
Saturday 9 November 2019

13 Popular Foods People Hated Eating 100 Years Ago

Culinary trends are just as fickle as fashion. Find out which gourmet foods you love used to only be fed to animals or prisoners.

Tomatoes were once so feared that they were called “poison apples.” Their bad reputation was all a tragic mistake, however: Wealthy diners ate the fruit on pewter (made with lead) plates; the acid from the tomatoes leeched lead from the plates, sickening diners. Even people who didn’t use pewter plates avoided the fruit because tomatoes are part of the deadly nightshade family. Today, however, we love tomatoes, eating them in everything from pasta sauces to pizza to salad. “They are a great source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant,” says Earl L. Mindell, RPh, MH, PhD, a registered pharmacist, associate professor at Chapman University, and author of The New Vitamin Bible.  

You’d never guess it today but one of the priciest dishes on fancy menus—lobster—used to be so universally disliked that it was only seen fit to feed to prisoners. And even then there were laws restricting how many days in a row they could have it, lest their punishment be considered too harsh. So how did the crustacean undergo such a radical image change? “Let’s be honest, it’s one of the most Instagrammable foods there is!” says Julia Werth, a registered dietitian. But besides making you look posh in pics, the high-protein crustacean has also become much more scarce in the last century, making it more valuable, she adds.  

Kale K
Kudos to whichever adventurous human decided this bitter green was edible. No one is exactly sure when kale was first discovered as a food source but it only became popular in the last couple of decades. These days it’s earned the coveted “health halo” and is in every store, everywhere. Why? Cooking techniques! “We now have the luxury of modern cooking appliances and the time to spend cooking—a century ago their only option was to eat it raw or throw it in a stew and hope for the best,” Werth says. “Today we make it into chips with an oven or hide it in a smoothie with a blender or use other recipes to make it taste good.” Can you guess what America’s favorite food is now? It’s not burgers.

This humble tuber has had quite the wild culinary ride through human history. When it was first introduced in Europe, skeptical peasants and royalty alike wouldn’t touch it. Eventually, they adopted it as edible but then it was seen as peasant food (and it was often the only food for the poor). Today, however, the potato is the fifth most important crop in the world and is eaten in a mind-boggling number of ways from curly fries to mashed potatoes to a starch additive in processed desserts. “Unfortunately they’re mostly popular—at least in America—as French fries,” Mindell laments. “However, if you eat them baked, with the peel on, they are a healthy source of fiber and potassium.”  

Chocolate lovers, cover your eyes: When the beans were first introduced it was in the form of a bitter drink that was so far from today’s hot chocolate as to be unrecognizable. Today’s crave-worthy candy version only became popular in the last few hundred years. Thankfully you can indulge your sweet tooth in a healthy way by eating dark chocolate in moderation, Werth says. “Dark chocolate has been shown in research to lower your risk of heart disease and is full of antioxidants,” she says.  Bone broth

There’s nothing trendier these days than bone broth (and don’t you dare call it “just soup”), but a century ago, leftover bones were given to the dogs. “This is pretty much regular broth with a new, fancy name,” Werth says. But she’s glad it’s popular now: “It’s high in protein while being low in calories and fat, making it the perfect comfort food.” These “facts” about fast food are actually false.

Back in the days when nothing went to waste, every part of the animal from skin to hooves was used for something. But about a century ago, we started becoming more wasteful, prizing only the muscle meat (hello steak!) and ditching everything else—including the nutrient-rich organ meats like the liver and heart. Thankfully these foods are making a big resurgence as people recognize how healthy they are for you, Werth says. “Plus, there’s the adventure factor; you’re seen as cool, funny, or even brave for eating them,” she says. “This might be one thing we can truly thank reality TV for!”  

Again, oversupply rendered this delicacy “poor people’s food.” That is, until around 1910, when the sturgeon population crashed from overfishing and the once plentiful eggs—they used to be served as bar food—were impossible to find. This lead to several generations of Americans who may have heard of it but never ate it. Recently, however, it’s gained popularity as part of the “champagne and caviar” aspirational lifestyle you see all over social media, says Werth. Its scarcity has made it emblematic of luxury, although she suspects it’s in more pictures than actual tummies.  Cabbage 

People have been eating cabbage as long as they’ve known of its existence, but it was never considered a truly sought-after food in the United States until recently. As Americans have imported more and more international cuisines, we’ve discovered the joy of traditional recipes based around the veggie, like kimchi, sauerkraut, steamed dumplings, stewed cabbage, and lo mein, Werth says. We also have a lot more varieties of cabbage to choose from on the average grocery shelf, adding to its culinary flexibility. “Many of these recipes use fermented cabbage which provides healthy probiotics,” she adds.  

Around 1900, oysters were so plentiful that their shells were used to pave Pearl Street in New York City (which explains the name); people ate them daily as a cheap source of protein. However, like the sturgeon, they quickly became overfished, to the point where they were considered functionally extinct in the New York harbor and other popular harvesting grounds. Scarcity means higher prices and a higher status so now, instead of being seen as the poor man’s beef, they’re prized as gourmet foods. “Oysters are a good source of zinc, which may explain why they are considered a sexual stimulant,” Mindell explains. “There may be some truth to that as men’s prostates are rich in zinc.” 

Plaque on Your Teeth Can Create Gum Disease, Plaque in Your Arteries Can Kill You

When people think of ‘plaque’, they often think of the soft, sticky substance that builds up on teeth which can cause cavities and gum disease.[i] However, there is another kind of plaque found in the arteries, which is made up of fat, cholesterol and other substances found in the blood.[ii]
While dental plaque is bad enough, plaque in the arteries can lead to serious problems or kill you.[iii] 
Plaque in the arteries accumulates over time and is called atherosclerosis, more commonly referred to as heart disease.[iii] Arteries are the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body, including the brain. Over time, plaque in the arteries hardens and narrows your arteries. Plaque can also break free and travel to the brain where it can block blood flow and cause a stroke. Plaque can also cause a heart attack or other adverse and potentially debilitating cardiovascular events, even death.[ii]
The cause of atherosclerosis cannot be linked to any one factor, such as plaque. However, certain conditions or behaviors can increase your risk of the disease in addition to the buildup of plaque in your arteries. These conditions or behaviors are also called risk factors for cardiovascular disease.[iii]
You can control some of these risk factors and help reduce your risk of disease by increasing physical activity, eating healthier foods, or avoiding smoking.[iv] Your doctor might prescribe various medications to lower fats in your blood stream and reduce cholesterol levels.[iii] Cholesterol-lowering medications alone, however, will not eliminate all risk of cardiovascular disease. Even statins, a type of medication that is effective at lowering  LDL-cholesterol levels and reducing relative cardiovascular risk by approximately 25-to-35 percent, is not able to reduce all cardiovascular risk.[v] 
In addition to cholesterol, there are other types of fat, like triglycerides, that have been associated with plaque buildup.[v] Triglyceride levels are also thought to be markers of cardiovascular disease risk.[vi] There are other kinds of cardiovascular-risk lowering medications available that may address risk factors beyond high cholesterol. It’s important to consult with your physician on the best ways for you to minimize plaque buildup to protect your heart and to improve your health.
As of 2016, approximately 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. have one or more types of cardiovascular disease[vii] and nearly half of all Americans (47%) have at least one of the three key risk factors for heart disease: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.[viii]
So, in addition to taking care of your teeth and gums, be sure to take preventative action to address plaque in your arteries before it harms you. This risk should be addressed whether or not you had a prior heart attack or other form of a prior adverse cardiovascular event.

9 Magnesium Benefits That May Help Save Your Life

Antioxidants may get all the headlines, but magnesium may just be your health MVP. Learn more about the benefits of this mineral.
Every product is independently selected by our editors. If you buy something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Get the scoop on these magnesium benefits 
  Volume 0%
“The mineral magnesium supports so many functions in our body to keep us healthy,” says Stacey Antine, MS, RDN, founder of HealthBarn USA and author of Appetite for Life. “Research suggests that magnesium supports muscle and nerve function, helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and improves bone health. Many people aren’t as aware of this powerhouse because it’s overshadowed by other minerals such as calcium or vitamin D.”  

Reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes 

If you’re at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, this may be one of the most important potential benefits  of magnesium for you: A 2016 review of studies involving more than 600,000 men and women suggested that people with a higher dietary intake of magnesium had a 17% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those with the lowest intake. In a 2019 study in the journal Nutrients, researchers randomly assigned 42 people with type 2 diabetes to take a magnesium supplement or no supplement at all for 3 months.  The magnesium-takers appeared to have an improvement in insulin resistance and blood sugar control compared to the other study participants.

Build stronger bones 
While many people know that calcium and vitamin D are essential for building bones, few realize that magnesium is just as important. In fact, boosting calcium levels without adding in magnesium could be less effective—and could actually increase the possibility of developing heart disease, according to a 2017 study in the journal Open Heart. “In bone health, it’s important to keep a balance of 2:1, of calcium to magnesium,” Antine says. “If you are supplementing with a calcium supplement that doesn’t contain magnesium, you may be disturbing the 2:1 balance.” If you’re worried about the strength of your skeleton, get the lowdown on  magnesium benefits and bone health.

Lower blood pressure 
After reviewing 34 double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled studies involving over 2000 people with high blood pressure, researchers found that taking a magnesium supplement was associated with roughly a 2-point decline in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the first and second numbers in a blood pressure reading). However, if you haven’t yet developed hypertension, don’t take magnesium as a preventive—a 2009 study shows that adding the nutrient doesn’t impact blood pressure levels in people who already have a normal blood pressure.

Prevent migraines 
Could magnesium help stop your migraine in its tracks? Some research indicates that people who have chronic migraines may also be magnesium deficient. In a 2016 review of 21 published studies, people having a migraine who were treated with intravenous magnesium had a resolution of symptoms. In the same review, migraine-prone people who took magnesium supplements had a drop in the frequency and intensity of the painful headaches. There are other drug-free ways besides magnesium to relieve your aching head, including these six natural remedies for headaches worth trying.

Improve your athletic performance

Professional athletes stock up on the kinds of foods that are rich in magnesium, and here’s why. Research done in rats suggests that magnesium plays two key roles in helping you perform better: It helps fuel your muscles by enhancing the flow of glucose (fuel) to them and helps your body get rid of lactic acid (a byproduct of exercise that can lead to post-workout stiffness). Both these processes help you stay energetic through a long workout. There’s plenty more about magnesium’s fitness benefits that you’ll want to learn before your next workout!

Reduce stress levels 
Several studies have found that magnesium may play a role in reducing stress and anxiety symptoms. That’s not surprising given that stress and magnesium levels are connected, Antine says: “Stress is a factor in reducing levels of magnesium.” If you crave chocolate when you’re feeling under pressure, there could be a good reason: Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium.

May improve your mood 
If you suffer from depression, your diet could play a role. Research has linked magnesium deficiencies with an increased likelihood of depression in people under 65—but the jury is still out whether boosting magnesium intake can help ease depressive symptoms. Magnesium may also help with anxiety and PMS.  A 2017 review of existing research found that about half of the studies showed a benefit for anxiety or PMS and half did not, so more study is needed. 

Reduce inflammation 
Chronic inflammation has been linked to everything from an increased risk of type 2 diabetes to cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses. One small, but intriguing study looked at the role magnesium played in inflammatory markers in overweight, middle-aged women. While the women with the lowest levels of magnesium had the highest levels of inflammation, taking 250 mg of magnesium for two months didn’t seem to affect inflammation. However, taking magnesium was associated with a decrease in the percentage of body fat, a known factor in inflammation. The researchers hypothesized that higher amounts of magnesium may have had a better effect, and they recommended getting magnesium through your food intake.

Quell ADHD symptoms 
Some studies have found that children diagnosed with ADHD were more likely to have magnesium deficiencies  than children who did not, although there is no evidence yet that the deficiency actually caused the ADHD. One small study of 25 children with ADHD and 25 children without it, suggested that magnesium supplementation helped improve cognitive function in the children with ADHD who also had a magnesium deficiency. 

Make sure you’re getting enough magnesium 
About half of Americans aren’t getting adequate levels of magnesium in their diet. If you’re concerned that your levels are low, consider getting tested. “Do a full assessment—dietary recall and blood work—of your diet and the nutrient intake and see if additional magnesium is needed,” Antine suggests. Following the RDA recommendation of 350 milligrams per day for healthy individuals is adequate. Antine cautions against going above and beyond the recommended daily amount, however. “There is research to suggest that magnesium can be toxic at high doses, so talk with your physician before supplementing.”  

Add magnesium to your diet 
“Leafy greens, spinach, nuts, whole grain cereals, beans, peas, and soybeans are good sources,” Antine says. “If these foods are part of your daily dietary intake, you should have adequate magnesium levels.” Dark chocolate can be a decadent way to access magnesium benefits—just 3 ounces can give you a third of your recommended daily allowance. 

WALSH: The Government Rakes In Over $3 Trillion Dollars A Year In Tax Revenue. That’s More Than Enough, Bernie Sanders.

There has been a discussion this week about how much of Bill Gates’ money Bill Gates should be allowed to keep. Gates himself has said, I think reasonably, that he doesn’t mind paying taxes but he’d prefer if the majority of his own money stayed with him. Elizabeth Warren has generously promised not to appropriate all of it, though she would skim a healthy sum off the top. But Bernie Sanders asks us to at least entertain the notion of levying a near 100% tax on billionaires like Gates.

“Say Bill Gates was actually taxed $100 billion,” Sanders tweeted. “We could end homelessness and provide safe drinking water to everyone in this country. Bill would still be a multibillionaire. Our message: The billionaire class cannot have it all when so many have so little.”

This may not have been a serious proposal (then again, none of Sanders’ proposals are serious), but he certainly does believe that taking lots of money from rich people can solve nearly every societal problem. Here he says we could “end homelessness” and “provide safe drinking water to everyone” with a mere $100 billion confiscated from a dastardly billionaire. I’m not sure where he gets that figure, but it doesn’t matter. Let’s think about this.
If $100 billion would enable the government to establish a utopia with 0% homelessness and clean water for everyone, why aren’t we living in that utopia already? After all, annual federal tax revenue is approaching $4 trillion. Let’s call it $3 trillion, because what’s a trillion dollars between friends? So, the government already brings in $3 trillion. In the last decade, they’ve earned (well, taken by force) over $30 trillion in taxes. We should note that all of the physical money in the world adds up to about $36 trillion. Since the beginning of Obama’s first term, therefore, the U.S. government has raked in more money than exists on Earth.
Sanders swears that homelessness could be utterly and completely solved with just 1/30th of what the government makes in a year. Why isn’t it solved, then? Are you really telling me that the government has confiscated more money than exists on Earth — and that’s still not enough? If you were to build a giant tower out of $3 trillion, it would nearly reach the Moon. A pile of cash over 200,000 miles high isn’t sufficient? They need more? Can Bernie and his friends not find a way to peel a measly $100 billion out of that galactic stack of tax money to solve the homelessness problem?
Here, let me help. The Maritime Administration costs us almost $1 billion a year. The Appalachian Regional Commission runs $100 million or so. The Justice Department’s Community Oriented Policing Services sucks up another $300 million. I could list dozens of other programs, agencies, departments, and projects that are redundant, pointless, inefficient, ineffective, and yet cost us hundreds of millions of dollars a year. What do you say — should we end homelessness or keep the Appalachian Regional Commission going? Which is more important?
And we haven’t even scratched the surface. The major waste in our government comes in the form of entitlements and defense spending. We sink trillions into both. Do you think these two behemoths could spare $50 billion a piece? I mean, we’re ending homelessness here. And giving everyone clean water. I’m sure the twin beasts of defense and entitlements would love to chip in. If they don’t, take it anyway. These aren’t private citizens. A phrase like “they cannot have it all when so many have so little” actually applies and makes sense in reference to governmental entities.
What about foreign aid? We give about $50 billion a year to countries around the globe. According to Sanders’ figures, we could put an end to homelessness and thirst, and save thousands of lives, if we just redirected that money from the pockets of foreign bureaucrats back into our own country. Cut off foreign aid to everyone for two years and homelessness goes away, according to Bernie Sanders. Why aren’t we doing that? Why hasn’t he suggested it?
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and all the rest of the Democrats, insist that more money — more and more and more and more money — is needed to solve our problems. They look at the $4 trillion already available to them and scoff. That’s because these people have no interest in solving any problems. And they know that problems like homelessness can’t be solved with money anyway. Most homeless people are homeless because of drug addiction or mental disorder. Give them a bag of cash and they’ll be dead by morning. Give them a free house and they’ll be on the street again in a week. I’m not saying we shouldn’t help the homeless. I’m saying that we can only treat homelessness by addressing what causes it — and you need more than money to do that. Sanders knows this. So does Warren. They all do. But, for them, homeless people, sick people, poor people, college students in debt, etc., are just pawns to be used in pursuit of more control and more power.

Los Angeles D.A. Walks Into Black Lives Matter-led Ambush Over Police Shootings, Ed Buck Case

Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey, who is up for re-election next year, recently spoke to an LGBT political group in trendy West Hollywood where she was ambushed by Black Lives Matter, allied activists, and families of people killed by police.

The protesters showed up at an October 28 meeting held by the L.A. chapter of the Stonewall Democratic Club. Lacey was first advertised to appear at the event as a “guest speaker.” However, the scheduled engagement evolved into an opportunity for the D.A. to respond to a motion presented for a membership vote that night. The resolution called upon Lacey “to take immediate actions to restore trust in her department.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Lacey’s visit “was often marked by screams and tense exchanges.” She spent a full hour standing at a podium defending her job performance amid repeated disruptions from vocal critics who had stacked the room. Many called her out for her unwillingness to prosecute cops who fatally shot their loved ones. Some criticized her handling of the case against Democratic donor Ed Buck. Others claimed Lacey had refused to meet publicly with them for the past two years, justifying the surprise attack.

Dr. Melina Abdullah, lead organizer for Black Lives Matter-L.A. (BLM-LA), told Lacey: “You’ve run from us … More than half of this audience is black people from South L.A., from Compton, from Inglewood, who had to come all the way out here for you to face us,” adding, “it’s racism that you come here and not to black communities.”
Abdullah went on to tell Lacey, who is African American, that she is “a black face on white supremacy.”
An editor for the Los Angeles Blade, which describes itself as “America’s LGBT News Source,” attended the meeting, writing:
Lacey came prepared to specifically respond to Stonewall’s Resolution but she seemed unprepared for the encounter with angry family members of young Black men shot by law enforcement officers who screamed their agony at her, trying to hold her accountable, trying to get her to listen to them, to commiserate, to share their pain then take action.
 In some ways, the Stonewall meeting was reminiscent of the early days of ACT UP when dying protesters or their loved ones screamed at blank-faced government bureaucrats who blandly explained that medications take a very long time to develop.
While pleading her case, Lacey infuriated several audience members when she mispronounced the name of Gemmel Moore, the 26-year-old black sex worker who fatally overdosed in Buck’s home on July 27, 2017. She then defended her decision not to criminally charge Buck in his death, revealing that the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department illegally searched a toolbox at the scene which contained all of the methamphetamine found on the property at the time, thereby rendering the evidence inadmissible.
Lacey remained at the podium as the Stonewall Dems overwhelmingly adopted the resolution by a show of cards. As she exited the room after the vote, Lacey was taunted with chants of “Bye Jackie 2020.”
The Daily Wire reached out to Lacey’s campaign consultants multiple times seeking comment on the ploy but did not receive a response.
BLM-LA posted on Facebook: “We were so encouraged by this act of solidarity that many of us, including the families, joined the Stonewall Democrats.”
Last Night @LADAOffice Lacey responded in person to @StonewallDemsLA's resolution to "restore trust." She lied in the faces of the families of those killed by police and @BLMLA.
Stonewall Dems strengthened the resolution and passed it with only one vote opposed.
View image on Twitter
See Melina Abdullah's other Tweets
Media strategist Jasmyne Cannick, a member of the Stonewall Dems who also led the drive demanding Buck’s prosecution, co-authored the resolution. She is among Lacey’s fiercest detractors, having accused the D.A. of “dereliction of duty.” Cannick and several other attendees posed for a photograph behind a Black Lives Matter banner to commemorate the occasion after the meeting concluded.
Lacey, a Democrat, is running for her third term as L.A. County’s top law enforcement official. Her most notable challenger is former San Francisco D.A. George Gascón, widely considered one of the most progressive prosecutors in the nation. Lacey has been endorsed by many prominent Democratic politicians, including U.S. Representatives Ted Lieu and Adam Schiff, along with L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti. The primary election is on March 3, 2020.

Back To Reality…Television? Donald Trump Reportedly Plotting A Return Post-Presidency

President Donald Trump may be plotting a return to reality television after he’s done in the White House.

According to the Daily Beast, Trump has been trading ideas about a potential new reality TV competition program with Mark Burnett, the producer of “The Apprentice,” the business-based show that rocketed Trump to his current status as a cultural icon.
“Since taking office in early 2017, the president has confided to close associates that he misses hosting ‘The Apprentice’ and ‘The Celebrity Apprentice’ on NBC, the reality-TV staples he left behind to become the Republican Party standard-bearer and then the leader of the free world,” The Daily Beast reports.
Sources tell The Daily Beast that Trump has been trading emails with Burnett, pitching ideas about a politics-themed successor to “The Apprentice,” where players competed in Trump-designed challenges to win an internship or job with the Trump Corporation, usually assisting on a new project, like the Trump Tower in Chicago.
“The Apprentice” was a phenomenon, as was Trump’s catchphrase from the show, “you’re fired!” It also served as a launching pad for a number of Trump initiatives, including a clothing line. It may have also been a boon to Trump’s political career. Americans got used to Trump’s gruff boardroom behavior over the course of the show and came to see Trump as a larger-than-life character.
When Trump hit the campaign trail in 2015 (and even before), most of his “negative characteristics” (or what might be considered negative traits in other politicians) were baked into his image, leaving it hard to level a real, personal, scorched-earth style attack at Trump.
The new show could be called “The Apprentice: White House,” and would likely be designed to capitalize off Trump’s time as president.
“One of the ideas kicked around by Burnett and the president was shooting a new version of the Trump-branded Apprentice, tentatively titled The Apprentice: White House, and to produce it shortly after the president leaves office,” according to The Daily Beast’s insider knowledge. “This time, however, the TV program would be explicitly politics-themed and take full advantage of Trump’s status as a former president of the United States and a newfound Republican kingmaker.”
“There have been several discussions between Burnett and Trump about The Apprentice: White House,” one source told The Daily Beast. “It is something Burnett thinks could be a money-spinner and Trump is very keen on doing.”
But before anyone starts crafting their resumes and shooting their audition videos, another source cautioned The Daily Beast that whatever plans might be forming are still in their infancy: “They actually talked about an Apprentice: White House,” but “as far as I know, the discussion did not go far.”
Trump probably shouldn’t be making contingency plans anyway. According to the latest polls, particularly a recent offering from The New York Times, the president is doing well against his potential Democrat challengers, tying with former vice president Joe Biden in most “battleground states” and handily beating Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). He’s also far out-raising his Democrat counterparts; at last count, Trump had a bigger war chest than much of the 2020 Democratic field combined.

Kanye West: Blacks Don’t Have To Vote For Democrats

Kanye West continued to spread his message of independent thinking this week, when he advised black Americans that they do not always have to vote for Democrats.

During an interview at the Fast Company Innovation Festival, West said that the phrase “black power” does not mean voting for the Democratic Party forever.
“Own your power. Your power is not to just vote Democrat for the rest of our lives. That’s not the power,” West said, as reported by Page Six. “The power is when I talk to my lawyer … I put on my trench coat and said, ‘We’re moving these factories to America, and that’s how it’s going to be’ — and it’s lovely. We moved the headquarters to Cody, Wyoming … Our goal is to bring the manufacturing back to America — South America, North America — bring it back stateside and to present jobs for people back here.”
Kanye West has been on a bit of a MAGA roll with the release of his latest album “Jesus is King.” Speaking with radio personality Big Boy in a recent interview, West decried cancel culture as well as Democratic policies that have allegedly brainwashed black Americans into a cycle of self-destruction.
“I’ve been canceled before. That was canceled culture. Who told you that my career would be over? The same people that are telling you that you can’t have a right to say who you will vote for,” West said. “Those people will be soon to take Jesus out of school. Those people will be soon to remove Jesus, period, from America, which is the Bible Belt. Those people will be so mad. Come on, man.”
Kanye West went on to lament how Democrats have essentially brainwashed black Americans into voting for them with promises of food stamps and abortion.
“We’re brainwashed out here, bro. Come on, man. This is a free man talking,” said West. “Democrats had us voting for Democrats with food stamps for years. What are you talking about guns in the 80s, taking the fathers out the home, Plan B, lowering our votes, making us abort children.”
Following his attacks on abortion, Kanye West further extolled family values, when he said that families should have more children, referring to it as the “richest thing you can have.”
“[I want] seven kids. The richest thing that you can have is as many children as possible,” West said on “Carpool Karaoke.”
Prior to that, the 42-year-old rapper told Billboard in an interview that he told his staff working on the “Jesus is King” album to avoid premarital sex and to fast regularly.
“There were times where I was asking people not to have premarital sex while they were working on the album,” West said. “When people pray together and fast together, the power is increased.”
Kanye West also described himself as an instrument of God to help “spread the gospel” of Jesus Christ.
“Now that I’m in service to Christ, my job is to spread the gospel, to let people know what Jesus has done for me,” said West. “I’ve spread a lot of things. There was a time I was letting you know what high fashion had done for me, I was letting you know what the Hennessey had done for me, but now I’m letting you know what Jesus has done for me, and in that I’m no longer a slave, I’m a son now, a son of God. I’m free.”