
Thursday 7 November 2019

Lesbian Priest Tapped To Head Major Abortion Group, Calls Abortionists ‘Modern-Day Saints’

Last week, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) tapped Katherine Ragsdale, a lesbian Episcopal priest, as the international abortion organization’s new president and CEO.
“Today, the National Abortion Federation Board of Directors announced that The Very Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale has been named President and CEO,” NAF announced in a press release published on their website last Wednesday.
Ragsdale, who has been serving as the group’s interim president and CEO since September, gushed over the announcement, calling abortionists “heroes” and “modern-day saints.”
“It has been a great privilege to lead this organization for the last year and work alongside the incredible and dedicated NAF Board, staff, and membership,” the Christian leader said. “Abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day saints. It is an honor to be able to serve and support NAF members as they provide compassionate health care amid increasing attacks and challenges.”
“In her short time at NAF, Katherine has demonstrated her unwavering commitment to serving our members and her great vision for the future of NAF, the NAF Hotline Fund, and NAF Canada,” said NAF Board Chair Sue Carlisle. “After working with her for the last year, it was clear to the Board that the best person for the job was already leading the organization.”
The press release described Ragsdale as “an Episcopal priest who has been outspoken about abortion rights, LGBTQ equality, and public policy issues affecting women and families throughout her career.”
As noted by NAF, Ragsdale, who married fellow Episcopal priest Mally Lloyd in 2011, has previously advocated before the United States Congress for the murder of the unborn. The 60-year-old was also a featured speaker at the 2004 pro-abortion March for Women’s Lives demonstration in Washington, D.C., and has served on the national board of the “Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice” for 17 years.
According to the NAF press release, Ragsdale “has preached about how abortion is a blessing.”
Father Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life and president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, blasted Ragsdale as a “false prophet” following the NAF announcement.
“For decades, Katherine Ragsdale, a false prophet, has been trying to put religious vestments on child-killing,” Father Pavone told LifeSiteNews. “She led the ‘Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights’ (now the ‘Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice’), which actually provides rites of blessing for parents about to kill their children, and for the facilities in which the blood is shed.”
Pavone noted that NAF provides “Scripture studies that attempt to say exactly the opposite of what Scripture says about what God thinks of the shedding of innocent blood.”
“It actually reveals one of the greatest weaknesses of the abortion industry: Science is not on their side, logic is not on their side, and history is not on their side,” Pavone said of NAF’s decision on Ragsdale. “They ran out of arguments a long time ago to try to justify abortion. So now, all they have left is to disguise it in ‘spirituality.”
“They try in vain to take the stigma out of abortion — but that effort continues, and that is what this new development represents,” he added.

According to LifeSiteNews, Vicki Saporta, NAF’s last CEO and president, took in a salary of $392,018 in 2017. It’s unclear how much Ragsdale will be compensated.

Ohio Man Pleads Guilty To Plotting July 4th Terrorist Attack In Attempt To Aid Al Qaeda

An Ohio man has pleaded guilty in an attempt to provide material aid to by plotting a terrorist attack on July 4th.
The Maple Heights man, Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts (also known as Abdur Raheem Rafeeq and Salah ad-Deen Osama Waleed) spent two years expressing anti-American sentiments and a “desire to recruit people to kill Americans,” the Department of Justice said in a statement released Tuesday. Pitts, 50, “pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, threats against the President of the United States and threats against family members of the President of the United States,” the statement said.
After Pitts expressed a desire to meet someone in al Qaeda in June 2018, he was put in touch with an undercover FBI agent. The agent posed as a member of al Qaeda and met with Pitts that month in Walton Hills, Ohio. The two discussed Pitts’ plans to launch an attack that July 4th.
“I’m trying to figure out something that would shake them up on the 4th of July,” Pitt told the agent, according to the DOJ. He later said: “What would hit them at their core?  Blow up in the, have a bomb blow up in the 4th of July parade.”
Pitts planned to set off the bomb in Cleveland, and searched online for a map of the downtown area. Once he learned from what park the fireworks would be launched as part of the 4th of July holiday, he suggested that be the place of the bomb. The DOJ statement said Pitts was “pleased the park was near the U.S. Coast Guard station, the Army Corps of Engineers, and the Celebrezze Federal Building.”
Pitts told the undercover agent that he would go to Voinovich Park to take photos and video footage of the area for surveillance purposes. He also said he wanted to take a tour of the U.S. Coast Guard station to learn about the facility.
Pitts met with another undercover FBI official on June 25 to pick up supplies to conduct the surveillance efforts. The next day, he texted the first agent to say he completed his surveillance and wanted to “destroy the government.” He also expressed interest in traveling to his hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to look for places where someone else could execute a terrorist attack.
On June 27, Pitts again met with the FBI agent to discuss their plans to bomb the Fourth of July event.
“And I’m gonna be downtown when the – when the thing go off.  I’m gonna be somewhere cuz I wanna see it go off,” Pitts allegedly told the agent.
Pitts also made videos of himself on his phone pledging allegiance to al Qaeda. “We serve Allah . . . We fight our enemies.  We destroy them and destroy those who try to oppose…” he allegedly said in the videos. The phone also contained Pitts’ surveillance videos.
Just days before the attack was supposed to take place, Pitts was asked to explain his plans for an attack in Philadelphia. He was reminded at that time that people could die. He apparently replied; “I don’t care,” adding that he had “no regrets.”
Pitts also pleaded guilty to threatening to kill President Donald Trump and his family members.

“Pitts is scheduled to be sentenced on Feb. 11, 2020. Under the terms of his guilty plea, Pitts is likely to be sentenced to 14 years in prison followed by a lifetime of supervised release,” the DOJ statement said.

Stacey Abrams Tries To Walk Back ‘You Don’t Run For Second Place’ Remark, Is Now ‘Happy’ To Run For Second Place

Failed Democratic Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams walked back her remark that she doesn’t “run for second place” on Monday, declaring that she would now be “happy” to run as the Democratic presidential candidate’s running mate.
After reports emerged in March that top advisors to former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign discussed preemptively adding Abrams to the top of the ticket in an attempt to show Americans that Biden “isn’t just another old white guy,” Abrams quickly shot down the idea, stating that “you don’t run for second place.”
However, during an appearance at the University of Iowa, Abrams denied that she was ever against running alongside someone as a vice presidential pick, claiming that she was referring specifically to the primaries and not to the general election.
“But when I got the question [from reporters] I was, myself, contemplating my next steps,” Abrams said at an event commemorating 100 years of women’s suffrage. “And what I said was, you do not run in a primary for second place, so no, for whatever rumors are out there. However, I’m not in the primary, but you can run as second in the general election, and I am happy to do so with the nominee. That is my answer.”
Abrams has consistently maintained that she wants to advance her political career and has mulled over a number of options, including a second Georgia gubernatorial run in 2022 or a Senate or presidential run in 2020. She ruled out a Senate run in April, and subsequently announced in August that she would be abstaining from kicking off her own presidential run in favor of focusing her efforts on preventing voter suppression in the upcoming 2020 election.
The former Georgia state lawmaker revealed multiple times over the past few months that she would be “honored” to be considered a running mate to any Democratic nominee, but this is the first time she has tried to clarify her infamous remark about being second place.
While Abrams has never won a federal election, she has been widely promoted as a rising star within the Democratic Party. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer notably asked Abrams to give the Democratic response to the State of the Union address in January, making her the first black woman to have that honor. She has since been floated as a possible running mate to several Democratic presidential candidates.
Abrams is well-known for her consistent accusations of widespread voter suppression during the 2018 election cycle, which she has further claimed was racially motivated. Following Abrams’ loss, she appeared regularly on cable news shows and at private events to repeat those assertions. There has been no evidence to corroborate Abrams’ claims.
Accordingly, Abrams launched a new initiative called Fair Fight 2020. The organization is billed as a fighter for “free, fair, and secure elections,” though its goal is also to elect Democratic lawmakers. Fair Fight 2020 will only be working with Democratic state parties or local allies across the country, according to its website.
The initiative is seemingly an extension of Fair Fight Action, which was launched by Abrams after her loss to now-Gov. Brian Kemp to “pursue accountability in Georgia’s elections and integrity in the process of maintaining our voter rolls,” according to a press release.

Fair Fight Action sued the state of Georgia only two weeks after Abrams’ failed gubernatorial bid, alleging widespread voter suppression. However, the lawsuit condemns legislation that Abrams herself helped pass while she was a member of the Georgia State Assembly. The lawsuit is still ongoing.

Autistic Student Punished For Fist Bump And Selfie Will Get His Day In Court

In 2018, Saddleback College student Marcus Knight was suspended after he gave a female student a “fist bump” and took a “selfie” with another.

Knight, who is autistic and has cerebral palsy, often attempts to make friends with his classmates by taking selfies with them or offering fist bumps. His attempts at friendship are usually accepted, but in two cases, he was reported for Title IX violations. One of the women who reported Knight said he took 300 photos of her, but that was due to him pressing the “burst” option when taking the selfie. The student also claimed Knight “forcefully placed [his] hand on her shoulder while taking a selfie with her.”

Knight, due to his disabilities, has limited ability to recognize and understand social cues. His mother, Aurora Knight, started a GoFundMe account in an attempt to raise money for legal fees to fight Marcus’ suspension. The suspension ended up being overturned, but the negative marks still appear on his transcript.

As Aurora has said, Marcus never received a fair hearing. The investigator in his case had no formal training (though Title IX training is designed to find students responsible, so formal training likely would not have helped Marcus). No one testified against Marcus, yet he was found responsible.

Now, prolific Title IX attorney Mark Hathaway has taken Knight’s case. Toni Airaksinen, writing for The Post Millennial, reported that a hearing regarding Knight’s lawsuit will take place on November 18.

“We believe that Saddleback College failed to comply with the law and their own policy in improperly disciplining Marcus Knight and no sanctions should ever have been imposed against him,” Hathaway told Airaksinen.

The Daily Wire has spoken with Aurora Knight multiple times, and she always tears up when talking about what has happened to her son.

“Marcus is an amazing person! He has never ever been inappropriate with anyone. All he desires is to make friends and be treated like everyone else. He works so hard to keep up in a normal classroom setting. He works so hard to overcome his social obstacles. And the administration is throwing him on the cross to simply make him go away,” Aurora wrote on the GoFundMe page. “With his special needs, many people have tried to put him down over the years. He has fought for his right to have friends and an education. His one dream is to have a college degree and they are trying to take that from him unjustly.”

She told the Millennial that Marcus had “been robbed of two first years in college” and that Marcus’ “dreams have crashed.”

Marcus has resumed classes but must be accompanied by an assistant at all times. As Airaksinen reported, Marcus is taking four classes this semester and needs another six more to complete his associate’s degree. He eventually wants a Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theater. He currently sings at his local church group and with the school choir, but ever since the Title IX allegations against him, he has been nervous around other people.

“He was just trying to make a friend … and now he is so lonely,” Aurora told me earlier this year.

Aurora on Wednesday told me that the damage done to her son from the situation “is so deep,” yet she hopes their fight will help other disabled students who may face a similar situation given today’s environment.

“We hope that what we are doing now will open the door to others,” Aurora said.

BREAKING: Anonymous Author Of NYT Op-Ed Makes Wild Claim About Pence. Reporters Instantly Push Back On Claims.

The Trump administration official who wrote an anonymous op-ed in The New York Times last year attacking President Donald Trump says in a new book, which they also wrote anonymously, that Vice President Mike Pence would have supported using the 25th Amendment to remove the president.
“The much-anticipated book ‘A Warning,’ reportedly written by an unnamed senior White House official, claims that high-level White House aides were certain that Vice President Mike Pence would support the use of the 25th Amendment to have President Donald Trump removed from office because of mental incapacity,” HuffPost journalist Yashar Ali exclusively reported on Wednesday night after obtaining passages from the upcoming.
The source that provided the excerpts did so on the condition of anonymity and that HuffPost could not publish direct quotes from the book since excerpts from the book are scheduled to be released in a couple of weeks.
“According to Anonymous, there was no doubt in the minds of these senior officials that Pence would support invoking the 25th Amendment if the majority of the Cabinet signed off on it,” HuffPost added. “The discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment took place, according to the book, soon after FBI Director James Comey was fired by the president. Comey’s firing, which was done without any warning or consultation with Congress, led to the appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller, who was charged with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and possible obstruction of the probe from the Trump administration.”
Katie Waldman, the press secretary for Pence, responded to the news report by tweeting: “FAKE NEWS.”
A top Trump ally in the White House responded to the report by telling The Daily Wire: “Whoever anonymous is, assuming this is actually in the book, has exposed themselves as a complete fraud. Anyone who knows the Vice President knows that he would never tolerate such talk and any such person would immediately be shown the door.”
Marc Lotter, Trump 2020 Director of Strategic Communications, responded to the story by writing on Twitter, “This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. I served as @VPPressSec at the time. Anyone who gives this nonsense any credibility does not know @VP @mike_pence .”
After the story broke, numerous reporters from mainstream news publications that are often critical of the president immediately pushed back on the claims being made by the anonymous Trump administration official in the book.
Josh Marshall, Editor and Publisher of TPM, tweeted: “I confess this sounds more like resistance fanfic than anything real. Did they have the Marshal of the Supreme a court on board?”
Axios reporter Jonathan Swan wrote: “Anybody who covers Pence knows this is an absurd claim.”
Washington Post White House reporter Josh Dawsey agreed with Swan, writing: “What Mr Swan said.”
Far-left MSNBC analyst Matthew Miller tweeted: “Not sure I believe this, but I bet Trump will!”
Josh Jordan tweeted: “I have a very hard time believing this, but this book is going to provide some fireworks in what has been a calm, boring news cycle.”
Vice News reporter Elizabeth Landers tweeted: “A source close to the Vice President: ‘There is zero chance this is accurate.'”
Conservative commentator Erick Erickson tweeted: “This is delusional nonsense. If this anonymous person really believed this, he has zero credibility.”

Daily Mail Editor David Martosko tweeted: “The idea that Mike Pence would stand up and support a 25th Amendment strategy is beyond bizarre, bordering on lunatic. Not exactly encouraging for the anonymous author’s credibility.”

Whitney Houston’s Best Friend Claims They Had A Lesbian Relationship In New Memoir

Cashing in on the era of posthumous celebrity gossip, the late-Whitney Houston’s former best friend Robyn Crawford has now claimed in an explosive memoir that the two engaged in a lesbian relationship in the early-80s.
According to People, Crawford writes in her memoir, “A Song For You: My Life with Whitney Houston,” that she is now sharing this new information about their alleged romantic affair so that the world would know the real Whitney Houston.
“I’d come to the point where I felt the need to stand up for our friendship. And I felt an urgency to stand up and share the woman behind the incredible talent,” says Crawford.
The two apparently met in 1980 when Crawford was 19 (Houston almost 17) while both serving as counselors at an East Orange, New Jersey summer camp. Crawford recalls telling Houston, “I’m going to look out for you.” For the next two decades, Crawford would become Whitney Houston’s closest confidant as she rose to international stardom.
“We wanted to be together, and that meant just us,” Crawford says of the relationship, which allegedly ended after Houston signed a record deal with Clive Davis at Arista.
Crawford said that while their friendship carried on, their “physical” relationship ended after when Whitney Houston bequeathed her a slate blue Bible one day in 1982, claiming that people would use their alleged intimacy against them. Crawford also claims that Whitney Houston’s gospel singer mother, Cissy Houston, highly disapproved of their being together.
“She said we shouldn’t be physical anymore, because it would make our journey even more difficult,” Crawford writes in the memoir.  “She said if people find out about us, they would use this against us, and back in the ’80s that’s how it felt.”
“I kept it safe. I found comfort in my silence,” she continues. “Whitney told me her mother said it wasn’t natural for two women to be that close but we were that close.”
We never talked about labels, like lesbian or gay,” adds Crawford. “We just lived our lives and I hoped it could go on that way forever.”
Crawford said that Whitney “loved” her and the feeling was mutual: “Whitney knows I loved her and I know she loved me. We really meant everything to each other. We vowed to stand by each other.”
Crawford now lives with her partner, talent agency executive Lisa Hintlemann. She hopes the memoir will “life” Houston’s legacy to a new horizon.
“I wanted to lift her legacy, give her respect and share the story of who she was before the fame, and in that, to embrace our friendship,” writes Crawford.
As stated earlier, Crawford’s memoir comes during a trend of posthumous celebrity gossip, which took a wild turn last year when former Hollywood sex worker 95-year-old Scotty Bowers, claimed that he had sex with Cary Grant and arranged lesbian hook-ups for Katherine Hepburn.
“I f****d Bette Davis in World War II when she was married to a guy,” Bowers claimed in a documentary. “I used to fix her up with tricks, and we used to have three-way deals. I went to bed with J. Edgar Hoover. He was in drag. He was not a great beauty either, you know, but I was treating him just like he was a girl.”
Earlier this year, an explosive book from journalist Craig Bennett also claimed that actor Mickey Rooney “wore out” the casting couch during his Hollywood heyday, though Rooney’s daughter, Kelly Rooney, strongly rebuked this depiction of her father.

“It saddens me people have to reach back, look at some of these amazing Hollywood legends and tear them down,” Kelly told Fox News. “It’s just like what’s happening in politics — everyone’s gotta tear everybody down. I would love to stay away from that type of negativity and instead show a respectful light on my father, just like any of his children would.”