
Tuesday 15 January 2019

Are Sprouted Products Really Better for You?

Products made from sprouted grains, beans and other seeds, are becoming more popular. But are they actually healthier than those made with regular ingredients? In short, yes. Research has found that sprouted grains and seeds are in fact better for you. Read on to find out why sprouted foods are well worth choosing over their unsprouted counterparts.


1. Easier to digest

Most plant seeds contain what are known as antinutrients, or antinutritional factors. These antinutrients, such as phytic acid and trypsin inhibitors, are naturally produced by plants as part of cell metabolism. But antinutrients are shown to impair the digestibility of seedswhen they’re eaten by animals.
The good news is that antinutrients are broken down when seeds are sprouted, making them easier to digest. This includes beans, grains, nuts and other seeds.

2. Minerals and protein are more available

Seeds tend to be naturally high in minerals, proteins, amino acids and antioxidants, but antinutrients can prevent your body from absorbing them properly. Antinutrients can bind to minerals, or inhibit the action of important enzymes that assist the absorption of proteins and amino acids.
When seeds are sprouted, the reduction in antinutrients means that your body can naturally digest and absorb more of the minerals and proteins already present in beans, grains, nuts and seeds. 
Unsprouted products will technically have the same amount of nutrients as sprouted ones, but your body simply won’t be able to absorb them. And considering that many organic or artisan products can be very expensive, you’re likely better off buying a sprouted product when possible. You’ll be able to get more nutritional benefit from it.

3. Makes gluten easier to tolerate

The reduction of antinutrients in sprouted products also makes gluten easier to digest. Gluten is technically a family of proteins found in grains like wheat, spelt, rye and barley. Gluten can be difficult to digest for some people, ranging from minor digestive upset to being fully gluten intolerant.
If you’re minorly sensitive to gluten, you may be able to tolerate eating sprouted grain products. But if you suffer from more severe gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you’ll still need to avoid gluten-containing grains.

4. Lower in starch

Sprouted products are also a good choice if you’re trying to limit starches in your diet. The sprouting process has been shown to reduce the starch content of seeds.

5. Higher in fiber

Research has shown that sprouted seeds have more bioavailable crude fiber than unsprouted seeds. This crude fiber is not digestible and naturally moves through your digestive tract to help remove waste and regulate healthy bowel movements.


Sprouted products can be expensive and hard to find. A much cheaper and readily available alternative is to sprout your own seeds.
These simple directions explain how to sprout whole grains, beans and seeds. You can eat many sprouted foods raw, but not everyone likes the flavor. Also, some beans, mostly larger beans like kidney or pinto beans, can contain toxins when they’re raw. Cooking will improve the flavor and remove the toxins.
Nuts are often more difficult to sprout. Many nuts need much more time or special conditions to sprout compared to grains, beans or small seeds. Typically, nuts are only soaked for 8-24 hours before eating. But soaking will still help break down some of the antinutrients and make them easier to digest.

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