
Monday 21 March 2016

The Top 33 Foods that Fight Allergies

Who doesn’t love spring? The days are longer, the sunshine abounds and the countrysides and gardens everywhere are greening up. Allergy sufferers may not be as thrilled about it. You can almost hear the springtime refrains of sniffling and “aaaa-choos” in communities across the land. After all it is also the season of itchy eyes, runny noses and sneezing. Fortunately, Mother Nature offers help in the form of quercetin-rich foods.
When it comes to nutrients that prevent or treat allergies, it’s hard to beat quercetin. This plant-based nutrient is best known for its ability to inhibit the release of histamine—the chemical responsible for the uncomfortable symptoms of seasonal allergies. Quercetin, is a natural anti-histamine that doesn’t have the side-effects of drowsiness, heartbeat irregularities and other uncomfortable symptoms of the drug antihistamines commonly used. Additionally, quercetin is also a potent antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects, making it perfect for treating allergies and their effects on the body.
Quercetin is classified as a flavonoid compound, which means that it is responsible for the bright colors of many fruits and vegetables.
Research in the medical journal Acta Bio-Medica found that a dietary supplement containing quercetin significantly improved both nasal and eye symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, congestion and sinus pressure. Additional research in the journal Cornea found that quercetin helps to alleviate dry eyes and regulate tear gland function.
Other research found that quercetin is effective against asthma as a result of the nutrient’s immune-modulating effects and ability to dilate the bronchial tubes. Asthma is often triggered by pollens, dust and other allergy-related substances. It also helps alleviate nasal allergy symptoms.
There are many excellent food sources of quercetin. Here are some of the best food sources, along with the amount of quercetin in milligrams per 100 grams of each food. That’s just under one-half cup of most foods. As a measure of weight, keep in mind that this is not exact.
Ancho peppers 27.6
Apples, raw with skin 4.42
Apricot, raw 2.55
Black currants, raw 5.69
Blueberries, frozen 3.93
Broccoli, raw 3.21 
Buckwheat (whole) 23.09
Buckwheat flour 2.71
Capers, canned 180.77
Chives, raw 4.77
Cocoa powder, dry unsweetened 20.13
Coriander, raw 5.0
Cranberries, raw 14.02
Cranberry juice, raw 16.41
Hot green chili peppers, raw 16.8
Hot wax yellow peppers, raw 50.63
Jalapeno raw 5.07
Kale, raw 7.71
Lemons, raw, without peel 2.29
Lovage leaves 170.0
Onions, boiled 19.36
Red onion, raw 19.93
Serrano peppers 15.98
Spring onions, raw 14.24
Tarragon, fresh 10.0
Tea: black, brewed 2.07
Tea: black, brewed decaf 2.84
Tea: green, brewed 2.69
Tea: green, brewed decaf 2.77
Tomato puree 4.12
Watercress, raw 4.0
White sweet onion, raw 5.19
Yellow snap beans, raw 3.03
To improve your absorption of quercetin, take it along with the enzyme bromelain, which is naturally present in raw pineapple (not canned).
Alternatively, you can take it in capsule or tablet form. Many supplements formulated for allergies combine quercetin and bromelain. If you’re in the midst of allergy season and already suffering from allergy symptoms, you may need up to 750 mg of quercetin daily, in divided doses. Check with your doctor.  

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