
Friday 8 November 2019

BREAKING: Obama’s Ukraine Ambassador Allegedly Lied Under Oath In Impeachment Inquiry, Congressman Suggests

Marie Yovanovitch, who was appointed to be the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine by former President Barack Obama, allegedly made false statements under oath during her October 11 closed-door testimony in House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry.
“Before the contents of the whistleblower complaint were known publicly, a Democratic congressional staffer contact the former American ambassador to Ukraine to discuss what the staffer described as ‘quite delicate and time sensitive questions,'” Fox News’ Tucker Carlson exclusively reported.
“This show has obtained exclusively an email for that Democratic staffer for the House Foreign Affairs Committee sent by private email to the former American ambassador Marie Yovanovitch,” Carlson continued. “Yovanovitch, you know, is a key player in the Democrats’ impeachment probe and was recalled from her post in Ukraine by President Trump in May 2019 following allegations of serious partisanship and political bias.”
The email Carlson obtained states:
I’m writing to see if you would have time to meet up for a chat — in particular, I’m hoping to discuss some Ukraine-related oversight questions we are exploring. I’d appreciate the change to ground-truth a few pieces of information with you, some of which are quite delicate/time-sensitive and, thus, we want to make sure we get them right.
“That email was sent on August 14, that was two days after the whistleblower complaint was filed and a month before that complaint became public,” Carlson stated. “The whistleblower, however, went to Adam Schiff’s team before filing the complaint.”
“The question is, did Schiff’s office tell other Democrats on Capitol Hill what was in the complaint?” Carlson continued. “In other words, how long did this effort play out in secret before the rest of the country learned of it?”
Carlson noted that Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) asked Marie Yovanovitch about the email during her testimony and she allegedly stated that she never responded to the email.
“In fact, it turns out that she did respond,” Carlson revealed. “She said she ‘looked forward to chatting with [the Democratic staffer].”
“As Congressmen Zeldin pointed out, the ambassador’s original answer, which was dishonest, was given under oath,” Carlson concluded.
Zeldin confirmed Carlson’s segment on Twitter, writing: “It appears Ambassador Yovanovitch did not accurately answer this question I asked her during her ‘impeachment inquiry’ deposition under oath.”
Zeldin included the following excerpts from Yovanovitch’s testimony in his tweet:
MR. ZELDIN: When was the last time you had communicated with that person?
MS. YOVANOVITCH: Well , I should actually clarify. So she emailed me. I alerted the State Department and, you know, asked them to handle the correspondence. And she emailed me again and said, you know, who should I be in touch with?
MR. ZELDIN: To try to get you to come in and testify to the House Foreign Affairs Committee?
MS. Y0VAN0VITCH: It wasn’t clear to me whether it was going to be whether this was a discussion with her, whether this was a discussion with other staffers, whether it was a deposition. I mean, it just didn’t get that far, because I transferred that information to the State Department lawyers well, H, actually.
MR. ZELDIN: And what specifically was she asking you to speak about?
MS. YOVANOVITCH: I think I think it was the circumstances of my departure, or maybe she just kept it more general and said to catch up, but I understood it as that.
MR. ZELDIN: Do you know if she had reached out to other people about that?
MS. YOVAN0VITCH: I don’t know
MR. ZELDIN: And you one more time. And what did you do after you received the email?
MS. YOVANOVITCH: I alerted the State Department, because I’m still an employee and so matters are generally handled through the State Department.
MR. ZELDIN: Was that person responded to by you or someone else?
MS . YOVAN0VITCH: I believe, yes, by [redacted] in the Legislative Affairs office.
MR. ZELDIN: Did you receive any subsequent requests to testify to the House Foreign Affairs Committee or to come in
to speak to someone at the House Foreign Affairs Committee following that initial email? Was there any follow-up?
MS. YOVANOVITCH: Well, as I said, there was the second email where she said, oh, okay, you know, who should I be
talking to? I didn’t respond to that email, because I had already transferred everything to the State Department and I figured they would be in touch, and they were.
Fox News’ Gregg Re later reported that Yovanovitch replied to the staffer, identified by Fox News as Laura Carey, saying she “would love to reconnect and look forward to chatting with you.”
“I would highly suspect that this Democratic staffer’s work was connected in some way to the whistleblower’s effort, which has evolved into this impeachment charade,” Zeldin told Fox News on Thursday night. “We do know that the whistleblower was in contact with [House Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff’s team before the whistleblower had even hired an attorney or filed a whistleblower complaint even though Schiff had lied to the public originally claiming that there was no contact. Additionally, while the contents of the email from this staffer to Ambassador Yovanovitch clearly state what the conversation would be regarding, Yovanovitch, when I asked her specifically what the staffer was looking to speak about, did not provide these details.”

“I specifically asked her whether the Democratic staffer was responded to by Yovanovitch or the State Department,” Zeldin concluded. “It is greatly concerning that Ambassador Yovanovitch didn’t answer my question as honestly as she should have, especially while under oath.”

CRIMINALS FIRST: De Blasio Giving Away 900 Mets Tickets To Convicts. Seriously.

On Sunday, it was learned by The New York Post that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, has plans to release nearly 900 inmates before the new year, days before a new bail-reform law takes effect.
But the criminals don’t just get early release; New York City mayor and failed 2020 presidential candidate Bill de Blasio is sweetening the deal, the Post reported, by giving the convicts free Mets tickets, gift cards, and movie passes to entice them into showing up for their court dates.
“You’re literally rewarding them for committing a crime,’’ a senior staffer in Manhattan Criminal Court told the New York outlet.
And it gets better. De Blasio has admitted that he’s not even sure how much the program will cost, or where the funds will come from to fund Convict Day in Citi Field Stadium.
“Mayor Bill de Blasio admitted Wednesday he has no idea how much his administration is spending on tickets to movies and Mets games used to entice accused criminals into returning for their mandated court appearances — three days after The Post revealed the program’s existence,” the Post reported Wednesday.
“I’m not aware of the specifics of the budgeting and how it works and where the funds come from,” the mayor said during a press conference.
The program is reportedly run by de Blasio’s “Office of Criminal Justice in conjunction with the not-for-profit Criminal Justice Agency,” the Post noted.
“In a world where want speedier trials, if small incentives are part of what actually makes it work then that’s a smart policy,” de Blasio argued.
Think the deal can’t get any sweeter for the law-abiding citizens of NY? Think again. The criminals who would potentially receive early release and score sweet Mets tickets have committed violent crimes, including homicide, according to the Post:
“The more than 400 offenses include such heinous acts as criminally negligent homicide, aggravated assault on a child under 11 and selling drugs on or near school grounds, according to a memo being circulated by prosecutors across the state and obtained by The Post.”
Trump reacted to the expected release of the criminals on Tuesday, writing via Twitter: “So sad to see what is happening in New York where Governor Cuomo & Mayor DeBlasio are letting out 900 Criminals, some hardened & bad, onto the sidewalks of our rapidly declining, because of them, city. The Radical Left Dems are killing our cities. NYPD Commissioner is resigning!”
So sad to see what is happening in New York where Governor Cuomo & Mayor DeBlasio are letting out 900 Criminals, some hardened & bad, onto the sidewalks of our rapidly declining, because of them, city. The Radical Left Dems are killing our cities. NYPD Commissioner is resigning!
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The New York City mayor was once a 2020 hopeful, but his dismal polling triggered him to drop out of the race in September.
“Getting out there, being able to hear people’s concerns, address them with new ideas, has been an extraordinary experience,” de Blasio said at the time, as noted by The Daily Wire. “But I have to tell you, at the same time, I feel like I’ve contributed all I can to this primary election and it’s clearly not my time so I’m going to end my presidential campaign.”
Trump was quick to mock the short-lived run, tweeting:
“Oh no, really big political news, perhaps the biggest story in years! Part time Mayor of New York City, @BilldeBlasio, who was polling at a solid ZERO but had tremendous room for growth, has shocking [sic] dropped out of the Presidential race. NYC is devastated, he’s coming home!”

Oh no, really big political news, perhaps the biggest story in years! Part time Mayor of New York City, @BilldeBlasio, who was polling at a solid ZERO but had tremendous room for growth, has shocking dropped out of the Presidential race. NYC is devastated, he’s coming home!
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William Shatner Gets In Twitter Feud With Millennial Who Said ‘Ok Boomer’

The “Ok Boomer” trend has become so ubiquitous that even celebrities like William Shatner are fighting back against millennials employing it as a term of dismissal.
On Wednesday, the “Star Trek” actor got into a heated exchange with a millennial Twitter user who employed the dismissive “Ok Boomer” insult in response to a comment Shatner made about internet trolls.
“Sweetheart, that’s a compliment for me,” wrote Shatner, who, by definition, is not a boomer considering his 1931 birthday.
“I’m not really into pejoratives, but what’s the term for people when they can’t interpret a joke?” the user replied, as reported by Fox News.
“Millennial?” replied Shatner. “I feel it’s like one of those childish insults in fandom that seem to affect the delicate types to the point they meltdown & go over the rest of our heads as something ridiculous. If the person posting it thinks they are making a dig; they are the fools.”
The conversation got more heated when another user jumped into the fray to say that the term “Ok Boomer” is “not for the boomers that understand sh–. It’s for the ignorant ones like you.”
Shatner protested, arguing that Baby Boomers are fully capable of understanding the struggles of life.
“And just what are we ignorant about Courtney? We don’t understand struggles? War? Depressions (economic not personal)? Inflation? Double digit prime interest rates?” Shatner responded.
The user then argued that the insult is directed toward Boomers who fail to recognize that millennials are not the ones who created the difficult economic and social climate.
“I wouldn’t think you’d be one of the ignorant ones, but ok,” said the user. “It’s for the boomers who don’t realize that the hardships that the millennials inherited are not their fault. That these kids are trying to survive a world that has all but been destroyed and that doesn’t make them lazy
Shatner then accused the user of blaming others and throwing a pity party.
“And the meek shall inherit… is that all your generation does is point fingers and blame others for their pity parties? You don’t get a participation trophy for life; you take what you get and play your best hand. It’s been that way since forever,” responded Shatner.
Shatner later said that a generational label should not define a person, warning against the poison that comes with blaming others for their problem.
“I said I’d wear that badge with honor. Unlike you; the generations designation doesn’t define me nor am I too worried about getting labeled because it makes no difference to me. You seemed to be obsessed; blaming other gens. Some millennials are pushing 40. You aren’t kids,” Shatner wrote.
“Her bio says she’s an actress. No production wants someone who blames their situation on everyone else. That’s Divaesque. She entitled to her opinion but she isn’t doing herself any favors by pretending she’s siding with millennials while pretending she’s not one,” he concluded.
The “Ok Boomer” trend has become a viral sensation across social media in recent days, prompting top publications to cover the social phenomenon that has divided generations.  Caitlin Fisher, author of “The Gaslighting of the Millennial Generation,” said the phrase stems from the frustration that millennials feel with being stuck.

“Millennials have faced extraordinary levels of student loan debt only to be told that they need to take unpaid internships or cobble together a living wage with part-time work, [and] when we dare to complain, the boomers tell us that in their day, they put in their time and we have to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps,” said Fisher. “Yet the world they are leaving for us is a deck stacked against us. The minimum wage is not livable, health care costs are exorbitant (while many boomers rely on tax-funded health care programs and simultaneously tell us that socialism will be the downfall of society), living and education expenses are increasing far faster than wages keep up, and we’re tired of being told we aren’t allowed to complain.”

Democrat Controlled Virginia ‘Working’ On Confiscating Guns From Law Abiding Citizens, Governor Says

Far-left Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam announced this week that he will aggressively work to implement extreme anti-gun laws in the state now that Democrats control the state, including confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens.
During a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Northam “mentioned universal background checks, banning the sale of [semi-automatic firearms] and high-capacity magazines, restoring the law that limits purchases to one gun a month, and a red flag law that would empower a court to temporarily remove a gun from a person deemed to be a risk to himself or others,” The Washington Post reported.
“We will at least start with those,” Northam said.
When asked about confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens, Northam responded “that’s something I’m working [on] with our secretary of public safety,” adding that he will work with anti-gun activists on the issue.
The Washington Free Beacon reported that during the recent election, Democrat candidates were silent on whether they supported Northam’s extreme gun confiscation plan. The Free Beacon reports:
Gun confiscation and other gun control measures have been part of Northam’s agenda, but took on increased importance after a picture of two men, one in blackface and the other in KKK robes, was uncovered on Northam’s page in a medical school yearbook. In his first major public appearance after the scandal broke, Northam called for a special session of the legislature in order to reconsider his gun control package, following the recent strategy used by prominent liberals of pivoting to gun control after brushes with controversy.
Democrats have a strong incentive, in the form of millions in dark money, to implement new gun control laws. In each of the last three election cycles, Everytown for Gun Safety—backed by billionaire Michael Bloomberg—and other gun control groups have spent large sums of money backing Democrats. Everytown spent $2.5 million to help push Democrats into the majority in Virginia, while the National Rifle Association spent just $300,000 supporting Republicans, according to CNBC.
Northam is not the only leftist politician who has used the issue of control to distract from a racist blackface scandal.
On September 18, TIME reported that left-wing Canadian leader Justin Trudeau had appeared in numerous racist blackface photos, a scandal that nearly cost him his elected office.
However, just two days after the scandal broke, Trudeau immediately pivoted to pushing for far-left gun control policies, including banning handguns.
Trudeau tweeted, “Thoughts and prayers are not enough. We will ban all military-style assault rifles, give municipalities the ability to restrict or ban handguns, and strengthen gun control.”
Thoughts and prayers are not enough. We will ban all military-style assault rifles, give municipalities the ability to restrict or ban handguns, and strengthen gun control.
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On Thursday, it was reported that Bloomberg was preparing to run for president in 2020 after seeing Joe Biden’s campaign falter.
A New York Times analysis of Bloomberg’s gun control views from a few years ago found that his views are far outside anything that is considered to be mainstream:
His flagship bill is New York Senator Charles Schumer’s “Fix Gun Checks Act.” The proposal follows model language from Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” campaign. According to my analysis of the bill, this version of background checks would outlaw loaning a firearm to one’s spouse or sibling for two weeks. Or sharing a firearm on one’s property — such was target shooting with a guest, or loaning a gun to a ranch hand. And sharing guns while target shooting on federal land where it is allowed, such as on National Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management property.
The bill would felonize a couple who are not legally married, but who share firearms at a target range. Or a member of the Army Reserve who is summoned to overseas deployment, and who stored personal guns with a sibling or a trusted friend. Also criminalized is the friend who lends a gun to a stalking victim for a few days.
John Tkazyik, former Mayor of Poughkeepsie in New York, belonged to one of Bloomberg’s gun control groups until he realized how extreme the group was and that their goal was to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens. Tkazyik wrote in 2014:

I’m no longer a member of [Mayors Against Illegal Guns]. Why? Just as Ronald Reagan said of the Democratic Party, it left me. And I’m not alone: Nearly 50 pro-Second Amendment mayors have left the organization. They left for the same reason I did. MAIG became a vehicle for Bloomberg to promote his personal gun-control agenda — violating the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and taking resources away from initiatives that could actually work to protect our neighborhoods and save precious lives. Gun control will actually make a bad situation worse.
It did not take long to realize that MAIG’s agenda was much more than ridding felons of illegal guns; that under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens. I don’t believe, never have believed and never will believe that public safety is enhanced by encroaching on our right to bear arms, and I will not be a part of any organization that does. [emphasis added]

‘We’re At War’: Don Jr. Joins Rush Limbaugh And Unloads On The Left

After stopping by “The View” on Thursday morning, Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, joined conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh and unloaded on the Left.
Asked about the constant attacks from Democrats and their allies and media, Don Jr. made clear that he sees no letting up anytime soon, telling Limbaugh, bluntly, “we’re at war.”
“We’re at war, and we’re at war for our freedoms,” Don Jr. said. “We’re at war for our culture. You know, this is the largest divide between the two political parties in the history of the country. You know, I write a lot in the book about socialism and communism, ’cause my mother escaped from it. You know, I grew up with grandparents that lived through that stuff. You know, I spent summers in what was then communist Czechoslovakia. I can tell you those bread lines that Bernie talks about are not nearly so wonderful.”
Zeroing-in on the mainstream media, Don Jr. said the “case” for impeaching his father was made 19 minutes after he was elected president.
The push for impeachment “began on November 9th when he did the unthinkable, which was to beat the establishment,” he told the iconic radio host. “The Washington Post dropped their first headline about it 19 minutes after the inauguration, ‘The Case for Impeaching Trump.’ Nineteen minutes, Rush, you know, that was about the amount of time that it took Obama to get nominated for the peace prize.”
“The press took an eight-year vacation,” the Trump son added. “It’s why they’re so energized now. Under the Obama administration there was nothing he could do wrong, regardless of the idiocy of the some of the policies.”
While on the program, Don Jr. made it a point to outline the difference between him and former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden. Hunter made tens of thousands of dollars a month serving on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies while his father was serving as vice president, despite Hunter’s glaring lack of qualifications.
“They go, ‘Well, Donald Trump Jr., he’s also the son of a guy with a famous last name and he capitalized on it,’ and I go, ‘Yeah, I know. A hundred percent,'” Don Jr. started. “I don’t even hide from that. But we did it at private citizens, as capitalists. We didn’t utilize… We were international businesspeople, Rush, for two decades. This is what I did.”
“When my father won, he said, ‘We will not do any new international deals going forward,'” he explained. “Hunter Biden — who’d never done any deals in his life — magically becomes this international businessman.”
“[Hunter] knows nothing about oil and gas,” added Don Jr. “He doesn’t speak Ukrainian. Minor details. But he’s willing to take $83,000 a month. You know, he had six weeks to prep for that ABC interview and he still didn’t know why the heck he got the job.”
The 41-year-old also shared a comical anecdote that was featured in his new book, “Triggered.” The Trump son recalled getting a call from the White House and being connected to his father, only to be scolded for being too aggressive on social media. Don Jr. laughed telling the story, noting of his father’s reputation for using his Twitter account with, at times, little caution:
One of the interesting stories in the book is my father actually calling me, and I get the call from the White House. “This is White House operator. The president would like to speak to you.”
“Hey, Dad. What’s going on?”
“Don, you’re getting a little aggressive on social media these days.”
I go, “Wait a minute, Dad. (laughing) Dad, I love you. I love you very much. I respect you dearly. I will listen to you on just about anything. This may be the one place, the one place where we may cede a little bit of the high ground here.” So I’ve had some fun with that.

Transcript via