
Saturday 9 November 2019

CBS Reportedly Fired Innocent Woman For ‘Leaking’ Video On ABC Killing Epstein Story: I Am Not The Leaker

On Friday afternoon, journalist Megyn Kelly interviewed a recently-fired CBS employee named Ashley Bianco, who was allegedly canned for leaking a video clip of ABC News anchor Amy Robach complaining that the network killed her story on registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein three years ago. 

But according to Bianco, CBS fired an innocent woman.

Working as a producer and video editor, Bianco told Kelly that she did indeed clip the video of Robach, but denied leaking it to James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, the group that dropped the story this week. Bianco said she had never heard of O’Keefe before the story broke, and O’Keefe has denied that Bianco was his source.

“Did you leak the tape?” Kelly started the interview.
“I did not,” answered Bianco, who recently left ABC and started working for CBS this week.
She cut the clip and saved it in the internal system, she explained, because that was part of her job.
After Robach made the remarks, Bianco said she went to her manager and asked if Robach knew she was “on a hot mic.” “She knew she was being broadcasted to all the affiliates,” Bianco was told.
“I just clipped it off; I essentially marked it in the system and it never left the system. We do it all the time,” she emphasized. 
“I did it just for office gossip you know,” the producer added.
“So this week you’re sitting at CBS doing your job, and what happens with Project Veritas?” Kelly asked.
“They released the video, you know, and I was shocked but I didn’t think anything of it,” answered Bianco. 
She was promptly fired and never given a chance to defend herself, she said.
“I didn’t know what I had done wrong and I just, you know, I wasn’t even given the professional courtesy to defend myself,” Bianco claimed. “I didn’t know what I had been accused of. It was, you know, humiliating. I was devastated.”
“Do you regret clipping that moment now?” questioned Kelly.
“I do. Had I known, I would have never clipped it. I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t leak it. Anyone else could have clipped it off.”
Kelly noted, “Even James O’Keefe has come out now saying you are not the leaker, that you were not the insider who gave this to him.”
“I just want my career back,” Bianco told Kelly.
During the hot mic clip, Robach claims ABC News killed the story for a multitude of reasons, including threats from Prince Andrew.
“I’ve had the story for three years. I’ve had this interview with Virginia Roberts. We would not put it on the air,” the ABC anchor says.  “… The Palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways. We were so afraid we wouldn’t be able to interview Kate and Will, that also quashed the story. And then Alan Dershowitz was also implicated in it because of the planes. She told me everything. She had pictures, she had everything. She was in hiding for 12 years. We convinced her to come out. We convinced her to talk to us. It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything.”


Bloomberg To Deploy Unconventional Strategy In Hopes Of Winning Democratic Primary

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who is reportedly considering entering the 2020 presidential election as a Democrat, plans on skipping the early primary states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada – believing that he would not possess a realistic chance of winning those states due to his late entry into the race.

The Associated Press reported that Bloomberg will instead focus his efforts on trying to dominate the competition in Super Tuesday states and beyond.

The AP reports: 
The early states offer just a small percentage of the delegates needed to clinch the Democratic nomination. But victories there typically give candidates crucial momentum that helps carry them into bigger states with more delegates on the line.
Bloomberg is calculating that he could build an advantage in those states now with his ability to quickly pour money into staff, television advertising and other campaign operations while other candidates are competing elsewhere.
 In a statement, Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson said: “If we run, we are confident we can win in states voting on Super Tuesday and beyond, where we will start on an even footing. But the late timing of our entry means that many candidates already have a big head start in the four early states, where they’ve spent months and months campaigning and spending money.”
Democrat strategist Bill Carrick told the AP that he thinks Bloomberg’s decision to skip the early voting states is a bad idea.
“I don’t think you can just hopscotch around the calendar to suit your own political purposes,” Carrick said. “You skip the early states, you’re going to have a difficult time. I don’t see any evidence that strategy ever works.”
President Donald Trump mocked Bloomberg on Friday while talking to reporters at the White House.
“I’ve known Michael Bloomberg for a long time. If you go back early on, he had – he said a lot of great things about Trump,” Trump said. “But I know Michael. He became just a nothing. He was really a nothing. He’s not going to do well, but I think he’s going to hurt Biden, actually. But he doesn’t have the magic to do well.”
“Little Michael will fail. He’ll spend a lot of money. He’s got some really big issues, he’s got some personal problems, and he’s got a lot of other problems,” Trump continued. “But I know Michael Bloomberg fairly well – not too well, fairly well – well enough. He will not do very well. And if he did, I’d be happy. There is nobody I’d rather run against than Little Michael, that I can tell you.”
Trump has referred to Bloomberg as “Little” for a long time.
In 2016, Trump tweeted: “‘Little Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!”
"Little" Michael Bloomberg, who never had the guts to run for president, knows nothing about me. His last term as Mayor was a disaster!
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Trump added, “If Michael Bloomberg ran again for Mayor of New York, he wouldn’t get 10% of the vote – they would run him out of town! #NeverHillary”
If Michael Bloomberg ran again for Mayor of New York, he wouldn't get 10% of the vote - they would run him out of town!
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Earlier this year, when asked about running for office, Bloomberg suggested that he was too old to do so, and that if he wanted to, he would not be successful “unless I was willing to change all my views and go on what CNN called ‘an apology tour.’”
Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg in March of this year said that he was *too old* to run for president and that he would not be successful “unless I was willing to change all my views and go on what CNN called ‘an apology tour’”
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Friday 8 November 2019

Kanye West tells innovation seminar he is running for president in 2024, is designing algae-based Yeezys and is considering changing his name to 'Christian Genius Billionaire'

Kanye West has revealed he will run for president for 2024 and talked about his new line of biodegradable shoes made from algae and potentially changing his name.
In an enlightening 35-minute talk at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York City on Thursday, West let loose a series of bizarre and intriguing revelations that have become synonymous with his brand.
West’s presidential run, which first speculated in 2015 during the MTV Video Music Awards, came back full circle when he mentioned bringing Yeezy factories to America. 
Kanye West (right) and lead Yeezy designer Steve Smith (left) showed off a pair of biodegradable Yeezy shoes made of algae from ponds
Kanye West (right) and lead Yeezy designer Steve Smith (left) showed off a pair of biodegradable Yeezy shoes made of algae from ponds
West began his sentence, ‘When I run for president in 2024…,’ before the room of 500 laughed.
‘What y’all laughing at?’ Kanye asked before staring at the audience.
He said: ‘When I run for president in 2024 we would have created so many jobs I’m not going to run, I’m going to walk.’
Before that West, accompanied by lead Yeezy designer Steve Smith, took the stage and began their seminar by diving into the eco-friendly direction of the shoe company.
Holding examples of their biodegradable shoes, they revealed they will make their debut in the upcoming Yeezy Foam runner silhouette.
Smith explained the shoes were made of a hybrid of EVA and has a foam created from algae harvested from ponds.
EVA, or Ethylene vinyl acetate, is a type of biodegradable plstic that is flexible and resistant to ultraviolet radiation. 
‘Eco concerns are intersecting with what we do. This is just the beginning of the future Kanye envisioned for us to start,’ Smith said.
Yeezy’s headquarters have reportedly been moved to Cody, Wyoming, where it sits on a 40,000 acre ranch with other properties that will include farms.
West's Yezzy headquarters was previously in Calabasas, California.   
‘We’re going to be farming and going seed to sew. And have our own cotton-hydroponic farm… and getting into less [environmental] impact with the dyes.’ 
West admits Yeezy’s signature colors are a large part of the brand, but dyes are one of the main processes affecting nature.
West (pictured) said he plans to run for president in 2024 after publicly making the claim in 2015
West (pictured) said he plans to run for president in 2024 after publicly making the claim in 2015
‘Our color is a big signature of the brand, but also dyeing is one of the main things that's impacting the planet and the fashion industry, so just being responsible from A to Z,’ he said.
A major goal for his company is to bring jobs from overseas manufacturer within the next two years.
‘Our goal is to bring the manufacturing back to America, South America and North America, to bring it back stateside and also present jobs for people back here.’
West's wife, Kim Kardashian (pictured), was present during his seminar at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York City on Thursday
West's wife, Kim Kardashian (pictured), was present during his seminar at the Fast Company Innovation Festival in New York City on Thursday 
At one point, West jokingly said he might change his name to 'Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West'
At one point, West jokingly said he might change his name to 'Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West'
West added: ‘We took the word “try” out of it and we just “do,” like Yoda says.’
Also, West alluded to changing his name to lead Yeezy designer Steve Smith.’
After mentioning years of personal struggle, which he refers to as ‘Vietnam’, he jokingly said he might defy the idea that it’s crass to refer to oneself as a billionaire.
He said: ‘Now that I’ve made it through Vietnam, when Forbes wants to call me a centimillionaire and people say it’s crass to call yourself a billionaire, I might legally change my name to Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West.’
It’s unclear when the biodegradable shoes will be officially launched or if West will officially change his name.

Sessions Has First TV Interview Since Leaving Trump Admin, Announces Senate Run

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Thursday night that he is launching a campaign to run for U.S. Senate again in Alabama, telling Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that he wants to go to war for the Trump administration in the Senate.
“I have some convictions that I think need to be pushed. We need to get some Republicans moving,” Sessions told Carlson, “They haven’t been pushing hard enough to advance the Trump agenda. And so, that what I look forward to doing, and I think I can contribute to that.”
“So, politics famously intruded on your tenure at the Department of Justice,” Carlson responded. “We can get into that in a minute, but it raised the question of your relationship with President Trump, which I think you address fairly directly in a new political ad-”
After Carlson aired Sessions’ new campaign video, Session responded, “When I left President Trump’s cabinet, did I write a tell-all book? No. Did I go on CNN and attack the president? Nope. Have I said a cross word about our president? Not one time. And I’ll tell you why. First, that would be dishonorable. I was there to serve his agenda, not mine. Second the president is doing a great job – for America and Alabama. And he has my strong support.”
“He has your strong support. Do you have his strong support?” Carlson asked.
Sessions replied, “Well, I hope so. I think he will respect my work. I was there for the Trump agenda every day I was in the Senate. No doubt about it; I was the first Republican — first senator to endorse him.”
Former AG Jeff Sessions is running for Senate in Alabama again and he's running as a big supporter of President Trump. But will he get the support from @realdonaldtrump?

"I hope so," Sessions tells Tucker Carlson.

Great, in-depth interview by Tucker here.
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Transcript of Jeff Sessions’ interview with Tucker Carlson provided via Fox News:
Tucker Carlson, FOX News Channel Host: Until not long ago, he served as attorney general of the United States. Tonight, he’s speaking on camera for the first time since he left the Trump administration. There are currently rumors swirling that he could run for the Senate seat that he held for two decades. Will he do that? Jeff Sessions joins us on set tonight. Senator, thanks so much for coming on.
Jeff Sessions, Former Attorney General: Thank you, Tucker and good to be with you.
Tucker Carlson: Are you running for Senate?
Jeff Sessions: Yes, we’ll file our papers tomorrow.
Tucker Carlson: So, you are running for the seat that you held. You’re, I think after the coach of the Alabama football team, the most popular person in the state when you left. Do you regret that you left in the first place?
Jeff Sessions: Well, I had a great tenure at the Department of Justice in so many different ways, and I don’t ever worry about regretting things like that. We were able to serve, push the Trump agenda in and honorable way and it was actually a great experience. I spent 15 years in the department.
Tucker Carlson: Yep
Jeff Sessions: So, I don’t regret that, and it was an honor to serve. And it’s not my seat in the Senate, but I believe I have something to give. I have some convictions that I think need to be pushed. We need to get some Republicans moving. They haven’t been pushing hard enough to advance the Trump agenda. And so, that what I look forward to doing, and I think I can contribute to that.
Tucker Carlson: So, politics famously intruded on your tenure at the Department of Justice. We can get into that in a minute, but it raised the question of your relationship with President Trump, which I think you address fairly directly in a new political ad. I don’t know if this has aired anywhere until now, but here it is.
Jeff Sessions: When I left President Trump’s cabinet, did I write a tell-all book? No. Did I go on CNN and attack the president? Nope. Have I said a cross word about our president? Not one time. And I’ll tell you why. First, that would be dishonorable. I was there to serve his agenda, not mine. Second the president is doing a great job – for America and Alabama. And he has my strong support.
Tucker Carlson: He has your strong support. Do you have his strong support?
Jeff Sessions: Well, I hope so. I think he will respect my work. I was there for the Trump agenda every day I was in the Senate. No doubt about it; I was the first Republican — first senator to endorse him.
Tucker Carlson: Yes.
Jeff Sessions: We pushed his immigration agenda, his trade agenda, and began to work to a more realistic foreign policy, that doesn’t get us in endless wars. I think he was right about all three of those.
Tucker Carlson: Yes.
Jeff Sessions: That’s where the American people are. And this Republican Congress — and the whole Congress — needs to listen to that.
Tucker Carlson: Well, ironically, you were one of the — by my count — one of the very few people in the administration who agreed with him on his signature issues. Most didn’t, and worked to undermine them, as we’ve seen, for three years. But you got into it on the question of Russia. You recused yourself from the investigation. He was furious about it; he’s never stopped complaining. He’s — recently was complaining about it. Do you regret that decision?
Jeff Sessions: No. I did the thing I had to do under the rules of the Department of Justice. I — the senior advisers told me that the rules required, the regulations required. And I read them, and I don’t think there was any out for me. But I know how painful it was for the president. This is — the whole thing was very painful for him, and he saw this as a pivotal moment. But painful and as prolonged as it was, it did clear him of Russian collusion, and I’m certainly glad that finally happened.
Tucker Carlson: He’s very popular in the state of Alabama, as you know, and as your ad suggests. You don’t want him to come out against you, of course. Are you going to talk to him about it?
Jeff Sessions: Well, I do — I will, and I look forward to having that opportunity. It hasn’t been provided at this moment, but I would like to be able to go to the people of Alabama and tell them, with all honesty, “I believe in this agenda.” I was for this agenda before President Trump announced –
Tucker Carlson: That’s true.
Jeff Sessions: I supported it when he was president — when he was running for president. I supported him. And if I return to the Senate, I will — no senator in the Senate will be more effective in advancing President Trump’s agenda than I would be.
Tucker Carlson: I believe that, and I was there before Trump arose, and you were making the same case that he’s making now. What about your fellow Republicans who remain in the Senate? Do you think, after three years, they buy the Trump agenda?
Jeff Sessions: [unintelligible] — I think some of them are still standoff-ish, and some of them almost give the impression that maybe he’ll just fail or it won’t happen, and we won’t have to –
Tucker Carlson: Yeah.
Jeff Sessions: — deal with it. But ending lawlessness at the border is a bipartisan overwhelming issue. Standing up to China. Defending American manufacturing. Standing up against cheating, and fraud, and abuse. It’s a bipartisan, powerful issue. Trump is right on both of those. And if — and long wars. I saw recently that veterans opposed — didn’t think military efforts in Iraq were justified, by 64 percent. The American people think we are too committed in too many endless wars. President Trump is right about that. So, I think this represents some change for the Republican establishment — and many of the Democrats are totally opposed to it. But we should be able to put together a majority. We should drive these issues — we can take it to the American people and name names, and show who’s for what, and make them vote –
Tucker Carlson: Oh –
Jeff Sessions: That’s what I’d like to see us doing.
Tucker Carlson: Naming names would be a great public service. Quickly, we move from Russia to Ukraine. The president apparently is going to be impeached. What do you make of that?
Jeff Sessions: I just cannot see an impeachment case here. It’s just been a continuous political attack on him from day one, things that people have done that are perfectly innocent. I felt some of that myself — or created and twisted to be something evil and improper. And I believe the president has conducted himself in this matter within the law, and I don’t believe there’s anything close to an impeachment case. I think the Democrats will basically vote it, it looks like, slink away –
Tucker Carlson: Yeah.
Jeff Sessions: – and let the Senate reject it.
Tucker Carlson: Senator, Attorney General, and now, once again, Senate candidate, Jeff Sessions. Thank you for coming on tonight.

Jeff Sessions: Thank you, Tucker. Godspeed.