
Monday 11 November 2019

The Submarine Sunk By Her Own Torpedo

USS Tang
The U.S. Navy submarine USS Tang off the Mare Island Navy Yard, California, December 1943. Photo credit: U.S. Navy
Throughout the Second World War, American submarines were plagued by a variety of torpedo problems such as premature detonation and incorrect depth gauge. The most notorious of these was the tendency to circle back on the firing submarine. This is known as circular run.
Early torpedoes were only straight-running, like bullets fired from a gun, but in the early 20th century before the First World War broke out, torpedoes gained the ability to correct their course towards the target even if fired at a different direction. This correction angle, known as the torpedo's gyro angle, would be set mechanically while the torpedo was still in the tube. After the torpedo was fired, it would travel on a straight course for a short distance called the “reach”. Then the torpedo's gyro steering mechanism would kick in and the torpedo would start turning. After the desired bearing was reached, the torpedo would straighten its course and run towards the target.
torpedo’s complicated firing calculation
A torpedo’s complicated firing calculation.  
The problem with many World War 2-era torpedoes was that they would never stop turning, and get right back on the tail of the submarine which fired it. There are at least thirty documented cases of circular runs by torpedoes fired by US submarines at enemy vessels in World War 2. Two of these resulted in fatalities.
The USS Tullibee, sunk on 29 July 1944 with only one survivor, became the first American submarine in World War 2 to be sunk by one of her own torpedoes. The only other submarine to be sunk by a wayward torpedo was the USS Tang. The second incident was notable, because the USS Tang was the most successful of all American submarines deployed during the war. In her short career spanning only two months, USS Tang sank 33 vessels with a gross tonnage of over a hundred thousand tons.
The USS Tang was on her fifth, and what was to be her final patrol, heading for Formosa Strait, now known as the Taiwan Strait, in the South China Sea.
On the night of 23 October 1944, Tang encountered a large enemy convoy consisting of three tankers, a transport, a freighter, and numerous escorts. Tang broke into the middle of the formation and began firing her torpedoes, first at the freighter and then at the tankers. Her aim was spot on, and soon all the targets were either burning or sinking.
The next night, October 24, Tang encountered another large Japanese convoy of tankers with planes on their decks and transports with a cargo of crated planes. Tang released a volley of torpedoes at the convoy, then took off at full speed to try and lose a destroyer and two escorts that was on her tail. Somehow the destroyer blew apart either from intercepting Tang's torpedo or from shell fire of the two escorts. All her torpedoes found their mark, until only one transport remained afloat, dead in the water. Tang’s Commander Richard O'Kane, turned her around and headed towards the lonely vessel to finish off the job. By then, the Tang was down to her last two torpedoes from a total of 24.
At 900 yards, Tang fired her two remaining torpedoes. The first one was observed running hot and straight, but the last torpedo malfunctioned. It curved sharply to the left, circled around and hit Tang on the stern.
One of the survivors, Clayton Oliver Decker, later told in an interview:
The men on the bridge who survived said the last torpedo came out of the tube, went about 300 yards, then came up dancing out of the water. When it dropped back into the water, it had a hard left rudder on it. It circled around on our port side and hit us just ahead of the aft torpedo room and sank us immediately. We started sinking from the stern.
The explosion was so violent that everyone was thrown about against the steel walls and bulkheads. Those who were on the bridge came crashing down the hatch head-first. Many broke their backs and necks.
USS Tang sinking
The way USS Tang sank. Image credit: United States Navy, Bureau of Ships
The submarine bottomed at 180 feet, and the men crowded into the forward torpedo room, intending to use the forward escape trunk. To prevent military secrets from falling into the enemy’s hands, they destroyed all documents. Just then a patrol boat began dropping depth charges, starting an electrical fire in the forward battery. Only thirteen men managed to escape from the forward torpedo room. By the time the last made his exit, the heat from the fire was so intense that the paint on the bulkhead was scorching, melting, and running down. Of the thirteen who escaped, only eight reached the surface. Of this only five were rescued. Four others managed to escape from the bridge before the submarine sank, and were also rescued after 8 hours. Seventy eight others lost their lives.

Of the 24 torpedoes Tang fired in her last patrol, twenty-two torpedoes found their mark in enemy ships, sinking 13 of them. One torpedo missed, and the last torpedo sank Tang. Commanding Officer Richard O'Kane, one of the survivors, was awarded the Medal of Honor. The vessel was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation twice during her career. She also received four battle stars.

Sunday 10 November 2019

ISIS bride who urged jihadists in America to 'go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood' says she deserves a second chance as she pleads to return to the U.S. because life is hard in Syrian refugee camp with her son

A US-born woman who says she regrets joining ISIS has appealed again to come home from the refugee camp where she lives with her young son in Syria because life is tough there.
The government is refusing to let Hoda Muthana, 25, return to the US, arguing that she is not an American citizen.
In an interview with NBC News published Saturday, Muthana said she 'regrets every single thing' done by ISIS, which she joined in 2014 after embracing extremist ideology while living with her family in Alabama.
'Anyone that believes in God believes that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how harmful their sins were,' Muthana said.
Muthana fled her home in suburban Birmingham in late 2014 and resurfaced in Syria where she used social media to advocate violence against the United States. She married three ISIS fighters, all of whom died in combat.
According to the Counter Extremism Project she took part actively in ISIS propaganda. She also urged jihadists in America to 'go on drive-bys, and spill all of their blood'.

Muthana hailed an attack in 2015 in France against the offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo, which left 12 people dead.
She now says 'it was an ideology that really was just a phase' and refused to discuss those earlier comments in the NBC interview.
The interview was conducted in northeast Syria at the Al-Roj refugee camp, controlled by Kurdish forces, where Muthana lives with her two-year-old son Adam. 
Muthana said she fears for her life because she could be targeted by people at the camp who have not renounced ISIS.
'I did not support the beheadings from (IS) from day one, until now I do not support any of their crimes and suicide attacks,' Muthana said.
The US government has repatriated several American women linked to the group, along with their children, but not Muthana.
Washington argues she is not a US citizen even though she was born in the US because she is the daughter of a diplomat serving for the Yemeni government at the time.
The children of US-based foreign diplomats do not enjoy citizenship by birthright.
Muthana has filed suit to try to return to the US. She had traveled to Syria on a US passport.
'I am a citizen and I have papers to prove it. I am as American as a blond-haired blue-eyed girl and I would like to stay in my country and do American things,' Muthana told NBC.
President Donald Trump tweeted on February 20 that she would be refused entry into the U.S.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has called her a terrorist.
She said she is willing to face the US justice system if she is allowed to return.
She said she wants to provide a better life for her son.
'I'm scared of my son being here. 
'We can't afford bottled water, so we have to drink the tank water and... it causes stomach aches.
'I want my son to be around my family, I want to go to school, I want to have a job and I want to have my own car.'
Before she fled, she was part of a network of young Muslims who used Twitter to soak up extremist ideas. She said they were brainwashed and interpreted what they were told by predatory ISIS members. 

Popeyes worker who 'body-slammed' a customer, 55, leaving her with a broken leg and six broken ribs is arrested as it's revealed altercation happened because she was charged twice for her $13.11 meal

A Popeyes employee has been arrested after being caught on video body-slamming a customer outside a Tennessee store. 
Deriance Ra'Shaiel Hughes, 29, has been charged with felony aggravated assault after allegedly attacking Debra Staggs in a dispute over her check.
Rocky McElhaney Law Firm which is representing Staggs, 55, said she was trying to get a refund after being charged twice for her $13.11 meal. 
Video of the attack quickly went viral with the footage showing people chasing Staggs outside the restaurant. She is then body slammed to the ground by a man who is now believed to be Hughes. 
Staggs has been left with a broken leg, nine fractures in her elbow and six broken ribs.
She has already had two operations and is expected to need months of rehabilitation. 
Deriance Ra'Shaiel Hughes, 29, has been charged with felony aggravated assault after allegedly attacking Debra Staggs in a dispute over her check
Deriance Ra'Shaiel Hughes, 29, has been charged with felony aggravated assault after allegedly attacking Debra Staggs in a dispute over her check
She had eaten at the restaurant on Sunday and returned Tuesday after realizing she had been charged twice for a $13.11 meal of chicken tenders, corn, biscuits and apple pies. 
According to the Tennessean, Staggs spoke to a manager on the phone who told her to return to the Columbia outlet for a refund.
Rocky McElhaney, chief executive officer and lead attorney of the law firm representing her, said: 'When she got there she was treated with hostility and anger from the manager.
'There were words back and forth.' 
Separate footage taken inside the restaurant shows Staggs and employees arguing before the physical altercation happened. There are conflicting reports of what was said.
In the audio the man filming says: 'You are in the wrong place saying the N-word.' 
A racial slur is not heard in the footage and Staggs, who is white, denies using the N-word. 
A spokesperson for Popeyes said: 'These actions run completely contrary to our standards and the integrity of our brand. 
'Following an investigation, the franchisee took immediate action and we were informed that the employee has since been terminated. The entire circumstance is highly unfortunate for all involved and we hope to never see this type of behavior again.'  
The altercation is the latest in a series of disturbing incidents, including a fatal stabbing, to have occurred at Popeyes restaurants amid the return of its popular chicken sandwich, which has sparked chaos nationwide.  
On Monday, a Popeyes customer was stabbed to death during an argument in a line for the restocked chicken sandwich at a branch of the fast food chain in Oxon Hill, Maryland. 
Prince George's County Police Chief Hank Stawinski appealed for the public's help in identifying the man who fatally stabbed 28-year-old Kevin Tyrell Davis following the dispute. 
Stawinski said only 15 seconds elapsed from when the altercation started to when it ended with the stabbing. 
Davis had been 'methodically' cutting his way through the line for sandwiches for 15 minutes before the suspect confronted him at the front counter, the chief said.
'The question my detectives have to answer is, 'How does a confrontation lead to a homicide in 15 seconds?'' Stawinski told reporters outside a police station in Upper Marlboro.  
Police released surveillance camera images of the suspect and a woman who apparently was with him inside the restaurant and fled with him in a car after the stabbing. Investigators want to speak with that woman.
'We think she has some pretty vital information to the investigation,' said police department spokeswoman Jennifer Donelan.
Stawinski said there is no evidence that the suspect and victim knew each other.
Police found a knife in Davis' possession after the stabbing, but investigators don't believe he brandished it during the confrontation.
Davis, of Oxon Hill, died at a hospital. He had been stabbed once in the upper body, the police spokeswoman said.  
Popeyes resumed selling its chicken sandwich on Sunday. It was first released in August, and the chain credited popular demand to its supply selling out that month. 
The $3.99 meal, which comes in classic and spicy, debuted for the first time in August and was met with a frantic craze that led to long lines and fist fights at several restaurants. The sandwich sold out in a matter of just two weeks. 

Rep. Ilhan Omar is accused of 'dog whistle' anti-Semitism after she posts tweet implying billionaire businessman Leon Cooperman is only supporting Michael Bloomberg's presidential run because he is Jewish (8 Pics)

Rep. Ilhan Omar has come under fire and been accused of anti-Semitism after sharing a tweet implying that American billionaire investor Leon Cooperman is backing Michael Bloomberg for president simply because he is Jewish. 
The Democratic Congresswoman from Minnesota was slammed after she retweeted a news post announcing Cooperman will endorse fellow billionaire Bloomberg if he runs for president. 
She shared the tweet saying: 'I wonder why' with a thinking face emoji.  
The tweet reignited accusations of anti-Semitism against the liberal Congresswoman, with critics saying it was a thinly veiled jab at their Jewish faith rather than their status as billionaires. 
Rep. Ilhan Omar came under fire on Saturday for sharing a tweet revealing Jewish billionaire Leon Cooperman will back Michael Bloomberg's 2020 bid. Critics accused her of implying the endorsement is only because the two are both Jewish
Rep. Ilhan Omar came under fire on Saturday for sharing a tweet revealing Jewish billionaire Leon Cooperman will back Michael Bloomberg's 2020 bid. Critics accused her of implying the endorsement is only because the two are both Jewish
She was slammed for this tweet where she said 'I wonder why' with a thinking emoji in reply to a post announcing Jewish billionaire Leon Cooperman will back Mike Bloomberg, who is also Jewish, in his presidential bid
She was slammed for this tweet where she said 'I wonder why' with a thinking emoji in reply to a post announcing Jewish billionaire Leon Cooperman will back Mike Bloomberg, who is also Jewish, in his presidential bid
Cooperman said he will support former New York Mayor Bloomberg if he enters the 2020 Democratic primary for presidency. However, Bloomberg is yet to formally announce his presidential campaign.  Reports say he is actively preparing to enter the primary and is expected to file the paperwork this week. 
'I suppose you think it's all about the Benjamins,' Michael Dickson, the executive director of Stand With Us, a group that fights anti-Semitism, said in response. 'We get your insinuation. True to form.' 
'Omar very carefully making an anti-Semitic tweet with just enough vagueness to claim that ackshually [sic] she meant it was about the benjamins and not about religion. But everyone knows what she meant, which is why she continues to do it,' Twitter user Josh Jordan wrote. 
However, many were quick to come to Omar's defense saying her critics were honing in on the wrong facts. 
She shared a tweet defending her saying: 'Oh for God’s sake, stop this ridiculousness. This obsession with every word Ilhan says or tweets is tired and it’s getting old.' 
She shared another by Twitter user Leah Greenberg, who accused critics of twisting Omar's words. 
Social media users slammed Omar saying her tweet was anti-Semitic
Social media users slammed Omar saying her tweet was anti-Semitic 
'Extremely this. The latest effort to twist @IlhanMN's words and impute anti-semitism to what's obviously a pretty standard observation about billionaires sharing similar political views is outrageous. It should be given no credence whatsoever.''
One critic responded saying: 'There is no effort to twist anything and you know this. Dogwhistles are called like that on purpose and have meaning behind it. At the same time there are news on Bezos who chatted with Bloomberg, but she picks another billionaire who happens to be Jewish.'
Some social media users pointed out that Omar has endorsed Bernie Sanders, who is Jewish, for president in the upcoming election.  
In March this year Omar was accused of anti-Semitism at the Council of American Islamic Relations in Washington D.C. when she downplayed the 9/11 terror attacks saying 'some people did something.'
Omar shared this tweet defending her name that slammed the criticism as 'the latest effort to twist Omar's words'
Omar shared this tweet defending her name that slammed the criticism as 'the latest effort to twist Omar's words' 
She also shared this post that said: 'This obsession with every word Ilhan says or tweets is tired and it's getting old'
She also shared this post that said: 'This obsession with every word Ilhan says or tweets is tired and it's getting old'
Back in 2012 she shared a post claiming that 'Israel has hypnotized the world' during the conflict in Gaza, drawing upon an anti-Semitic trope. 
Throughout her time in office she has been vocal in her criticism of the Israeli government, has voiced support for a two-state solution in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and backed a boycott of Israel by supporting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. 
Her backing of the BDS movement led Israel's government to ban her and Rep. Rashida Tlaib from entering the country in August 2019. 
However, Omar has defended herself in the past against these accusations of anti-Semitism. 
In February she shared a post saying: 'Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes.'
'My intention is never to offend my constituents or Jewish Americans as a whole. We have to always be willing to step back and think through criticism, just as I expect people to hear me when others attack me for my identity. This is why I unequivocally apologize,' she added.  

The happiest heckin’ posts from around the internets (25 photos)