Andrii Telizhenko, who worked as a political officer in the Ukrainian Embassy under Shulyar, said she instructed him to help Chalupa research connections between Trump, Manafort and Russia. “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa,” recalled Telizhenko, who is now a political consultant in Kiev. “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa,” he said, adding “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.
The idea that there is “no evidence” that Ukraine officials helped Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC to undermine Trump is the height of media bias. One can object to phrasing, but the evidence we have suggests that there was some level of coordination between the DNC and campaign and Ukraine officials. 

Relative Of Utah Family Killed By Cartel Goes On CNN, Urges: ‘Fight For Your Guns’

Last week, nine American citizens — three women and six of their young children — were brutally murdered by a suspected drug cartel in Sonora, Mexico. The attack, which quickly sparked President Donald Trump to declared “war” on the Mexican cartels, received international media attention.
Following the gruesome nightmare of an attack on her family, Kendra Lee Miller, the sister-in-law of victim Rohnita Maria Miller, joined Anderson Cooper on CNN and urged Americans to “fight” for their guns.
“The Mexican people here are oppressed,” Miller explained. “They are being abused by the cartels, living in fear for their life. We can’t drive public roads safely. We’re being threatened that we can’t even take some of the public roads or else we’ll have bad things happen to us.”
“So many people are not protected the way they should be,” she noted.
“I don’t know where you’re standing on the whole, people-trying-to-take-the-away-guns-in-America right now, but I say, fight for those guns,” the sister-in-law told Cooper. “These things are happening here in Mexico because the people can’t protect themselves, because by law they’re not allowed to own these guns.”
“So since the government isn’t doing their job of protection in the way that they should, these cartels can just wreak havoc and the people are left defenseless. So I say, hold onto your guns, people,” Miller urged.
There has been conflicting reporting regarding the motive of the attack on the LeBarón and Langford families, but according to Miller, it was no accident. Her family was “targeted” by the cartel to spark a “war,” she said.
“Our family was picked to stir up trouble and start a war,” Miller claimed. “It was an attack on innocent civilians to basically start a war … between the Chihuahua and Sonora cartels who’ve been having turf battles.”
A suspect was arrested in connection to the crime, last week. “The suspect was holding two bound-and-gagged hostages in the hills of Agua Prieta in Sonora state, the ministerial Agency for Criminal Investigations (AMIC) said,” CNN reported Wednesday. “The suspect had several rifles and a large amount of ammunition, including a number of large-caliber weapons, the agency said in a statement posted to its official Facebook page.”
“We are waiting for some more intelligence in order to issue an official statement,” confirmed Chihuahua Attorney General Cesar Peniche Espejel.
“While some officials have said that the attack may have been a result of mistaken identity, former Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda told CNN that the LeBarón family’s history of conflict with the cartels suggests that they may have been targeted,” noted the The Daily Wire.
“They had stood up to the drug cartels, and they did have certain frictions either with the cartels or with neighboring communities over water rights,” Castañeda said.
“Their long-standing tensions, and apparently the woman who was driving in the first car that was attacked was an activist,” he continued. “She was someone who was very active in her community, defending her family, her fellow members of the community against cartels, on the issue of water rights.”

To watch the interview, click here.

SHOCKER: San Francisco Elects Radical D.A. Whose Parents Were American Terrorists

On Saturday, San Francisco voters elected a new District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, who “wants to free criminals but prosecute police and ICE agents for doing their jobs,” as noted.
As Bronson Stocking of noted, Boudin comes by his antipathy for police quite naturally; a Yale graduate, he is the son of Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, Weather Underground terrorists who were convicted for their participation in the murder of two Nyack, New York policemen and a security guard when they helped rob a Brinks armored security car in 1981. Boudin was convicted of felony murder and released on parole in 2003. She went on to become an adjunct professor at Columbia University and the co-director and co-founder of the Center for Justice there. Gilbert was also convicted of felony murder for the incident; he is still in prison.
Stocking noted, “After his parents killed the cops, Boudin was sent to live with two other terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Dohrn declared war on the United States and was on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. Ayers bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol building, and the New York City Police Department before he and Dohrn became fugitives and went into hiding. The pair eventually came out of hiding and settled in as university professors.”
Chesa Boudin stated last June that if he were elected district attorney he would create a unit to help illegal immigrants charged with crimes from being deported. He said, “This isn’t about trying to privilege immigrants. It’s about helping to protect our immigrant communities from being punished by the federal government for something that we’ve already punished them for.”
Boudin called the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) racist, snapping, “There are lots of situations in San Francisco where ICE is making arrests. We know it’s racist, we know it’s targeting immigrants, and unfortunately right now no one in the DA’s office has the resources or the mandate to investigate those interactions.”
Columnist Michelle Malkin wrote of Boudin:
While American veterans beg for money on San Francisco’s feces-clogged street corners, Boudin will instead subsidize “universal legal representation” for illegal immigrants facing deportation. While American angel families are denied standing in American courts to sue the sanctuary outlaws whose policies enabled criminals in this country illegally to injure, rape or murder their loved ones, Boudin will “help every single immigrant victim of every crime obtain a U-Visa.”
Bernard Goldberg, in his book “Arrogance: Rescuing America From The Media Elite,” quoted Chesa Boudin bemoaning his parents’ incarceration, complaining to The New York Times, “My parents were dedicated to fighting U.S. imperialism around the world. I’m dedicated to the same thing … I’m sad that that my parents have to suffer what they have to suffer on a daily basis, that millions of other people have to suffer as well.”

Goldberg continued, “While we hear much about Chesa Boudin’s suffering and hardships, and about the suffering and hardships of the poor around the world, neither the Times nor our Ivy-League educated Rhodes scholar tells us anything about the suffering of other children much closer to home —the nine children left behind by the policemen and the guard who were murdered, in cold blood, with the help of Chesa Boudin’s parents. On this the Times and young Mr Boudin are silent. They say not a word.”

Pro-Israel Group Launches Initiative Fighting Back Against Anti-Israel Wikipedia Editors

Last week, a pro-Israel group called The Israel Group launched an important campaign in the broader fight back against the anti-Israel hostility that pervades high-profile media and educational institutions.
The Israel Group, which describes itself as “a nonprofit that protects Israel in the diaspora by developing and launching initiatives to cripple the [Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions] (BDS) movement against at Israel” and features many powerful Jewish/pro-Israel individuals on the organization’s board of advisors, began rolling out its “Battle Against Wikipedia.” According to The Israel Group, Wikipedia is the fifth most trafficked website but is ranked number one in terms of both global online educational resources, more generally, and dissemination of anti-Israel propaganda, in particular. The Israel Group’s website describes the importance of the project:
For more than a decade, Wikipedia — the number one online educational resource globally — has allowed anonymous anti-Israel editors to falsely and negatively alter Israel’s factual history in Wikipedia articles pertaining to the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
A cabal of virulently anti-Israel anonymous editors is responsible for decimating virtually the entire pro-Israel editing community. Volunteer “administrators” (with lifetime positions), responsible for overseeing the editing process of Wikipedia, have not only allowed anti-Israel editors freedom to take over Wikipedia, they have participated by blocking and banning predominantly Jewish and pro-Israel editors. …
The Israel Group has been working for many years, under the radar, on a confidential initiative, Wiki-Israel, that combats Wikipedia’s antisemitic bias against Israel. The initiative includes a dedicated website that, among many other things, shows how anti-Israel editors smear Israel — both subtly and overtly — across hundreds of articles, and how the pro-Israel community can stop it.
While the formal launch of the project is not set to commence until January 2020, The Israel Group has teased the endeavor’s formal launch by already divulging the identities of what it has deemed to be the two most notorious anti-Israel editors on all of Wikipedia: Brendan McKay, a math scientist at the Australian National University (described by The Israel Group as “the unofficial leader of the entire cabal of anti-Israel Wikipedia editors”), and Peter Nicholas Dale, an Australian author born in 1950 (described by The Israel Group as “the most prolific and proficient” of the Wikipedia’s anti-Israel editors).
Reached for exclusive comment by The Daily Wire, Jack Saltzberg, The Israel Group’s founder and president, provided the following:
For more than a decade, there have been many articles and blog posts calling attention to Wikipedia’s clear bias against Israel. Generally these complaints vanish into the ether. Even worse, too many people insist, “Wikipedia is meaningless, nobody takes it seriously,” or “I never go to Wikipedia.” Both statements couldn’t be faultier. As Wikipedia itself states, “As the top online educational resource on the planet, with more links from search engines than any other site, Wikipedia is one of the most powerful platforms for the dissemination of knowledge.” Additionally, a majority of university students now use Wikipedia for background information.
The [BDS] campaigns waged against Israel have succeeded through the promulgation of lies, smears, and libels against Israel; and Wikipedia is the number one vehicle substantiating, reinforcing, and disseminating that false propaganda.
As an organization established for one reason — to help cripple the BDS movement — The Israel Group decided five years ago that stopping Wikipedia’s anti-Israel bias is the most important endeavor in the war against BDS. Subsequently, The Israel Group has, under the radar and confidentially, been researching and battling the anti-Semitism and anti-Israel radicalism inside Wikipedia’s pages related to the Arab-Israeli and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
The Israel Group has identified the primary anti-Israel offenders who go to extremes and use an array of techniques to illegitimately silence and block pro-Israel editors.
They’ve spent more than a decade — both subtly and overtly — embedding anti-Israel rhetoric within nearly 1,000 Wikipedia articles. The Israel Group is the first to publicly expose the true identities of the two leading anti-Israel anonymous Wikipedia editors. …
When the Wiki-Israel initiative launches in January 2020, we will not only reveal the depth of the problem and its many challenging aspects, but we’ll also guide people who care about Israel on how they can become experienced editors capable of fighting back.
The Israel Group has also investigated other related subjects and groups that receive similar smears and libels — namely, Christians and conservatives. For many years, those on the Right, especially those who support Israel, have been well aware of Wikipedia’s bias against them. In 2020, the Wiki-Israel initiative will reveal innovative, original research quantifying and proving this bias beyond a reasonable doubt, exposing the methods and madness of the political activists who have hijacked the world’s most popular and largest encyclopedia.

Godspeed to a valiant and indispensable organization. Sunlight, as Justice Louis Brandeis once said, is oftentimes the best disinfectant.