
Friday 9 June 2017

Save Money On Health and Beauty Products: Amazing Ways to Use Lemons

As spring begins to pass into summer we are starting see more and more lemons around. There is something refreshingly summer like about lemons. Maybe its the memories of lemonade as children, or the slices of lemon we start to see on rims of glasses of ice team. What really makes lemons so great is their usefulness and versatility. Lemons, as it turns out, are great for your health as they contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, as well as abundant amounts of vitamin C and essential minerals such as calcium and potassium.
Lemons are also great for beauty and health because they contain properties that fortify cellular membranes, they act as an astringent and even can treat wounds. In addition, you will find that lemons are very useful around the household as their ability to disinfect makes them an effective and economical alternative to toxic chemical cleaners. Lets look at little closer at how you can take advantage of the low cost and high reward lemons provide.

Lemons and Health:

  • Daily Health Tonic: Because lemons are alkaline (and most people are overly acidic due to the modern diet and toxins in the environment) and also rich in vitamins and minerals, drinking at least one glass of lemon water daily is recommended for overall health.
  • Reduce Varicose Veins:  Because lemons strengthen cellular membranes, including the walls of veins and arteries, adding lemon juice (or preferably lemon essential oil) to a carrier oil such as Jojoba oil and applying to your arms and legs regularly can help reduce and repair varicose veins.
  • Colds and Flu’s:  Drink lots of lemon water when you are sick with a cold or flu.  The alkaline base will help reduce acidity in your body, leading to increased oxygen retention (which is supportive of good bacteria and kills off bad bacteria).  There is also abundant vitamin C and other minerals.
  • Disinfect Wounds and Bug Bites:  Add lemon juice to any bug bite (especially bee’s) and to wounds as the antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties will reduce swelling and induce healing while reducing scaring.

Lemons and Beauty:

  • Acne:  The anti-bacterial and astringent properties of Lemons make them a useful tool in combating acne.
  • Warts:  Add a slice of lemon to your wart 3 times per day until it clears.
  • Sun Spots:  Lemons will help reduce spots on your skin as they induce skin bleaching.
  • Natural Highlights:  Lighten or give yourself natural highlights by adding lemon juice to your hair before going out into the sun.  People use beer for this too, but lemons smell better!

Lemons in the Home:

  • De-greaser:  Use lemon juice to de-grease household appliances like ovens, hoods,  stoves, grills, sinks, etc.
  • Stain Remover:  Add lemon juice to spots on your clothes before washing to remove and/or reduce stains and spots.
  • Natural Bleach:  Add lemon juice to your white laundry as it will help brighten and bleach your clothes… naturally!
  • Odor Remover:  Use lemon juice to remove odor from your hands after eating seafood by squeezing a lemon between your fingers.  You can also use lemon juice to freshen your trash can.  Running a few slices of lemon through your garbage disposal will also help to reduce unwanted odors in your house.
  • Disinfect Cutting Boards:  We all know you are not supposed to wash cutting boards with soap.  Instead, the traditional way to disinfect a cutting board is with lemon juice and water.
As you can see there are many things you can do with lemons!  They are a natural and low cost option for many household and personal needs.

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