
Tuesday 16 January 2018

6 Nutrient Deficiencies That Show On Your Face

Eating too much processed foods and not enough plant-based foods can make you nutrient deficient, no matter how much you eat. It’s even possible to miss out on certain vitamins and minerals even when you eat a balanced diet.
It’s important to get regular blood tests to see if your body lacks certain nutrients. In the meantime, use the mirror to identify any nutrient deficiencies you may have.
You see, when your body lack certain nutrients, changes occur on your face. Look out for nutrient deficiency signs the next time you look into the mirror.

1. Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is common among vegans since it’s usually found in animal foods. According to Medline Plus, lack of this nutrient can cause pale skin.
Other symptoms to look out for include fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath and diarrhea.
If you want to treat vitamin B12 deficiency, eat more fish, lean meat, cheese, yogurt and fortified cereal. If you’re vegan, take vitamin B12 supplements. 

2. Vitamin C deficiency

As you many know, vitamin C plays a vital role in our bodies. It strengthens the immune system, helps wounds heal and keeps the bones healthy.
According to Mayo clinic, severe vitamin C deficiency can cause bleeding gums. Now, don’t get alarmed if your gums bleed a little after brushing or flossing. You should only be worried if your gums are too sensitive. Look out for other signs of vitamin C deficiency like slow healing of wounds, dry hair and red spots on the skin.
If you have these symptoms, eat more fruits, potatoes, berries, peppers, broccoli, spinach and take vitamin C supplements. The daily recommended vitamin C intake is 75 milligrams for women and 90 milligrams for men.

3. Iodine Deficiency

Low iodine intake is known to cause puffy eyes. On the flip side, research has linked excessive iodine intake to hypothyroidism.
People who are iodine deficient also have brittle nails, dry skin and they may gain weight easily.
You can get rid of puffy eyes and all the symptoms mentioned above if you eat more cranberries, kelp, navy beans, strawberries and yogurt.

4. Omega 3 Deficiency

It’s normal for skin to become dry and patchy, especially during winter. But if your skin is drier than normal, it could mean you’re not getting enough omega 3s. Low omega 3 intake can even increase wrinkles on your face.
Omega 3 sources include fatty fish, flaxseed, chia seeds and walnuts.

5. Iron deficiency

Pale lips are one of the many symptoms of iron deficiency. Other symptoms include fatigue, frequent colds, sore lungs and sore tongue.
Riboflavin deficiency can also show on lips. It makes them sore and cracked. Luckily, you can get this nutrient from salmon, broccoli, cheese and almonds. As for iron, increase intake of legumes, nuts, spinach and iron supplements.

6. Biotin or Vitamin B7 Deficiency

Your hair says a lot about your health. Dry or thinning hair could mean your body isn’t getting enough biotin. According to a recent study, four in ten women who experienced hair loss had biotin deficiency.

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