
Wednesday 28 March 2018

Events That Show Us What Pure Joy Is (25 Pics)

The time a cat showed a baby the right way to do bathtime. 

A World War II veteran coming out to cheer at a race. 

The day this puppy discovered his lifelong passion for kiddie pools. 

The day this baby learned that you can hug dogs. 

This brilliant exercise in balancing. 

The day this man showed an entire stadium what it means to be free.
This fitting celebration for a perfect shot.
A hockey player making this kid’s day.
A hockey player making this kid’s entire year.
And Novak Djokovic doing the same for this ball boy.
The great owl-petting incident.

The day someone invented this excellent jump-and-hug game.
The greatest gift ever.

The day when this young man discovered bubbles.
And this young lady discovered her chemistry with puppets.
This cake-throwing incident.

The moment this partnership was formed.

And the now-legendary day when this banana enthusiast received the greatest gift ever.
The great golden retriever road trip across America.
All of the animals at once.
The moment when this girl decided to take a puppy bath.
The time this young man got a 10/10 on his first-ever slip-and-slide.
This corgi bringing joy to an elderly man.
The day this kitten was adopted.

The day when this baby discovered the ineffable wonders of passports. 

Tuesday 27 March 2018

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un in China, claim reports

Speculation intensified Tuesday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un was in Beijing for a surprise visit, after Japanese media reported the arrival of a special North Korean train met by an honour guard under tight security.

If confirmed, it would mark Kim`s first overseas trip since coming to power in 2011 and signal an intriguing twist in a fast-developing diplomatic exercise that has opened the door to separate summits between Kim and the presidents of South Korea and the United States in the next few months.

Some analysts had suggested China -- the North`s only major ally -- had been sidelined by the overtures from Pyongyang to Seoul and Washington, but a visit by Kim would put Beijing firmly back at the centre of the diplomatic equation.

"They`re concerned about being left out, with the North Koreans directly cutting a deal with the Americans that doesn`t necessarily reflect Chinese interests," said Bill Bishop, publisher of the Sinocism China Newsletter.

A possible visit was first reported by Japan`s Kyodo news agency, citing unidentified sources as saying that a high-ranking North Korean official had arrived in the Chinese capital on Monday afternoon.

Japanese broadcaster Nippon TV showed footage of a train -- similar to that used for foreign visits by Kim`s late father Kim Jong Il -- pulling in to Beijing train station and being met by a military honour guard and a convoy of black limousines.

The manager of a store at the plaza outside the station said the station had been blocked off for a period in the afternoon with a heavy police presence.

At the Diaoyutai guest house, where Kim Jong Il stayed during his visits to Beijing, there was an unusually heavy police presence with officers stationed every 50-100 metres in front of the imposing compound.

An AFP photographer saw a motorcade of limousines leave the guest house under a police escort on Tuesday morning. There was no mention of any visit by either the Chinese or North Korean state media, and a Chinese foreign ministry official told a regular press briefing Monday that she was unaware of reports that North Korean officials were spotted at a train station in the northeastern border city of Dandong.

South Korean broadcaster SBS TV said guests at a Dandong hotel that overlooks the train link to North Korea across the Yalu River had been asked to leave and curtains drawn across the hotel windows.

The hotel will resume bookings on Wednesday afternoon, it said, suggesting the train, and whoever might be on board, would have returned by then.

Kim Jong Il, who had a known fear of flying, visited China several times on his private, armoured train. His visits were confirmed by Chinese and North Korean state media only after he had left the country.

The younger Kim has not undertaken any official trip abroad since taking power following his father`s death in 2011. And he has yet to host a single head of state, having snubbed the president of Mongolia who visited Pyongyang in 2013.

In Washington, the White House said it was unable to confirm Kim`s presence in Pyongyang and the government in Seoul said only that it was closely monitoring the situation.

For decades Beijing has been Pyongyang`s key diplomatic protector and main source of trade and aid, but their relationship has soured in recent years.

Kim broke with tradition by not travelling to Beijing to pay his respects to President Xi Jinping after coming to power, and Beijing has become increasingly frustrated with its neighbour`s nuclear weapon programme --- showing a new willingness to agree, and enforce, tougher UN sanctions.

At the same time, Beijing fears the collapse of the regime in Pyongyang and the instability it would bring, potentially sending waves of refugees into China and the possibility of US troops stationed on its border in a unified Korea.

High-level inter-Korean talks are scheduled for Thursday to pave the way for a summit between Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in late April. Discussions have also begun on a possible summit with Trump in May.

This new drug may stop cancer-causing gene in its tracks

The drug I-BET-762 was found showing signs of significantly delaying the development of existing breast and lung cancers by zeroing in on how a cancerous gene, called c-Myc, acts.

Scientists are testing a new drug that may stop a gene associated with obesity from triggering breast and lung cancer, as well as prevent these cancers from growing.

The drug I-BET-762 was found showing signs of significantly delaying the development of existing breast and lung cancers by zeroing in on how a cancerous gene, called c-Myc, acts.

Karen Liby, Associate Professor at the Michigan State University said,"I-BET-762 works by targeting DNA so that this gene can't be expressed."

Liby added, "It does this by inhibiting a number of important proteins -- both in cancer and immune cells -- ultimately reducing the number of cancer cells in mice by 80 percent."

For example, a particular protein, known as pSTAT3, can become activated in immune cells and stop them from doing their job, such as fighting off an invading cancer.

The offending protein also can become overproduced in cancer cells and act as a shield - ultimately protecting the tumour, the researchers said.

Liby noted,"In our study, the drug decreased pSTAT3 levels by 50 percentn both types of cells."

Another study led by Jamie Bernard, Assistant Professor at the varsity applied the finding to precancerous cells and found that the drug prevented more than 50 percent of these cells from becoming cancerous.

The c-Myc gene is induced by visceral fat, which is found around the inner organs of the body as opposed to subcutaneous fat, which is located under the skin. This visceral fat is more dangerous to your health.

"Almost half a million of all new cancers have been linked to obesity," Bernard said.

"There is evidence that visceral fat and high-fat diets can increase cancer risk; and while current cancer treatments have helped to lower cancer mortality, the number of obesity-associated cancers continues to climb."

Both studies are published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research.

This Mercedes Is Ready To BBQ (18 Pics)

When it comes to cool custom barbecues this one is pretty close to the top of the list.

This Sea Lion Ended Up Lost In The Forest. Its Life Was About To Change Forever (22 Pics)

Somehow, a poor sea lion wound up lost and far away from the sea. Its chances of survival were up in the air. Elena from Kavalerovo, Russia tell the story of her parents’ dramatic rescue of this precious creature.
You don’t see many sea lions in the forests.
Except one day, a Russian couple happened upon just one such sea lion.
How it got there was a mystery. How it intended to get back was unknown.
Being far from water, its survival wasn’t a certainty. This Russian couple needed to act.
They coaxed it towards the sea. They used a makeshift leash. It wasn’t easy though.
It growled at the couple, perhaps out of fear, perhaps out of hunger.
It tried to bite them, but that didn’t deter the couple.
The journey back to sea was a long one.
The sea shore was at least 1200 ft (400 meters) in the distance.
Somehow, the sea lion had made it inland that far. The flipper trails in the dirt were a sign.
Now, it needed to walk all the way back. Luckily, it made it.
The sight of water and its natural habitat gave the lucky sea lion some relief.
It stood at the edge of water.
Perhaps the sea lion contemplated its journey.
It cooed towards the sea air.
Still, it hesitated. Did it want to say one last goodbye to its rescuers?
Perhaps it did. In its own way, it said ‘thank you’ to the Russian couple.
Then, turned its back and made its way into the sea.
The waves crashed upon it. Such a welcome feeling.
And away it swam. Back home and free at last.

11 Signs of Diabetes in Men that You Shouldn’t Ignore

Diabetes is a growing problem that currently affects 1 in 11 adults worldwide. Type 2 diabetes makes up 90-95% of all cases. It’s typically a result of poor lifestyle and diet coupled with genetic factors.
Symptoms often develop gradually and you may not even notice them. In fact, 1 in 3 people don’t realize they have diabetes. However, early diagnosis is essential for protecting cardiovascular health. A 3-year delay in diagnosis increases your relative risk of heart disease by 29%, while a 6-year delay increases it by 38% (1).
Men tend to ignore symptoms and delay a doctor’s visit much longer than women. So this article looks at 11 major symptoms and signs of diabetes in men.


1.  Frequent Urination

Going to the bathroom frequently to urinate (polyuria) is the most common sign of high blood sugar. Generally, the average person goes to the bathroom four to seven times a day, and maybe once across the night. This varies depending on water and fluid intake of course. Taking note of how much water you are drinking and how often you are urinating can be beneficial.
Waking up multiple times throughout the night to go, or needing to go 10, 20 or even 30 times a day, is a big red flag. That said, frequent urination may simply be a habit. This is why thorough medical investigation by your doctor is important as well.
Why does this happen? Sugar remains in the blood if it’s not absorbed, meaning the kidneys work overtime to remove excess sugar through urine.

2. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Is A Common Symptom of Diabetes In Men

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have or maintain an erection. Men with diabetes are at a greater risk; in fact, 20 to 75% experience ED.
It’s also been recognized by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDKK) as an early marker of diabetes in younger men, particularly those 45 years and younger. If you experience ED, especially at a younger age, diabetes may be the cause.
Of course, diabetes isn’t always the reason. ED can be the result of many other factors, such as high blood pressure, stress and kidney disease, as well as simply performance anxiety.
Why does this happen? Small blood vessels and nerves to the genitals act automatically (without conscious control) to increase blood flow and relax smooth muscle. If the blood vessels and nerves are damaged due to high blood sugar, it can cause erectile dysfunction.

3. Retrograde Ejaculation

This is another potential symptom of diabetes in men. During retrograde ejaculation semen is released into the bladder. Consequently, less semen is released during ejaculation. This may also lead to fertility problems.
Why does this happen? Similar to erectile dysfunction, retrograde ejaculation results from nerve damage. This affects the control of semen movement in the body. 

4. Bladder and Urine Issues

Bladder and urinary problems also arise from nerve damage. More than half of men with diabetes experience these common issues:
  • An Overactive Bladder: Nerves can squeeze the bladder, leading to frequent urination, a sudden and strong need to urinate, or incontinence (leakage).
  • Inability to Control Urine: Diabetes can affect the muscle control to hold urine in the bladder. Consequently, the bladder muscles may become either loose, allowing leakage, or so tight they have trouble releasing urine.
Why does this happen? Nerves controlling bladder function and control can be damaged by poor blood sugar control. This may result in a frequent or sudden need to urinate, or incontinence.

5. Feeling Fatigued and Lethargic

Unusual fatigue and lethargy during everyday activities can be a sign of undiagnosed diabetes.
Other contributing factors at play include poor sleep, overworked kidneys and regular sugar crashes. You may feel lazy and tired constantly, and become frustrated at your lack of energy.
Why does this happen? When you don’t make enough insulin, or your body resists it, energy cannot be used by the cells of the body. This can make you feel more fatigued and lethargic than usual.

6. Excessive Thirst

Because the body needs to remove excess sugar through urine, you may feel especially thirsty. Drinking unusually large amounts of fluids, up to four liters a day, is a common symptom linked with excessive urination.
Frequent urination leads to dehydration, which is why you feel the need to drink more fluids. This can lead to a vicious cycle: the more you drink, the more you urinate.
Why does this happen? With increased urination and fluid loss from excess sugar, the body’s response is to increase thirst.

7. Severe Hunger

You may feel an insatiable hunger, even after a main meal, for both healthy and indulgent foods.
This is because energy (glucose) is not entering the cells, so your brain is tricked into thinking that your body is not getting enough food. It constantly tells your body to eat, producing a severe hunger that cannot be tamed.
Why does this happen? When energy or glucose can’t enter the cells, your brain thinks you are starved, making you feel hungry and crave calories and sugar.

8. Unintentional Weight Loss

An unintentional or unexpected weight loss of more than 5%, or 10 lbs (4.5kg), in under 6 months may be a sign of diabetes.
There are several reasons why you can lose weight rapidly with diabetes, including:
  • You’re losing lots of sugar and calories through frequent urination.
  • Sugar that is not absorbed remains in the blood, where it’s removed by the kidneys.
  • The body’s response to starvation is to use the protein within muscles as energy. To do so, muscle is broken down, leading to significant and unfavorable weight loss.
Why does this happen? With no sugar (energy) entering the cells, your body goes into starvation mode, breaking down muscles to provide energy. This leads to unintentional weight and muscle loss.

9.  Tingling in the Hands or Feet

Since diabetes affects the nerves of the body (diabetic neuropathy), a tingling or numb sensation in the hands or feet can be an early sign.
This symptom is commonly worse at night, when the temperature drops. When the brain perceives coldness, tingling or numbness can result. Keeping warm at night may help.
Without early detection, this may lead to a loss of pain and sensation in the extremities. This can be dangerous, as you may not be able to feel or notice minor injuries to these parts of your body.
Why does this happen? High levels of sugar in the blood damage small nerves of the hands and feet, producing a tingling or numb sensation. The nerves are slowest to repair in your extremities because they are further away from the heart and receive less circulation.

10. Skin Changes and Slow Wound Healing

Since high sugar in the blood can affect nerves and blood flow, your body will have a harder time healing wounds or cuts. As mentioned above, your hands and feet are most susceptible since they already receive less blood flow.
Why does this happen? With time, lots of sugar in the blood can affect blood flow and nerves necessary for the healing of wounds and cuts. Limited blood circulation can slow down the healing process, especially in the extremities.

11. Blurred Vision

The lens and blood vessels of the eyes can be severely affected by diabetes, leading to blurred or distorted vision. Diabetic retinopathy is a major consequence of untreated or poorly controlled diabetes.
The excess sugar in the blood vessels of the eyes takes fluid away from cells and tissues of the eyes. Fortunately, once blood sugar levels are controlled (within normal range), vision returns to normal.
Why does this happen? Excess sugar pulls fluid away from the cells and tissues of the eyes, causing blurred or distorted vision. When blood sugar levels return to normal, this can be reversed.


Though most signs and symptoms are the same for males and females, some are unique to men. Talking about these symptoms with your doctor is essential. They can test your HbA1c levels to determine if you have pre-diabetes or diabetes.
Fortunately, many of these symptoms of diabetes can be reversed with a suitable diet that includes diabetic-friendly foods. An early diagnosis means you can quickly take control of your diabetes before it has profound long-term consequences on your health.