
Tuesday 12 November 2019

Cuban Business Owner Who Fled Communist Cuba Launches GOP Congressional Bid, Dominates GOP Primary Field In Fundraising

Business owner Irina Vilariño, an immigrant who fled communist Cuba with her family as a young girl, has launched a Republican bid for the U.S. House of Representatives in Florida’s 26th District, saying that she was inspired to run after seeing that “the same policies that wrecked my world in Cuba were beginning to take hold in the Democrat Party.”
In an exclusive interview with The Daily Wire, Vilariño highlighted the issues that she cares about the most and what she sees in the Democrat Party that reminds her of communist Cuba.
Vilariño, 43, is the co-owner of Las Vegas Cuban Cuisine restaurants, the first of which “opened in 1984 in Hollywood after her family fled Cuba, and at least a dozen locations are now spread around South Florida,” The Miami Herald reported.
Members of Vilariño’s family, including her father, were locked up as political prisoners in communist Cuba and, at just 4-years-old, Vilariño and her family arrived in Florida during the Mariel Boatlift, an event where a large number of Cubans escaped to the U.S. during 1980.
“My grandparents emigrated to Cuba from Spain to escape socialism. My parents came to the United States from Cuba to escape communism,” Vilariño said. “If we don’t fight to preserve our freedoms here, there is no place left in the world for my daughter to go. We must preserve the American Dream. This is the cause that will define the success of our generation, and I urge you to join with me on this mission.”
Vilariño raised more than three times more than the next highest Republican candidate for the seat, bringing in over $370,000 during the first few months of her candidacy.
Vilariño has made numerous media appearances prior to announcing her run for Congress and was featured at the White House in September 2018 for Hispanic Heritage Month, where she charmed President Donald Trump.
Vilariño is challenging freshman Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who has voted with socialist Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) and Ilhan Omar (MN) 95% of the time while in Congress.
Mucarsel-Powell knocked off Republican Rep. Carlos Curbelo in 2018, who was viewed by many Republicans as being weak and ineffective.
“Vilariño — a party loyalist with a sharp-tongued presence on social media — provides an interesting contrast with Curbelo, who frequently broke with Trump and often kept the president at a distance while representing a district that is both majority-Hispanic and left-leaning,” The Miami Herald added. “After Curbelo lost, Trump mocked him during a press conference and blamed his loss on his reluctance to embrace the president.”
The Daily Wire’s exclusive interview with Vilariño is featured below:
1. What inspired you to get into politics?
My family and I arrived to the U.S. when I was 4 years of age. My father and uncle had both been political prisoners in Cuba. For much of my adult life, I somewhat felt that politics in the U.S. were on some sort of autopilot. However, during the McCain-Obama election I saw a division and a radicalized rhetoric that started to change the United States. I began to fear that the same policies that wrecked my world in Cuba were beginning to take hold in the Democrat Party here. That is what compelled me to get involved in politics and take a more active role. I believe the best thing that I can bring to the process is perspective. I am an America that loves freedom, and I want to see it preserved for future generations.
2. As a person who fled communist Cuba and who knows firsthand the horrors of communism, do you see any similarities between the Democrat Party and the oppressive regime that you escaped?
The Democrat Party is [not a communist party]; however, the trend toward socialism and repressive policies embraced by the Democrats is a starting point, and I am deeply concerned about it. If there is any similarity, it’s in the smear tactics to scare and silence those that oppose and obstruct their path to power.
3. With the rise of socialism in the Democrat Party, are you also concerned about the Democrats’ continued push to curtail the freedoms of U.S. citizens?
Of course. Even in the name of good policy, any time we look to government to intrude itself, we lose freedom.
4. What do you say to other Latinos who listen to publications like CNN and believe that the president is racist and that enforcing immigration law and securing the border is racist?
Securing the border and embracing a policy of national self-defense is not racist. It is what is expected of any government.
5. Are you a Trump supporter? If so, can you explain what about the president you support?
I am my own person, but I support the President and his policies. I am for any president that promotes American exceptionalism, prosperity and individual liberties. He has done a good job of taking on the Washington establishment and of implementing free market policies that have revitalized our economy.
6. Why should minorities vote Republican and how should the party reach out to them?
To me the Republican Party encompasses the values of the country we aspired to live in when we fled communism: personal accountability, order, respect, justice, and freedom from an encroaching government. We should represent love of family, respect for the individual and the American dream and with that prosperity and stability.
7. Why should younger voters vote Republican and what are you going to do to reach them?
My family and I are a testament to what the individual can accomplish in a country that promotes personal accountability and freedoms versus government intrusion and entitlement. Upward mobility is only possible when we have a transparency and true public servants, not a top-heavy government and bureaucrats.
8. How should the GOP respond to some of the issues, like healthcare and student debt, that Democrats propose addressing with socialist policies?
There is a saying that socialist governments work only so long as there is enough of other people’s money to pay for everything. We are $22 trillion in debt. More free giveaways are going to bankrupt the country and empower our foreign enemies. We need to lower the cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals. It is abusive that a pill that costs $15 elsewhere costs an American hundreds of dollars.
9. How should Republicans respond to the Democrats becoming the party of identity politics?
By calling it out for what it is. Democrats want to divide us by the color of our skin. Republicans want to unite us by the colors of our flag. All of us should want the best for our country and want only from our country the freedom to pursue our dreams.
10. What do you view as the greatest threat the United States both from a foreign and a domestic standpoint?
Right now, the single biggest threat to our existence is our national debt. We must get serious about cutting up the federal credit card. The very idea that the Democrats want to put us into more debt is one of the most anti-American, un-patriotic policy proposals that I can think of. Our middle class has to continue being the largest economic bloc to ensure our political stability and viability well into the future.
11. If elected, what do you hope to accomplish with respect to policy?
We must stop the over-spending. We need to be honest with our constituents and create awareness of the issues that are threatening our republic, institutionalized corruption being at the forefront. If I can be a part of the leadership team to achieve this, I will feel that my term of service is worthwhile.
12. The Democrat Party, with the help of the media, have really taken control of the narrative surrounding climate change. Many Republicans in your state, Florida, care about addressing climate issues. How does the Republican Party start to win over people who are concerned about the climate?
We are all concerned about our quality of life and about preserving our environment. I believe that we are already in the driver’s seat in many ways on this issue as our Governor Ron DeSantis has taken great steps to outline an aggressive agenda for water preservation, and I will be happy to be an advocate for him in Congress. The environment is a human issue not a political one.
13. A lot of the narrative surrounding the climate has come from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her proposed “Green New Deal,” which her former chief-of-staff even admitted was about implementing socialism. The “Green New Deal” is a socialist vision that the Democrat Party is trying to sell to America. How do you counter that? What is your vision for America?
The Green New Deal would be an economic wrecking ball for America. It is impractical and subjects our consumers and small businesses to financial penalties beyond their capacity. I will expose these bogus social[ist programs for what they are].
14. What do you believe is the cause of the increasing political polarization in the U.S. and how do you plan on helping to unite the country?
We need to unite the country around universal truths and around our common belief in God and the American Dream. Government will never be able to solve every ill, but people standing together can solve anything. Many on the Left look for any problem in America to demonize our success and prosperity. We need to start looking at our prosperity compared to the rest of the world and think of ways to protect the freedom and free markets that have created more prosperity and opportunity for more people than at any time in the history of the world. Both parties need to do what is right by the country and not by special interests. People need to have a fair chance without have the deck stacked against them.
15. What are your thoughts on Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and the rise of anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party?
This is tragic, and more importantly, my opponent Debbie Murcasel-Powell has done nothing to condemn this new wave of radical anti-Semitism, and she should pay an electoral price for it.
16. In what areas do you think your opponent Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL) is weak and has she let your district down?
She has embraced the rise of radical socialism in her own party, been the lap-dog for Nancy Pelosi, and had her campaign funded by Washington insiders and special interests. She represents her party ideology instead of working in unity to bring about positive results for our community and country as a whole.
17. What are the top three issues for voters in your district and how do you plan on addressing those issues? What issues are the most important to you?
My top three issues are the national debt, healthcare, and our environment. The most important, I feel, is the national debt because if we do not address that, there will not be enough financial resources in the world to deal with the other two issues. Strengthening the middle class is a priority. If Americans don’t feel they can make ends meet that allows socialists to tout their entitlement agenda. Once people get on that train it will be too difficult for them to get off of it.
19. What areas of the Republican Party’s platform do you think needs to be addressed, and/or changed?
The Republican Party platform for 2020 is probably in its earliest drafting phase. The last one from 2016 was a great outline of what we hoped to achieve. I am happy that we have been able to deliver on tax cuts and increased funding for our national defenses. However, there is still much work to be done.
20. What do you hope to inspire in other elected officials and future leaders to help make America a better place?
A greater sense of appreciation for this land of the free because of the brave. We can never forget those that gave their lives to free other countries from the peril of socialism and to maintain our independence and freedom. We must above all continue to be a grateful national. With our story as a family and community, I hope to remind Americans what the alternative looks like.
21. How has being a successful business owner prepared you for running for Congress?
It has helped me understand what people are dealing with in their personal lives every day. Another insider deal, another government lobbying team, and another big government idea is not going to help them. What will help them is if we let them keep more of their hard-earned money and keep government out of their way.
22. When you are not working, what do you do for fun?

When you have your own business you don’t get a lot of free time so I value spending time with family. My daughter is my priority. That’s my hobby.

Monday 11 November 2019

Actor Robert De Niro Says Trump 'Wouldn't Last Long' in 'Real Gangster World'

This is rich.
Famed Hollywood actor Robert De Niro, whose entire career is based on pretending to be something he’s not, had the audacity to claim that President Donald Trump wouldn’t cut it as a real gangster.
Ignoring the delicious irony of a leftist tacitly admitting that Trump could never be a “real” criminal, these comments from De Niro reveal just how shockingly detached from reality the actor is.
Appearing on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” on Saturday, De Niro launched into his typical anti-Trump drivel.
In a mildly amusing twist, anti-Trump host Joy Reid tried to compare the president to comic book character “The Joker,” as well as a gangster, and De Niro seemingly took umbrage with that.
“I have no idea why they follow him,” De Niro said of Trump supporters, addressing Reid’s seeming comparison of them to The Joker’s cult of personality.
“I think in the real gangster world, he wouldn’t last long. He lasts long in his own little real estate world, where he’s the boss because he’s the boss and he inherited all that money and he’s a fool. In the real world, he wouldn’t last long. That’s my feeling.”
Check it out here. The “real gangster” quote starts about the 3-minute mark.
What in the world does sheltered Hollywood actor Robert De Niro possibly know about “real” gangsters? George Clooney might have played a doctor on television, but nobody should seek him out for a second opinion.
And as for Trump being able to keep his word, De Niro might have a point if it weren’t for Trump’s promises to lower taxes, fight illegal immigration, promote criminal justice reform, put American interests first in foreign policy and revamp trade agreements to benefit the United States, among other things.
The 76-year-old actor is certainly entitled to his opinions.
It would just be nice if he were, you know, consistent with them.
Just a couple months ago, De Niro went on a vulgar tirade where he said Trump was “like a gangster.”

“We are in a moment in our lives — in this country — where this guy is like a gangster. He’s come along and he’s said things, done things, we’ve said over and over again this is terrible, we’re in a terrible situation,” De Niro said during a CNN interview in September.
Well, being a gangster and not being one are actually very mutually exclusive things.
Which is it, Mr. De Niro?

Elections Have Consequences: Dem-Controlled VA To Revive Gun Control Measures

For those who don’t think elections have consequences, let Virginia be a sobering lesson in how the modern American political system functions.
Democrats swept the commonwealth’s elections Tuesday, gaining control of both the state’s House of Delegates and Senate.
Considering the governor’s mansion is currently occupied Democrat Ralph Northam, Tuesday’s election results gave the Democratic Party complete control over the state government.
The left isn’t going to let this opportunity slide, either.
Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Northam referenced eight “common-sense” gun control proposals that he put forth months earlier, according to The Washington Post.
Republicans had previously used their majority in the General Assembly to shelve the bills.
The proposals include stronger background checks, bans on so-called “assault weapons,” restrictions on high-capacity magazine and a measure to limit the amount of guns residents are allowed to buy in a certain time frame.
A red flag law that would give the government the power to strip citizens of firearms was also among the previously proposed bills.
When asked if he would strip citizens of their rightfully owned so-called “assault weapons,” Northam gave a worryingly vague answer.
“That’s something I’m working [on] with our secretary of public safety,” Northam said.
“I’ll work with the gun violence activists, and we’ll work [on] that. I don’t have a definitive plan today.”
Considering how hellbent the Democratic Party is on implementing gun control, this is a nightmare scenario for gun enthusiasts in the state.
Northam, who has publicly proclaimed his support for infanticide, proposed the measures after a mass shooting this past July.
Now that Republicans are largely out of the way, there’s nothing to stop a tsunami of gun control in the state. 
While most of the country escaped former Texas congressman and failed 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s disastrous anti-gun measures, citizens of Virginia might soon be faced with similar measures as an everyday reality.
Residents could soon be subject to tyrannical red flag laws, like the one that stripped an elderly crossing guard of his weapons for expressing concern about schoolkids’ safety.
Laws seeking to ban “assault weapons,” which the left struggles to even define, should also cause gun-owning Virginians to worry.
Without the enhanced protection of AR-15s or similar so-called “assault weapons,” residents could soon find themselves outgunned by criminals.
Thanks to the highly polarized nature of American politics, there’s little doubt that these anti-gun proposals will easily become law in the state.
Unfortunately for Virginians, they’ll have to wait until the next elections to do anything about it.

Study: Dems' Free College for Everyone Benefits Only 14% of Americans

During the first few rounds of Democratic presidential debates, what you saw was basically a gaggle of people on stage talking about how they would give America free stuff, plus Marianne Williamson talking about how she would try to defeat dark psychic forces or whatever.
Now that we no longer have Beto and Bill de Blasio among us, what we’ll see in the next round of debates is a slightly smaller gaggle of people on stage talking about how they’re going to give America free stuff.
Alas, it seems, not much has changed. But, hey, at least the stuff they’re going to purchase with your taxpayer money will end up benefitting us, right?
Not exactly, if free college is any guide.
A new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that over 86 percent of American households would lose out if the free tuition plans touted by candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were put into effect.
The paper found “that free- public-college policies, mandatory or subsidized, would decrease state expenditure on and hence the quality of public education.
While the study found that “[m]ore students would obtain college degrees due to increased enrollment,” researchers concluded that “[o]ver 86% of all households would lose while about 60% of the lowest income quintile would gain from such policies.”
This would be for the two most ambitious plans, from Sens. Sanders and Warren (as well as former HUD Secretary Julían Castro, if his campaign ever achieves escape velocity from 1 percent), which would make college free for all Americans, as the Washington Free Beacon pointed out.
Others have more modest plans which would still give college free to middle- and low-income families only, like South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg or Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.
Either way, there are two ways the study looked at that the federal government could go about implementing free college. In one, the government could force states to divert money for the sheepskin giveaway. In another, the government would subsidize the states and encourage them to implement the policy.
Either way leads to the same result: Less than 14 percent of households end up benefiting from the plan, all at the lowest quintile.
How would it hurt aside from higher taxes? The Free Beacon examined Warren’s plan, which would force the states to divert funds while the federal government would help subsidize it via a wealth tax on what she’s fond of calling “ultra-millionaires.”
“Warren’s plan would force state governments to withdraw resources from public K-12 education to fund the free college program, worsening the overall quality of education students receive before college,” Yuichiro Kakutani noted at the Free Beacon.
“The lower education quality, along with higher tax rates, would contribute to a decline in welfare for U.S. households, according to researchers.”

“Other academics have found flaws in existing free college programs. A Harvard University study found that a Massachusetts tuition-free college program for high-performing students actually lowered the students’ college completion rate, complicating claims from 2020 Democrats that their education plans would allow more students to graduate.”
The NBER study also noted the same likely drop-off in the percentage of students completing degrees, from 62 percent to 58 percent, in public four-year schools; it found that the increased school intake would only lead to a slight uptick in the number of students completing a two- or four-year degree.
“The idea of ‘free’ public colleges is politically seductive. But of course a college education can’t actually be free — someone must pay for it,” the study read.
“Allocating additional resources to the college stage may be self-defeating if this entails a reduction of public expenditure in the earlier stages.”
But wait — wasn’t Elizabeth Warren’s plan supposed to only tax the super-rich?
That’s the problem with free college plans. It’s not just that there isn’t the kind of money to make them work, although we can start there. It’s the question of what actually constitutes the plan working.
Does it work if it erodes state education systems? That’s what the NBER study is saying Sanders’ and Warren’s plans will do. Does it work if most households don’t benefit? But it has the correct intentions, right? I mean, even if you never go to college or you’ve already attended, the people who are proposing this mean well.
No government plan should be judged solely by its intentions, especially one as expensive and pervasive as a college giveaway. Before the free stuff giveaway turns into a headlong dive headlong into something that amounts to single-payer for higher education, America needs to seriously examine what these candidates are proposing and what the end result of those proposals will be.

Anti-Vaxxer Claimed She Only Wanted To Help Kids with Virus-Laced Candy

An anti-vaccine advocate sparked a public outcry after claiming in a social media post she was planning to lace Halloween candy with a virus.
The gloating woman, who says she’s a registered nurse, according to Yahoo Now, bragged in a Facebook post about how she was going to taint Halloween candy with germs from her chickenpox-stricken child.
The Australian mom originally uploaded her brag, along with a picture of candy, to an anti-mandatory vaccine group on Facebook.
The post was captured and recirculated by Light for Riley, a page focused on spreading awareness about the dangers of the whooping cough.
In the original post, the anti-vaccine parent even offered to mail the germ-ridden candy to anyone who wanted it.
“We can confirm this has been reported to the hospital, [the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency] and Australia Post,” Light for Riley wrote in a comment.
While chickenpox is a harmless rite of childhood for many, it can be deadly for some.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease kills roughly one person out of every 60,000 it infects.
Infants, the elderly and those who already have serious illnesses are most at risk.
Citing a spokesperson for Queensland Health, which is in charge of staffing for hospitals in Brisbane — the Australian state where the woman claims to be a nurse — reported that she appears to have been lying about her profession.
The Australian news site also reported police were investigating the woman’s post.
“Queensland Health also confirmed the risk of chicken pox transmission from the lollipops would be extremely low,” the outlet added.
Of course, that doesn’t make what this woman did — or threatened to do — right.

Despite vaccines’ proven track record, media and misinformation have swayed many into abandoning the common health practice.
Some parents keep their children from one or many vaccines because of their supposed connection to things like autism.
A surge in the anti-vaccine movement’s popularity does not come without a price, however.
In the United States, measles cases recently hit a 25-year high after parts of New York City hit with the disease.
Parents who refused to vaccinate their children helped spread the disease, as their children’s bodies were unable to fight it off.
Previously, measles was in a major decline thanks to a vaccination campaign.
Campaigns like that one, intended to defeat measles, have enjoyed enormous success in America and around the world.
For instance, smallpox — a gruesome disease that killed hundreds of millions of people throughout human history — was nearly wiped off the face of the Earth.
That was thanks to doctors and missionaries who spread the smallpox vaccine to the farthest corners of the world.
The virus that once threatened the world’s health now mainly exists in a few laboratories.
While it’s unclear whether anti-vaxxer’s Facebook post was serious or made in jest, it highlights a serious threat to public health, upending decades of work aimed at destroying viruses for good.

Suffering Drug Smuggler Pays Price 18 Years Later When Docs Find Balloon That Never Left His Body

It’s no secret that drugs are probably not the most healthy habit in the world. But there are a few actions that make them even more dangerous than normal — and one of them involves stuffing drugs up your nose for almost two decades.
An Australia man’s past decisions came back to haunt him after drugs that he tried to smuggle up his nostril stayed lodged in his body for a staggering 18 years.
According to Newsweek, the unnamed patient had recurring sinus problems which went unsolved until doctors noticed something peculiar on a CT scan.
Experts found that the man’s right nasal cavity had an object nearly 3/4 of an inch long inside of it.
“The foreign body was removed endoscopically under general anaesthetic,” BMJ Case Reports stated. “The histopathology report noted a ‘rubber capsule containing degenerate vegetable/plant matter.'”
You can probably guess where this is going. Sure enough, the plant matter was marijuana which had been hidden in a rubber balloon. But how did it end up in the man’s nose for 18 years?
“On further questioning, the man admitted he had shoved the package up his nose to smuggle the drug into a correctional facility 18 years earlier,” Newsweek explained. “He said the cannabis-filled rubber balloon had been given to him by his girlfriend during a prison visit.”
It seems the impromptu smuggling plan worked — at least at first. But when the convict tried to retrieve the hidden drugs after making his way past prison guards and into his cell, he couldn’t get the balloon back out.
After some time, the man allegedly believed he had swallowed the balloon.
He didn’t think to tell doctors about the drugs-up-the-nose incident until almost two decades later when his sinuses started acting up.
While he probably won’t be winning awards for intelligence anytime soon, the man did end up having his case written up in a medical journal.
It turns out that the situation was fairly unique, with only one other known case of drug smuggling causing a rhinolith, or hard nasal blockage.
“The case report authors suggest this may be because most drug smuggling attempts involve swallowing the package, which ‘acts as a bezoar’ and can be collected after it has made its way through the gastrointestinal tract and out of the body,” Newsweek reported.
In some of those cases, however, the package can rupture while still inside a person. That isn’t a medical emergency if the drug is fairly mild like cannabis, but it can cause an overdose death if more powerful substances are involved.

“Many victims of human trafficking are used to ferry drugs across international borders. Popularly known as ‘drug mules’, the victims are made to swallow balloons containing illicit drugs and are then transported across borders,” the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime explained.
“This medically dangerous way of transporting drugs  can lead and has led to the death of  persons, if and when balloons rupture within the body. Stomach acids can sometimes cause the rupture of the balloons and death is very quick,” the UN continued.
Foreign objects in the nasal cavities aren’t unheard of, but usually have far more innocent causes, such as a children sticking beads or small toys up their noses.
“In this case, the drug package was removed and the man’s symptoms subsided,” Newsweek said. “At a three-month follow up appointment, he reported ‘complete resolution’ of the health problems that had encouraged him to seek medical attention in the first place.”
Here’s a pro tip: Don’t smuggle drugs, and don’t stuff anything up your nose.
It isn’t worth it … and you probably don’t want doctors digging around inside you to recover the one that got away.

Kamala's Plan for Gov't To Replace the Family Starts with 10-Hour School Day

California Sen. Kamala Harris’ new plan to help “modernize” schools appears to ramp up the public school system to even greater proportions, helping the government slowly take more control of children’s lives.
The Democratic presidential candidate’s Family Friendly Schools Act, introduced Wednesday, aims to keep schools open until a mind-numbing 6 p.m.
In addition to the brutally long day, schools will also be responsible for putting on “full-day enrichment activities” during times when parent-teacher conferences or other events would normally close the school for students.
The bill also allocates over $1 billion for “enriching summer learning programs.”
With how disastrous the Obama-era Common Core curriculum has been for students, can students really afford three more months a year of that junk?
Perhaps by magic or other arcane methods, Harris also promises that teachers and school staff will not have to work a second more than they used to.
Harris’ act would apply to a select number of schools under a pilot program.
The senator billed the program as a way to help lower-income parents work without having to worry about child care.
While turning public schools into taxpayer-funded day care may seem like a great idea for those working late, what they gain financially may come at the expense of family.
Many public schools have sadly become indoctrination tools of leftist politicians eager to push their degenerate ideologies on unsuspecting youths.
Once prayer and Bibles in public school went the way of the dinosaur, things quickly went downhill.
In one public institution, a dad was shocked to find that the school not only ignored his wishes to not indulge his gender-confused daughter but actively encouraged her in her belief she was a male.
The concept of school as a moral guide for students — even those confused about their very identity — fits right in with the government’s ongoing attempts to replace the father in families.
The financial realities that married parents face usually destroy any access to welfare, meaning that sometimes mothers have access to more government money when single.

As a 2014 Heritage Foundation report found, a single mother of two who earns $15,000 a year is generally eligible for over $5,000 in food stamps.
If that single mother were to marry a man who earns the same amount as her, that benefit would vanish thanks to their level of joint income.
For some, staying single may present more incentives than marriage with its ups and downs. Unfortunately for the children of these people, they’re deprived of one of the best predictors of their health and future success — married parents.
Harris’ plan may seem like a godsend for working families, but it only serves to put kids in government hands for hours more each day.
What the senator’s proposal offers parents as an alternative to expensive day care is the Department of Education. Is that really what we want raising our nation’s children?